MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5815: The opportunity of only remaining, disappearance copper gate

Opportunity that Chapter 5813 only remains, disappearance copper gate 第5813章仅剩的机会,消失的铜门 Above the small face of Little Fishy, hung all over the endless exciting and exciting color. 就连小鱼儿的小脸之上,同样挂满了无尽的兴奋与激动之色。 „, Real, real?” “啊啊啊啊,真的吗,真的吗?” „Is this creates unexpectedly antique purely?” “这居然是太古创道地?” But Feng Ling, is as excited makes a fist as both hands, excitedly to sending out scream. 风铃,更是激动到双手握拳,兴奋到发出了尖叫。 Obviously previously, people but who were also puzzled by that pressure, at this moment was shows, Chu Feng has never seen excitement and excitement. 明明先前,还被那压力所困扰的众人,此刻都是展现出了,楚枫从未见过的兴奋与激动。 Chu Feng, no wonder you urged us to come.” 楚枫,难怪你劝我们来。” Opened the immemorial in legend to create unexpectedly purely, my heavens, I really do not know how should thank you, you were my benefactor.” “竟然开启了传说中的太古创道地,我的天啊,我真不知道该如何感谢你了,你是我的恩人。” Chu Feng young hero, incessantly is his, you are also my benefactor. My this whole life will not forget your, I to my son, my grandson, all my descendants will tell that you to my benevolence, you are our family eternal life unforgettable obligation person.” 楚枫少侠,不止是他的,你也是我的恩人。我这辈子都不会忘记你的,我会向我的儿子,我的孙子,我的所有后代讲述你对我的恩情,你就是我们家族永生难忘的大恩人。” But Divine Body Celestial Palace another two, excited to wishing one could to find roots to Chu Feng. 神体天府另外两位,更是激动到恨不得对楚枫认祖归宗。 Their two, like that are not bright like Yuwen Yanri. 他们两个,不像宇文炎日那般敞亮。 Before was very worried, was involved by Chu Feng. 之前都是挺担心,被楚枫牵连的。 But now, their gratitude, are actually such burning hots. 可现在,他们的感恩之情,却是如此的炙热。 everyone, this immemorial creates purely, is what?” Chu Feng curious asking. 诸位,这太古创道地,是什么啊?”楚枫好奇的问道。 „? You... do not know unexpectedly creates antique purely?” Regarding Chu Feng this words, the people are surprised simultaneously. “啊?你…竟不知太古创道地?”对于楚枫此话,众人同时感到惊讶。 Little Fishy also opened the small mouth surprisedly. 就连小鱼儿也是惊讶的张开了小嘴。 But quick, the small mouth of slightly transfers the bright smile, she feels this matter, probably is interesting. 但很快,微张的小嘴转为灿烂笑容,她觉得此事,好像蛮有趣的。 Therefore, she has the bright smile saying: Your let alone words, I come and Big Brother lecture.” 于是,她带着灿烂笑容说道:“你们都别说话,我来与大哥哥讲。” Afterward told after Little Fishy, Chu Feng also knew, the people are why excited. 随后经过小鱼儿讲述,楚枫也是知道了,为何众人如此兴奋。 Originally so-called immemorial creates purely, is not only this time, in Ancient Ruins also has many records. 原来所谓太古创道地,不仅是这个时代,远古遗迹之中也有着诸多记载。 Said simply, this is the sacred place that Immemorial Era then has. 简单的说,这是一个太古时期便存在的神圣之地。 If can step into, then has the opportunity to establish the say/way of own cultivation. 若是能够踏入其中,便有机会创立自己的修炼之道。 The say/way of cultivation, once establishes successfully, will be directed. 修炼之道,一旦创立成功,将会得到指引。 Henceforth the road of cultivation, will be unusual. 从此修炼之路,将与众不同。 As long as can succeed in this place, creates person of the success, all can grow is existence of time most peak. 而但凡能够成功在此地,创道成功之人,无一不是能够成长为一个时代最顶端的存在。 Wanted to enter creates antique purely is too difficult. 只是想要进入太古创道地太难了。 At the beginning of time, in many ruins, has some methods actually, these methods are many and varied. 时代初期,多个遗迹之中,倒是存在一些方法,那些方法多种多样。 However is disposable, so long as some people have used, successful or not, is unable to use again. 但是都是一次性的,只要有人用过,无论成功与否,将无法再次使用。 Almost at the beginning of the time, all about creates the pure opportunity and treasure antique, had been used. 几乎在时代之初,所有关于太古创道地的机会和宝物,都被使用过了。 Now, immemorial creates purely, only exists in legend. 如今,太古创道地,只存在于传说之中。 How about to create saying that actually does not have the explicit record, after creates pure opening antique, the scene that presents is actually the clarity of biography. 关于如何创道,其实也没有明确记载,但是当太古创道地开启之后,所呈现的景象却是传的清清楚楚。 Exactly the same that scene, the void deep place transmits. 那景象,虚空深处传来的一模一样。 No wonder, the prompt in Summit of Nine Heavens, said that here does not accommodate the error the opportunity.” “怪不得,九天之巅内的提示,说这里是不容错失的机遇。” Knows here, unexpectedly is the place of such important legend, Chu Feng is also especially happy. 得知这里,竟是如此重要的传说之地,楚枫也是格外高兴。 After all everyone, listens to him to urge with. 毕竟大家,都是听他劝才跟来的。 If really runs a fruitless errand, Chu Feng also somewhat feels sorry. 若真是白跑一趟,楚枫也是有些过意不去。 But to this one step, Chu Feng is nothing worries, the opportunity suspended here. 而到此一步,楚枫已是没有任何顾虑,机会摆在这里了。 As for can become, then looks at the personal ability. 至于能不能成,则是看个人能力了。 My Little Brother Chu Feng, you too.” “我的楚枫兄弟,你实在太不起了。” Is a pity.” “只是可惜啊。” Only then we saw, if this happened in Summit of Nine Heavens, was witnessed by the world together, that would be nice.” Long Chengyu sighed. “只有我们见到了,若是这一幕发生在九天之巅,被世人所共同见证,那该多好啊。”龙承羽叹道。 Finds out the crest of wave?” Chu Feng said with a smile, teased actually not, but pure cracking a joke. “这么想出风头啊?”楚枫笑着说道,倒不是调侃,而是纯粹的开玩笑。 Little Brother Chu Feng, you do not know.” 楚枫兄弟,你是不知道啊。” According to record, at the beginning of our time, uses treasure, is the mystique, but immemorial creates purely, generally can only a person open, a person steps into.” “根据记载,咱们这个时代初期,无论是使用至宝,还是秘法,但太古创道地,一般都只能一个人开启,一个人踏入。” Needs two people to open, but two people step into simultaneously, only then Ancient Era has the record.” “需两个人开启,可两个人同时踏入的,只有远古时期有记载。” Our time, can only a person go.” “我们这个时代,就只能一个人进去。” However such as our, so many people, open simultaneously create antique purely, has never had record.” “而如我们这样,这么多人,同时开启太古创道地,乃是从未有过的记载。” Regardless of can step into, is only our so many people, common opening creates antique purely, has made the history.” “无论能否踏入其中,只是我们这么多人,共同开启太古创道地,就已经创造历史了。” „Do we in the creation history, make the history you to understand?” “我们是在创造历史,创造历史你懂吗?” Long Chengyu under, excited saying. 龙承羽在下方,激动的说道。 His exciting appearance, causes its Elder Sister Long Muxi, is resigned-looking. 他激动的样子,使得其姐姐龙沐熙,一脸无奈。 Truly pitifully, if can more people witness is good.” “确实可惜,若是能更多人见证就好了。” Qin Xuan also sighed, the regret on his face, are not less than Long Chengyu. 秦玄也是叹道,他脸上的遗憾,可丝毫不比龙承羽少。 In my opinion, in Summit of Nine Heavens, outside person could not witness even.” “依我看,就算是在九天之巅,外面的人也见证不了。” They cannot even see us, we hide the condition now, and is the fierce method, that is unable to discover.” Chu Feng said. “他们甚至都见不到我们,我们现在隐藏状态,并且是多厉害的手段,都无法发现的那种。”楚枫说道。 Is this?” “是这样吗?” A Chu Feng such saying, Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan and others face color on regret, instead dropped much. 楚枫这样一说,龙承羽秦玄等人脸上的遗憾之色,反而减退了不少。 Therefore challenges this immemorial to create purely, except for time initial these senior, was we?” Chu Feng also asked. “所以挑战这太古创道地,除了时代初期那些前辈,便是我们了?”楚枫又问。 This did not say.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “这个也不好说。”仙海少禹道。 How to say?” Chu Feng asked. “怎讲?”楚枫问。 Not is only Chu Feng, others also look to Xianhai Shaoyu. 不仅是楚枫,就连其他人也看向仙海少禹 May compare in the Chu Feng pure inquiry, their looks have some questions. 可相比于楚枫纯粹的询问,他们的眼神则带着些许质疑。 Because during they hear, only then at the beginning of time some top characters, open have created antique purely. 因为在他们听闻之中,只有时代初期才有极少数顶尖的人物,开启过太古创道地。 And person who can successfully enter, is very few. 并且能够成功进入的人,更是少之又少。 Opens creates antique purely, there are many methods, many ways.” “开启太古创道地,有很多方法,很多途径。” Although at the beginning of time, too many opportunities were used, but ancient copper gate, so long as it is said some people can open, can step into creates antique purely.” “虽说时代初期,太多机会都被使用,但是有一个古老的铜门,据说只要有人能开启,也是可以踏入太古创道地的。” But this copper gate, few can open.” “但是这个铜门,几乎没有人能够开启。” However this copper gate, after the influence circulation, several tens of thousands of years ago, fell into the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion hand in every way.” “而这个铜门,经过多方势力流转,于数万年前,落入了七界圣府手中。” But I hear...... dozens years ago, this gate lost.” The words to here, Xianhai Shaoyu looked to Ling Xiao. “可我听闻……在几十年前,此门丢了。”话到此处,仙海少禹看向了灵霄 Lost?” The vision of others also went to Ling Xiao. “丢了?”紧接着,其他人的目光也都投向了灵霄 After all Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao are the people of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, should know the truth. 毕竟灵霄界宝宝七界圣府之人,应该知道真相。 Naturally, what is main, heard about this them. 当然,最主要的是,关于此门他们都有所听闻。 This gate is extremely precious, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion guards inevitably with large army, how to lose? 此门极其珍贵,七界圣府必然重兵把守,怎么会丢呢? „The Brother Shaoyu news is really quick, this matter has not leaked, how do you know?” Ling Xiao asked. 少禹兄的消息还真是灵通,这件事并未外传,你是如何知晓的?”灵霄问。 Therefore, really lost?” “所以,真的丢了吗?” „Will such precious treasure, how lose? What's the matter?” “这样珍贵的宝物,怎么会丢呢?到底怎么回事啊?” Long Chengyu as well as Qin Xuan and others asked. 龙承羽以及秦玄等人纷纷问道。 This matter makes concrete me unclear, in my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, has listened to some hearsay actually.” “此事具体我也并不清楚,不过在我七界圣府之内,倒是听过一些传闻。” This thing is the present age knew, only remains can open creates the pure treasure antique.” “此物本是当世所知,仅剩的能开启太古创道地之宝物。” Its importance, everyone can also be able to imagine, therefore my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion regarding the protection of this thing, naturally is also extremely attentive.” “它的重要性,想必诸位也能想象得到,所以我七界圣府对于此物的保护,自然也是极其用心。” It... almost obtained my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, strictest protection.” “它…几乎得到了我七界圣府,最严密的守护。” But... this gate dozens years ago truly disappears.” “但…在几十年前此门确实不见了。” But all defensive formation, have not received any damage, if the hearsay is true, that lost, rather was it vanishes.” Ling Xiao said. “可所有防御阵法,并未受到任何损坏,倘若传闻属实,那与其说丢了,倒不如说是它自己消失了。”灵霄说道。 Vanished?” “消失了?” In good condition how to vanish?” The people all are curious. “好端端的怎么会消失呢?”众人皆是感到好奇。 Was the time arrived, actually cannot some people open, then touched some formation technique, therefore left automatically?” Long Muxi guessed. “难道是时间到了,却始终未能有人开启,便触动了某种阵法,于是自动离开了?”龙沐熙猜测道。 Muxi this miss is credible, after all is so the treasure, has the intelligence also to have the possibility, might return to some ruins very much.” Qin Xuan echoes to say. 沐熙这个姑娘靠谱,毕竟是如此宝物,具有灵性也有可能,很有可能回到了某个遗迹之中。”秦玄附和道。 Others also nod in abundance, regarding this view, won their approval actually. 紧接着,其他人也是纷纷点头,对于这个说法,倒是得到了他们的赞同。 Has another possibility, this has not vanished, but some people entered this in it place.” “有没有另外一种可能,此门并未消失,而是有人进入了此门所在之地。” But he has not seen this gate to carry off, opens directly successfully, therefore hasn't triggered formation technique?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. “但他并未见此门带走,直接开启成功,所以才未触发阵法?”仙海少禹问道。 Opens successfully?” The people all are the look change. “开启成功?”众人皆是神色一变。 May regarding this view, Ling Xiao actually be smiles. 可对于这个说法,灵霄却是不由笑了笑 At the beginning of time, the copper gate that so many powerful senior, are unable to open, will this time some people really open?” “时代初期,那么多强大的前辈,都无法开启的铜门,这个时代真的会有人开启吗?” The words to here, he looked to Chu Feng. 话到此处,他看向了楚枫 If said that Chu Feng can open, I like to believe actually.” “若说楚枫能够开启,我倒是愿意相信。” But before dozens Chu Feng, should be just born is right?” Ling Xiao said with a smile. “可几十前的楚枫,应该刚刚出生才对吧?”灵霄笑道。 Yes, time initial period these exist, the copper gate that cannot open, should no one be able to open is right.” “是啊,时代初期那些存在,都未能开启的铜门,应该没人能够开启才对。” Regarding the view of Ling Xiao, Long Chengyu as well as Qin Xuan and others also expresses the support. 对于灵霄的说法,龙承羽以及秦玄等人也是表示赞同。 PS: PS: Ashamed, the honeybee has not really retained the draft, otherwise such late update, yesterday Tianyi will not break every day, my month full attendance bonus did not have. 惭愧,蜜蜂是真的没存稿,不然也不会每天这么晚更新,昨天一断更,我这个月的全勤奖金都没有了。 However complied with everyone's eruption 15 chapters, the honeybee to try hard to challenge. 不过答应了大家的爆发十五章,蜜蜂还是会努力挑战。 Tomorrow starts to accumulate to retain the draft, but 15 chapters are true much, the honeybee wrote the Martial God ten years, has never had the one-day 15 chapters of eruptions. 明天开始攒存稿,但是十五章属实不少,蜜蜂写武神十年了,还从来没有过单日十五章的爆发。 Therefore we day of eruption, decide this month last day, 30 th. 所以咱们就把爆发的日子,定到本月最后一天,30号吧。 The honeybee will try hard to complete, if when the time comes does not have 15 chapters, scolded me heartily is. 蜜蜂会努力完成,到时候要是没有15章,尽情骂我便是。 If can achieve, hopes everyone quarts me, although the honeybee deficiency also has. 如果能做到,也希望大家夸夸我,虽然蜜蜂不足之处还有很多。 But recently two months of change, believes everyone also looks. 但最近两个月的改变,相信大家也看的到。 Does not create easily, needs to encourage. 创作不易,需要鼓励。 You more praised, was more dynamic. 你们越夸,越有动力。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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