MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5814: immemorial creates purely

Chapter 5812 creates antique purely 第5812章太古创道地 Song Luoyi, you... you are also really living.” 宋洛苡,你…你真的还活着。” At this moment, the Jia Lingyi expression is very complex, not only shock and frightened. 此刻,贾令仪表情十分复杂,既震惊又恐惧。 The female of Golden Dragon Flame Sect Sect Master, Song Luoyi. 金龙焰宗宗主之女,宋洛苡 Also is Chu Feng's Grandmother. 也就是楚枫的奶奶 Although the present old woman, is so old, in Song Luoyi with Jia Lingyi impression, acts like a different person. 尽管眼前的老太太,如此苍老,与贾令仪印象中的宋洛苡,判若两人。 But she can still determine, the present person, is Chu Feng's Grandmother, Song Luoyi. 可她仍能够确定,眼前之人,就是楚枫的奶奶,宋洛苡 „Is this you do? Is you do?” “这是你做的?是你做的吗?” „It is not right, possibly is not you, is who? Actually is who?” “不对,不可能是你,是谁?究竟是谁?” Jia Lingyi that slow the god has come, the congealing sound interrogated. 缓过神来的贾令仪,凝声质问。 Although sees Chu Feng's Grandmother, her first response is the fear. 尽管看到楚枫的奶奶,她的第一反应是恐惧。 But thinks that Pill Dao Immortal Sect had exterminated an entire family, the anger in her heart well ups similarly. 但想到丹道仙宗已被灭门,她心中的愤怒同样涌上心头。 Some people help you are right?” “有人帮你对不对?” I know, you also some people help behind.” “我就知道,你们身后还有人帮忙。” Otherwise Chu Feng, why can have so quick cultivation speed, why dares to resist Seven Worlds Saint Mansion?” “不然楚枫,凭什么能有如此快的修炼速度,凭什么敢对抗七界圣府?” Some people support secretly you, making you resist Seven Worlds Saint Mansion is right?” “是有人暗中支持你们,让你们对抗七界圣府对吗?” No wonder, no wonder......” “难怪,难怪……” Is Xianhai Yu Clan, is Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, is Divine Body Celestial Palace?” “是仙海鱼族,还是苍穹仙宗,难道是神体天府?” Jia Lingyi does not believe, this matter can be Grandma Chu Feng does. 贾令仪并不相信,这件事会是楚枫奶奶做的。 Grandma Chu Feng can live is being the miracle. 楚枫奶奶能活着已是奇迹。 But her Pill Dao Immortal Sect inherits for several tens of thousands of years, is next to powerful sect of several big Galaxy Overlord influences. 而她丹道仙宗传承数万年,是仅次于几大天河霸主势力的强大宗门 Is the genuine colossus!! 1 是真正的庞然大物!!一 In sect powerful World Spiritist, as well as cultivator innumerable, 宗门内强大界灵师,以及修武者数不胜数、 Even if Song Luoyi in her mind, indeed has certain talent, but possibly is not her Pill Dao Immortal Sect opponent. 就算她印象中的宋洛苡,的确具有一定天赋,但也绝不可能是她丹道仙宗的对手。 She felt, Chu Feng has certainly the strong influence on support with his paternal grandmother behind in secret. 她觉得,楚枫与其奶奶背后一定有强大的势力暗中扶持。 As the matter stands, Chu Feng fast growth, Chu Feng can turn danger into safety repeatedly, even can be on intimate terms with all talent, passing that all explained. 这样一来,无论是楚枫快速成长,还是楚枫能够多次化险为夷,甚至能与各方天才称兄道弟,一切都解释的通了。 - 唰- But suddenly, the Song Luoyi vision goes to Jia Lingyi. 可忽然,宋洛苡目光投向贾令仪 A look, Jia Lingyi then dumbfounded just like the petrification generally. 只是一个眼神,贾令仪便宛如石化一般呆住了。 Her whole body shivers, the tears are unable the automatic control crazy class/flow to continue, the saliva is overflowing unceasingly, the manner of whole person just like silly generally. 她浑身颤抖,泪水无法自控的狂流不止,就连口水都在不断溢出,整个人的神态宛如傻了一般。 Until Song Luoyi takes back the vision, Jia Lingyi slow god. 直到宋洛苡收回目光,贾令仪才缓过神来。 plop, lay on the ground. 噗通一声,趴在了地上。 At this moment, has vanished because of the strength that angry obtains completely. 此刻,因愤怒而获得的力量已全部消失。 Only can lie on the ground, asked by language temperament that shivers: How you... will you achieve so realm?” 只能趴在地上,以那颤抖的语气质问:“你…你怎么会达到如此境界?” Regarding the Jia Lingyi issue, Song Luoyi had not replied, has not acted to Jia Lingyi. 只是对于贾令仪的问题,宋洛苡没有回答,也没有对贾令仪出手。 After Song Luoyi takes back the vision, then visual front, gradually line, until vanishing in sea of fire. 宋洛苡收回目光后,便目视前方,缓步行去,直到消失在火海之中。 Resembled leaves like this...... 似是就这样离开了…… But Jia Lingyi, is actually opening big mouth, the tears unceasing craziness wells up, the corners of the mouth are resemble to cry, faint smile. 贾令仪,却张着大嘴,泪水不断的狂涌而出,嘴角则是似哭非哭,似笑非笑。 Haha......” “哈哈……” Finally, she makes the sound, smiled unexpectedly, but that is full of the desperate forced smile. 终于,她发出声音,竟笑了,只不过那是充满绝望的苦笑。 A Song Luoyi just look, she then knows, she and Song Luoyi disparity, is separation of the world. 只是宋洛苡刚刚的一个眼神,她便知道,她与宋洛苡的差距,已是天地之隔。 not to mention is she, her Pill Dao Immortal Sect friend, similarly is not the present Song Luoyi opponent. 莫说是她,她丹道仙宗的友人,也同样不是如今宋洛苡的对手。 She... is the revenge is hopeless. 她…已是复仇无望。 sect was extinguished, the clansman by the slaughter, is her Pill Dao Immortal Sect ending. 宗门被灭,族人被屠,便是她丹道仙宗结局 But this ending, actually envies because of her for a while. 而这个结局,却因她一时的嫉妒而起。 The error in thought that trades is actually the total destruction!!! 一念之差,换来的却是灭顶之灾!!! ...... …… Meanwhile, Chu Feng and others above the horizon, has closed eyes to comprehend. 与此同时,楚枫等人一直在天际之上,闭目参悟。 This comprehends, once starts, is unable to terminate, therefore during this period, they comprehend dedicated, has almost not exchanged. 这个参悟一旦开始,便无法终止,所以在这期间,他们都专注参悟,几乎没有交流。 Until these spell traces diverge, Chu Feng and others simultaneously opening eyes pupil. 直到那些符咒纹路散去,楚枫等人才同时睁开眼眸。 everyone, the ginseng/partake... the ginseng/partake... understands how?” 诸位,参…参…参透的如何?” Wang Qiang sets out to ask, his expression is excited, anticipated to the following matter very much. 王强起身问道,他表情兴奋,对接下来的事情很是期待。 The Wang Qiang wear, makes Feng Ling show the whites of the eyes, looks to Chu Feng: I said Chu Feng, can make your Little Brother wear clothes, really spicy eye.” 只是王强的穿着,却让风铃翻了个白眼,看向楚枫:“我说楚枫,能不能让你兄弟穿件衣服,真辣眼睛。” Usually fortunately, but everyone sits now, only then Wang Qiang stands, his flowered underpants, are quite truly eye-catching. 平时还好,但现在大家都坐着,只有王强站起来,他那花裤衩,确实比较吸引眼球。 Paternal aunt paternal aunt... the miss, you did not understand aesthetically, elder brother strong muscle,... insufficiently does not attract your you... you?” “姑姑姑姑…姑娘,你这是不懂审美了,难道哥这健硕的肌肉,不不不…不够吸引你你你…你吗?” Wang Qiang holds up the arm, revealed the that not too obvious muscle intentionally. 王强举起胳膊,故意露出了自己那不太明显的肌肉。 Your Little Brother Chu Feng, my palm of the hand clapped you early, but also was able to discriminate calls my paternal aunt, I did not have your nephew.” Saying that Feng Ling despises. “你要不是楚枫兄弟,我早一巴掌拍死你了,还有别叫我姑姑,我没你这个侄子。”风铃鄙夷的说道。 But regarding the Feng Ling attitude, Wang Qiang is not angry, instead is big mouth one, showed badly the bad expression: 但对于风铃的态度,王强也不生气,反而是大嘴一咧,露出了坏坏的表情: Miss does your how standing stand... stand others to be cheap?” “姑娘你怎么站站站…站人家便宜?” Feng Ling turns the head immediately, made a feeling nauseated expression. 风铃则立刻转头,做出了一个要吐的表情。 Ok, chatted the proper business.” “好了,聊正事。” „Does everyone, have to comprehend completely?” Chu Feng asked. 诸位,都有参悟完整吗?”楚枫问道。 Understood was similar, but does not know that my direction and everyone does have the difference.” “参透的差不多了,但是不知道我的方向和大家有没有区别。” Because I comprehend, quotes the bloodline power build house unexpectedly.” Long Chengyu said. “因为我所参悟的,竟是引用血脉之力搭建房子。”龙承羽道。 We are the same, I also build the house.” Qin Xuan said. “那咱俩一样,我也是盖房子。”秦玄说道。 „The content that unsurprisingly, we comprehend is the same.” “不出意外,我们领悟的内容都是一样的。” Ling Xiao also said that but during the speeches actually looked to Chu Feng. 灵霄也是说道,但说话间却看向了楚枫 His looked, others also responded, will look at Chu Feng. 他这一看,其他人也反应过来,都将目光投向了楚枫 Chu Feng was too special, they are unable to determine, Chu Feng comprehends is whether the same as them. 楚枫太特别了,他们无法确定,楚枫所领悟到的是否与他们一样。 Chu Feng from the Ling Xiao look, read his meaning, therefore is saying with a smile: Same.” 楚枫灵霄的眼神中,阅读出了他的意思,于是笑着道:“一样。” That is then good.” “那便好。” Regarding Chu Feng this reply, the numerous talents all show the satisfactory smile. 对于楚枫这个回答,众天才皆露出满意的笑容。 Just like the Chu Feng comprehension, that naturally is good deed one. 楚枫领悟一样,那自然是好事一件。 Rumble - 隆隆隆- In the meantime, the void that they are, starts the fierce vibration. 就在此时,他们所在的这片虚空,开始剧烈的抖动。 Is above.” “是上面。” The people raise one's head, felt simultaneously the source of this strength, is above the top of the head, void deep place. 众人同时抬头,都感觉到这力量的来源,乃是头顶之上,虚空深处。 Quick, an invisible strength drops from the clouds, the tremendous pressure, lets everyone from the midair, falls fast. 很快,一道无形的力量从天而降,巨大的压力,让每个人都从半空之上,快速下坠。 Chu Feng takes the lead to stand firm the figure. 楚枫率先稳住身形。 Wang Qiang, Little Fishy, Yuwen Yanri and Xianhai Shaoyu four people follow. 王强小鱼儿宇文炎日仙海少禹四人紧随其后。 Xian Miaomiao as well as Feng Ling and others, stands firm the figure in turn. 紧接着仙喵喵以及风铃等人,才依次稳住身形。 Although has not continued to fall, but carries the tremendous pressure. 虽说没有继续下落,可却都扛着巨大的压力。 To return to the sky, has the extremely high difficulty. 想要向上空返回,有着极高的难度。 This... outcome what's the matter? 这…究竟是怎么回事? The people raise one's head, look simultaneously again to the void deep place. 众人同时抬头,再度望向虚空深处。 But this looked, they can discover, void deep place, is that oppresses the place that their strength originates, gives out golden radiance. 而这一看,他们能够发现,虚空深处,也就是那压迫他们力量来源的地方,散发着金色光华。 But that golden radiance is very different, not only sacred incomparable, just like the god ray. 但那金色光华很是不同,不仅神圣无比,宛如神界的光芒。 And in the ray has the fluctuation, as if there is innumerable forms, but each form, gives out unequalled powerful aura. 且光芒之中具有波动,仿佛具有无数身影,而每一个身影的,都散发着无与伦比的强大气息。 On is the innumerable powerhouses collects in middle general. 就似是无数强者汇集在当中一般。 My Oh God!.” “我的天哪。” „Haven't I misread?” “我没看错吧?” Sees that sacred golden radiance, painful Qin Xuan, looked wear a look of immediately wild with joy. 看到那神圣的金色光华,原本面带痛苦的秦玄,顿时面露狂喜。 Even also looked to Xianhai Shaoyu as well as Ling Xiao and Chu Feng and others: Brother Shaoyu, Ling Xiao, Chu Feng, haven't I misread?” 甚至还看向了仙海少禹以及灵霄楚枫等人:“少禹兄,灵霄,楚枫,我没有看错吧?” Should not be wrong, that is the immemorial in legend creates purely!!!” “应该不会错,那就是传说中的太古创道地!!!” Although compares in Qin Xuan, Xianhai Shaoyu is calm, but in his eyes, emerges the endless hope. 虽说相比于秦玄,仙海少禹还算淡定,可在他的眼中,也涌现出了无尽的渴望。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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