MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5819: Qiangqiang pavilion

Chapter 5817 Qiangqiang pavilion 第5817章强强强强阁 Good and evil initially , is Ling Xiao, talent that Xianhai Shaoyu they share the honor. 好歹当初,也都是和灵霄,仙海少禹他们齐名的天才。 Now everyone goes, he and Qin Xuan have not gone. 现在大家都进去了,就他和秦玄没进去。 This taste, naturally does not feel better. 这滋味,自然不好受。 Perhaps we, were really short of anything.” Long Chengyu sighed. “不过我们,也许真的欠缺了一些什么。”龙承羽叹道。 Although does not want to deny own Elder Sister, but only by talent, Long Chengyu in fact above Long Muxi. 虽说不想否定自己的姐姐,可只论天赋,龙承羽实际上是在龙沐熙之上的。 Therefore Long Chengyu felt, since his Elder Sister can go, he and Qin Xuan actually cannot go. 因此龙承羽觉得,既然他姐姐都能进去,他与秦玄却进不去。 Their two are short, not only absolutely talent. 他们两个欠缺的,绝对不只是天赋。 In the meantime, the ray changes, that front door opened. 就在此时,光芒变化,那道大门打开了。 Sees this one, Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu looks wild with joy, but also thinks that is they are also entitled, entered creates antique purely. 见此一幕,秦玄龙承羽面露狂喜,还以为是他们也有资格,进入太古创道地了。 But the quick form walked together, is Long Muxi. 可很快一道身影从中走了出来,乃是龙沐熙 Originally, is not they are qualified, but was Long Muxi comes out. 原来,不是他们有资格进入,而是龙沐熙出来了。 And at this time the Long Muxi condition is not very good, even the Yu Kong flight appears somewhat reluctantly. 并且此时龙沐熙的状态很不好,连御空飞行都显得有些勉强。 Sees its Elder Sister so, Long Chengyu was worried badly. 见其姐姐如此,龙承羽担心坏了。 Does, his present root local guild does not arrive busily. 只是奈何,他现在根本帮不到忙。 Only can treat, after Long Muxi arrives at the range that he can contact, Long Chengyu rushes to support by the arm Long Muxi. 只能待到,龙沐熙走到他能够接触的范围后,龙承羽才赶忙将龙沐熙搀扶住。 Elder sister, you how?” “姐,你怎么了?” All right.” “没事。” But immemorial creates purely, truly is not anybody can create successfully.” “但太古创道地,确实不是任何人都能创道成功的。” Long Muxi is smiling bitterly shaking the head. 龙沐熙苦笑着摇了摇头。 She is unable to withstand inside strength, has to leave. 她是无法承受里面的力量,不得不离开。 That Chu Feng they how?” Qin Xuan asked. “那楚枫他们如何?”秦玄问道。 They should succeed.” Long Muxi deeply had not said that but actually the beautiful eyes rotation, oneself actually recall, in she is creating that is pure sees antique. “他们应该会成功吧。”龙沐熙并未深说,可却美眸转动,自己却不由回想起,她在太古创道地内看到的一幕幕。 In there, the different strengths, have the different people to adapt. 在那里,不同的力量,都有着不同的人在适应。 Is true their these talents, clear division heterogeneous. 是真正的将他们这些天才,也清晰的划分成了三六九等。 Although has long known, own talent is limited, but really saw place that these she is unable to visit, path that but others can pass through at will. 尽管早就知道,自己的天赋有限,可真的见到了那些她无法踏足的地方,只是他人随意便可走过的道路。 The own initial strength is unable to withstand continually, but Chu Feng as well as Xianhai Yu'er, actually in that most terrifying strength completely obviously calm. 自己连最初的力量都无法承受,可楚枫以及仙海鱼儿,却在那最恐怖的力量之中尽显从容。 In her heart, will have the dropping variance unavoidably. 她的心中,难免会有落差。 ...... …… Over time, immemorial creates purely within. 随着时间流逝,太古创道地之内。 Little Fishy as well as Xianhai Shaoyu have Wang Qiang, the house that builds has basically taken shape. 小鱼儿以及仙海少禹还有王强,所搭建的房子已经基本成型。 Their speeds are close. 他们三人的速度相近。 As for Chu Feng, first starts obviously, but the speed was slower than them. 至于楚枫,明明是最先开始的,可速度却比他们慢了很多。 But Feng Ling, Ling Xiao, Jie Baobao, Xian Miaomiao, Yuwen Yanri and others had found has suited their strength regions, is starting to build to be their constructions. 风铃,灵霄,界宝宝,仙喵喵,宇文炎日等人都已经找到了适合他们的力量区域,也正在开始搭建属于他们的建筑。 Buzz- 嗡- Suddenly, ray greatly hold. 忽然,光芒大盛。 Everyone stops own build, looks at direction that Little Fishy was. 所有人都停止自己的搭建,将目光投向了小鱼儿所在的方向。 Construction that because that ray, precisely Little Fishy builds gives out. 因为那光芒,正是小鱼儿所搭建的建筑所散发而出。 Little Fishy, took the lead to complete. 小鱼儿,率先完成了。 The house that originally, they build is exactly the same, is a quite simple building frame. 原本,他们搭建的房子是一模一样的,是一个较为简单的房屋结构。 Construction that but at present, Little Fishy builds, not only gives out ray, and is changing. 但眼下,小鱼儿所搭建的建筑,不仅散发光芒,且正在发生变化。 Turned into a volume to expand ten times of pavilions, the pavilion wall was the pink color, the whole body has the pink ray, looked like the pink wave. 变成了一个体积扩大十倍的楼阁,楼阁墙体为粉色,周身有粉色光芒,就像是粉色的波浪。 Such pavilion, although is far from the atmosphere, but with Little Fishy actually unusual building. 这样的楼阁,虽谈不上大气,但与小鱼儿却非常的搭。 Most essential is that pink ray, is ordinary just like the pink water current, twines around the pavilion, seems like completely obviously sacred. 最关键是那粉色的光芒,宛如粉色的水流一般,缠绕在楼阁四周,看上去尽显神圣。 This also made the contrast. 这也做出了对比。 After all in creates to be pure antique, their naked eyes the place of seeing, can see some pavilions. 毕竟在太古创道地内,他们肉眼所见之处,也能见到一些楼阁。 But these pavilions, may not have radiance that Little Fishy this pavilion surrounds. 但那些楼阁,可没有小鱼儿这楼阁所环绕的光华。 If these pavilions, giving people the impression that are spiritless. 如果说那些楼阁,给人的感觉是死气沉沉。 Then Little Fishy this pavilion feels, is full of vitality. 那么小鱼儿这楼阁给人的感觉,则是生机勃勃。 In the meantime, in immemorial creates to be pure, broadcasts together the vigorous sound unexpectedly. 就在此时,太古创道地内,竟传来一道浑厚的声音。 Please to create a pavilion names.” “请为创道楼阁命名。” This sound, as if conveys from the extremely far place, passes through the space, the difficult determination is formation technique or exists. 这声音,仿佛自极远之地传来,穿越空间,难以确定是阵法还是真实存在。 Xianhai pavilion.” The Little Fishy direct reaction, she should think the name. 仙海阁。”小鱼儿直接回答,她应该是早就想好了名字。 But this words just fell, then by the signboard of Little Fishy that pavilion blank, then presented the Xianhai pavilion three characters. 而她此话刚落,那由小鱼儿那楼阁空白的牌匾,便出现了仙海阁三个字。 „A double-hour to limit, if cannot let create pavilion to recognize as master, will create a failure, forcefully expel.” “一个时辰为限,若不能让创道楼阁认主,将创道失败,强行驱逐。” That sound resounds again, and this words saying that the Little Fishy Xianhai pavilion, then starts to sway fiercely. 那声音再度响起,且此话说完小鱼儿仙海阁,便开始剧烈摇晃。 Pink Mist that around the garret twines also surges fiercely, as if will diverge momentarily general. 就连阁楼周围缠绕的粉色气焰也剧烈涌动,仿佛随时会散去一般。 Sees that Little Fishy rushes to pinch the law secret art, it seems like it is controls her to create a pavilion. 见状,小鱼儿赶忙捏动法诀,看来是控制住她的创道楼阁。 „The house that originally we build called to create a pavilion, needed to name, and also needed to recognize as master to guess that can succeed.” “原来我们盖的房子叫创道楼阁,需要自己命名,并且还需要认主猜能成功。” Therefore, these floats here creates a pavilion, is the to recognize as master failure?” “所以,那些漂浮在这里的创道楼阁,都是认主失败的吧?” This moment people had known, why some so many pavilions flutter in this space. 此刻众人已经知道了,为何有那么多楼阁飘荡在这片空间内。 This is, in place that they who their naked eyes see cannot see, should have more pavilions. 这还是他们肉眼所见到的,在他们见不到的地方,应该还有更多楼阁。 Thus, in their time, can enter creates antique purely, although is very difficult. 由此可以看出,在他们这个时代,能够进入太古创道地,虽然很难。 However in ancient times even more remote Immemorial Era, entered creates the pure person to be quite many antique. 但是在远古甚至更遥远的太古时期,进入太古创道地的人应该比较多。 May be able to create finally successfully, eventually is also few. 可最终能创道成功的,终究也是极少数。 Otherwise, will not have so many pavilions, was abandoned, in this immemorial created purely within. 不然,也不会有这么多楼阁,被遗弃在这太古创道地之内了。 In a while, Xianhai Shaoyu creates a pavilion to build successfully. 没过多久,仙海少禹的创道楼阁打造成功。 The volume was bigger than Little Fishy, but also is the pavilion shape. 体积比小鱼儿大了一些,但也是楼阁形态。 However the wall color is the blue color, Mist that the whole body lingers, said is Mist, but feels looks like the ocean waves. 不过墙体颜色为蓝色,周身萦绕的气焰,说是气焰,但给人的感觉更像海浪。 As far as eyes can reach, in a sea the feeling of pavilion. 一眼望去,给人一种海中楼阁之感。 Please to create a pavilion names.” “请为创道楼阁命名。” That sound resounds again. 那道声音再度响起。 Xianhai Shaoyu is the direct reaction: Shaoyu pavilion.” 仙海少禹则是直接回答:“少禹阁。” The Shaoyu pavilion three large characters, then appear above the signboard of that pavilion. 少禹阁三个大字,便出现在那楼阁的牌匾之上。 Xianhai Shaoyu started the Little Fishy step directly, to recognize as master!!! 仙海少禹直接开始了小鱼儿的步骤,认主!!! Although is builds, but actually also needs to approve itself to be good. 虽是自己打造,但却也需要认可自己才行。 Quick, Wang Qiang creates a pavilion is also builds to complete. 很快,王强的创道楼阁也是打造完成。 That is a dull purple pavilion, and whole body is twining dull purple Mist. 那是一个暗紫色的楼阁,且周身缠绕着暗紫色的气焰 Is entirely different from the feeling of Xianhai Shaoyu and Little Fishy. 仙海少禹小鱼儿的感觉全然不同。 The Little Fishy pavilion has the young girl feeling, suits Little Fishy actually. 小鱼儿的楼阁极具少女感,倒是适合小鱼儿 Xianhai Shaoyu, the broad atmosphere is also the aesthetic sense. 仙海少禹的,恢弘大气也不失为美感。 Although this brother and sister creates the pavilion style also to have the difference, but another point is the same. 虽然这兄妹二人的创道楼阁风格也有不同,但却又一点是相同的。 That gives people a full of vigor and vitality feeling. 那就是都给人一种朝气蓬勃之感。 But the feeling of Wang Qiang, is another type. 王强的感觉,是另外一种。 Gloomy feeling!!! 阴暗的感觉!!! However everyone does not care about this point actually. 不过大家倒是不在意这一点。 Instead except for was happy for Wang Qiang. 反而除了替王强高兴。 Please to create a pavilion names.” “请为创道楼阁命名。” That sound resounds. 那道声音响起。 Little little few... Brother Shaoyu directly with oneself name name, I thought that... has the individuality very much very much very much.” “少少少…少禹兄直接用自己名字命名,我觉得很很…很有个性。” I also study study study study you simply.” “那我也干脆学学学学你。” My creates a pavilion to call strong... the strong pavilion.” “我的创道楼阁就叫强强强…强阁。” Wang Qiang this words fall, his creates on the signboard of pavilion, then presented five large characters. 王强此话落下,他那创道楼阁的牌匾上面,便出现了五个大字。 Qiangqiang pavilion. 强强强强阁。 „, Is the strong pavilion, is not strong... the strong pavilion.” “靠,是强阁,不是强强强…强阁。” You make... to make a mistake!!!” “你弄弄…弄错啦!!!” Wang Qiang rushes to correct, but had not responded. 王强赶忙纠正,但却没有丝毫反应。 What thing.” “什么玩意啊。” Saw with own eyes that the general situation has decided that Wang Qiang is very annoying. 眼见大局已定,王强十分懊恼。 But does not have the means that must start to recognize as master immediately, otherwise if he must create a failure. 但却也没有办法,必须立刻开始认主,如若不然他就要创道失败了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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