MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5926: Chief World Spiritist, dragon Moxiao

Chapter 5924 chief World Spiritist, dragon Moxiao 第5924章首席界灵师,龙莫笑 The dialogue of Chu Feng and Zi Ling, is sound transmission, the altar/jar space cannot hear in secret. 楚枫紫铃的对话,都是暗中传音,坛宇听不到。 But Dragon Breath Clan that has not turned over to for a very long time. 龙息一族那位,久久未归。 Chu Feng also observes this formation barrier earnestly. 楚枫也是认真观察起这结界屏障。 Chu Feng discovered, this formation barrier, not only can transmit the goods, with some methods, he can also go in slightly. 楚枫发现,这结界屏障,不仅能够传递物品,稍微用些手段,他也是可以进去的。 And is faint, Chu Feng feels on this formation barrier, the unexpectedly some feelings of being familiar. 并且隐隐间,楚枫感觉这结界屏障上面,竟有一些熟悉之感。 Little Friend Chu Feng, waits for a long time.” 楚枫小友,久等久等啦。” Your boy method enough quick, restored cultivation realm of the world space quickly.” “你小子手段够快的啊,这么快就将坛宇的修为恢复了。” Right, making that altar/jar space avoid again.” Finally, Dragon Breath Clan that sound resounds again. “对了,让那坛宇再回避一下。”终于,龙息一族那位的声音再度响起。 „Does senior, facilitate to tell junior now?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,现在方便告诉晚辈了吗?”楚枫问。 But who once thinks that does not have the direct reaction, but asked: Chu Feng, should you be able to come in?” 可谁曾想,那位没有直接回答,而是问道:“楚枫,你应该能进来吧?” junior observed, should....” Chu Feng said. 晚辈观察了一下,应该…可以。”楚枫说道。 You come, leading the you little girlfriend to come in together, this matter is a long story, needs carefully.” Dragon Breath Clan that said. “那你进来,带着伱的小女友一起进来,这件事说来话长,需要细细来讲。”龙息一族那位说道。 Good, senior waits a bit the moment.” Chu Feng first arranges formation technique, after determining can go, also tells the altar/jar space, he probably needs to wait for a long time a period of time, if not want to wait, can first return to that forest. “好,前辈稍等片刻。”楚枫先是布置阵法,确定可以进去后,又告诉坛宇,他可能需要久等一段时间,若是不想等,可以先回那片森林之中。 But the altar/jar space decides in such Chu Feng. 而坛宇决定在此等楚枫 Therefore, Chu Feng then with the Zi Ling two people, passed through that formation barrier. 于是,楚枫便与紫铃二人,穿过了那结界屏障。 Across the formation barrier, is a formation space, this formation space has the strong pressure. 穿过结界屏障,乃是一片结界空间,这结界空间具有较强的压力。 But in the entrance place, has powerful formation technique, precisely this formation technique, penetrated the formation barrier thoroughly. 而在入口处,有着一座强大的阵法,正是阵法,彻底击穿了结界屏障。 Without this formation technique, even if here has the fissure, Chu Feng is impossible to come. 若是没有这阵法,就算这里有裂痕,楚枫也不可能进得来。 Sees this formation technique, Chu Feng is more definite, the Spirit Formation technique strength of opposite party is very strong. 看到这座阵法,楚枫更加确定,对方的结界之术实力特别强。 Meanwhile Chu Feng is also notices, this is not the common formation space, should be defends in formation. 但同时楚枫也是注意到,这不是寻常的结界空间,应该是防御结界之内。 Defends the space in formation, has formed the formation space, can see this place actual master, is how powerful World Spiritist. 防御结界内的空间,已经形成结界空间,可以看出此地真正的主人,是多么强大的界灵师 Little Friend Chu Feng, met finally officially, is really young promising.” 楚枫小友,终于正式见面了,真是年少有为啊。” Follows the sound to resound together, Chu Feng is also notices, from this terrestrial pole far place, there are man old before his time. 伴随一道声音响起,楚枫也是注意到,距离此地极远的地方,有一个小老头。 The position that but stands was too far, arrives at the line of sight of by Zi Ling, is unable to discover him. 但站的位置太远了,远到以紫铃的视线,都无法发现他。 Chu Feng brings Zi Ling actually, is at the position that moves First Rank to the old man, Zi Ling sees. 倒是楚枫带着紫铃,向老头所在的方位移动一段距离后,紫铃才看到。 This does senior, how greet us in such far place?” Zi Ling is puzzled. “这前辈,怎么在这么远的地方迎接咱们?”紫铃不解。 On him has formation technique bound, that should be he can approach the limit of exit|to speak.” Chu Feng said. “他身上有阵法束缚,那应该是他能靠近出口的极限了。”楚枫说道。 Originally is this, this senior is so fierce, here is so restricted.” “原来是这样,这位前辈已经如此厉害了,在这里却如此受限。” „Is here master, how fierce?” Zi Ling sighed. “这里的主人,到底是多么厉害啊?”紫铃感叹。 Is fierce, is above fierce of imagination.” Chu Feng also sighed. “非常厉害,超乎想象的厉害。”楚枫也是感叹。 But two people talked, Chu Feng brings Zi Ling, arrives position near that old man was. 而二人交谈之间,楚枫已是带着紫铃,来到了那老头所在的位置近前。 Yeah, Little Friend Chu Feng, how did this miss call?” old person smiles is asking, seems very warm. “哎嘿嘿,楚枫小友,这位姑娘如何称呼?”老者笑眯眯的问着,显得十分热情。 Zi Ling.” During Zi Ling speeches, is the facial features fluctuates, restored the original appearance. 紫铃。”紫铃说话间,也是面容变幻,恢复成了本来的模样。 In her opinion, Chu Feng revealed the appearance/portrait, she must follow the Chu Feng together appearance/portrait. 在她看来,楚枫都露出真容了,她也要跟随楚枫一同真容。 Not only respects old person. 不只是尊重老者 Also encounters the danger, together facing. 也是遇到危险,一同面对。 Chu Feng knows that the Zi Ling thoughts, have not then prevented, to respect her idea. 楚枫知道紫铃的心思,便也没有阻止,尊重她的想法。 Oh, the Zi Ling miss appearance/portrait is so attractive.” “哎哟,紫铃姑娘真容如此好看啊。” Little Friend Chu Feng, you may really have the good fortune, the old man lived for tens of thousands years, has not seen such attractive miss.” This old man expression is quite exaggerating. 楚枫小友,你可真是有福气啊,老夫活了几万年了,也没见过这么好看的姑娘啊。”这老头表情极为夸张。 But Chu Feng knows, this exaggerating is not installs, Zi Ling beautiful appearance world is indeed rare. 楚枫知道,这夸张不是装出来的,紫铃的美貌的确世间少有。 senior, has not known how should call you.” Chu Feng said. 前辈,还不知该如何称呼您呢。”楚枫道。 Old man is called the dragon to smile not, is Dragon Breath Clan chief World Spiritist, Eight Rank True Dragon.” dragon Moxiao self-satisfied saying. “老夫叫做龙莫笑,乃是龙息一族首席界灵师,八品真龙。”龙莫笑得意的说道。 Eight Rank True Dragon?” 八品真龙?” But hears this realm, Chu Feng also realized, this dragon smiles not really has the self-satisfied capital. 而听闻这个境界,楚枫也是意识到,这个龙莫笑确实有得意的资本。 Eight Rank True Dragon, is equivalent to Eight Rank True God, this takes a broad view at vast martial cultivation world, was extremely top existence. 八品真龙,便相当于八品真神,这放眼浩瀚修武界,也是极其顶尖的存在了。 „Does senior, is it possible that want to use this Teleportation Formation, teleportation to go out?” Chu Feng looked that smiles side to the dragon not. 前辈,莫非是想用这传送阵,传送出去?”楚枫看向龙莫笑身旁。 In him behind, has the channel that a formation power build becomes, that channel extends to go outward. 在他身后,有着一个结界之力搭建而成的通道,那通道向外延伸而去。 This is the teleportation tunnel, so long as the tunnel totally blocks, again by the Teleportation Formation method stimulation of movement, was complete Teleportation Formation 这是传送隧道,只要隧道彻底封锁,再以传送阵法催动,就是一个完整的传送阵 Yes.” dragon Moxiao nods. “是。”龙莫笑点了点头。 This feasible?” Chu Feng asked. “这可行吗?”楚枫问。 „Some risks, but my Dragon Breath Clan cannot be always stranded here, must try after all.” “有一些风险,但我龙息一族不能总被困在这里,总归还是要试一试。” Actually the old man is also advising, has not known that can calm down, oh......” “其实老夫也在劝阻,还不知道能不能劝住呢,唉……” My Dragon Breath Clan has a custom, obeys a few, the clansmen do not want to be stranded in this place, rather adventure, wants to try.” “我龙息一族有个规矩,多数服从少数,族人都不想一直被困在此地,宁愿冒险,也想试试。” The dragon smiles expression at this moment to be somewhat helpless not. 龙莫笑此刻的表情有些无奈。 Chu Feng knows helplessness that the dragon smiles not. 楚枫知道龙莫笑的无奈。 Because he also looked, this matter had the risk, and risk was big. 因为他也看出来了,这件事有风险,并且风险不小。 Comes, two little friends, come with the old man.” “来来来,两位小友,跟老夫来。” This place, the pressure is big, goes to chat is comfortable.” “这个地方,压力不小,还是进去聊才舒服。” dragon Moxiao spoke, turned around to walk. 龙莫笑说话间,转身走去。 Chu Feng and Zi Ling follow in it behind, actually to discover that dragon Moxiao walks with difficulty, in this formation space, he walks very strenuous. 楚枫紫铃跟在其身后,却发现龙莫笑步履维艰,在这片结界空间内,他走的十分吃力。 Is naturally related with his bound formation technique. 自然还是与他身上的束缚阵法有关。 Otherwise why the Chu Feng two people walk, is not strenuous, even can also the Yu Kong flight? 不然为何楚枫二人走起来,就不吃力,甚至还能御空飞行? But the dragon smiles not, as if has also adapted. 但龙莫笑,似乎也早就适应了。 Does not know that is formation technique under who arrange/cloth, unexpectedly powerful hence.” Zi Ling sighed. “不知是何人布下的阵法,竟强大至此。”紫铃感叹。 Eight Rank True Dragon, in the Zi Ling eye is extremely powerful existence. 八品真龙,在紫铃眼中已是极为强大的存在。 But is so powerful World Spiritist, in this formation technique, is actually so difficult. 可就是如此强大的界灵师,在这阵法之中,却是如此艰难。 How can also not sigh? 又怎能不感叹? Under arrange/cloth this formation technique person, that may really be too extraordinary.” “布下这座阵法的人,那可实在是太了不得啦。” If not for some people had once destroyed this place, rumbled that together fissure in the formation barrier, the old man had the skill again, not possible it to pierce, transmitted the goods and consciousness.” dragon Moxiao smiles bitterly to say. “若不是曾有人破坏过此地,在结界屏障上轰下了那一道裂痕,老夫再有本事,也不可能其洞穿,将物品和意识传递出去。”龙莫笑苦笑道。 Is so fierce?” Heard dragon Moxiao to say like this, Zi Ling was more curious. “这么厉害?”听到龙莫笑这样说,紫铃更加好奇。 Naturally was fierce.” “当然厉害了。” „Can two little friends, hear World Spirit Great Emperor?” Dragon don't asked. “两位小友,可听闻过界灵大帝吗?”龙莫笑问。 Has heard.” Chu Feng said. “听闻过。”楚枫说道。 Here, is one of the World Spirit Great Emperor territories.” dragon Moxiao said. “这里,便是界灵大帝的领地之一啊。”龙莫笑说道。 No wonder.” Chu Feng understands finally why saw the feeling of here somewhat being familiar. “难怪。”楚枫终于明白,为何看到这里有些熟悉之感了。 Here arrangement technique, is not the Qin Jiu technique, covertness that quite just arranges, therefore Chu Feng cannot distinguish at once. 这里的布置手法,不就是秦九的手法吗,只不过布置的较为隐蔽,所以楚枫一时之间也分辨不出来。 But at this time Zi Ling also looks to Chu Feng. 而此时紫铃也看向楚枫 She since sees Chu Feng, talked much with Chu Feng. 她自从见到楚枫,与楚枫交谈了不少。 Has known, Chu Feng once obtained the inheritance of World Spirit Great Emperor Qin Jiu. 已是知道,楚枫曾得到了界灵大帝秦九的传承。 Therefore World Spirit Great Emperor Qin Jiu, she also knows. 所以界灵大帝秦九,她也是知晓的。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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