MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5823: martial cultivation world changes

Teacher, this words what intention?” Xian Miaomiao asked. Miaomiao, takes care.” “师尊,此话何意?”仙喵喵问道。“喵喵,保重。” Chu Feng went forward, held Xian Miaomiao. 楚枫上前,抱了一下仙喵喵 Miaomiao in Lower Realm, then accompanies the good friend who Chu Feng risks one's life, speaking of does not abandon, Chu Feng does not abandon similarly. 喵喵可是在下界,便陪楚枫出生入死的好友,说到不舍,楚枫也同样不舍。 I will try hard cultivation, the next time, changes certainly me to protect you.” “我会努力修炼,下一次,一定换我来保护你。” Xian Miaomiao this words saying, then looks to Little Fishy. 仙喵喵此话说完,便看向小鱼儿 Younger Sister Yu'er, bye.” 鱼儿妹妹,再会。” Elder Sister Miaomiao meets again.” 喵喵姐姐再会。” immediately, Xian Miaomiao Yu Kong. 旋即,仙喵喵御空而起。 Little Fishy is also clever waving goodbye. 小鱼儿也是乖巧的挥手告别。 But after Xian Miaomiao vanishes, Little Fishy looks to Chu Feng, winks the curious big eye. 可当仙喵喵消失后,小鱼儿则是看向楚枫,眨动着好奇的大眼睛。 Big Brother, does Elder Sister Miaomiao like you?” 大哥哥,喵喵姐姐喜欢你吧?” May not need Chu Feng to reply, Xianhai Shaoyu then rushes saying: What's wrong, is jealous?” 可还不待楚枫回答,仙海少禹便抢着说道:“怎么,吃醋啦?” Will not be jealous, I also like Elder Sister Miaomiao very much.” Little Fishy said. “才不会吃醋,我也很喜欢喵喵姐姐。”小鱼儿道。 Do not install Xianhai Yu'er, you only like Elder Sister Miaomiao, doesn't like my Little Brother Chu Feng?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. “别装了仙海鱼儿,难道你只喜欢喵喵姐姐,不喜欢我的楚枫兄弟吗?”仙海少禹问。 Elder Brother, you are talking nonsense, was careful that I tear to pieces your mouth.” “哥,你在胡说八道,小心我撕烂你的嘴喔。” Little Fishy honk the small mouth, was raising the small fist. 小鱼儿嘟着小嘴,举起了小拳头。 Good, when you denied that liked Little Brother Chu Feng.” “好,当你否认喜欢楚枫兄弟了。” Such being the case, Little Brother Chu Feng was my.” “既然如此,楚枫兄弟是我的了。” Xianhai Shaoyu grasped Chu Feng, the head also rubbed rubbing in the Chu Feng bosom intentionally. 仙海少禹一把抱住了楚枫,脑袋还故意在楚枫怀里蹭了蹭。 Sees that Little Fishy makes a move to want Xianhai Shaoyu to carry off from the Chu Feng bosom immediately: Bastard, you leave Big Brother to me.” 见状,小鱼儿立刻出手想把仙海少禹楚枫怀里拉走:“混蛋,你给我离大哥哥远一点啊。” But Xianhai Shaoyu, still grasped Chu Feng stubbornly: My younger sister, you do not like Little Brother Chu Feng in any case, gives me him.” 仙海少禹,却仍死死抱住楚枫:“我的妹妹,反正你都不喜欢楚枫兄弟,就把他让给我吧。” Hateful, you give me dead.” “可恶,你给我去死吧。” Creates a disturbance, the Chu Feng three people are also increasingly estranged. 打闹间,楚枫三人也是渐行渐远。 But Xian Miaomiao has not been mistaken actually, she stands above void of not far away. 仙喵喵实际并未走眼,她站在不远处的虚空之上。 In his side, but also stands to carry the axe, dresses up just like the firewood husband's man. 在他的旁边,还站着一位身背斧头,打扮宛如柴夫的男子。 precisely her teacher, Song Changsheng. 正是她的师尊,宋长生 Chu Feng in Xian Miaomiao on them, arrange/cloth isolation formation technique is false, therefore Song Changsheng can feel the position that Xian Miaomiao is. 楚枫仙喵喵他们身上,所布的隔绝阵法是假的,所以宋长生能够感受到仙喵喵所在的位置。 But Xian Miaomiao also uses the special method, related Song Changsheng. 仙喵喵也用特殊手段,联系到了宋长生 Therefore Song Changsheng, already with. 所以宋长生,早就跟过来了。 They just said, immemorial does create purely?” Song Changsheng asked. “他们刚刚说,太古创道地?”宋长生问。 Even if the Song Changsheng ability is dreadful, may work as creates antique purely, after Chu Feng and others blocks, he cannot see the Chu Feng and others situation. 纵使是宋长生本领滔天,可当太古创道地,将楚枫等人封锁起来之后,他也看不到楚枫等人的情况。 Also does not know that created pure opening antique. 也不知道太古创道地开启了。 But Xian Miaomiao, informed Song Changsheng the special details. 仙喵喵,也是将具体情况告知了宋长生 Miaomiao, in this world does not have the god, only has cultivation realm stronger cultivator.” 喵喵,这个世界上没有神,只有修为更强的修武者。” immemorial creates purely again wrapped in a shroud of obscurity, is the cultivator creation.” “太古创道地再神秘莫测,也是修武者创造的。” He has his test way, in you cannot create to be pure antique create a success, but does not meet his requirement, does not represent you to miss.” Song Changsheng said. “他有他的考验方式,你未能在太古创道地内创道成功,只是不符合他的要求,并不代表你差。”宋长生说道。 Teacher, does not need to be worried about me, I will not be affected.” “师尊,不用担心我,我并不会受到影响。” These goes back time, I must fuse with the fog of flame soul thoroughly, I must become stronger.” Xian Miaomiao said. “这一次回去,我一定要与魂之雾焰彻底融合,我要变得更强。”仙喵喵说道。 Is saying the influence, was affected?” Song Changsheng said. “说着没影响,还是被影响了吧?”宋长生道。 Goes back cultivation, is not the Song Changsheng request, but is Xian Miaomiao proposes. 回去修炼,不是宋长生要求的,而是仙喵喵主动提出的。 Song Changsheng knows Xian Miaomiao to the Chu Feng sentiment depth. 宋长生知道仙喵喵楚枫感情深。 If Xian Miaomiao wants, this he wants to let Xian Miaomiao time, many strolls with Chu Feng. 所以若是仙喵喵愿意,这一次他本是想让仙喵喵,多和楚枫逛逛的。 But was just Xian Miaomiao initiative sound transmission in him, said that must go back cultivation. 而刚刚是仙喵喵主动传音于他,说要回去修炼的。 Song Changsheng felt, definitely Xian Miaomiao, by Chu Feng their disparities, is affected. 宋长生觉得,肯定还是仙喵喵,被楚枫他们的差距,所影响到了。 Therefore will stimulate the determination of more assiduous cultivation. 所以才会激发更加刻苦修炼的决心。 Is influential, but is the good effect.” “是有影响,不过是好的影响。” I real, when does not want in facing the danger, continuation to stand in Chu Feng next time behind.” Xian Miaomiao said. “我真的,不想在下一次面对危险时,继续站在楚枫身后了。”仙喵喵道。 Also good, that then goes back, following vast martial cultivation world is not possibly peaceful, relieved cultivation truly is the optimization.” Song Changsheng said. “也好,那便回去吧,接下来的浩瀚修武界可能不太平,安心修炼确实是最佳选择。”宋长生道。 Teacher, this words what intention?” Xian Miaomiao asked. “师尊,此话何意?”仙喵喵问道。 She also knows that her teacher skill is big, her teacher words have the secret facts inevitably. 她也知道她师尊本事大,她师尊此话必然另有隐情。 Her teacher, should know anything. 她师尊,应该是知道了些什么。 Ancient times the family, may continue Huangfu Celestial Clan.” “远古家族,可不止皇甫天族。” They have gradually gotten rid of bound, is separated from the bottom deep place, leaves each ruins, true coexists with us.” Song Changsheng said. “他们已经逐渐摆脱束缚,脱离地底深处,离开各个遗迹,将真正的与我们共存。”宋长生道。 „The Huangfu Celestial Clan person, has the hostility to us very much.” 皇甫天族的人,对我们很有敌意。” Other ancient times were Celestial Clan also so?” “其他远古天族也是如此吗?” Ancient times can the family, make war with us?” Xian Miaomiao asked. “远古家族,会与我们开战吗?”仙喵喵问道。 Has this possibility.” “有这个可能。” Existed regardless the ancient times these, this uncertainties did not discuss.” “不过抛开远古那些存在,这种不确定因素不谈。” present age martial practitioner is not very law-abiding, vast martial cultivation world, being doomed to welcome the unprecedented pattern change.” “当代武者也很不安分,浩瀚修武界,注定要迎来前所未有的格局变化。” Has not related with you, with some Chu Feng actually relations.” Song Changsheng said. “不过和你都没关系,和楚枫倒是有些关系。”宋长生道。
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