MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5924: Ancestral Martial World Sect, Sikong Changsheng

Chapter 5922 Ancestral Martial World Sect, Sikong Changsheng 第5922章祖武界宗,司空长生 Remembers.” Chu Feng nods. “记得。”楚枫点头。 Your cultivation Heaven's Eyes.” That said. “你修炼天眼。”那位说道。 „Does senior, hear from where?” Chu Feng accident/surprise. 前辈,从何听闻?”楚枫意外。 Does not need to hear, you broke my Dragon's Breath Spring House True Dragon checkerboard, only has the talent of Heaven's Eyes to decode.” That said. “不用听闻,你破了我龙息泉馆真龙棋盘,唯有天眼之人才能破解。”那位说道。 senior, are you Dragon Breath Clan person?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,你是龙息一族的人?”楚枫问。 It is that returns said. 正是。”那位回道。 senior, how will you be stranded here?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,伱怎么会被困在这里呢?”楚枫问。 Dragon's Breath Spring House, is operated by Dragon Breath Clan. 龙息泉馆,是由龙息一族经营。 But Dragon Breath Clan, is the True Dragon descendant. 龙息一族,乃是真龙后裔。 But Chu Feng hears, some people see, the Dragon Breath Clan person, was seized by a red big hand of covering the sky and blocking the sun. 可是楚枫听闻,有人看到,龙息一族的人,被一个遮天蔽日的红色大手抓走。 At the same time, all Dragon's Breath Spring House, and Dragon Breath Clan clansman, disappears does not see, since the trail is difficult to seek. 同一时间,所有龙息泉馆,以及龙息一族族人,消失不见,自从踪迹难寻。 This did not say conveniently.” That said. “这个不方便说。”那位说道。 senior, you, since seeks me to this, what also there is not able to say?” 前辈,您既然寻我到此,又有什么不能说的呢?” I am chased down by Seven Worlds Saint Mansion now, do I dare to tell you directly my status, senior have the worry?” Chu Feng asked back. “我现在可是被七界圣府追杀,我都敢直接告诉你我的身份,前辈还有顾虑?”楚枫反问。 This...... is actually some hard thing to bring up.” That said. “这个……其实是有些难言之隐的。”那位说道。 junior hears, Dragon Breath Clan all clansmen, were seized by a red big hand, is this matter real?” Chu Feng inquired. 晚辈听闻,龙息一族所有族人,都被一只红色大手抓走了,此事是真?”楚枫询问。 I depend, this vast martial cultivation world did not have the secret, how did you know?” That exclamation. “我靠,这浩瀚修武界就没有秘密了吗,怎么你都知道了?”那位惊叹。 Is because some people saw.” Chu Feng said, also the determination, the hearsay was, otherwise this will not have such response. “是因为有人看到了。”楚枫说道,同时也确定,传闻乃是真的了,不然这位不会有这样的反应。 Truly did not facilitate saying that like this, you first waited here, the old man went back to inquire.” That said. “确实不方便说,这样,你先在这里等一下,老夫回去询问一下。”那位说道。 The words, that then left. 话罢,那位便离开了。 Elder Brother Chu Feng, what matter this does Dragon's Breath Spring House ask you to have?” Zi Ling curious asking. 楚枫哥哥,这龙息泉馆找你会有什么事呢?”紫铃好奇的问道。 Does not know, but they were caught here, wants to get out of trouble real, does not know that is related with this matter.” “不知道,但他们被抓到这里,想要脱困是真的,不知道是不是与此事有关。” After all, they said that I had Heaven's Eyes, is it possible that wanted to get out of trouble, my will Heaven's Eyes have big using?” “毕竟,他们都说出,我拥有天眼了,莫非想要脱困,我的天眼会有大用?” Chu Feng does not understand the true situation at this time, can only guess. 楚枫此时不明真相,只能自己猜测。 dantian of that altar/jar space what's the matter?” Zi Ling asked. “那坛宇的丹田怎么回事?”紫铃问。 Chu Feng took up that jar that thinks of the world space dantian, although dantian in jar, clarity that but Chu Feng actually can also observe. 楚枫拿起了那个装着坛宇丹田的罐子,尽管丹田在罐子之内,但楚枫却也能够观察的清楚。 This dantian is very special, is the heredity obtained, before being more like, builds.” “这丹田很特别,与其说是遗传所得,更像是之前就打造好的。” This seems like Bloodline that builds artificially.” Chu Feng said. “这很像是人为打造的血脉。”楚枫说道。 Bloodline that builds artificially?” Zi Ling accident/surprise. “人为打造的血脉?”紫铃意外。 Right, and is very excellent method, exceeds the True Dragon World Spiritist method.” “对,并且是很高超的手段,是超越真龙界灵师的手段。” In brief is the method that I am unattainable.” Chu Feng said. “总之是我遥不可及的手段。”楚枫道。 Is it possible that secret of the world, really on conceals in this dantian?” Zi Ling inquired. “莫非,坛家的秘密,真的就藏在这丹田之中?”紫铃询问。 I cannot see too thing now.” “我现在也看不出太多东西。” Perhaps secret in dantian, perhaps in the altar/jar space, perhaps the secret and their both are independent, is only the coincidence.” “也许秘密在丹田之中,也许在坛宇本身,也许秘密与他们两者都无关联,只是巧合罢了。” But helps the person help, since said helps the altar/jar space, must help.” “但帮人帮到底,既然说了帮坛宇,就要帮到底。” During the Chu Feng speeches, relieved formation technique that covers the altar/jar space. 楚枫说话间,解除了覆盖坛宇的阵法 „Did Sir Chu Feng, you chat?” The altar/jar space asked. 楚枫大人,你们聊完了?”坛宇问。 That Sir matter, will have a little come back.” “那位大人有点事,过会回来。” I while this time, helping you restore cultivation realm.” During the Chu Feng speeches, then arranges formation technique. “我趁着这个功夫,帮你恢复修为。”楚枫说话间,便布置阵法 Afterward, then dantian, put in within the body of the world space. 随后,便将丹田,重新放入了坛宇的体内。 In a while, on the altar/jar space then released boundless Mist, the immediately altar/jar space fainted. 没过多久,坛宇身上便释放出磅礴的气焰,旋即坛宇昏死了过去。 The Chu Feng also closing one's eyes pupil, no longer moves!!! 楚枫也闭上眼眸,不再动弹!!! Elder Brother Chu Feng.” 楚枫哥哥。” Sees that some Zi Ling worries. 见状,紫铃有些担心。 Also thinks that was that dantian had what accident/surprise. 还以为是那丹田出现了什么意外。 But after an observation, she discovered that Chu Feng and altar/jar space is safe and sound. 可一番观察后,她发现楚枫与坛宇都安然无恙。 But Chu Feng looked like the consciousness to lose was the same. 楚枫就像是意识丢失了一样。 could it be that?” 难道说?” Zi Ling thinks a possibility, then no longer disturbs Chu Feng, because this is a good possibility. 紫铃想到了一个可能,便不再打扰楚枫,因为这是一个好的可能。 Zi Ling guessed right, this moment Chu Feng's consciousness had entered in an unusual consciousness space. 紫铃猜对了,此刻楚枫的意识已经进入了一个奇特的意识空间之中。 This is a consciousness space that is flooding the white mist. 这是一个充斥着白色雾气的意识空间。 Resembles in the boundless thick fog, resembles in the boundless cloud layer. 似是在茫茫大雾中,又似是在茫茫云层中。 Chu Feng is unable to determine, because here Spirit Formation technique is too excellent, is far from method that Chu Feng can touch. 楚枫也无法确定,因为这里的结界之术太高超,远非楚枫能够触及的手段。 And observes, can only determine that this space is very big, to enduring compared with large-scale Upper Realm, in addition, then anything could not look. 并且四下观察,只能确定这个空间很大,大到堪比一方大型的上界,除此之外,便什么都看不出来了。 Is a promising young man.” “孺子可教。” Quick, the old person form appears together. 很快,一道老者的身影浮现而出。 This old person, is true divine poise and sagelike features. 这位老者,是真正的仙风道骨 The height two meters, White-Cloak like the snow, the white hair like the snow, in the hand is also grasping a glittering and translucent carving white jade walking stick. 身高两米,白袍如雪,白发如雪,手中还握着一个晶莹剔透的白玉拐杖。 Although the skin covers entirely the old age streak, on the face also covers entirely the years wrinkle, but the eyes are not only fiery, and no vicious that lived the endless years, instead some wipe limpidly. 尽管皮肤布满老年斑纹,脸上也布满岁月皱纹,可双眼不仅炯炯有神,且没有一丝活了无尽岁月的老辣,反而有的是一抹清澈。 junior Chu Feng, greets senior.” Chu Feng rushes to serve with a ritual. 晚辈楚枫,拜见前辈。”楚枫赶忙施以一礼。 Old man knows that you called Chu Feng.” White-Cloak old person said. “老夫知道你叫楚枫。”白袍老者道。 Hears this words, Chu Feng is surprised: senior... aren't you... formation technique?” 听闻此话,楚枫感到意外:“前辈…您…不是阵法所化?” Naturally, if formation technique, how also so to talk with you?” old person smiles. “当然,若是阵法所化,又岂会这般与你对话?”老者笑了笑 That senior, are you Ancestral Martial World Sect person?” Chu Feng is more accidental. “那前辈,您是祖武界宗的人?”楚枫更加意外。 In his opinion, Ancestral Martial World Sect is extremely remote, the person of Ancestral Martial World Sect that time has possibly died certainly, even if living, was still the later generation. 在他看来,祖武界宗是极其遥远的,祖武界宗那个时代的人可能都已经死绝了,就算还有活着的,也是后辈了。 But this, looks like existence of Ancestral Martial World Sect prosperous period, Chu Feng has this feeling. 但这位,就像是祖武界宗鼎盛时期的存在,楚枫就是有这种感觉。 Un, old man named Sikong Changsheng, the present person should not remember the old man.” old person said. “嗯,老夫名为司空长生,不过现在的人应该都不记得老夫了。”老者说道。 junior Chu Feng, greets senior.” Chu Feng serves with the big ritual again. 晚辈楚枫,拜见前辈。”楚枫再度施以大礼。 Has not done obeisance, how to do obeisance.” Sikong Changsheng asked. “不是已经拜过了,怎么又拜了一遍。”司空长生问。 junior previously was the respect, but in fact thinks that senior is formation technique.” 晚辈先前只是出于尊重,但实际上以为前辈阵法所化。” Now knows, senior unexpectedly is not formation technique, but is Ancestral Martial World Sect senior, junior then difficult suppresses the respect and excitement of innermost feelings, must do obeisance again one time.” Chu Feng said. “如今知道,前辈竟不是阵法所化,而是祖武界宗前辈,晚辈便难以抑制内心的敬仰与激动,必须再拜一次。”楚枫道。 You have the courtesy actually very much.” “你倒是很有礼数。” Pats the old man horse buttocks to be useless, the old man in this world, is unable to meddle your grudge.” “不过拍老夫马屁没用,老夫不在这个世界,无法插手你的恩怨。” Even if can meddle, will not meddle, because must say, old man and Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, is some origins.” old person said with a smile. “就算能够插手,也不会插手,因为非要说起来,老夫与七界圣府,也是有些渊源。”老者笑着说道。 junior knows, junior had not expected senior helps junior, junior is really is from the heart the respect.” 晚辈知道,晚辈并没有期望前辈帮助晚辈,晚辈真的是发自内心敬仰。” Because junior is also World Spiritist, and is the person of Ancestral Martial Galaxy, when knows at the beginning of the time, the strongest World Spiritist influence is not Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, when is my Ancestral Martial Galaxy Ancestral Martial World Sect, then awes to Ancestral Martial World Sect , the innermost feelings are also proud.” “因为晚辈也是界灵师,并且是祖武天河之人,当得知时代初期,最强的界灵师势力并非七界圣府,而是我祖武天河祖武界宗之时,便对祖武界宗十分敬畏,内心也感到骄傲。” Chu Feng answered. 楚枫解释道。 Un, this can understand actually.” “嗯,这倒是能够理解。” „The emotion of hometown, is quite truly special.” Sikong Changsheng nods. “家乡的情感,确实较为特别。”司空长生点头。 senior, therefore altar/jar space Bloodline does awaken is the test?” 前辈,所以坛宇身上的血脉觉醒是考验?” After the smalltalk, Chu Feng enters the subject. 客套之后,楚枫直入主题。 He is very clear, this living the old monsters of innumerable years, will not help the person for no reason. 他很清楚,这种活了无数岁月的老怪物,不会平白无故的帮人。 It is not several pleasantries, can trade to approve. 不是几句客套话,就能换来认可的。 Wanted to win the approval, but must depend on own strength. 想要赢得认可,还要靠自己的实力。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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