MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5818: Has you to accompany me fortunately

Chapter 5816 has you to accompany me fortunately 第5816章还好有你陪我 Finally, Chu Feng and Little Fishy, arrive at the region that the black strength was. 终于,楚枫小鱼儿,来到了黑色力量所在的区域。 Chu Feng steps into directly, Little Fishy follows. 楚枫直接踏入其中,小鱼儿紧随其后。 Just stepped into, the black strength then crazy attack two people. 刚踏入其中,黑色力量便疯狂的攻击二人。 „Can Little Fishy, shoulder?” Chu Feng looks to Little Fishy. 小鱼儿,能扛得住吗?”楚枫看向小鱼儿 Follows the black strength to shuttle back and forth in own within the body back and forth, he can feel to this is how terrifying strength. 伴随黑色力量在自己体内来回穿梭,他能感觉的到这是多么恐怖的力量。 Even if has experienced to Little Fishy, has oneself unique coping style. 哪怕已经见识到小鱼儿,有着自己独特的应对方式。 But was worried unavoidably. 可还是难免担心。 Big Brother I am all right.” Little Fishy shows the bright smile to Chu Feng. 大哥哥我没事。”小鱼儿冲着楚枫露出灿烂笑容。 Coming out that but Chu Feng looks, Little Fishy this wipes the smile to push. 楚枫看的出来,小鱼儿的这抹笑容是挤出来的。 However is also normal, that black strength, some Chu Feng difficult withstand, almost soon went beyond his tolerance range. 不过也正常,那黑色力量,就连楚枫自己都有些难以承受,几乎快要超出了他的承受范围。 Gives a try, if not good, then backs off.” “试试看,若是不行,便退而求其次。” Un.” Little Fishy clever nod. “嗯。”小鱼儿乖巧的点了点头。 Chu Feng is suppressing the soul torn pain, sits cross-legged to sit down, starts the method that uses beforehand to comprehend. 楚枫强忍着灵魂被撕裂的痛楚,盘膝坐下,开始运用之前领悟到的方法。 Controls these black strengths by bloodline power. 血脉之力操控这些黑色力量。 This method was very difficult, said that was actually very simple. 这个方法很难,说起来其实很简单。 The black strength, shuttles back and forth when Chu Feng within the body, as long as enters within the body, Chu Feng then can use bloodline power, utilizes the skill of beforehand comprehension, that black strength capture. 黑色力量,在楚枫体内穿梭,但凡进入体内之际,楚枫便可以利用血脉之力,运用之前领悟的技巧,将那黑色力量捕获。 So long as makes up the goods to be successful, then can use for oneself. 只要补货成功,便可以为自己所用。 This strength and bloodline power melt, then builds the material of house, can start to build. 这力量与血脉之力相融,便是搭建房子的材料,就可以开始搭建了。 But the ache is only on the one hand, whenever that strength enters within the body, will have the extremely strong impact on the spirit. 可疼痛只是一方面,每当那力量进入体内,对精神也会带有极强的冲击。 Strength in meditation insufficient, will overstate directly, even explodes the body to perish, let alone handled other things. 定力不足者,直接会走火入魔,甚至爆体而亡,就别说做其他的事情了。 In this case, wants to maintain the spirit to be centralized, very difficult. 这种情况下,想要保持精神集中,非常的难。 However Chu Feng was still the quick adaptation, and caught quickly successfully. 不过楚枫仍是很快适应,并且很快捕捉成功。 With many of more and more capture, Chu Feng also starts to build. 伴随着捕捉的越来越多,楚枫也开始进行搭建。 Big Brother.” 大哥哥。” But suddenly, the Little Fishy sound resounds. 可突然,小鱼儿的声音响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, Chu Feng discovered that Little Fishy had withdrawn from the black strength in the range. 顺声观望,楚枫发现小鱼儿已经退出了黑色力量所在范围。 Sees Chu Feng to look, Little Fishy then says immediately: 楚枫看过来,小鱼儿便立刻道: Big Brother, here strength was extremely wild, I am very difficult to concentrate Spirit power to catch them, I trade other strengths to try.” 大哥哥,这里的力量太过狂暴了,我很难集中精神力将它们捕捉,我换其他力量试试。” Good.” Chu Feng has not exhorted too, he knows that Little Fishy is a girl who has the discretion. “好。”楚枫也没有嘱咐太多,他知道小鱼儿是一个有分寸的丫头。 On for example her and Chu Feng, enters this black strength in the range, is actually not long. 就比如她与楚枫,进入这黑色力量所在范围,其实并没有太久。 Since she can anti- lives in the impact of black strength, can spend more time to attempt greatly to catch. 她既然能够抗的住黑色力量的冲击,大可以花费更多时间去尝试捕捉。 However she does not have, explained that she has the judgment, will not make the useless attempt and diligently. 但是她没有,说明她自己有判断,并不会做无用的尝试和努力。 But Chu Feng has not continued immediately, but gazes after Little Fishy to depart. 楚枫并没有立刻继续,而是目送小鱼儿离去。 Actually, even if knows that Little Fishy works to have the discretion, but this/should worry will be worried. 其实,就算知道小鱼儿做事有分寸,可该担心还是会担心。 Finally Little Fishy enters the range that the golden strength was, sees to enter in the golden strength range, and determined that Little Fishy too has not in a big way affected, Chu Feng then continues. 最终小鱼儿进入了金色力量所在的范围,见进入金色力量范围内,且确定小鱼儿并没有太大影响,楚枫这才继续。 Over time, Chu Feng is even more handy, the capture velocity is getting more and more fast, the time of build house naturally also flies. 随着时间流逝,楚枫越发得心应手,捕捉速度越来越快,搭建房子的时间自然也越来越快。 And at the same time, Chu Feng also has to observe Little Fishy that side situation. 并且与此同时,楚枫也有观察小鱼儿那边的情况。 Little Fishy enters the golden strength, quick adaptation, and catches successfully , started to build. 小鱼儿进入金色力量,很快适应,并且捕捉成功,也是开始搭建了。 Even the speed of build, wants on quick some compared with Chu Feng, soon then surpassed Chu Feng. 甚至搭建的速度,比楚枫还要快上一些,很快便超过了楚枫 Actually, the house that they build is the same, after building to be successful how, they now are not clear. 其实,他们搭建的房子都是一样的,至于搭建成功后会如何,他们现在也都不清楚。 clear/pain neat... Chu Feng.” The familiar sound resounds, was Wang Qiang comes. “楚楚楚…楚枫。”熟悉的声音响起,是王强进来了。 Waits and sees along the sound, follows Xianhai Shaoyu in the Wang Qiang side. 顺声观望,在王强的身旁还跟着仙海少禹 Chu Feng, are these strengths the materials?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. 楚枫,这些力量都是材料吗?”仙海少禹问。 Right.” Chu Feng returns said. “对。”楚枫回道。 Understood.” Xianhai Shaoyu and Wang Qiang also start to adapt to the strength. “懂了。”仙海少禹王强也开始适应力量。 However Xianhai Shaoyu and Wang Qiang, actually moved toward two different directions. 但是仙海少禹王强,却走向了两个不同的方向。 Xianhai Shaoyu goes to the direction line of golden strength, pursues his sister's step. 仙海少禹向金色力量的方向行去,追赶他妹妹的步伐。 But Wang Qiang comes to the direction line that Chu Feng is. 王强则是向楚枫所在的方向行来。 From their responses, coming out that Chu Feng looks, their bearing capacities, were inferior oneself and Little Fishy. 只是从他们两个人的反应,楚枫看的出来,他们的承受能力,不如自己和小鱼儿 When Wang Qiang, Chu Feng then reminded: This strength is very wild, do not step into is too deep.” 所以当王强靠近之后,楚枫便提醒道:“这个力量很狂暴,别踏入太深。” Puts... to feel relieved that you can withstand my my me... my also energy.” “放放…放心吧,你能承受我我我…我也能。” Even cannot my my I... I still probably the energy.” “就算不能我我我…我也必须能。” „Do you know because of what not?” Wang Qiang asked. “你知道因为啥不?”王强问。 Why?” Chu Feng asked back. “为啥?”楚枫反问。 Because we are Little Brother, I must with Little Brother in... in the same place.” “因为我们是兄弟,我必须和兄弟在在…在一起。” My Wang Qiang, even if dies... still also... must with you in the same place.” “我王强就算死…也也也…也要和你在一起。” During the Wang Qiang speeches, then infiltrates vigorously. 王强说话间,一个健步便钻了进来。 Aiya Damn .” “哎呀我擦。” May just come, his then big mouth one, jumped. 可刚进来,他便大嘴一咧,跳了出去。 Little Brother, just... words, when I had not said, I go to other place to take a stroll.” 兄弟,刚刚…刚才的话当我没说,我去别的地方溜达溜达。” The words, Wang Qiang then walks toward the regions of other strengths. 话罢,王强便向其他力量的区域走去。 Wang Qiang goes to the direction line that Xianhai Shaoyu is, this time Xianhai Shaoyu, has started to challenge that golden strength. 王强仙海少禹所在的方向行去,此时的仙海少禹,已经开始挑战那金色力量了。 But Xianhai Shaoyu, in that golden strength, is actually the sore facial features distortion, grimaces, completely lost the ordinary day demeanor. 仙海少禹,在那金色力量之中,却是疼的面容扭曲,呲牙咧嘴,全然丧失了平日的风度。 I said the younger sister... the younger sister.” “我说妹妹…妹子啊。” Has the secret, teaches the elder brother.” Xianhai Shaoyu asked to Little Fishy. “有没有秘诀,教教哥。”仙海少禹小鱼儿问道。 Does not have the secret, oneself withstand.” Little Fishy said. “没有秘诀,自己承受。”小鱼儿道。 Xianhai Shaoyu is unwilling: You started to build, definitely had... to be experienced, share point.” 仙海少禹不甘心:“你都开始搭建了,肯定有有…有经验,分享点呗。” My my I... I said the Brother Shaoyu younger brother, your you... you are atypical, how to start to study me?” “我我我…我说少禹兄弟,你你你…你不地道,怎么开始学我了?” At this time, Wang Qiang walked. 此时,王强走了过来。 I do not study you, I really sore mouth a little... is not agile.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “我不是学你,我真是疼的嘴巴都有点不…不…不利索了。”仙海少禹道。 Having... is so difficult?” Wang Qiang somewhat refuses to accept obviously, steps into directly. “有有…有这么难?”王强显然有些不服,直接踏入进来。 But was quick he then to leave, and looked to Xianhai Shaoyu. 可很快他便离开了,且看向仙海少禹 Brother Shaoyu, one who knows the times great, I urged you to learn from me, cultivate the behavior... must have self-knowledge.” 少禹兄,识时务者为俊杰,我劝你还是向我学习,做人啊…要有自知之明。” This words saying, Wang Qiang then goes to not far away dull purple strength line. 此话说完,王强便向不远处暗紫色的力量行去。 Although that strength is inferior to the pure golden color and black, but is actually its this it, is very strong. 那力量虽不如纯粹的金色与黑色,但却是其此之的,也很强。 Actually Xianhai Shaoyu intertwined. 其实仙海少禹本就纠结。 Is continues to try hard, backs off. 是继续努力一下,还是退而求其次。 After all, who does not want well? 毕竟,谁不想要最好的呢? But is seeing with own eyes Wang Qiang, backed off, he also no longer intertwines, but drew back from the golden strength. 但眼见着王强,都退而求其次了,他也不再纠结,而是从金色力量中退了出来。 But suddenly, he remembered anything, looks to Wang Qiang: „It is not right, you teach my time, how not stutter? Is the speech so agile?” 可猛然间,他想起了什么,不由看向王强:“不对啊,你教训我的时候,怎么不结巴了?说话那么利索?” Wang Qiang has not responded...... 王强没回应…… Sees that Xianhai Shaoyu chose the dark blue strength. 见状,仙海少禹则是选择了深蓝色的力量。 This dark blue strength, although was inferior golden color that Little Fishy is , was also inferior black that Chu Feng is. 这个深蓝色的力量,虽不如小鱼儿所在的金色,也不如楚枫所在的黑色。 But actually with the dull purple of Wang Qiang choice is the same rank, is here second strong strength. 但却与王强选择的暗紫色是同一级别,是这里第二强的力量。 In this strength, Xianhai Shaoyu was actually quick then adapts. 这个力量之中,仙海少禹倒是很快便适应了。 Over time, Yuwen Yanri, Ling Xiao, Feng Ling, Jie Baobao and Xian Miaomiao and others, resisted the pressure, entered created antique purely within. 随着时间流逝,宇文炎日灵霄风铃界宝宝仙喵喵等人,也是先后抗住了压力,进入了太古创道地之内。 Long Muxi also went. 就连龙沐熙也进去了。 But four people, could not have gone. 但还有四个人,死活进不去。 These four people, are Long Chengyu, Qin Xuan, as well as Divine Body Celestial Palace another two talents. 这四人,便是龙承羽,秦玄,以及神体天府的另外两位天才。 Divine Body Celestial Palace that two, golden Mist cannot even go. 神体天府那两位,连金色气焰都进不去。 But Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan, have treated in golden Mist for a long time. 龙承羽秦玄,在金色气焰之中已经待了许久。 But Phantom in that golden Mist is actually not willing to allow to pass through, therefore they are unable to lead the way. 但那金色气焰内的虚影却不肯让路,所以他们根本无法前行。 Unexpectedly even Miss Long went, my really a little self-doubt.” Qin Xuan over the face is depressed. “居然连龙姑娘都进去了,我真的有点自我怀疑了。”秦玄满面沮丧。 What meaning, you were said that my elder sister's talent was inferior to you?” Long Chengyu knits the brows to ask. “什么意思,你是说我姐的天赋不如你?”龙承羽皱眉问道。 „It is not, I naturally am not this meaning.” “不是,我当然不是这个意思。” Qin Xuan shakes the head again and again, but looks that Long Chengyu that is also sweating profusely, when is the appearance of difficult support, smiling that he feels relaxed. 秦玄连连摇头,但看着龙承羽那同样满头大汗,已是难以支撑的模样时,他则释然的笑了。 Fortunately, has you to accompany me fortunately.” “不过还好,还好有你陪我。” „.” Long Chengyu helpless scolded one. “靠。”龙承羽无奈的骂了一声。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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