MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5817: Steps into creates purely

Chapter 5815 steps into creates purely 第5815章踏入创道地 Walks.” “走。” Chu Feng Yu Kong, Little Fishy follows. 楚枫御空而起,小鱼儿紧随其后。 Sees this situation, the under numerous talents raise one's head waits and sees simultaneously. 见此情形,下方众天才同时抬头观望。 They that had not actually worried Chu Feng and Little Fishy, know these two should have the discretion. 他们其实没那么担心楚枫小鱼儿,都知道这两位应该有分寸。 They wait and see, wants to absorb some experiences. 他们观望,是想从中吸取到一些经验。 This......” “这……” But is quick they to discover, as if no means absorption experience. 可很快他们发现,似乎没办法吸取经验。 Chu Feng Little Fishy grazes upwards, although the speed is not quick, but is not slow. 楚枫小鱼儿一路向上方飞掠,虽然速度不是很快,但也并不慢。 What is most essential, is extremely smooth, has not hindered. 最关键的是,极其顺畅,没有丝毫阻碍。 The time of therefore blinking, Chu Feng and Little Fishy, had arrived at the void deep place, range that golden radiance is. 所以不过眨眼的功夫,楚枫小鱼儿,已经到达了虚空深处,那金色光华所在的范围。 When they contact that golden radiance, immediately has the golden front door together, appears in golden radiance most deep place. 当他们接触到那金色光华之际,顿时有一道金色大门,浮现于金色光华最深处。 Simultaneously a more terrifying pressure falls. 同时一股更为恐怖的压力落下。 Feels that pressure, all juniors are in the heart one tight, that pressure simply is destructive. 感受到那股压力,所有小辈都是心中一紧,那压力简直是毁灭性的。 However that pressure only fell on the body of Chu Feng and Little Fishy. 不过那压力只落在了楚枫小鱼儿的身上。 This pressure Chu Feng can resist actually, but actually must acknowledge that this pressure is very strong. 这压力楚枫倒是能抗住,但却也必须承认这压力很强。 Stemming from worry, Chu Feng subconscious looks to Little Fishy. 出于担心,楚枫下意识的看向小鱼儿 result discovered that Little Fishy is also looking to oneself, in pair of beautiful eyes, similarly full is the color of worry. 结果发现小鱼儿也在看向自己,一双美眸之中,同样满是担心之色。 Chu Feng cares about Little Fishy. 楚枫关心小鱼儿 Little Fishy is also caring about itself exactly. 小鱼儿恰好也在关心自己。 Sees the opposite party, is safe and sound, understands that the opposite party intention two people, smiled simultaneously. 看到对方,皆是安然无恙,也明白对方心意的二人,同时笑了。 Big Brother, is really fierce.” 大哥哥,果然厉害。” With my brother, he also is very together difficult to accompany me like this.” Little Fishy said. “和我哥一起,他也很难这样陪着我。”小鱼儿道。 Chu Feng understands her meaning. 楚枫明白她的意思 On her cultivation road, has the Xianhai Shaoyu companion inevitably, but possibly cultivation, cannot chase her Xianhai Shaoyu. 修炼的路上,必然有仙海少禹陪伴,但可能一些修炼,连仙海少禹都追赶不上她。 Although Little Fishy these words tease her elder brother, but also disclosed her fearful talent. 小鱼儿这句话虽是调侃她哥,可却也无意间透露了她那可怕的天赋。 After all before Little Fishy, Xianhai Shaoyu may be honored as, vast martial cultivation world strongest talent. 毕竟小鱼儿之前,仙海少禹可一直被誉为,浩瀚修武界最强的天才。 But in the meantime, together sound, from under transmits. 可就在此时,一道声音自下方传来。 Oh, I said the younger sister, you said how my malicious remarks also said frankly and uprightly, forgot in secret sound transmission?” “唉,我说妹子,你说我坏话怎么还光明正大的说呢,是不是忘记暗中传音了?” Is Xianhai Shaoyu shouts. 仙海少禹喊的。 Nonsense, I told the facts, has not spoken your malicious remarks.” Little Fishy said. “胡说八道,我只是实话实说,可没说你坏话。”小鱼儿说道。 Clarity that let alone, the heavy color light elder brother, everyone looked, is?” “别说了,重色轻哥,大家看的清楚,是不是?” During Xianhai Shaoyu speeches, but also looked specially to Long Chengyu and others one. 仙海少禹说话间,还特意看向了龙承羽等人一眼。 However his these words, no one dares to meet. 但是他的这句话,没人敢接。 But the person is an exception. 可有一个人除外。 Has... a little truth, but the Brother Shaoyu younger brother you leaves... should not be sad, because this is not you are not good, but is my Little Brother Chu Feng is too outstanding.” “有有有…有点道理,但少禹兄弟你别别别…别难过,因为这不是你不行,而是我楚枫兄弟太优秀。” Wang Qiang big mouth, grinning saying. 王强咧着大嘴,笑嘻嘻的说道。 But Xianhai Shaoyu has not continued to tease own younger sister again, because of Chu Feng and Little Fishy, has continued in golden radiance. 仙海少禹没有再继续调侃自己的妹妹,因为楚枫小鱼儿,已经在金色光华中继续前行。 And powerful Phantom in that golden Mist, falls back on the both sides unexpectedly, was Chu Feng and Little Fishy give away a road. 并且那金色气焰中的强大虚影,竟纷纷退到两侧,为楚枫小鱼儿让出了一条路。 Meanwhile, the front door of that golden Mist deep place also opens. 同时,那金色气焰深处的大门也是随之开启。 Chu Feng and Little Fishy, step into directly. 楚枫小鱼儿,直接踏入其中。 Went, not seeming to imagine is so difficult.” Qin Xuan sighed. “进去了,好像没想象中那么难。”秦玄叹道。 „Don't you determine difficultly? Isn't to them difficult?” Feng Ling despises looks at Qin Xuan. “你确定不难?只是对他们来说不难吧?”风铃鄙夷的看着秦玄 Eh......” Qin Xuan is somewhat awkward, because he also felt exactly, Feng Ling said is very reasonable. 额……”秦玄有些尴尬,因为他恰恰也觉得,风铃说的很有道理。 Chu Feng and Little Fishy, after the front door. 楚枫小鱼儿,穿过大门之后。 Then entered a special world, here space is infinitely great. 便进入了一片特别的世界,这里的空间无限大。 However sees the range to be extremely limited. 但是所见范围极其有限。 Here, everywhere is the luminous spot of firefly size, dense and numerous, not only floods this side world, blocked the line of sight. 这里,到处都是萤火虫大小的光点,密密麻麻,不仅充斥这方世界,也阻挡住了视线。 After Chu Feng and Little Fishy enter here, in which part of luminous spots, are then ordinary like the discovery prey. 楚枫小鱼儿进入这里后,其中的一部分光点,便如同发现猎物一般。 Starts to attack Chu Feng and Little Fishy crazily, shuttles back and forth in their bodies back and forth, although will not leave behind the wound on the body, will not destroy the clothing. 开始疯狂进攻楚枫小鱼儿,在他们身体来回穿梭,虽不会在身上留下伤口,也不会破坏衣物。 But will actually bring the feeling of stabbing pain, as well as spiritual suffering. 但却会实打实的带来刺痛的感觉,以及精神上的折磨。 However Chu Feng then adapts quickly. 不过楚枫很快便适应。 But his skin coarse meat is thick, adapts to this matter quickly originally. 但他毕竟皮糙肉厚,适应这种事情本来就快。 Therefore he somewhat is worried about Little Fishy. 所以他有些担心小鱼儿 Looked that in the past discovered, although before the Little Fishy complexion was inferior calm, but too had not been affected greatly. 看过去才发现,小鱼儿的脸色虽不如之前从容,但并未受到太大影响。 Big Brother, you look.” Suddenly, Little Fishy direction distant place. 大哥哥,你看。”忽然,小鱼儿指向远处。 In position that she refers, has one to float the spatial construction, that is a white tower, in the tower is hanging the signboard, and there is an only beautiful name, cloud Heta. 在她所指的位置,有着一座浮空建筑,那是一个白色的塔,塔上挂着牌匾,且有一个唯美的名字,云鹤塔。 However outside that tower has First Level invisible formation, not only keeps Chu Feng from completely understanding in the tower the situation, even approached could not go. 不过那塔外有着一重无形的结界,不仅让楚枫无法看透塔内情况,甚至靠近了也进不去。 There also has.” Little Fishy pointed out a direction, there also has a tower. “那里还有。”小鱼儿又指出了一个方向,那里也有一座塔。 „, That side also has a palace.” Quick Little Fishy aims at a direction. “哇,那边还有一座宫殿。”很快小鱼儿又指向一个方向。 Although because of existence of these luminous spot strength in groups, the naked eye sees the range to be limited. 虽然因为那些成群结队之光点力量的存在,肉眼所见范围有限。 May in they see in the range, the rough estimate then 78 buildings, these construction sizes vary, some are the towers, some are the garrets, some are the palaces. 可在他们所见范围内,粗略估计便有七八个建筑,这些建筑大小不一,有的是塔,有的是阁楼,有的是殿宇。 And has the different names, has different formation. 并且都有着不同的名字,也都有着不同的结界 It seems like, is others creates to stay behind.” Chu Feng said. “看来,是其他人创道者留下的。”楚枫说道。 We must build to belong our.” “那我们也要搭建属于我们的了。” Big Brother, are these luminous spots, we build the material of palace?” Little Fishy asked. 大哥哥,这些光点,就是我们打造宫殿的材料吧?”小鱼儿问。 Should then.” Chu Feng nods. “应该便是了。”楚枫点了点头。 They create before opening antique is pure, from these rune, comprehends to utilize bloodline power, the method of build construction. 他们在开启太古创道地之前,从那些符文之中,领悟到了运用自己血脉之力,搭建建筑的方法。 Although mainly needs Bloodline, but also needs to mix the material, obviously these strengths, are the materials. 虽然主要需要血脉,但也需要混合材料,显然这些力量,便是材料。 After the Chu Feng observation, discovered that here luminous spot forms groups, by different color segmentation different communities. 经过楚枫观察,发现这里的光点成群结队,以不同的颜色分割成了不同的群体。 For example at present, attacks Chu Feng and Little Fishy, is the white strength. 比如眼下,攻击楚枫小鱼儿的,乃是白色力量。 But the distant place also has other color strengths. 但远处还有其他颜色的的力量。 They have the respective territory, does not offend. 它们有着各自的领地,互不冒犯。 The intensity of different color strengths, has is also different. 不同颜色的力量,所具备的强度也是不同。 Material also divides heterogeneous.” “材料也分三六九等。” That black as well as golden color, should be best.” “那种黑色以及金色,应该是最好的。” Chu Feng said to Little Fishy. 楚枫小鱼儿说道。 According to the Chu Feng observation, the golden color and black strength, are the same ranks, is the high rank. 根据楚枫观察,金色与黑色的力量,是同一级别,也是高级别。 „Does Big Brother, which want to choose?” Little Fishy asked. 大哥哥,想选哪个?”小鱼儿问。 Golden color looks is dazzling, but I am more interested to the black.” Chu Feng said. “金色看着更耀眼,但我对黑色更有兴趣。”楚枫说道。 I and Big Brother choose one type.” Little Fishy said. “我和大哥哥选一种。”小鱼儿说道。 Good, with me.” “好,跟着我。” Chu Feng takes the lead to leave, the black strength, is the golden strength, has First Rank from them from, and in different directions. 楚枫率先动身,无论是黑色力量,还是金色力量,距离他们都有一段距离,且在不同方向。 But in they march forward on the way, but also has the strengths of many other levels, blocks on the road. 而在他们行进的途中,还有着多种其他层次的力量,拦在路上。 These strengths have oneself attack range. 这些力量有着自己的攻击范围。 For example goes out of the white strength range, the white strength will then not attack, but steps into other strength scopes, will then encounter other strength attacks. 比如走出白色力量范围,白色力量便不会攻击,但踏入其他力量范围,便会遭到其他力量攻击。 But was attacked each time, Chu Feng and Little Fishy have not been separated fast, instead stays to be one of them intentionally, adaptation stronger strength. 但每次遭到攻击,楚枫小鱼儿并没有快速脱离,反而故意停留在其中,适应更强的力量。 The black or the golden color, are the strongest strengths, the direct challenge is very risky, proceeds in an orderly way first adapts to other strengths, is the good choice. 无论是黑色还是金色,都是最强的力量,直接挑战很冒险,循序渐进先适应其他力量,才是较好的选择。 What is worth mentioning is, Little Fishy can definitely be able to keep up with own rhythm. 值得一提的是,小鱼儿完全能跟得上自己的节奏。 And Chu Feng notices, the Little Fishy breath way is very special, comparing is thick in Chu Feng's skin coarse meat, pure endures degree to the ache. 并且楚枫注意到,小鱼儿的呼吸方式很特别,相比于楚枫的皮糙肉厚,单纯的对疼痛忍受程度强。 Little Fishy she has the method that oneself adjust. 小鱼儿她有着自己调节的方法。 Naturally, here attack may be the soul injury, the spiritual attack is also not only fierce. 当然,这里的攻击可不仅仅是灵魂伤害,精神攻击同样凶猛。 Therefore Little Fishy can withstand, has the astonishing will inevitably. 所以小鱼儿能够承受,必然也是有着惊人的毅力的。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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