MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5820: Asura palace

Chapter 5818 Asura palace 第5818章修罗殿 After the most double-hour passes by, the Little Fishy whole body started to reappear pink radiance. 在大半个时辰过去之后,小鱼儿周身开始浮现出了粉色光华。 That radiance, is exactly the same as her Xianhai pavilion. 那光华,与她那仙海阁可谓一模一样。 But at the same time her Xianhai pavilion, starts to reduce, finally after changing to the pearl size, to the flowing light, integrate Little Fishy within the body together. 而与此同时她的仙海阁,开始缩小,最终化作珍珠大小后,以一道流光,融入了小鱼儿的体内。 In this space the phenomenon appears, covering the sky and blocking the sun. 紧接着,这片空间之内异象浮现,遮天蔽日 But phenomenon precisely is centered on Little Fishy, because of Little Fishy. 而异象正是小鱼儿为中心,也是因小鱼儿而起。 When phenomenon dissipation, everyone can feel the Little Fishy aura. 当异象消散之时,所有人都能感觉到小鱼儿的气息。 She no longer is Sixth Rank Half God, but promotes the Seventh Rank Half God situation. 她不再是六品半神,而是提升到了七品半神的地步。 „Did younger sister, succeed?” Xianhai Shaoyu takes the lead to ask, on the face hangs the smile that difficult is concealing. “妹子,成功了?”仙海少禹率先问道,脸上挂着难以掩饰的笑容。 Right, Elder Brother, you may probably try harder, should not be failed.” “对喔,哥,你可要加把劲,可别失败了。” Otherwise I the remaining years of life, I will shame by this in the future your.” “不然我往后余生,我都会以此来羞辱你的。” Little Fishy to Xianhai Shaoyu, shows the mischievous smile. 小鱼儿仙海少禹,露出调皮的笑容。 Puts 10,000 hearts, your elder brother will not be flung by you after behind.” “放一万个心,你哥可不会被你甩在身后。” Xianhai Shaoyu is self-confident. 仙海少禹自信满满。 But obviously is the to recognize as master critical moment, he can actually talk and laugh merrily with Little Fishy, saw sufficiently to him is not truly difficult. 但明明是认主的关键时刻,他却能够与小鱼儿谈笑风生,足以看出对于他而言确实不难。 In a while, Xianhai Shaoyu really also succeeded, after that creates a pavilion to enter seven within the body meetings. 没过多久,仙海少禹果然也成功了,当那创道楼阁进入七体内会后。 Similarly causes the phenomenon. 同样引起异象。 His cultivation realm was also promoted, stepped into the Eight Rank Half God situation from Seventh Rank Half God. 他的修为也得到了提升,从七品半神踏入了八品半神的地步。 Wang Qiang also succeeded. 紧接着,王强也成功了。 cultivation realm from Sixth Rank Half God, stepped into the Seventh Rank Half God situation. 修为六品半神,踏入了七品半神的地步。 As for others, creates a pavilion to build in turn successfully, had started the to recognize as master link. 至于其他人,创道楼阁依次打造成功,已是开始了认主环节。 But first starts to build to create Chu Feng of pavilion, is actually building during as before. 可最先开始打造创道楼阁的楚枫,却依旧在打造之中。 And he is even more dedicated, had been in the degree of being engrossed in reading sacred books and oblivious to what happening in the world. 并且他越发专注,早已到了两耳不闻窗外事的程度。 Calm he , on the face also revealed over time difficultly some. 原本从容的他,随着时间流逝,脸上也露出了些许艰难。 „Won't Chu Feng, have the matter?” Some Feng Ling worries. 楚枫,不会有事吧?”风铃有些担心。 But worry incessantly is she, even if has started to recognize as master Xian Miaomiao, actually also once for a while looks to Chu Feng. 但担心的不止是她,哪怕已经开始认主仙喵喵,却也时不时的看向楚枫 Although has not spoken, but in the eye the color of worry, was still very obvious. 虽然没有说话,可眼中担心之色,仍是十分明显。 „The Feng Ling miss puts... to feel relieved that my Little Brother should be challenges very difficult, otherwise... cannot so.” Wang Qiang said. 风铃姑娘放放…放心吧,我兄弟应该是挑战更高难度的呢,不然不不…不会如此。”王强说道。 „The Wang Qiang brother, the high difficulty, do you have to feel?” Xianhai Shaoyu curious asking. 王强兄,更高难度,你有感受到吗?”仙海少禹好奇的问道。 Without... has not had.” Wang Qiang said. “没没…没有。”王强道。 Younger sister, you?” Xianhai Shaoyu looks to Little Fishy. “妹子,你呢?”仙海少禹又看向小鱼儿 Little Fishy also shakes the head. 小鱼儿也是摇了摇头。 What exactly had?” “到底发生了什么呢?” Xianhai Shaoyu looks at Chu Feng, an eye of reveal is curious. 仙海少禹看着楚枫,目露好奇。 After all he creates a success now. 毕竟他现在已算是创道成功。 But in his observation, besides succeeded him, as well as Wang Qiang, beside Little Fishy. 而在他的观察,除了已经成功的他,以及王强,还有小鱼儿之外。 Other person of to recognize as master are not quite all smooth. 其他人认主皆是不太顺利。 Cannot do well will be defeated. 搞不好会失败。 As for Chu Feng, time-consuming longest. 至于楚枫,耗时最久。 The following person has caught up to start to recognize as master, but Chu Feng's creates a pavilion actually not to build. 后面的人已经后来居上开始认主了,可楚枫的创道楼阁却还未打造完毕。 But Xianhai Shaoyu is actually not worried about the Chu Feng failure. 仙海少禹却并不担心楚枫失败。 In his opinion, Chu Feng will certainly succeed. 在他看来,楚枫一定会成功。 Even he is also like Wang Qiang, felt Chu Feng successful time, may be different from them. 甚至他也与王强一样,觉得楚枫成功的时候,可能会与他们不一样。 However he is really curious, why will cause this situation to happen. 但是他实在好奇,为何会导致这种情况发生。 Actually is their comprehension to be inferior to Chu Feng, is what reason. 究竟是他们的领悟力不如楚枫,还是什么原因。 Possibly is that black strength.” Little Fishy said. “可能是那黑色力量。”小鱼儿道。 Strength?” “力量?” Younger sister, that strength and aren't your golden strength, the same ranks?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. “妹子,那力量与你的金色力量,不是同一级别吗?”仙海少禹问道。 Simultaneously Wang Qiang also curious looks to Little Fishy. 同时王强也好奇的看向小鱼儿 Actually has the difference.” “其实还是有区别的。” Although the attack degree to the soul is the same, but the attack to the spirit is stronger.” “虽说对灵魂的攻击程度相同,但对精神的攻击更强。” I want with Big Brother, to build to create a garret in that black strength together.” “我本来是想与大哥哥,一起在那黑色力量之中打造创道阁楼的。” But I really do not have the means centralized spirit, is very difficult to catch the black strength, is unable to build the build to create the material of garret.” “但我实在没办法集中精神,很难捕捉到黑色力量,无法打造搭建创道阁楼的材料。” Therefore I chose golden Bloodline.” Little Fishy said. “所以我才选择了金色血脉。”小鱼儿道。 so that's how it is, that looked like the issue here.” 原来如此,那看来问题就在这里了。” Is the reason of material.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “是材料的原因。”仙海少禹说道。 But suddenly, the Chu Feng's speed starts changes is fast, the speed is getting more and more fast. 可忽然,楚枫的速度开始变快起来,速度越来越快。 They is surprised quickly to Xianhai Shaoyu. 快到仙海少禹他们都感到吃惊。 However suddenly, Chu Feng then builds to complete that house. 不过眨眼之间,楚枫便将那房子打造完成。 Rumble - 隆隆隆- This piece starts to shiver void fiercely. 这片虚空开始剧烈颤动。 Earnest to recognize as master creates person of the pavilion, was affected. 就连认真认主创道楼阁之人,也被影响。 Because of this tremor, came from in Chu Feng, was Chu Feng's creates a pavilion to start to change. 因为这颤动,源自于楚枫,是楚枫的创道楼阁开始变化了。 But Little Fishy, is Wang Qiang, or is Xianhai Shaoyu. 可无论是小鱼儿,还是王强,又或者是仙海少禹 Previously they created a pavilion completed, not such sound. 先前他们创道楼阁完成的时候,都没有这样的动静。 I go!!!” “我去!!!” But follows Chu Feng that to create a pavilion to complete, Wang Qiang opened the mouth. 而伴随楚枫那创道楼阁完成,王强更是张大了嘴巴。 Their is the pavilions. 他们的都是楼阁。 But Chu Feng's is actually a grand palace. 楚枫的却是一座宏伟的宫殿。 This palace all over the body black, seeming like not strange, instead aggressive extraordinary. 这座宫殿通体黑色,看上去并不诡异,反而霸气非凡。 Especially surrounding is twining in black flame, is sparkling unexpectedly nine-colored lightning. 尤其是周围缠绕着黑色气焰之中,竟闪耀着九色雷霆 surface area of nine color thunder clouds is broader. 九色雷云的面积更广。 So magnificent nine color thunder clouds, are actually only the set-off of that palace. 如此壮观的九色雷云,却只是那座宫殿的陪衬。 This feels, this palace as if came from god, but seems like demon. 这给人的感觉,这座宫殿仿佛来自神界,但又像是魔界。 In brief keeps aloof, extraordinary. 总之高高在上,一眼不凡 „This... didn't this create a pavilion?” “这这…这不是创道楼阁了吧?” „Was this creates a palace?” “这是创道宫殿了吧?” Wang Qiang is opening big mouth, points at Chu Feng the thing of building to sigh. 王强张着大嘴,指着楚枫所打造之物叹道。 But Wang Qiang this words just left, creates that voice of pure deep place from this immemorial, then also resounds. 王强此话刚出,来自这太古创道地深处的那道声音,便随之响起。 Please to create a palace names.” “请为创道宫殿命名。” I go, but also really creates a palace, obviously is higher than our Grade, no wonder did was so long.” “我去,还真是创道宫殿,明显高出咱们一个品阶,难怪搞了这么久。” I said that brother brother... Little Brother, your insufficient meaning, you can build the palace, how... to tell me?” “我说兄兄…兄弟,你不够意思啊,你能打造宫殿,怎么不不…不告诉我?” You look at the garret that I build, many... poor?” Wang Qiang asked to Chu Feng. “你看我盖的阁楼,多多多…多寒酸?”王强楚枫问道。 Why I do not know, will have this change.” Chu Feng returns said. “我也不知为何,会有这种变化。”楚枫回道。 Stammered, do not disturb my Big Brother name.” Little Fishy says immediately. “磕巴,你别打扰我大哥哥命名。”小鱼儿立刻道。 Good...... Wang Qiang to nod well again and again, then suddenly raise one's head: “好好好……”王强连连点头,然后又猛然抬头: Stammered? Your his head length such clever, but how speaks not too to listen probably?” “磕巴?你这丫头长得这么乖,但说起话来怎么好像不太中听呢?” Custom is good, he is only gentle to Little Brother Chu Feng.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “习惯就好,他只对楚枫兄弟温柔。”仙海少禹说道。 Little few Brother Shaoyu, I understood you.” “少少少禹兄,我懂你了。” Really is the younger sister younger sister... the younger sister did not remain greatly.” Wang Qiang said to Xianhai Shaoyu. “还真是妹妹妹…妹大不中留。”王强仙海少禹说道。 But Chu Feng looks at present this grand black palace, is looking pensive. 楚枫看着眼前这座宏伟的黑色宫殿,则是若有所思。 He seriously was pondering, creates a palace for oneself this, what kind of name gives. 他在认真思考,为自己这创道宫殿,起一个怎样的名字。 Finally, he said three characters. 最终,他说出了三个字。 Asura palace.” 修罗殿。” The voice falls, above that giant signboard, the Asura palace three large characters also appears immediately. 话音落下,在那巨大牌匾之上,修罗殿三个大字也是立刻浮现。 But regarding this name, Chu Feng has seriously pondered. 而对于这个名字,楚枫是认真思考过的。 He can have today, cannot leave Nine-colored Divine Lightning, cannot leave many honored people. 他能有今日,离不开九色神雷,离不开诸多贵人。 May in his heart, the person who most thanked, then has been accompanying his Eggy. 可于他心中,最感谢的人,则是一直陪伴着他的蛋蛋 But with Eggy obviously, somewhat at will. 但用蛋蛋明明,有些随意。 It looks like in Chu Feng, names by the Eggy source is more meaningful. 楚枫看来,以蛋蛋出处命名更有意义。 And the present is World Spirit that Chu Feng works, also came from Asura Spirit World. 并且如今为楚枫效力的界灵,也都是来自修罗灵界 World Spiritist talent, his mother inherits to give him. 况且界灵师的天赋,还是他母亲传承给他的。 Therefore Asura two characters, how regardless to see, him, has special significance. 所以修罗二字,无论怎么看,于他而言,意义非凡。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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