MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5816: Two high rank genius

Chapter 5814 two high rank genius 第5814章两个高阶妖孽 everyone, this matter I also hear, everyone does not need excessively to ponder.” 诸位,此事我也只是听闻,诸位也不必过度思考。” Has possibility treasure, but also placing of complete unscathed in my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, after all that and other treasures, is not I can contact.” Ling Xiao also added with a smile. “有可能这件至宝,还完好无损的摆放在我七界圣府,毕竟那等宝物,也不是我所能接触到的。”灵霄又笑着补充道。 Aiya, the Ling Xiao brother, you felt relieved, will keep secret about this matter us.” Long Chengyu also said with a smile. “哎呀,灵霄兄,你放心好了,关于此事我们会保密的。”龙承羽也是笑着说道。 Relax, certain security.” Qin Xuan said similarly. “放心,一定保密。”秦玄同样说道。 Everyone understands, Ling Xiao said him to hear, but after does not want to be passed on, ends up in the dissemination mansion the secret charge. 大家都明白,灵霄说他听闻,只是不想被传出去以后,落得个传播府内秘密的罪名。 Therefore he said, basically is the fact, that copper gate should really disappear. 所以他所说,基本就是事实,那铜门应该是真的不见了。 However Xianhai Shaoyu, as if not want to stop the topic, therefore he opens the mouth again: 但是仙海少禹,似乎并不想将话题到此为止,于是他再度开口: everyone forgot, our Little Brother Chu Feng mother, Senior Jie Ranqing.” 诸位难道忘记了,我们楚枫兄弟的母亲,界染清前辈。” At the beginning of time, indeed presented many powerhouses.” “时代初期,的确是出现了诸多强者。” But as far as I know, at the beginning of time has not presented Bloodline of king.” “可据我所知,时代初期也并未出现王之血脉。” „When Senior Jie Ranqing, reveals itself, is the present age is unique.” The words to here, Xianhai Shaoyu look to Ling Xiao. 界染清前辈,出世之时,乃当世独一无二。”话到此处,仙海少禹看向灵霄 Ling Xiao, you also said that Chu Feng has the opportunity to open that copper gate.” 灵霄,你也说了,楚枫是有机会开启那铜门的。” You felt, Senior Jie Ranqing, without opportunity opening?” “难道你觉得,界染清前辈,没机会开启吗?” At this moment, the people are also the look changes. 此刻,众人也是神色变化。 Yes, properly speaking, Sir Jie Ranqing may open that copper gate is right.” “是啊,按理来说,界染清大人是很有可能开启那铜门的才对。” could it be that, is Sir Jie Ranqing, opened that copper gate?” 难道说,是界染清大人,开启了那铜门吗?” Also let alone, really has this possibility.” “还别说,真的有这种可能啊。” Talked about that copper gate to vanish, Xianhai Shaoyu vanished the copper gate, relates possibly to be opened. 讲到那铜门消失,仙海少禹又将铜门消失,联系到了可能被人开启。 Their first response, is that copper gate should not be opened, because no one can achieve. 他们第一反应,就是那铜门应该不会被开启,因为没人能做到。 But when thought of Jie Ranqing, they felt in abundance, if Jie Ranqing, indeed may achieve this thing very much. 可当想到了界染清,他们则是纷纷觉得,若是界染清的话,的确很有可能做到这件事。 Jie Ranqing, vast martial cultivation world, was too special. 界染清,于浩瀚修武界而言,太特别了。 Especially regarding their generation. 尤其对于他们这一代人。 Freely, they have not seen the Jie Ranqing elegant demeanor, may actually be familiar regarding the Jie Ranqing deeds. 尽管,他们都未曾见过界染清的风采,可对于界染清的事迹却是耳熟能详。 Therefore strength about Chu Feng mother Jie Ranqing, even if these top talents, did not question. 因此关于楚枫母亲界染清的实力,哪怕这些顶尖天才,却也是毫不质疑。 Even in them some people, small time aims at Jie Ranqing, takes Jie Ranqing as the idol now. 甚至他们之中的一些人,小的时候都是以界染清为目标,如今也是以界染清为偶像的。 When the topic, fell after the body of Jie Ranqing, Ling Xiao actually slightly felt regrettable sigh one. 只是当话题,落在了界染清的身上后,灵霄却是略感遗憾的叹息一声。 I once heard, in the mansion has a view.” “我曾听闻,府内有一种说法。” Sir Jie Ranqing, had once challenged the copper gate, but failed.” Ling Xiao said. 界染清大人,曾挑战过铜门,但失败了。”灵霄道。 Was defeated?” “失败了?” Hears this words, the people all are the look move. 听闻此话,众人皆是神色一动。 Before, they may never hear this news. 之前,他们可从未听过这个消息。 Unexpectedly Jie Ranqing was even defeated, that this increased without doubt, degree that copper gate difficult opens. 居然连界染清都失败了,那这无疑又增添了,那铜门难以开启的程度。 At this moment, Jie Baobao also opens the mouth unexpectedly: I hear, when Sir Jie Ranqing opens, had triggered the phenomenon.” 此刻,界宝宝竟也开口:“我听闻,界染清大人开启时,已是引发了异象。” She actually only missed a point, if prepares to be full, may open successfully.” “她其实只差了一点,若是准备再充分一点,可能就会成功开启。” Was a pity that copper gate only has challenge opportunity a time.” “只是可惜,那铜门只有一次挑战机会。” so that's how it is.” Xianhai Shaoyu also feels somewhat regrettably, actually him worships Jie Ranqing very much. 原来如此。”仙海少禹也是感到有些遗憾,其实他是很崇拜界染清的。 Before also really felt, possibly Jie Ranqing has entered has created antique purely. 之前也是真的觉得,可能界染清已经进入了太古创道地。 But quick, he vision brightens, immediately looks to Chu Feng: 可很快,他又目光变亮,旋即看向楚枫: „It is not Senior Jie Ranqing, can that be the Little Brother Chu Feng father?” “既不是界染清前辈,那有没有可能是楚枫兄弟的父亲?” Chu Feng's father?” 楚枫的父亲?” Hears this words, the people look to Chu Feng. 听闻此话,众人都看向楚枫 About the Chu Feng's father, they did not understand. 关于楚枫的父亲,他们并不了解。 But Chu Feng's Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, they also felt the Chu Feng's father, possibly is not the common role. 楚枫的天雷血脉如此了得,他们也觉得楚枫的父亲,可能不是寻常角色。 Otherwise, how possibly to have a liking for by Jie Ranqing? 不然,怎么可能被界染清看上呢? But because the Jie Ranqing halo is too strong. 可因为界染清的光环太强。 Even if everyone felt, Chu Feng's father still non- common generation. 大家就算心里觉得,楚枫的父亲也非寻常之辈。 But actually also subconscious feeling, the Chu Feng's father is inferior to Jie Ranqing. 但却也都下意识的觉得,楚枫的父亲是不如界染清的。 The copper gate that even Jie Ranqing is unable to open, does the Chu Feng's father have the opportunity? 界染清都无法开启的铜门,楚枫的父亲有机会吗? They felt, without opportunity. 他们都觉得,没有机会。 Therefore regarding Xianhai Shaoyu this proposition, they feel like not possible. 所以对于仙海少禹这个提议,他们心里都是觉得不可能。 Chu Feng, you felt..., if your father, can open that copper gate.” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. 楚枫,你觉得…若是你父亲,有没有可能开启那铜门。”仙海少禹问道。 Regarding that copper gate, I did not understand, is unable to judge the difficulty of that copper gate.” “对于那铜门,我并不了解,无法判断那铜门的难度。” But I felt, anything my father can achieve.” Chu Feng said that and is self-confident. “但我觉得,任何事情我父亲都可以做到。”楚枫说道,且自信满满。 But Chu Feng said even if like this, the people do not believe that instead some people smiled. 可哪怕楚枫这样说了,众人也不信,反而有些人笑了。 They thought that Chu Feng is cracking a joke. 他们觉得楚枫是在开玩笑。 But is also normal. 但也正常。 The world children, which did not feel own mother world is most beautiful, is father world strongest? 天下儿女,哪个不觉得自己母亲天下最美,自己父亲天下最强呢? Little Brother Chu Feng, is your father what realm?” Xianhai Shaoyu also asked. 楚枫兄弟,你父亲是何境界啊?”仙海少禹又问道。 Compares in others, he is very earnest, as if cares about this matter very much. 相比于其他人,他很认真,似乎很关心这件事。 Simultaneously others , looks at Chu Feng with the curious look. 同时其他人,也用好奇的眼神看着楚枫 Although felt, the Chu Feng's father indeed has not possibly opened that copper gate. 虽然觉得,楚枫的父亲的确没可能开启那铜门。 But they also want to know, the Chu Feng's father, is what realm. 但他们也想知道,楚枫的父亲,到底是何境界 I don't know either.” Chu Feng shakes the head. “我也不知道。”楚枫摇了摇头。 Little Brother Chu Feng, you left low-key, you did not say that I said.” But Long Chengyu actually opens the mouth immediately, and looks to the people. 楚枫兄弟,你就别低调了,你不说我说。”可龙承羽却立刻开口,且看向众人。 Little Brother Chu Feng father's concrete realm I do not know, but at least a little can conclude, according to my father said that the Chu Feng's father is Heavenly God Realm.” Long Chengyu said. 楚枫兄弟父亲的具体境界我不知道,但至少有一点能够断定,根据我父亲所说,楚枫的父亲是天神境。”龙承羽道。 Heavenly God Realm?” Hears this words, the people expression all changes. 天神境?”听闻此话,众人表情皆是不由变化。 Heavenly God Realm, that is realm in legend, the Chu Feng father should the age not be very big, can achieve this realm? 天神境,那可是传说中的境界啊,楚枫父亲应该年纪也不是很大,能够达到这种境界 Long Chengyu, how do you know?” Qin Xuan asked. 龙承羽,你怎么知道的?”秦玄问。 This did not say conveniently, but I can guarantee, be Heavenly God Realm.” Long Chengyu said. “这个不方便说,但我可以保证,就是天神境。”龙承羽道。 On the same day, they were forced into the hopeless situation by the person of Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, was Chu Feng with protecting formation technique wrote off Heavenly Dome Immortal sect expert. 当日,他们被苍穹仙宗之人逼入绝境,是楚枫用守护阵法抹杀了苍穹仙宗高手 But Chu Feng has told Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, that protects formation technique is the father the arrange/cloth. 楚枫已告诉图腾龙族族长,那守护阵法是自己父亲所布。 According to the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head inference, can arrange that and other people of formation technique, inevitably is Heavenly God Realm. 根据图腾龙族族长推断,能够布置出那等阵法之人,必然是天神境 „It is not accidental/surprised, without this strength, how to make Senior Jie Ranqing move?” “并不意外,若没有这个实力,何以让界染清前辈动心?” How can give birth, such as the child of Chu Feng so talent?” Xianhai Shaoyu said with a smile. “又怎能生出,如楚枫这般天赋的孩子?”仙海少禹笑道。 Regarding this Chu Feng also smiles, immediately said: 对此楚枫笑了笑,旋即说道: everyone, adaptation how?” 诸位,适应的如何了?” Hears this words, Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan and others brow slightly wrinkle: Probably, but also requires time.” 听闻此话,龙承羽秦玄等人眉头微皱:“好像,还需要一点时间。” „Does Brother Chu Feng, have the time limit?” 楚枫兄,难道有时间限制吗?” They were somewhat worried. 他们有些担心。 The people determine the void peak, possibly is the immemorial in legend creates purely, is not fault-tolerant opportunity. 众人之所以确定虚空顶端,可能是传说中的太古创道地,是不容错过的机遇。 But they urgently leaving, are not instead chatting in this, is the constriction that because drops from the clouds is too strong. 可他们不急着动身,反而在此聊天,就是因为从天而降的压迫感太强。 They are adapting. 他们都在适应。 I cannot guarantee, has the time limit.” “我不能确保,是否有时间限制。” But we face at present, is not the test of our community, but is individual test.” “但我们眼前所面对的,不是我们群体的考验,而是个人的考验。” Therefore I suggested that if prepares, can leave.” Chu Feng said. “因此我建议,若是准备好的,可以动身了。”楚枫说道。 I said Little Brother, your you... you first go, I under and others... look for you.” Wang Qiang said. “我说兄弟,你你你…你先去吧,我等下就就就…就来找你。”王强说道。 Hears this words, Chu Feng knows that perhaps Wang Qiang also arranges, therefore looks to Xianhai Shaoyu. 听闻此话,楚枫知道王强还没准备好,于是看向仙海少禹 I also need to adapt.” Xianhai Shaoyu said with a smile. “我还需要适应一下。”仙海少禹笑道。 Chu Feng you first go.” Xian Miaomiao also said. 楚枫你先去吧。”仙喵喵也是说道。 Adapted quickly, was really genius also divides heterogeneous, did not refuse to accept good.” “这么快就适应了吗,真是妖孽也分三六九等,不服不行啊。” Chu Feng, your Summit of Nine Heavens first, I do not envy.” Feng Ling is with smile on the face, makes the delightful sound. 楚枫,你的九天之巅第一,我是一点都不嫉妒。”风铃面带笑容,发出悦耳声音。 She thinks the talent is not weak, but this oppression is too truly strong, she cannot adapt at present. 她自认为天赋不弱,可这个压迫确实太强,她目前也未能适应。 But everyone understands, since Chu Feng spoke these words, obviously was he has adapted. 但大家都明白,楚枫既然说这句话了,显然是他已经适应了。 - 唰- But, the form arrived at side Chu Feng in the meantime together. 可就在此时,一道身影来到了楚枫身旁。 Big Brother, I prepared.” Little Fishy sweet saying with a smile. 大哥哥,我准备好了。”小鱼儿甜甜的笑道。 Eh......” 额……” Originally has two high rank genius.” “原来有两个高阶妖孽。” Feng Ling shrugged. 风铃摊了摊手。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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