MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5821: Direction direction

Chapter 5819 direction direction 第5819章指引方向 „A double-hour to limit, if cannot let create palace to recognize as master, will create a failure, forcefully expel.” “一个时辰为限,若不能让创道宫殿认主,将创道失败,强行驱逐。” After that sound falls, this side space sways again fiercely. 那声音落下之后,这方空间再度剧烈摇晃。 An extremely fearful power and influence appears. 一股极其可怕的威势浮现。 When this with Little Fishy, Wang Qiang, Xianhai Shaoyu that creates the pavilion to recognize as master scene to be entirely different. 这与小鱼儿,王强,仙海少禹那创道楼阁认主时的场面可全然不同。 This wants to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands simply!!! 这简直是要毁天灭地!!! I depend, creates a palace worthily, this to recognize as master difficulty was also too big.” “我靠,不愧是创道宫殿,这认主的难度也太大了。” Also is a double-hour, this... was this too also difficult?” “也是一个时辰吗,这这…这也太难了吧?” Some Wang Qiang worries. 王强有些担心。 But sees only the Chu Feng big sleeve to wield, that creates the power and influence in palace not only to stop immediately, and reduces fast. 而只见楚枫大袖一挥,那创道宫殿的威势不仅立刻停止,且快速缩小。 Finally changes to the pearl size, integrated Chu Feng's within the body. 最终化作珍珠大小,融入了楚枫的体内。 What?” “啥呀?” Finished up?” “完事啦?” „Does to recognize as master succeed?” 认主成功啦?” Wang Qiang several arrive at the Chu Feng near vigorously, is staring is opening big mouth, difficult believing looks at Chu Feng. 王强几个健步来到楚枫近前,瞪着眼睛张着大嘴,难以置信的看着楚枫 Un.” Chu Feng nods. “嗯。”楚枫点了点头。 „.” Wang Qiang is startled. “靠。”王强大为吃惊。 Incessantly is he, dumbfoundedness that others also look. 不止是他,其他人同样看的目瞪口呆。 „Did cultivation realm, what realm break through to?” Wang Qiang also asked. 修为呢,突破到什么境界了?”王强又问。 cultivation realm? Will break through?” Chu Feng asked. 修为?会突破吗?”楚枫问。 Wang Qiang shows own cultivation realm directly: Your you... you look at me, is not only I.” 王强直接将自己的修为展现而出:“你你…你看我,不仅是我。” The words to here, Wang Qiang look specially to Little Fishy and Xianhai Shaoyu. 话到此处,王强特意看向小鱼儿仙海少禹 Big Brother, we broke through.” Little Fishy also said. 大哥哥,我们都突破了。”小鱼儿也是说道。 This matter, waits.” “还有这回事,等一下。” Chu Feng consciousness immediately, projects to own dantian. 楚枫立刻将意识,投射到自己的丹田之内。 At this moment, in own dantian, no longer only has Nine-colored Divine Lightning, Seed of God Tree and other thing. 此刻,在自己的丹田之中,不再只有九色神雷,神树种子等物。 Also presented a broad incomparable palace. 还出现了一座恢宏无比的宫殿。 That precisely Chu Feng's creates a palace. 正是楚枫的创道宫殿。 But this creates a palace, in Chu Feng's dantian, the volume increased ten thousand times to continue. 只不过这座创道宫殿,在楚枫的丹田之内,体积变大了万倍不止。 The palace increases, all around thunder clouds naturally are also become broader , is very as far as eyes can reach magnificent. 宫殿变大,四周的雷云自然也是变得更为广阔,一眼望去,十分壮观。 It looks like a side world simply, is built on dantian. 简直就像是一方世界,立于丹田之中。 Chu Feng can create a palace to communicate with this now. 楚枫现在能与这创道宫殿进行沟通。 Chu Feng this communication, regarding is creating the thunder clouds of palace to start to fluctuate. 楚枫这一沟通,围绕在创道宫殿的雷云开始变幻。 Changes to everywhere Xingchen, condenses nine Galaxy. 化作漫天星辰,凝聚成九道天河 Afterward created the palace light beam to project together, shot at together Galaxy. 随后创道宫殿一道光柱射出,射向了其中一道天河 But that said Galaxy, was Ancestral Martial Galaxy. 而那道天河,乃是祖武天河 Chu Feng studies diligently earnestly, but actually discovered that this creates a palace, although grand aggressive, but seems incomplete. 楚枫又认真钻研,但却发现这创道宫殿,虽然宏伟霸气,但却似乎并不完整。 Now can give Chu Feng's, only then this direction. 现在能够给予楚枫的,只有这个指引。 Therefore Chu Feng rushes consciousness, projects the main body. 于是楚枫赶忙将意识,投射回本体。 Your creates a palace, what is?” Chu Feng asked. “你们的创道宫殿,都是什么样的?”楚枫问。 The Wang Qiang palm spreads out, his creates a pavilion, appears above the palm directly. 王强手掌摊开,他的创道楼阁,直接浮现于掌心之上。 Little Brother, saw clearly.” 兄弟,看清楚了。” Here is not every building calls to create a palace.” “这里不是每个建筑都叫创道宫殿。” Our called... to be called to create a pavilion.” Wang Qiang said. “我们的叫叫叫…叫做创道楼阁。”王强说道。 Meanwhile, Little Fishy and Xianhai Shaoyu also created a pavilion to take their respective. 与此同时,小鱼儿仙海少禹也是将他们各自的创道楼阁取了出来。 But Chu Feng looked at one, moved back Wang Qiang that to create on a pavilion the vision. 楚枫看了一眼,还是将目光移回到了王强那创道楼阁上面。 „Is this name...... a little willful?” Chu Feng said. “这个名字……有点任性吧?”楚枫道。 „..., This immemorial do not create not to mention bullies your Little Brother purely I am a stutter.” “别别…别提了,这太古创道地欺负你兄弟我是个结巴。” Wang Qiang curses one immediately. 王强立刻咒骂一声。 Hears this words, Chu Feng cannot bear smile to make noise. 听闻此话,楚枫也是忍不住笑出了声。 Although previously, built own created a palace to be extremely dedicated, has not seen one of the Wang Qiang experience with own eyes. 虽说先前,搭建自己的创道宫殿太过专注,没有亲眼见到王强经历的一幕。 But was only Wang Qiang these words, then situation that Chu Feng can also imagine. 但只是王强这一句话,楚枫也能想象的出当时的情况。 „... Blames Xianhai Shaoyu, he uses oneself name name, my my I... I will not study him.” “都都都…都怪仙海少禹,要不是他用自己名字命名,我我我…我也不会学他。” Wang Qiang gained on the resentment Xianhai Shaoyu. 王强将怨气赚到了仙海少禹身上。 Xianhai Shaoyu is saying with a smile: This pot I carry, but compares in Qiangge, I thought that Qiangqiang pavilion name has the individuality.” 仙海少禹笑着道:“这个锅我来背,不过相比于强阁,我觉得强强强强阁这个名字更有个性。” „Does younger sister, you feel?” “妹子,你觉得呢?” The words to here, he look to Little Fishy. 话到此处,他看向小鱼儿 Good, isn't suiting Wang Qiang?” Little Fishy mischievous saying with a smile. “不错啊,不正适合王强吗?”小鱼儿调皮的笑道。 „Your you... your girl failed to study you.” The Wang Qiang complaint was deeper. “你你你…你这丫头学坏了你。”王强怨念更深了。 But at this time, the Chu Feng palm spreads out, his creates a palace, appears above the palm. 而此时,楚枫掌心摊开,他的创道宫殿,也是浮现于掌心之上。 „, Creating a palace is different.” “哇,创道宫殿就是不一样。” Saw Chu Feng palm creates a palace, Wang Qiang voices the opinions. 看到楚枫掌心的创道宫殿,王强发出感叹。 Difference that he said that is the difference on aura. 他说的不一样,是气场上的不一样。 Only looks at the contour and aura, Chu Feng this creates a palace, indeed compared with their creates a pavilion, must be higher than Grade. 只看外形和气场,楚枫这创道宫殿,的确比他们的创道楼阁,要高出一个品阶 Big Brother, can't you promote cultivation realm?” Little Fishy asked. 大哥哥,你还是不能提升修为吗?”小鱼儿问。 Cannot, therefore I want to ask, your creates a pavilion, gave you anything.” Chu Feng asked. “不能,所以我想问问,你们的创道楼阁,到底给予了你们什么。”楚枫问道。 Then after inquiring Chu Feng discovered. 而后经过询问楚枫才发现。 They promote cultivation realm, after is to recognize as master, then promotes immediately. 他们提升修为,是认主之后便立刻提升。 As for other, then differs not many with Chu Feng. 至于其他的,则是与楚枫相差不多。 Their creates a pavilion, gave them the direction, but directs is not imperfect, needs them to ponder the exploration. 他们的创道楼阁,都给予了他们一些指引,但指引并不完善,也需要他们自己思考探索。 Said simple, Chu Feng's creates a palace, Little Fishy three people creates a pavilion. 说的简单一点,无论是楚枫的创道宫殿,还是小鱼儿三人的创道楼阁。 Now should not be incomplete. 现在应该都还是不完整的。 The difference is, their three creates a pavilion, to recognize as master time made them promote cultivation realm. 区别就是,他们三个的创道楼阁,认主的时候让他们提升了修为 But Chu Feng's creates a palace, not. 楚枫的创道宫殿,并没有。 „... Do not think Little Brother.” “别别…别想了兄弟。” Your compared with our high-level, the later advantage are inevitably more than us.” Wang Qiang said. “你的比我们的高级,以后的好处必然比我们多。”王强说道。 Also calculated trip has not been made in vain in any case.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “反正也算不虚此行了。”楚枫笑道。 This creates a palace, Chu Feng can feel very special, certainly will be in the future helpful to oneself. 这创道宫殿,楚枫能感觉到很特别,日后对自己一定会有帮助。 Afterward, Chu Feng observes Feng Ling they. 随后,楚枫观察起风铃他们。 But their several people, have enough to do. 而他们几人,都很吃力。 It looks like in Chu Feng, the situation is not wonderful. 楚枫看来,情况不妙。 Chu Feng wants to help them. 楚枫很想帮他们。 But here, can only depend on individual, Chu Feng wants to help is also has a mind to be incapable. 可在这里,只能靠个人,楚枫想帮忙也是有心无力。 But final result, with similar of Chu Feng expectation. 而最终的结果,也与楚枫预料的差不多。 Although own created a pavilion to build. 虽然将自己的创道楼阁都打造了出来。 But finally, Feng Ling, Ling Xiao, Jie Baobao, Xian Miaomiao, as well as Yuwen Yanri creates a pavilion, cannot to recognize as master succeed. 可最终,风铃,灵霄,界宝宝,仙喵喵,以及宇文炎日的创道楼阁,都未能认主成功。 The to recognize as master failure, their creates a pavilion, surrounding Mist diverges, starts to flutter to the distant place. 认主失败,他们的创道楼阁,周围的气焰散去,也开始向远处飘去。 They are incapable of preventing radically, can only look personally oneself build creates a pavilion to go to oneself. 他们根本无力阻止,只能看着自己亲手打造的创道楼阁离自己而去。 In everyone's eyes, reveals is not abandoning and being unwilling. 所有人的眼中,都流露着不舍与不甘。 Words many Feng Ling, at this moment were silent. 就连原本话多的风铃,此刻都沉默了。 everyone, the road of martial cultivation was difficult, but no one stipulated that martial cultivation only then a road can walk.” 诸位,修武之路本就艰难,但从来没有人规定,修武只有一条路可以走。” At the beginning of time, some indeed people successfully enter create antique purely, and successfully creates to say.” “时代初期,的确有些人成功进入太古创道地,且成功创道。” But the people of these failure, has not fallen behind, even some people instead surpassed created person of the success.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “但那些失败之人,也并没有落后,甚至有的人反而赶超了创道成功之人。”仙海少禹说道。 Xianhai Shaoyu, does not need to comfort.” 仙海少禹,不用安慰的。” My Feng Ling, although creates a failure, but I do not think me weakly in you.” “我风铃虽然创道失败,但我并不认为我弱于你。” Feng Ling said to Xianhai Shaoyu, and at this time on her face, appears that bright smile. 风铃仙海少禹说道,且此时在她的脸上,又浮现出那灿烂的笑容。 That is the tone of cracking a joke. 那是开玩笑的语气。 Does not need to be worried, we will not defeat by the setback, only becomes stronger.” “不必担心,我们不会被挫折打败,只会变得更强。” Always quiet Yuwen Yanri also rare opens the mouth. 就连向来沉默寡言的宇文炎日也难得的开口了。 Not is only they, Ling Xiao, Jie Baobao, the Xian Miaomiao condition is also the quick adjustment. 不仅是他们,灵霄,界宝宝,仙喵喵的状态也是很快调整。 Sad, is normal. 难过,是正常的。 After all to this step, the failure here, who will be resigned? 毕竟到了这一步,失败在这里,谁会甘心呢? But they can arrive this step, itself also different from ordinary person, including powerful innermost feelings. 但他们能够走到这一步,本身也都异于常人,包括强大的内心。 Therefore they, indeed will not be beaten by the matter of today. 所以他们,的确都不会被今日之事所击垮。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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