MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5822: The farewell of talent

The farewell of Chapter 5820 talent 第5820章天才的告别 But in the meantime, a suction appears, creates person of the failure, was inhaled to enter in this place front door completely forcefully. 而就在此时,一股吸力浮现,创道失败之人,全部被强行吸入到进入此地大门之中。 We should also walk.” “咱们也该走了。” Chu Feng has observed, although they will not be forced expel, but does not have other harvests here. 楚枫已经观察过了,他们虽说不会被强制驱逐,可在这里却也没有其他收获。 Therefore, Chu Feng and others from creates antique leaves purely. 于是,楚枫等人都从太古创道地离开。 After they go out, immemorial creates the pure front door to be closed immediately, blocks this space the strength also to disappear. 当他们走出之后,太古创道地的大门立刻关闭,封锁这片空间的力量也随之消失。 They were also no longer hidden the condition. 他们也不再是被隐藏状态。 All, have returned to normal. 一切,都已恢复正常。 „Does everyone, then, have what plan?” Chu Feng asked. 诸位,接下来,有何打算?”楚枫问。 But Yuwen Yanri, has the Divine Body Celestial Palace two talents, arrives at the Chu Feng near, simultaneously serves with a ritual. 宇文炎日,带着神体天府两位天才,走到楚枫近前,同时施以一礼。 Chu Feng, the trip opportunity, is really rare.” 楚枫,此行机遇,实属难得。” Although cannot grasp, but actually also many thanks to you, had the challenge to create the pure opportunity antique.” “虽未能把握,但却也多亏你,才有了挑战太古创道地的机会。” many thanks.” Yuwen Yanri said. 多谢。”宇文炎日道。 Raises thanks, was then polite, this is you earns.” “提谢,便客气了,这是你们应得的。” But, was the plan goes back?” Chu Feng asked. “不过,是打算回去了吗?”楚枫问。 Un.” Yuwen Yanri nods. “嗯。”宇文炎日点头。 Sees that Chu Feng pinches the law secret art, relieved Yuwen Yanri as well as another two isolation formation technique directly. 见状,楚枫捏动法诀,直接解除了宇文炎日以及另外两位身上的隔绝阵法 But Yuwen Yanri, then looks to Wang Qiang. 宇文炎日,则是看向王强 I also... go back with you together every time.” Wang Qiang said. “我也与你们一同回回…回去。”王强说道。 immediately arrives at side Chu Feng, patted the Chu Feng shoulder. 旋即走到楚枫身旁,拍了拍楚枫肩膀。 Little Brother, although you are to fall into the dangerous situation now, but my I... I believe that this cannot baffle you.” 兄弟,虽说你现在是身陷险境,但我我…我相信这难不倒你。” „But if you really need to help, must tell me.” “但倘若你真的需要帮助,一定要告诉我。” Little Brother, even if separated from Divine Body Saint Mansion, still decides however can help you.” 兄弟就算脱离神体圣府,也定然会来帮你。” Wang Qiang said this words in the presence of everyone, is expresses to the Chu Feng absolute support. 王强当众说出此话,已是表达出了对楚枫绝对的支持。 And Chu Feng knows, Wang Qiang said absolutely is not the empty talk, but is he really can achieve. 并且楚枫知道,王强说的绝对不是空话,而是他真的能做到。 Quick, sound transmission also maps the Chu Feng ear curtain together in secret. 很快,一道暗中传音也映入楚枫耳帘。 Wang Qiang. 还是王强 But this sound transmission, through the Chu Feng's formation technique transmission, is extremely in secret secret. 只不过这道暗中传音,是通过楚枫的阵法传递,极其隐秘。 Blood Devouring Demon Venerable you do not need to worry, my selfenergy deals.” 噬血魔尊你不必担心,我自能应对。” Moreover feels faintly, creates a pavilion to could help me.” Wang Qiang said. “而且隐隐感觉到,创道楼阁也许能够帮我。”王强道。 Hears here, Chu Feng also patted the Wang Qiang shoulder. 听到这里,楚枫也拍了拍王强肩膀。 Little Brother takes care.” 兄弟保重。” insurance... takes care.” “保保…保重。” immediately, Wang Qiang then leaves with Yuwen Yanri and others. 旋即,王强便与宇文炎日等人离开。 Chu Feng, we must return to Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, otherwise is not good to confess.” 楚枫,我们也要回七界圣府了,不然不好交代。” Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao walk up. 灵霄界宝宝走上前来。 After immediately and people said goodbye, left directly. 旋即与众人告别后也是直接离开。 Naturally, before the farewell, Chu Feng also relieved their isolation formation technique. 当然,告别前,楚枫也解除了他们身上的隔绝阵法 Chu Feng, I should also leave, we are predestined friends see again/goodbye everyone.” 楚枫,我也该离开了,咱们就有缘再见诸位。” The Feng Ling sweet sound resounds. 风铃甜甜的声音响起。 But leaves is actually extremely natural, it can be said that does not have one to yearn. 但离开的时候却是极其潇洒,可以说是没有一丝留恋。 Little Brother Chu Feng, we also calculate from an exchange of blows friendship grows, this experience my Qin Xuan, is extremely precious.” 楚枫兄弟,咱们也算不打不相识,这段经历于我秦玄而言,也是极其珍贵。” Not only makes me experience, there is human beyond the human, makes me understand, the person... wants to contact to understand truly.” “不仅让我见识到,人外有人,也让我明白,人…还是要自己接触才能真正了解。” Hearsay... incredible it.” Qin Xuan said to Chu Feng. “传闻…不可信之。”秦玄楚枫说道。 He is naturally praising the Chu Feng's moral behavior. 他自然是在夸赞楚枫的人品。 „Do you also go back?” Chu Feng asked. “你也回去吗?”楚枫问。 Un, right that they said that does not go back, is not good to confess.” Qin Xuan said. “嗯,他们说的对,再不回去,不好交代。”秦玄道。 „The Brother Chengyu younger brother, Miss Muxi, the Yu'er miss, the Miaomiao miss, the Brother Shaoyu younger brother, said goodbye.” Qin Xuan serves with a ritual to Long Chengyu and others. 承羽兄弟,沐熙姑娘,鱼儿姑娘,喵喵姑娘,少禹兄弟,告辞了。”秦玄又对龙承羽等人施以一礼。 Qin brother, if goes back, confirmed Heavenly Dome Immortal sect to my Totem Dragon Clan actions, how do you work as?” Long Chengyu asked. “秦兄,倘若回去,确认了苍穹仙宗对我图腾龙族所作所为,你当如何?”龙承羽问。 „If real, is my Heavenly Dome Immortal sect is not right.” “倘若是真,是我苍穹仙宗不对。” But, my Qin Xuan lives is the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect person, dying is the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect ghost.” “但,我秦玄生是苍穹仙宗人,死是苍穹仙宗鬼。” My Qin Xuan, cannot judge the matter of sect by the common custom to wrong.” Qin Xuan said. “我秦玄,并不能以世俗对错来评判宗门之事。”秦玄道。 That looks like, between you and me must have a war.” Long Chengyu said. “那看来,你我之间必有一战了。”龙承羽道。 Brother Chengyu, if that day truly arrives, I hope that should not be polite to me.” Qin Xuan said. 承羽兄,若真有那一日,我希望你对我不要客气。”秦玄道。 Relax, I will not show mercy absolutely.” “放心,我绝对不会手下留情。” Family grudge, is bigger than individual friendship.” Long Chengyu said. “家族恩怨,大于个人交情。”龙承羽道。 I am also same.” “我也一样。” Bye.” “再会。” Qin Xuan Yu Kong, then vanished above the horizon in the wink of an eye. 秦玄御空而起,瞬息之间便消失在了天际之上。 Chu Feng, do you have what plan?” Long Chengyu asked. 楚枫,你有何打算?”龙承羽问。 I want to return to Ancestral Martial Galaxy.” Chu Feng said. “我想回祖武天河一趟。”楚枫说道。 Chu Feng obtained seemed like strongest created a palace. 楚枫得到了看似最强的创道宫殿。 But has not obtained any advantage. 可却没有得到任何好处。 Now creates a palace, the only direction is the Ancestral Martial Galaxy direction. 现在创道宫殿,唯一的指引就是祖武天河的方向。 But Chu Feng urgent wants to promote cultivation realm. 楚枫又迫切的想提升修为 Naturally must return to Ancestral Martial Galaxy. 自然要回祖武天河一趟。 We then did not travel together with you, you handled the matter, can look for us.” Long Chengyu said. “那我们便不与你同行了,你处理完事情,可以来找我们。”龙承羽道。 Anxiously?” Chu Feng asked. “急着回去?”楚枫问。 To be honest, was stimulated, I must try hard cultivation, discovers own insufficiency.” Long Chengyu said. “说实话,受刺激了,我必须努力修炼,找出自己的不足。”龙承羽道。 Also good.” Chu Feng nods. “也好。”楚枫点头。 Chu Feng, you add carefully.” Long Muxi said. 楚枫,你多加小心。”龙沐熙道。 I will not have the matter, does not need to be worried.” Chu Feng said. “我不会有事,不必担心。”楚枫道。 immediately, Long Chengyu and Long Muxi also left. 旋即,龙承羽龙沐熙也离开了。 This place, then only had Chu Feng, Little Fishy, Xianhai Shaoyu as well as Xian Miaomiao. 此地,便只剩下了楚枫,小鱼儿,仙海少禹以及仙喵喵 „Is Chu Feng, sharply returning to Ancestral Martial Galaxy?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. 楚枫,急着回祖武天河吗?”仙海少禹问。 Is not actually anxious, does Brother Shaoyu have the matter?” Chu Feng asked. “倒是不急,少禹兄有事?”楚枫问。 „Can Little Brother Chu Feng, hear Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. 楚枫兄弟,可听闻过武者商会?”仙海少禹问。 Has heard.” Chu Feng said. “听闻过。”楚枫道。 Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce, will hold an auction in Xianhai Galaxy.” 武者商会,将在仙海天河举办一场拍卖会。” At auction, goods I am interested very much, calculates the time, we pass now actually with enough time.” “拍卖会上,有一件物品我很感兴趣,算一算时间,我们现在过去倒是来得及。” Therefore I want to invite Little Brother Chu Feng, helping me look.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “所以我想请楚枫兄弟,帮我去看一看。”仙海少禹说道。 But Xianhai Shaoyu such remarks, Little Fishy the eyes shine immediately, looks at Chu Feng with the look of that hope. 仙海少禹此话一出,小鱼儿顿时双眼放光,用那渴望的眼神看着楚枫 She hopes very much Chu Feng complies. 她很希望楚枫答应。 Because she knows, if the Chu Feng rejection, she must separate with Chu Feng. 因为她知道,若是楚枫拒绝,她就要和楚枫分开了。 I, we am not travelling together actually anxiously.” Chu Feng said. “我倒是不急着回去,那我们就同行吧。”楚枫道。 Actually Chu Feng very worries. 其实楚枫挺着急回去的。 However some Little Brother matters requested, Chu Feng naturally cannot decline. 但是兄弟有事相求,楚枫自然不会推辞。 Good, to go back with Big Brother, will not be bored.” Little Fishy said. “好耶,和大哥哥一起回去,就不会那么无聊了。”小鱼儿道。 What meaning, with me in together bored?” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “什么意思啊,和我在一起无聊是吧?”仙海少禹道。 Incessantly is bored, is bored.” Little Fishy said. “不止是无聊,是无聊透顶。”小鱼儿道。 But Chu Feng, then looks to Xian Miaomiao: Miaomiao, peer?” 楚枫,则是看向仙喵喵:“喵喵,同行吗?” Chu Feng is the plan, returns to Eastern Territory with Xian Miaomiao. 楚枫是打算,和仙喵喵一起回东域的。 But Xianhai Galaxy, from Totem Galaxy originally, therefore Chu Feng is thinking and Xian Miaomiao peer. 仙海天河,距离图腾天河本来就近,所以楚枫想着和仙喵喵同行。 Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce I heard, their auctions should many good thing.” 武者商会我有所耳闻,他们的拍卖会应该很多好东西。” To be honest, really wants to go with you.” “说实话,真的很想和你们一起去。” But, involuntary, I must go back.” Xian Miaomiao said. “不过,身不由己,我要回去了。”仙喵喵道。 Miaomiao, do yourself go back?” 喵喵,你自己回去吗?” „Do some people meet you?” Chu Feng asked. “还是有人接你?”楚枫问。 He somewhat is actually in suspense. 他其实有些放心不下。 Although with these talent get along well. 尽管和那些天才相处的不错 But the will of the people separates the belly, everyone. 可人心隔肚皮,每个人到底。 Chu Feng was worried very much, Xian Miaomiao has the matter of fog of flame soul to be passed on. 楚枫很担心,仙喵喵拥有魂之雾焰的事被传出去。 That is not weak in the Source of lineage/vein strength. 那可是不弱于脉之本源的力量。 If the true line goes out, Xian Miaomiao will be dangerous. 若真传出去,仙喵喵将非常危险。 „, My teacher has don't worry met me.” Xian Miaomiao said. “不用担心,我师尊已经来接我了。”仙喵喵道。 That is then good.” Chu Feng was relieved. “那便好。”楚枫安心了。 He knows that the Xian Miaomiao teacher is Song Changsheng, not only with own teacher is the good friend, is immeasurably deep existence. 他知道仙喵喵的师尊是宋长生,不仅与自己的师尊是好友,也是一位深不可测的存在。 Chu Feng, hugs.” Xian Miaomiao stretches out the arms suddenly. 楚枫,抱一下。”仙喵喵忽然张开双臂。 Although is wear a look of the happy expression, but in the eye actually completely does not abandon. 虽然是面带笑意,但眼中却尽是不舍。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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