MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5813: pill said, extinguishes the sect

Chapter 5811 pill said, extinguishes the sect 第5811章丹道,灭宗 Has the matter?” Chu Feng asked. “有事?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng young hero, although we today first meeting, but I listen to the spatial draw to raise you.” 楚枫少侠,虽说我们今日第一次相见,但我听空平提起过你。” Before at the Nine Souls Galaxy matter, was really sorry......” “之前在九魂天河的事,实在抱歉……” The Jiang Jingyu words have not said, Chu Feng access road/simply said: „The past matter does not need to raise again.” 姜靖宇话未说完,楚枫便道:“过去的事不必再提。” The words to here, Chu Feng looked to Xian Miaomiao. 话到此处,楚枫看向了仙喵喵 My this friend, is Nine Souls Saint Clan, if she investigates you, I will not block.” “不过我这位朋友,是九魂圣族的,她若要追究你们,我可不会拦。” Hears this words stiffly, the body that Jiang Jingyu and others frightens immediately one. 听闻此话,姜靖宇等人顿时吓的身体一僵。 But Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan following words, are make them look deathly pale. 龙承羽秦玄接下来的话,更是让他们脸色惨白。 „Does the Miaomiao miss, they offend your family?” 喵喵姑娘,他们得罪你的家族吗?” Wanted me to help you extinguish them?” “要不要我帮你灭了他们?” Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan opens the mouth, has the meaning of flattery. 龙承羽秦玄开口的时候,都是颇具奉承之意。 This makes Jiang Jingyu they realize sufficiently, the Xian Miaomiao position is also unusual. 这足以让姜靖宇他们意识到,仙喵喵的地位也非同一般。 Chu Feng young hero, my my I... this this......” 楚枫少侠,我我我…这这这……” Jiang Jingyu looks to Chu Feng, the look is clearly seeking help, actually does not know how to open the mouth. 姜靖宇看向楚枫,眼神分明在求助,却也不知如何开口。 You do not use, Chu Feng's decided that is my decision, he did not investigate, I will not investigate.” “你不用慌,楚枫的决定便是我的决定,他不追究,我也不会追究。” Xian Miaomiao said. 仙喵喵说道。 Regarding Xian Miaomiao this attitude, Chu Feng is actually not accidental/surprised, after all Nine Souls Saint Clan when Xian Miaomiao is not good. 对于仙喵喵这个态度,楚枫其实也不意外,毕竟九魂圣族仙喵喵也不好。 If Nine Souls Saint Clan, is very important to Xian Miaomiao, that Chu Feng initially, will not then let off Jiang Yuantai they. 倘若九魂圣族,对仙喵喵而言特别重要,那楚枫当初,便也不会放过姜元泰他们了。 many thanks this miss,... is not the Sir, many thanks this Sir is broadminded.” 多谢这位姑娘,不…是大人,多谢这位大人宽宏大量。” many thanks Chu Feng young hero is broadminded.” 多谢楚枫少侠宽宏大量。” Jiang Jingyu rushes to express gratitude, the hand that may salute is actually shivering. 姜靖宇赶忙道谢,可施礼的手却都在颤抖。 Said that what matter has?” Chu Feng asked. “说吧,有何事?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng young hero, beforehand matter, really sorry, even if you and Sir Miaomiao did not investigate that I still felt sorry.” 楚枫少侠,之前的事,实在抱歉,就算你与喵喵大人不追究了,我仍过意不去。” I do not know how should compensate.” The words to here, the Jiang Jingyu palm touch to the bosom. “我也不知该如何补偿。”话到此处,姜靖宇手掌摸向怀中。 He in oneself bosom, hid one to store up formation technique, when the palm extracted from the bosom, had/left Bamboo Slip. 他是在自己的怀里,藏了一个储存阵法,于是掌心从怀中抽出时,多出了一根竹简 That is divination Bamboo Slip. 那是一根占卜竹简 This divination Bamboo Slip looks very ordinary, but above carves is picking the star two characters. 这根占卜竹简看着很是普通,可上面刻着摘星二字。 Picks the star Sir?” “摘星大人?” Sees these two characters, Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao at present one bright. 看到这两个字,灵霄界宝宝眼前一亮。 Others , is the same accident/surprise. 其他人,也是同样意外。 This thing, picks the thing of star Daoist priest. 此物,乃摘星道长之物。 Why picks the star Daoist priest person? 摘星道长为何人? Is World Spirit Immortal King disciple. 界灵仙王弟子 And is World Spirit Immortal King now, only two still have World disciple. 并且是界灵仙王现在,唯二还存在于世弟子 Another, is now Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Mansion Lord, jie Tianran. 另外一个,便是当今七界圣府府主,界天染 This picks the star Daoist priest, excels at the technique of prediction, because does not gather with the jie Tianran idea, has left the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion many years. 这摘星道长,擅长预言之术,因为与界天染理念不合,已离开七界圣府多年。 Now the trail is difficult to seek, but if has his divination Bamboo Slip, can find his. 如今踪迹难寻,但若有他的占卜竹简,是可以找到他的。 You knew that picks the star Sir?” Ling Xiao asked. “你认识摘星大人?”灵霄问道。 Because he has observed earnestly, can determine that divination Bamboo Slip real. 因为他认真观察过了,能够确定那占卜竹简是真的。 Embarrassed saying that villain, although the status is base and low, but, was acquainted as a result of circumstance picked the star Sir.” “说来惭愧,小人虽身份卑微,但因缘际会下,相识了摘星大人。” However picks the star Sir not to shut out my base and low status, is willing to intersect by the friend, but also donated my five divination Bamboo Slip.” “而摘星大人也不嫌弃我的卑微身份,愿以朋友相交,还赠予了我五根占卜竹简。” Now only remains one.” “如今只剩一根。” Picks the star Sir, did not mind that I see somebody off this thing.” “不过摘星大人,并不介意我将此物送人。” Can ask him to make a prediction through this thing actually.” “通过此物倒是可以找他做一次预言。” Chu Feng young hero, I do not know how should compensate you, if you do not shut out, I this thing as the compensation, how you do look at?” 楚枫少侠,我不知该如何补偿你,你若不嫌弃,我将此物作为补偿,你看如何?” During the Jiang Jingyu speeches, lifts up high both hands, hands in front of this divination Bamboo Slip Chu Feng. 姜靖宇说话间,高举双手,将这占卜竹简递到楚枫面前。 Chu Feng, this thing is the real thing.” The Ling Xiao reminder said. 楚枫,此物乃是真品。”灵霄提醒道。 I then accepted.” Chu Feng also received this divination Bamboo Slip. “那我便收下了。”楚枫倒也是将这占卜竹简收了起来。 Picks the star Daoist priest, he also heard, the technique of prediction is extremely fierce. 摘星道长,他也有所耳闻,预言之术极其厉害。 Although Chu Feng does not believe the technique of prediction, but this thing can be close to pick the opportunity of star Daoist priest actually. 楚枫虽然不怎么相信预言之术,可此物倒是可以接近摘星道长的机会。 He wants to have a look, whether in the future to be picking star Daoist priest there to inquire, matter about his mother. 他想看看,日后能否在摘星道长那里打探到,关于其母亲的事情。 Accepted this thing, Chu Feng then leads the juniors to leave, entered in that palace. 收下此物,楚枫便带着众位小辈离开,进入了那座宫殿之内。 Father, you... are you all right?” “父亲,您…您没事吧?” When Chu Feng and others vanishes in the distant place, Jiang Kongping and others dares to start talking. 楚枫等人消失在远处,姜空平等人才敢开口说话。 Unobstructive.” “无碍。” Jiang Jingyu this words saying, then to discouraged is the same, sat down exhausted on the ground. 姜靖宇此话说完,则是跟泄了气一样,瘫坐在了地上。 Sir, just they said that Chu Feng is the child of Jie Ranqing?” “大人,刚刚他们说,那楚枫界染清之子?” This meeting real?” “这会是真的吗?” Jiang Taibai asked. He still felt difficult believing. 姜太白问道。他仍是感觉难以置信。 Possibly is false?” “可能是假的吗?” You do not have a look at these people to the Chu Feng's attitude.” “你也不看看那些人对楚枫的态度。” Rejoiced that rejoiced initially you lost to him in Eastern Territory, otherwise if, the Jia Lingyi fate is our fates.” Jiang Jingyu said after a sigh. “庆幸吧,庆幸当初在东域你们败给了他,如若不然,贾令仪的下场便是我们的下场。”姜靖宇感叹道。 If, that... that even if he did not investigate, what to do if others do investigate?” “倘若是真的,那…那就算他不追究,万一其他人追究怎么办?” Jiang Yuantai opened the mouth, he despised Chu Feng before like that but knows that what kind of existence now Chu Feng is. 姜元泰开口了,他以前那般轻视楚枫,可现在才知道楚枫是怎样的存在。 Only can expect, picks the star Daoist priest to have this face, making them let off our horse.” “只能期望,摘星道长有这个面子,让他们放过我们一马。” Actually Jiang Jingyu, divination Bamboo Slip will take out gift Chu Feng specially, is the worry fears in these talents, some people are not willing to let off them. 其实姜靖宇,特意将占卜竹简取出赠予楚枫,也是担心怕这些天才之中,有人不肯放过他们。 Is wants to pick the face of star Sir, can guarantee their life. 是希望摘星大人的面子,能保他们一命。 Buzz- 嗡- But in the meantime, light beam shoots up to the sky. 而就在此时,一道光束冲天而起。 That light beam, the palace in precisely not far away grazes, arrives at the horizon deep place, blends with another two light beams. 那光束,正是自不远处的宫殿飞掠而出,到达天际深处,与另外两道光束交融。 But quick, three light beams vanish completely. 但很快,三道光束全部消失。 Vanishes together, just opened Chu Feng and others of third palace. 一同消失的,还有刚刚开启了第三座宫殿的楚枫等人 Now during Chu Feng they, entering were void, position that stands, precisely just three light beam connection places. 现在楚枫他们,进入了虚空之中,所站的位置,正是刚刚三道光束交汇的地方。 They stand here, outsider cannot see them. 他们站在这里,外人根本看不见他们。 But they can see outside situation, but sees is not only outside situation. 但他们能够看到外面的情况,但所见到的不仅仅是外面的情况。 In their all around, performing is the spell trace, innumerable say/way spell trace, dense and numerous fluttering around them. 在他们的四周,尽是符咒纹路,无数道符咒纹路,密密麻麻的飘荡在他们四周。 It is not the thing of practicing, but is interlinked with the thing of practicing, although cannot cultivation, but contains other information. 不是修行之物,但与修行之物相通,虽不能修炼,但却蕴藏着其他的信息。 The key is, this thing is very complex. 关键是,此物很复杂。 In addition, the good range is limited, has invisible strength bound they. 除此之外,他们所行范围有限,有无形的力量束缚着他们。 It seems like wants to find that place, is not easy.” Long Chengyu sighed. “看来想找到那地方,并不容易啊。”龙承羽叹道。 Before Chu Feng said, their three palaces are the locks, so long as breaks open three palaces, can find the place of hidden. 按照楚枫之前所说,他们三座宫殿是锁,只要破开三座宫殿,就能找到隐藏之地。 But now, they have achieved successfully, but was actually stranded here. 可现在,他们已经成功做到,但却被困到了这里。 Obviously, needs to find the clue to be good from these spell traces. 很显然,需要从这些符咒纹路之中找到线索才行。 But at this time, Chu Feng sat cross-legged above the midair. 而此时,楚枫则是盘坐在了半空之上。 „To enter the place of hidden to be very easy.” “想进入隐藏之地很容易。” But can harvest many, here is most important.” “但能收获多少,这里是重中之重。” everyone, attentive sensibility.” 诸位,用心感悟。” Chu Feng this words saying, then pinches the law secret art, close your eyes. 楚枫此话说完,便捏动法诀,闭上眼。 Little Fishy, with Xianhai Shaoyu, as well as Ling Xiao and others also complies immediately. 小鱼儿,和仙海少禹,以及灵霄等人也是立刻照做。 Sees that Long Chengyu as well as Qin Xuan and others, sits cross-legged to sit down immediately. 见状,龙承羽以及秦玄等人,也是立刻盘膝坐下。 ...... …… The time passes, in the teleportation tunnel, Jia Lingyi lies in the tunnel of fast circulation together. 时间流逝,一道传送隧道内,贾令仪趴在快速流转的隧道内。 This time she is thin, from top to bottom just like the skeleton, besides also the skin, as well as also has beyond the weak aura, has not distinguished with the deceased person, the strength of continually moving does not have. 此时的她骨瘦如柴,浑身上下跟骷髅一样,除了还有一层皮,以及还有微弱的气息外,跟死人没有区别,连动弹的力气都没有。 Stimulates to movement that to escape from formation technique, she paid the incomparably deeply grieved price. 催动那逃脱阵法,她付出了无比惨痛的代价。 Present she, the fierce person, the fierce treasure, is unable to make her restore cultivation realm even, the life is unable again cultivation. 现在的她,就算再厉害的人,再厉害的宝物,也无法让她恢复修为,此生再也无法修炼 The life is also limited, few year of skills. 就连生命也是有限的,没有几年活头了。 But she does not hesitate so the price, must flee, to not maintain life, she wants to inform Pill Dao Immortal Sect. 可她之所以不惜如此代价,还是要逃离,不是为了保命,她是想通知丹道仙宗 She had realized, present Chu Feng, her Pill Dao Immortal Sect cannot offend. 她已经意识到,现在的楚枫,她丹道仙宗得罪不起。 Must hide. 必须躲起来。 Suddenly, the scenery changes all around, body falling of ruthlessly Jia Lingyi on the ground. 忽然,周遭景色变化,贾令仪的身体狠狠的摔在了地上。 She has come out from Teleportation Formation. 她已是自传送阵内出来。 Comes... to come the person... to come the person.” “来…来人…来人啊。” Jia Lingyi lies on the ground, not being able to move, even the sound is incomparable weak. 贾令仪趴在地上,动弹不得,连声音都是无比的虚弱。 teleportation end point that but she sets up, is situated in her Pill Dao Immortal Sect. 可她设下的传送终点,乃是位于她丹道仙宗之内。 Here, some people guard, so long as she comes back, some people will greet her. 在这里,是有人把守的,所以只要她回来,就会有人迎接她。 However she shouts one, actually and has no response, instead listens carefully, sound all around is somewhat noisy. 但是她呼喊一阵,却并没有任何回应,反而细细听来,周遭的声音有些嘈杂。 That resembles is the sound of flame combustion goods. 那似是火焰燃烧物品的声音。 And she can also feel the feeling of burning hot to sweep across the body. 并且她还能感受到炙热的感觉席卷着身体。 Therefore she exhausts the final strength, lifted the head, actually wanted to have a look to have what matter. 于是她用尽最后的力气,抬起了头,想要看看究竟发生了何事。 But this looks, she pupil enlarges, over the face despairs immediately. 可这一看,她顿时瞳孔放大,满面绝望。 As far as eyes can reach, the flame is exceedingly high, entire Pill Dao Immortal Sect by dreadful flame package. 一眼望去,火焰通天,整个丹道仙宗都被滔天火焰包裹。 Was given the construction of powerful formation technique, is crashing, but the ground is completely the remnant corpse of burn. 就连被赋予强大阵法的建筑,也都正在崩塌,而地上尽是烧焦的残尸。 That died, is completely the person of his Pill Dao Immortal Sect!!! 那死去的,全部是他丹道仙宗之人!!! Her Pill Dao Immortal Sect, extinguished sect!!! 丹道仙宗,被灭宗了!!! Anyone, is who does, is who does?” “谁,是谁做的,是谁做的?” Distressed incomparable Jia Lingyi, the body burst out to exceed own strength, gave out rending angry roaring. 痛心无比的贾令仪,身体迸发出了超越自身的力气,发出了撕心裂肺的怒吼。 Creaking- 嘎吱- Creaking- 嘎吱- But in the meantime, as if hears the sound of footsteps. 而就在此时,身后仿佛传来脚步声。 She turn head waits and sees, discovered that in the flame of not far away, there is a form together to flee, is approaching to her. 她回头观望,发现不远处的火焰中,有一道身影窜动,正在向她靠近。 Quick, the flame removes, that form goes out from the flame. 很快,火焰褪去,那身影自火焰之中走出。 That is an old woman, the attire is solemn, but actually the facial features completely destroy. 那是一名老太太,衣着端庄,但却面容尽毁。 May see this person, the Jia Lingyi whole person in same place, on the face emerges scared extremely. 可看到此人,贾令仪整个人都愣在了原地,脸上涌现出极度的恐慌。 „Haven't you... you really died unexpectedly?” “你…你竟真的没死?” PS: Recommends everyone itself/Ben, very attractive novel, work «Day Counter» author Chen Hui of my good friend. This book has terminated, everyone can feel relieved to look, is very good. PS:推荐大家一本,非常好看的小说,我好朋友的作品《天逆》作者陈辉。这本书已经完结,大家可以放心去看,真的很棒。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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