MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5933: Visits Hidden Dragon Martial Sect senior

Chapter 5931 visits Hidden Dragon Martial Sect senior 第5931章拜访卧龙武宗前辈 Then, has what plan?” Chu Feng asked to the altar/jar space. “接下来,有何打算?”楚枫对坛宇问。 Sir Chu Feng, I wants to continue cultivation, but returns to that forest.” The altar/jar space said. 楚枫大人,我想继续修炼,但回到那片森林去。”坛宇说道。 There does not have the resources, has stayed there, the cultivation speed will be very slow.” Chu Feng said. “那里没有资源,一直留在那里,修炼速度会很慢。”楚枫道。 Sir Chu Feng felt relieved, my cultivation realm restores, just like rebirth, absolutely not again mediocre for a lifetime.” 楚枫大人放心,我修为恢复,宛如重生,绝对不会再庸庸碌碌过一辈子。” I also meet the wandering four directions, finding the way to promote cultivation realm, but I plan to settle down there, once for a while returns to there.” “我也会云游四方,想办法增进修为,但我打算定居在那里,时不时的回到那里。” There has special significance to me.” Altar Yu say/way. “那里对我来说意义非凡。”坛宇道。 Also good.” Sees altar/jar space this time condition, Chu Feng but actually also relieved, because the altar/jar space ignited the fighting spirit. “也好。”看到坛宇此时的状态,楚枫倒也安心,因为坛宇又重新燃起了斗志。 Sir Chu Feng, but can also see again/goodbye?” The altar/jar space asked. 楚枫大人,还能再见吗?”坛宇问道。 Is predestined friends meets see again/goodbye.” “有缘自会再见的。” Chu Feng actually knows, martial cultivation world was too big, wanting see again/goodbye is not actually easy. 楚枫其实知道,修武界太大了,想要再见其实并不容易。 Un.” The altar/jar space also understands, present Chu Feng offended Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, should not have the institute of settling down, even if there are, will not tell him, therefore he had not asked simply, because does not want to bring the unnecessary trouble to Chu Feng. “嗯。”坛宇也明白,如今的楚枫得罪了七界圣府,应该没有定居之所,就算是有,也不会告诉他,所以他也干脆没有问,因为不想给楚枫带来不必要的麻烦。 Altar space, about here matter, do not leak.” Chu Feng said. “坛宇,关于这里的事,不要外传。”楚枫说道。 Sir felt relieved, I will keep secret surely.” Altar Yu Yingdao. “大人放心,我定会保密。”坛宇应道。 Afterward, the Chu Feng set up formation, erases this piece of sacred land, hidden here. 随后,楚枫布阵,将这片圣地抹除,又将这里隐藏。 Chu Feng was worried, here attracts others to pay attention. 楚枫担心,这里引来他人注意。 If weak it is worth mentioning, if powerhouse? 若是弱的倒也罢了,若是强者呢? Dragon Breath Clan is no doubt powerful, but vast martial cultivation world, actually remains compared with a Dragon Breath Clan stronger influence. 龙息一族固然强大,可浩瀚修武界,却仍然存在比龙息一族更强大的势力。 Before they leave here, first this place hidden, is a better choice. 在他们离开这里之前,先将此地隐藏,才是更好的选择。 Here is the Qin Jiu territory. 况且,这里是秦九的领地。 Chu Feng also hopes, here can be well-preserved, does not want to be destroyed. 楚枫也希望,这里能够一直保存完好,不想遭到破坏。 Afterward, Chu Feng has the altar/jar space to return, position that the Sun and Moon sect people are. 随后,楚枫带着坛宇返回到,日月宗众人所在的位置。 They know inescapably, obediently has knelt in same place, even does not dare to move. 他们自知无法逃脱,一直乖乖跪在原地,甚至不敢动弹。 Sun and Moon sect Sect Master does all kinds of evil, had rooted out by me.” 日月宗主作恶多端,已被我斩除。” As for the matter of the world space , there is nothing to do with you, will not involve you.” “至于坛宇之事,与你们无关,不会牵连你们。” But Sun and Moon sect place, I do not hope that he continues to exist, after you leave, then do not come back again.” “但日月宗这种地方,我不希望他继续存在,你们离开之后便不要再回来了。” During the Chu Feng speeches, covers great formation of Sun and Moon sect that opened an exit|to speak. 楚枫说话间,将那覆盖日月宗的大阵,开启了一道出口。 Walks.” Chu Feng such remarks, Sun and Moon sect numerous Elder and disciple, fast grazing, will not run away to go to the distant place. “走吧。”楚枫此话一出,日月宗众长老弟子,快速的飞掠而出,头都不会的向远处逃窜而去。 After Sun and Moon sect everyone leaves, Chu Feng is searches the hand to grasp, innumerable Heaven and Earth Treasure, from construct forbidden land to graze one by one, falls into cosmos sack before Chu Feng body completely. 日月宗所有人离开后,楚枫则是探手一抓,无数天材地宝,自各个建筑禁地飞掠而出,全部落入楚枫身前的乾坤袋之内。 This time, Chu Feng plunders the Sun and Moon sect. 这一次,楚枫可谓将日月宗搜刮一空。 Naturally, is actually most precious, in the Sun and Moon clan elder ancestor as well as Sect Master body, these had given the altar/jar space ahead of time. 当然,其实最珍贵的,都在日月宗老祖以及宗主的身上,那些都已经提前给了坛宇。 As for these that this time plunders, Chu Feng also gave the altar/jar space. 至于此时搜刮的这些,楚枫也是递给了坛宇。 Do not reject.” Chu Feng said. “不要拒绝。”楚枫道。 many thanks Sir Chu Feng.” The altar/jar space knows stubborn Chu Feng, therefore is also lifts the hand to receive. 多谢楚枫大人。”坛宇知道拗不过楚枫,于是也是抬手接下。 I have the matter, said goodbye here, after going back, relieved cultivation, remembering the will of the people was dangerous, do not readily believe others again.” Chu Feng said. “我还有事,就在这里告别吧,回去以后,安心修炼,记住人心险恶,可不要再轻信他人了。”楚枫说道。 Un.” The altar/jar space nods, looked that the Chu Feng's look does not abandon, but he knows that Chu Feng has the matter in the body, departs fast. “嗯。”坛宇点了点头,看楚枫的眼神十分不舍,可他知道楚枫有事在身,还是快速离去。 After the altar/jar space walks, the Chu Feng thought moves, hangs in Sun and Moon sect above coverage great formation, changes to the billowing red cloud. 当坛宇走后,楚枫意念一动,悬于日月宗上空的覆盖大阵,化作滚滚红云。 Blocks formation technique, in the wink of an eye, changes to slaughtering formation. 封锁阵法,瞬息之间,化作攻杀阵法 Giant fireballs, are common just like the meteor, crashes unceasingly under. 一个个巨大的火球,宛如流星一般,不断坠落而下。 The flame soars to the heavens, the land trembles. 火光冲天间,大地震颤。 All in Sun and Moon sect, destroy in this slaughtering formation. 日月宗内的一切,都毁于这座攻杀阵法之内。 slaughtering formation was still continue destroy, but Chu Feng looked at Zi Ling one, two people then left this place. 攻杀阵法仍在持续摧毁,可楚枫看了紫铃一眼,二人便离开了此地。 ...... …… Chu Feng returned to altar/jar that underground palace. 楚枫回到了坛家那座地宫之中。 By Sikong Changsheng to the Chu Feng's mark, the formation technique strength of that hidden also appears, condenses together the key fragment. 凭借司空长生给楚枫的印记,那隐藏的阵法力量也是浮现,凝聚出一道钥匙碎片。 The key fragment, looking like to recognize as master is common, directly entered the Chu Feng's palm. 钥匙碎片,就像是认主一般,直接进入了楚枫的掌心。 Elder Brother Chu Feng, then do we go?” Zi Ling asked. 楚枫哥哥,接下来我们去哪?”紫铃问。 Although obtained a key fragment smoothly, but this key fragment actually not only then together. 虽然顺利的得到了一道钥匙碎片,可这钥匙碎片却不只有一道。 Another four key fragments must look. 还有另外四道钥匙碎片要找。 Five key fragments, indispensable, only then collects five, can enter the Ancestral Martial World Sect Lord city.” “五道钥匙碎片,缺一不可,只有凑齐五个,才能进入祖武界宗主城。” jie Tianran has acted swiftly to get there first, the strength is to occupy superiorly, almost occupies completely the beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people, wants to struggle the difficulty to be enormous with him.” 界天染已经捷足先登,实力更是占优,几乎占尽天时地利人和,想与他争难度极大。” So long as attained a key fragment, he is not then able to enter the Ancestral Martial World Sect Lord city, therefore I felt at ease actually much.” Chu Feng said. “但只要拿到了一道钥匙碎片,他便无法进入祖武界宗主城,所以我倒是安心了不少。”楚枫说道。 Elder Brother Chu Feng, I do not have to understand you meaning, is left over, didn't you struggle?” Zi Ling asked. 楚枫哥哥,我没太听懂伱的意思,难道剩下的,你就不去争了吗?”紫铃问。 Naturally wants to fight, but also anxiously.” “自然要争,但也急不来。” Actually the altar/jar situation is complex, we can attain the key fragment smoothly, is lucky.” “其实坛家情况复杂,我们能够顺利拿到钥匙碎片,也算是幸运的。” But before I come, has not thought Xianhai Galaxy will have luck like this.” “但我来之前,可没想过仙海天河会有这样的幸运。” I choose here, wants to visit my Hidden Dragon Martial Sect that senior on the way.” Chu Feng said. “我选择这里,而言是想顺路拜访我卧龙武宗的那位前辈。”楚枫说道。 Is really Yuan isolated hill that senior, does she live in seclusion here?” Zi Ling asked. “是真元孤山那位前辈,她隐居在这里吗?”紫铃问。 About really Yuan isolated hill that senior, is Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce president this matter, that entrusts Hidden Dragon Sect Master, when transmits to Chu Feng cosmos sack hidden information. 关于真元孤山那位前辈,是武者商会会长这件事,还是那位托付卧龙宗主,转交给楚枫乾坤袋时暗藏的信息。 Chu Feng also understands actually that has not told Hidden Dragon Sect Master directly her another status, but transmits through formation technique to Chu Feng. 楚枫倒是也明白,那位没有直接告诉卧龙宗主她的另一个身份,而是通过阵法传递给楚枫 Then does not want more to know her status. 便是不想让更多人知道她的这个身份。 But who can conceal the truth, Chu Feng has not been hiding the truth from Zi Ling. 可是谁都可以瞒,楚枫并没有瞒着紫铃 Zi Ling also knew, really Yuan isolated hill that senior, is Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce president, is she brings Ancestral Martial Galaxy that Chu Feng is returning. 紫铃也是知道了,真元孤山那位前辈,便是武者商会会长,是她带着楚枫回到的祖武天河 Right, but when the time comes, I go.” “对,不过到时候,我自己进去。” Because of that senior, does not want more people to know that her status, you pretend does not know.” Chu Feng said. “因为那位前辈,不太想更多人知道她的身份,你就假装不知道。”楚枫说道。 I know.” Zi Ling nods. “我知道的。”紫铃点头。 After the decision, Chu Feng then starts off immediately. 决定之后,楚枫便立刻上路。 Then, Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce president, to the cultivation address that Chu Feng provides, by chance in neighboring Star Region. 说起来,武者商会会长,给楚枫提供的修炼地址,恰巧就在相邻的星域之中。 That is sparsely inhabited, in seemingly ordinary mountain range, but Chu Feng arrived here then to discover, here has far-reaching idea. 那是一座人烟稀少,看似普通的山脉之中,可楚枫来到这里便发现,这里暗藏玄机。 Is the place of excellent cultivation. 乃是绝佳的修炼之地。 Chu Feng enters the mountain range, then felt that oneself triggered here hidden formation technique. 楚枫进入山脉,便感觉到自己触发了这里的隐藏阵法 Therefore Chu Feng and Zi Ling, stood in the midair simply are motionless. 所以楚枫紫铃,干脆站在半空不动了。 Chu Feng knows, at present sees, is not the genuine mountain range. 楚枫知道,眼前所见,绝非真正的山脉。 Wanted to find Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce president, was not easy. 想要找到武者商会会长,并不容易。 Triggered here formation technique in any case, Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce president, if, decides will send people to look for Chu Feng. 反正触发了这里的阵法,武者商会会长若是在的话,定会派人来找楚枫 Really, quick then old person grazes. 果然,很快便有一位老者飞掠而来。 But this old person Chu Feng recognizes. 而这位老者楚枫认得。 The first time is Chu Feng entered Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce, that Ma Qiang that knows, Head Ma. 乃是楚枫第一次进入武者商会,所结识的那位马强,马主事 Chu Feng young hero, met.” Going forward that Ma Qiang smiles, see again/goodbye Chu Feng, he is also very excited. 楚枫少侠,又见面了。”马强笑眯眯的上前,再见楚枫,他也是十分激动。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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