MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5925: The altar/jar space restores, the key succeeds in obtaining

Chapter 5923 altar/jar space restores, the key succeeds in obtaining 第5923章坛宇恢复,钥匙到手 Is the test, is not considered as that the test.” “算是考验,也不算是考验。” „To enter the Ancestral Martial World Sect Lord city, two methods, first is in charge of the city, then collects the key.” “想要进入祖武界宗的主城,有两个方法,一个是先入主城,再搜集钥匙。” Another then first discovers the key, obtains the clue from key fragment here, after collection simultaneous/uniform key, may know the Lord city position.” “另一个便是先发现钥匙,从钥匙碎片这里得到线索,在集齐钥匙后,也可知晓主城位置。” Originally, because in the past some reason Lord cities were hidden, then was only left over the second method.” “本来,当年因为一些原因主城被隐藏,便只剩下了第二个方法。” Has not thought, present age martial cultivation world, has the capable person different gentleman unexpectedly, the Lord city that hid had also summoned my Ancestral Martial World Sect.” “不曾想,当代修武界,竟有能人异士,将我祖武界宗已隐藏的主城又召唤了出来。” Sikong Changsheng sighed with a smile. 司空长生笑着感叹。 Mentioned this matter, Chu Feng does not know how should reply. 提及此事,楚枫不知该如何回答。 He knows, the opposite party used the Hidden Dragon Martial Sect strength, makes the Ancestral Martial World Sect Lord city come. 他知道,对方利用了卧龙武宗的力量,才让祖武界宗主城现身。 As for altar/jar, was to have a mind in the past the good person, therefore the old man the key fragment, will keep the altar/jar home together.” “至于坛家,当年也是有心善之人,于是老夫将一道钥匙碎片,留在了坛家。” Meanwhile, because of the past friendship, the old man also prepared to help altar/jar, in the world Bloodline, laid down formation technique that this Bloodline awakened.” “同时,因为当年的交情,老夫也准备帮坛家一把,在坛家血脉中,埋下了这个血脉觉醒的阵法。” „, Must open in the past years, does not want an accident afterward, the old man fell into the deep sleep, but the time of this deep sleep, has not thought of such.” “原本,是在当年就要开启的,不曾想后来发生了一场变故,老夫陷入了沉睡,而这沉睡的时间,没想到如此之久。” When the old man wakes up again, is more than 200 years ago.” “当老夫再度醒来之时,已是两百多年前。” „, Bloodline formation technique under old man arrange/cloth, can generations of according to legend, pass to the body of the world space at that time.” “好歹,老夫布下的血脉阵法,能够代代相传,当时已经传到了坛宇的身上。” At that time the precisely altar/jar Yu brother and sister, the family member tragic death, they had done obeisance into the Sun and Moon sect time, precisely most needs the strength time.” “当时正是坛宇兄妹,家人惨死,他们已经拜入日月宗的时候,也正是最需要力量的时候。” Old man will then bury formation technique in the world family member Bloodline to open in his body.” “老夫便将埋藏在坛家人血脉中的阵法于其身上开启。” Normal, its Bloodline is builds artificially, under the build of old man, even if awakens, cultivation is still difficult heavy, needs the person of insight to help, the altar/jar space can mature finally.” “正常来说,其血脉乃人为打造,在老夫的布设下,就算觉醒,修炼也是艰难重重,需有识才之人帮助,坛宇才能最终成才。” Therefore while its Bloodline awakens, buries in formation technique of the world , changed, for attracts the person of help altar/jar space.” “所以在其血脉觉醒的同时,埋藏在坛家的阵法,也是发生了变化,为的就是引来帮助坛宇之人。” Naturally, formation technique changes, without the reminder, needs the intelligent talent to relate on the altar/jar space.” “当然,阵法变化,没有提醒,需聪慧之人才能联系到坛宇身上。” Person who because there is qualifications to take the key, the heart good is only its one, the ability is more important, especially World Spiritist power of observation.” “因为有资格拿钥匙的人,心善只是其一,能力更为重要,尤其界灵师的观察力。” Old man thinks, in being predestined friends person of help altar/jar space, looking some are able , the heart good person, gives the direction, making them open keeps the formation technique key of the world.” “老夫本是想,在帮助坛宇的有缘人中,找些有能力,又心善之人,给予指引,让他们去开启留在坛家的阵法钥匙。” Has not thought that not only no one can associate, altar/jar formation technique changes, is related with the altar/jar space.” “只是不曾想,不仅没有人能够联想到,坛家阵法变化,与坛宇有关。” And altar/jar space Bloodline just awakened, cannot run into the honored person, instead brought in the disaster.” “且坛宇血脉刚刚觉醒,没能遇到贵人,反而引来了灾祸。” This first-grade, enough more than 200 years, waited for your to be willing to help his person finally truly.” “这一等,足足两百多年,终于等来了你这个真正愿意帮他的人。” Normal, even if you helped the altar/jar space, without is still so easy to attain the key fragment.” “正常来说,就算你帮了坛宇,也没那么容易拿到钥匙碎片。” „But because you first enter my Ancestral Martial World Sect Lord city, the inspection through Ancestral Martial World Sect Lord city, the old man has then given you this key directly.” “可因为你是先入我祖武界宗主城,已经通过祖武界宗主城的考核,老夫便直接将这钥匙给伱。” The words, Sikong Changsheng to Chu Feng one finger/refers, a white mark is fluttering to Chu Feng, integrates Chu Feng within the body. 话罢,司空长生对着楚枫一指,一道白色的印记飘向楚枫,融入楚枫体内。 You return to the altar/jar formation technique place again, by this mark, then can attain the key fragment.” Sikong Changsheng said. “你再回坛家阵法处,凭借这印记,便能拿到钥匙碎片。”司空长生说道。 senior, that defers to your arrangement, Bloodline of the world space, even if awakens, still needs some people to help, to look for being predestined friends person.” 前辈,那按照您的布置,坛宇的血脉就算觉醒,也需要有人帮助,为的是寻找有缘人。” Now key fragment, since is obtained by me, altar/jar space the road of cultivation, but also needs these barriers?” Chu Feng asked. “现在钥匙碎片既然已经被我得到了,坛宇的修炼之路,还需要那些障碍吗?”楚枫问。 You really care about him actually, the old man has not really misread the person.” “你倒是真的关心他,老夫果然没有看错人。” Relax, being predestined friends person has sought, the road of his future cultivation, will then open access, Bloodline that at least awakens will not present the accident again.” “放心吧,有缘人已寻到,他日后的修炼之路,便会畅通无阻,至少觉醒的血脉不会再出现岔子。” Bloodline that but builds eventually artificially, his altitude eventually is also limited, is not at least able to fight with your true talents.” “但终究是人为打造的血脉,他的高度也终究有限,至少是无法与你们这些真正的天才争锋的。” Right Chu Feng, about seeing the matter of old man, but also please keep secret.” Sikong Changsheng said. “对了楚枫,关于见到老夫之事,还请保密。”司空长生说道。 junior understands.” Chu Feng nods, this type exists powerful, does not make an appearance, naturally then does not want to be known their existences by outsider. 晚辈明白。”楚枫点头,这种强大存在,既不露面,自然便是不想被外人知道他们的存在。 But sees existence of this antique rank, in the Chu Feng heart also has major collection of problems to ask. 可是见到这种老古董级别的存在,楚枫心中也是有一大堆问题想要问。 Therefore Chu Feng also said: senior, you may know that what ancient times later period had?” 于是楚枫又道:“前辈,您可知道远古后期发生了什么?” Sikong Changsheng shakes the head. 司空长生摇了摇头。 At the beginning of that time these colossi, including Ancestral Martial World Sect, where went, entered ninth Galaxy?” Chu Feng asked. “那时代初期的那些庞然大物,包括祖武界宗,都去了哪里,是进入了第九道天河吗?”楚枫问。 This yourself explore.” “这个你自己去探索吧。” This world thinks the must know matter, oneself explore is interesting.” “这个世界想要知道的事,还是自己探索才有趣。” Sikong Changsheng about this matter, is not willing to say obviously, but also said: 司空长生显然关于这件事,不愿多说,但却又道: Although something cannot say with you, but your young man, the conduct has both, truly is a good seedling.” “虽然有些事不能与你多说,但你这后生,品行兼备,确实是一个好苗子。” Old man can give you a reminder.” “老夫可以给你一个提醒。” Careful Seven Worlds Saint Mansion and ancient times family.” “小心七界圣府和远古家族。” The words, the mist diverges all around, the Chu Feng's consciousness returned to the main body. 话罢,周遭雾气散去,楚枫的意识回到了本体之中。 When Chu Feng opening eyes pupil at the same time, the altar/jar space also opened a pupil. 楚枫睁开眼眸的同时,坛宇也是睁开了眼眸。 The earliest possible time of opening eyes pupil, Chu Feng is looking pensive. 睁开眼眸的第一时间,楚枫则是若有所思。 How even this existed, reminded careful Seven Worlds Saint Mansion and ancient times family? 怎么连这等存在,都提醒小心七界圣府和远古家族? Ancient times the family also added, inherited the ancient times resources, the strength was truly immeasurably deep. 远古家族还还说,传承了远古的资源,实力确实深不可测。 But does Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, what kind of existence have? 七界圣府,到底有着怎样的存在? But in the meantime, the altar/jar space has knelt in front of Chu Feng's: many thanks Sir Chu Feng.” 而就在此时,坛宇已是跪在楚枫的面前:“多谢楚枫大人。” Because he can feel the change of oneself body, he not only can continue cultivation, even cultivation realm, restored to be dug dantian time. 因为他能感受到自己身体的变化,他不仅能够继续修炼了,甚至就连修为,也恢复到了被挖丹田的时候。 He unthinkable matter, unexpectedly came true. 他连想都不敢想的事情,居然成真了。 But he knows, this was lucky Chu Feng. 而他知道,这都是多亏了楚枫 Gets up in a big hurry.” “快快起来。” Thanked does not need, actually you also helped my busy.” Chu Feng supported by the arm the altar/jar space. “谢就不必了,其实你也帮了我一个大忙。”楚枫将坛宇搀扶了起来。 „Do I, help the Sir?” The altar/jar space is puzzled. “我,帮大人?”坛宇不解。 I am also open about the facts you, I actually have no friendship with altar/jar, I go to the altar/jar home, for formation technique of the world.” “我也不瞒你,我与坛家其实没有什么交情,我去坛家,是为了坛家的阵法。” That formation technique you should know.” Chu Feng said. “那阵法你应该知道。”楚枫说道。 I know.” The altar/jar space nods. “我知道。”坛宇点头。 That formation technique may break, but now I have broken, the specific detail did not facilitate saying that you only need know, at this matter, thanks to having you then.” “那阵法可破,而现在我已经破开了,具体细节不方便说,你只需知道,在这件事上,多亏有你即可。” This matter must keep secret, will otherwise possibly bring in the disaster for you.” Chu Feng said. “不过这件事还要保密,不然可能会为你引来灾祸。”楚枫说道。 I keep certainly secret.” Altar Yu Yingdao. “我一定保密。”坛宇应道。 Therefore Elder Brother Chu Feng, the key fragment did attain?” Zi Ling asked. “所以楚枫哥哥,钥匙碎片拿到了?”紫铃问。 Also no, but is ninety percent sure.” Chu Feng said. “还没有,不过已是十拿九稳。”楚枫说道。 Who thinks, formation technique of the world, is been related by the person who expel has the family with one.” “谁会想到,坛家的阵法,会与一个被驱逐出家族的人有关。” Also can think on my Elder Brother Chu Feng.” Saying that Zi Ling smiles. “也就我楚枫哥哥能想到了。”紫铃笑眯眯的说道。 My good Zi Ling, not to praise me, is actually the luck is also good.” “我的好紫铃,你就别夸我了,其实也算是运气好。” Luckily is jie Tianran has not gone, otherwise... he decides however can also discover this clue, can find the altar/jar space.” Chu Feng said. “幸亏是界天染没有去,不然…他定然也能发现这个线索,也能找到坛宇。”楚枫说道。 If he, he can also the key fragment?” Zi Ling asked. “若是他的话,他也能够得到钥匙碎片吗?”紫铃问。 Should.” The Chu Feng say/way may still remember, Sikong immortal spoke, ability very important these words. “应该可以吧。”楚枫道可还记得,司空长生所说的,能力很重要这句话。 The jie Tianran ability, Chu Feng never despises. 界天染的能力,楚枫从不轻视。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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