MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5927: The territory of World Spirit Great Emperor

The territory of Chapter 5925 World Spirit Great Emperor 第5925章界灵大帝之领地 senior, actually that is, catches here you, there is what goal?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,那究竟是何人,将你们抓到这里,又有何目的?”楚枫问。 Is who catches us, we do not know, only knows that is a female, her strength was too strong.” “是何人将我们抓来的,我们也不知道,只知道那是一个女子,她的实力太强了。” Perhaps is not the character of present era.” “恐怕不是当今时代的人物。” However I have said that although here is one of the World Spirit Great Emperor territories, but here has been damaged.” “而我说过,这里虽是界灵大帝的领地之一,但这里遭到过破坏。” That catches us, is to borrow the strength of our Dragon Breath Clan special dragon breath , helping restore the World Spirit Great Emperor territory.” dragon Moxiao said. “那位将我们抓来,是要借用我们龙息一族特殊的龙息之力,帮忙修复界灵大帝的领地。”龙莫笑说道。 That does senior, cross that female obviously?” Chu Feng asked. “那前辈,可见过那位女子?”楚枫问。 No, that simply has not made an appearance.” dragon Moxiao said. “没有,那位根本没有露面。”龙莫笑说道。 „After that restore, can leave?” Chu Feng also asked. “那修复之后能离开吗?”楚枫又问。 „After she said the restore, our bound formation technique will relieve, then can leave this place.” dragon Moxiao said. “她说修复之后,我们身上的束缚阵法会解除,便可以离开此地。”龙莫笑说道。 That's good.” Chu Feng said. “那还好。”楚枫道。 Truly fortunately, but is not simple.” “确实还好,但也没那么简单。” Because, is not quite good to restore.” dragon Moxiao said. “因为,不太好修复。”龙莫笑说道。 senior, you look for me, is what matter?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,那你们寻找我,是什么事情?”楚枫问。 This... sees Mucheng that girl, let her and you says.” dragon Moxiao said. “这个…见到慕橙那丫头,让她与你说吧。”龙莫笑说道。 Afterward, smiles long walk after the dragon not, finally went out of this formation space. 随后,经过龙莫笑漫长的行走,终于走出了这片结界空间。 Across the formation space at that moment, the present all, start to attack the eyeball and innermost feelings of Chu Feng and Zi Ling. 穿过结界空间那一刻,眼前的一切,开始冲击楚枫紫铃的眼球与内心。 At present sees, is extremely grand. 眼前所见,极其壮阔。 Is grand, Zi Ling also opened the small mouth surprisedly, in the eye was startled completely. 壮阔到,就连紫铃也是惊讶的张大了小嘴,眼中满是吃惊。 Even cannot bear Yu Kong, observes and emulates in the upper air carefully. 甚至忍不住御空而起,于高空仔细观摩。 Airborne, what circling is not a bird, but is several hundred thousand meter big dragons. 空中,盘旋的并非鸟儿,而是一条条长达几十万米的巨龙。 Here jungle, here mountains, even the curve of rivers and streams, 这里的丛林,这里的山川,甚至江河的曲线, And here palace, even all constructions, takes the shape of dragon as the main key. 以及这里的宫殿,甚至所有建筑,也都是以龙的形态为基调。 Is the genuine broad atmosphere, exquisite peerless. 是真正的恢宏大气,精妙绝伦。 In the world is flooding extremely strong male character, that is the aura of dragon. 就连天地之间都充斥着一股极为浓烈的阳刚之气,那是龙的气息。 However this is false. 不过这是假的。 Because knows that is false, will exclaim in surprise. 正因为知道是假的,才会惊叹。 Because forge looked like. 因为伪造的太像了。 Chu Feng knows finally why must look for the person help of Dragon Breath Clan, after all Dragon Breath Clan is also the dragon clan descendant. 楚枫终于知道,为何要找龙息一族的人帮忙,毕竟龙息一族也算是龙族后裔。 However, if also the dragon smiled not, here some constructions, as well as many places, were destroyed. 不过,也如龙莫笑所说,这里的一些建筑,以及很多地方,都被毁坏了。 To restore very difficultly, because of here all, is the Qin Jiu arrangement. 想要修复很难,因为这里的一切,可是秦九布置的。 His Spirit Formation technique, is not Chu Feng they can hope to attain now. 他的结界之术,不是楚枫他们如今可以企及的。 And Chu Feng, here is not Qin Jiu arranges conveniently, but is the careful arrangement. 并且楚枫来看,这里并非秦九随手布置,而是精心布置。 Therefore after the destruction, naturally does not have is so easy to restore, at least Chu Feng wants to help restore, cannot achieve. 所以毁坏之后,自然也是没那么容易修复的,至少楚枫想帮忙修复,是做不到的。 Magnificent?” “壮观吧?” The dragon smiles looks at Chu Feng and Zi Ling that not narrows the eyes, as True Dragon World Spiritist, he Shenshen is also once shocked by the world at present. 龙莫笑笑眯眯的看着楚枫紫铃,身为真龙界灵师,他也曾被眼前世界所深深震撼。 Although was stranded here is very aggrieved. 虽然被困在此处很是憋屈。 But actually does not affect, acclaims the World Spirit Great Emperor method. 但却也不影响,赞叹界灵大帝的手段。 Magnificent.” Chu Feng and Zi Ling returning with one voice said. “壮观。”楚枫紫铃异口同声的回道。 After all is the territory of World Spirit Great Emperor Sir Qin Jiu, is normal.” dragon Moxiao said. “毕竟是界灵大帝秦九大人的领地,也是正常。”龙莫笑说道。 „Can senior, how restore?” Chu Feng inquired. 前辈,要如何修复呢?”楚枫询问。 Under his observation, thought that wanted to restore is too difficult. 在他的观察下,觉得想要修复太难了。 Even if dragon Moxiao is Eight Rank True Dragon, feared that is still difficult achieves. 就算龙莫笑是八品真龙,怕也是难以做到。 Here, itself has one to restore formation technique.” “这里,本身有一座修复阵法。” Is only this restores formation technique, there is a damage, the strength that in surface area accumulates released.” “只是这座修复阵法,也有损坏,里面积攒的力量泄掉了。” Therefore then needs our Dragon Breath Clan the strength of dragon breath.” “所以便需要我们龙息一族的龙息之力。” We, integrate in which the strength of dragon breath.” dragon Moxiao answered. “我们呢,就是将龙息之力融入其中。”龙莫笑解释道。 Sign why that has not repaired?” Chu Feng also asked. “那为何没有修复的迹象?”楚枫又问。 Coming out that he looks , the time that here damages is very long, should be the Ancient Era damage. 他看的出来,这里损坏的时间很久,应该是远古时期损坏的。 Ancient times since, in vast years river. 远古至今,浩瀚的岁月长河中。 The thing of these damages, retained the initial appearance, trace that has not repaired. 这些损坏之物,保留了最初模样,没有丝毫修复的痕迹。 This formation technique also has the damage, after needs to fill up, revolution opening.” “这阵法也有损坏,需要填满之后才会运转开启。” After our estimates, our Dragon Breath Clan 30,000 clansmen, integrates dragon breath day and night, at least takes 10,000 years.” “经过我们的估算,我们龙息一族三万族人,没日没夜的融入龙息,也至少需要一万年。” „But how we possibly do not rest, integrated, but dragon breath, therefore normal, the minimum tens of thousands years can leave here.” dragon Moxiao said. “可我们怎么可能不休息,融入的可是龙息啊,所以正常来说,起码几万年才能离开这里。”龙莫笑说道。 Is so long?” “这么久?” Chu Feng and Zi Ling know finally why Dragon Breath Clan is going against the risk, must leave this place. 楚枫紫铃终于知道,为何龙息一族顶着风险,也要离开此地了。 Under leadership that in the dragon smiles not, quick Chu Feng then arrived in a vast ocean. 而在龙莫笑的带领下,很快楚枫便来到了一座汪洋大海之中。 This piece of vastness is quite special, but in the sea deep place, has dragon shadow to circle unexpectedly, in fact is formation technique. 这片汪洋较为特别,而在大海深处,竟有着一条龙影盘旋,实际上乃是一座阵法 Chu Feng then saw that was the dragon smiles said restore formation technique not. 楚枫一眼便看出,那便是龙莫笑所说的修复阵法 The rivers are found in all over the world, but finally rushes to this piece of vastness. 河流遍布世界各处,而最终都涌向这片汪洋。 Therefore if this piece of Wang Yang nei strength releases, can pass through the whole world. 所以这片汪洋内的力量若是释放,也是能够贯穿整个世界的。 Restores great formation, has Formation Aperture. 修复大阵,也有着一座阵眼 In Formation Aperture is sitting cross-legged many forms, is the Dragon Breath Clan people, in the strength of continuous release dragon breath, integrates in Formation Aperture. 阵眼内盘坐着不少身影,都是龙息一族的人,在源源不断的释放龙息之力,融入阵眼之中。 Therefore, their complexion is not quite good, because this lives consumes itself, is quite naturally strenuous, needs to endure the burden. 因此,他们脸色都不太好,因为这个活是消耗自己,自然较为吃力,需要承受负担。 But above midair, other gang. 但在半空之上,还有另外一伙人。 Also is the Dragon Breath Clan clansman. 也是龙息一族族人。 They have not entered Formation Aperture, integrates dragon breath. 他们没有进入阵眼,融入龙息。 But is releasing formation power, is building the Teleportation Formation method. 而是在释放结界之力,正在搭建传送阵法。 Exquisiteness of extremely this Teleportation Formation method arrangement, precisely is used to stimulate to movement, the Teleportation Formation law of that teleportation tunnel. 传送阵法布置的极其精妙,正是用来催动,那传送隧道的传送阵法。 And the Teleportation Formation method, can with restoring formation technique is connected, but has not put through at present completely. 并且传送阵法,是能够与修复阵法相连的,只是眼下没有完全接通。 This Teleportation Formation method, reason that establishes here, they are also planned that uses this some strengths of restoring formation technique. 这个传送阵法,之所以建立在这里,他们也是打算利用这座修复阵法的部分力量。 And the Chu Feng observation, this Teleportation Formation method has soon built to be completed. 并且楚枫观察,这传送阵法已经快要搭建完成。 The people felt the Chu Feng three people of aura, in sea in Formation Aperture. 众人感受到了楚枫三人的气息,无论是海中阵眼内的。 Builds formation technique...... 还是搭建阵法的…… All Dragon Breath Clan clansmen, are raise one's head look to three people. 所有龙息一族的族人,都是抬头望向三人。 And, the plate grasped in Formation Aperture, the middle-aged female of old yet still graceful, is takes the lead to stand up. 其中一名,原本盘握在阵眼之内,风韵犹存的中年女子,更是率先站起身来。 After she sets out, others also with setting out. 当她起身之后,其他人也是随着起身。 you continue.” The females said. “伱们继续。”女子说道。 Hears this words, these talents sit cross-legged to sit down. 听闻此话,那些人才盘膝坐下。 At this moment, female Yu Kong, arrives in front of Chu Feng, greets with a smile. 此刻,女子御空而起,来到楚枫面前,笑脸相迎。 But this smiles, is seems more attractive. 而她这一笑,则是显得更加好看。 And leaves in the sea Formation Aperture, Chu Feng is also coming out that looks , the female stature is extremely hot. 并且离开海中阵眼,楚枫也是看的出来,女子身材极其火辣。 Do not look is the middle-aged appearance, but has the unique charm that the young miss does not have. 别看已是中年模样,但却有着年轻姑娘所没有的独特魅力。 Chu Feng, finally saw you.” 楚枫,终于见到你了。” Introduced oneself, I am called Long Mucheng.” The females said. “自我介绍一下,我叫做龙慕橙。”女子说道。 greets Senior Long.” Chu Feng and Zi Ling serve with a ritual simultaneously. 拜见龙前辈。”楚枫紫铃同时施以一礼。 „The time that actually, your I meet, should advance much, but the previous fate has not arrived.” “其实,你我见面的时间,本该推进不少的,只是上一次缘分未到。” You just broke open the True Dragon checkerboard shortly, I then returned to the spring hall, you walked coincidentally at that time shortly.” “你刚破开真龙棋盘没多久,我便回到了泉馆之内,刚巧那时候你才走没多久。” Behind I also send people to look for you, but has not once thought, actually could not find.” Long Mucheng said. “后面我还派人去找你,只是没曾想,却找不到了。”龙慕橙说道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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