MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5812: Divine Deer restoration

Chapter 5810 Divine Deer restoration 第5810章神鹿恢复 Chu Feng received this bead. 楚枫将这颗珠子收了起来。 This bead, is the rare treasure. 这颗珠子,乃难得的宝物。 Regarding cultivation realm by the person of abolishing, will have the extremely good effect. 对于修为被废除之人,将有极佳功效。 Wants initially, Chu Feng Jia Lingyi waste is so thorough, she can restore to this situation. 想当初,楚枫贾令仪废的那么彻底,她都能够恢复到这种地步。 If uses to Bai Yunqing, that effect is inevitably better. 若是给白云卿来用的话,那效果必然更好。 Chu Feng, I knew wrong.” 楚枫,我知道错了。” In the meantime, Jia Lingyi opens the mouth. 就在此时,贾令仪开口了。 I regretted, I have not thought, an initial decision, will breed today such result.” “我后悔了,我也没想到,当初的一个决定,会酿成今日这样的结果。” I acknowledged that my Jia Lingyi is an evil person, but if can choose, I not will strike a vicious blow to your paternal grandmother and her family member.” “我承认我贾令仪是个恶人,但若是能够重新选择,我不会对你奶奶和她的家人下毒手。” Chu Feng, I know me to do all kinds of evil, my heinous crime, you killed me, but I asked you to let off my Pill Dao Immortal Sect.” 楚枫,我知道我作恶多端,我罪该万死,你杀了我吧,但是我求你放过我丹道仙宗。” I asked you, I asked you.” “我求求你了,我求求你们了。” Words to here, weak Jia Lingyi, diligently crawls to set out, unexpectedly to Chu Feng, as well as Chu Feng behind numerous position talent discount. 话到此处,虚弱的贾令仪,努力的爬起身来,竟对着楚枫,以及楚枫身后的众位天才扣头。 Obviously, she had realized, she arrived at the dead end. 显然,她已经意识到,她到了绝路。 Actually she is not clear, why so many talents and Chu Feng stand, is Chu Feng supports. 其实她不明白,为何这么多天才与楚枫站在一起,为楚枫撑腰。 But she knows, having these talents is the words that Chu Feng supports, her Pill Dao Immortal Sect then not possible to contend with Chu Feng. 可她知道的是,有这些天才为楚枫撑腰的话,她丹道仙宗便再也不可能与楚枫抗衡。 Jia Lingyi, do you want with your death, to preserve your Pill Dao Immortal Sect?” 贾令仪,你想用自己的死,来保全你丹道仙宗?” I told you, this was the not possible matter.” “我告诉你,这是不可能的事。” I kill you now, easy as pie, but I want you to live.” “我现在杀了你,易如反掌,可我要你活着。” I want your pain is living, wants you to visit me with own eyes, your Pill Dao Immortal Sect person, complete killing off.” “我要你痛苦的活着,要你亲眼看着我,将你丹道仙宗的人,一个一个的全部杀光。” Chu Feng said to Jia Lingyi. 楚枫贾令仪说道。 Chu Feng, the calamity is less than the family member, the calamity is less than the family member, you let off my Pill Dao Immortal Sect, I asked you.” 楚枫,祸不及家人,祸不及家人啊,你放过我丹道仙宗好吗,我求求你了。” Jia Lingyi has tears streaming down the face, crawls to the Chu Feng near, then put out a hand to grasp the Chu Feng's leg. 贾令仪泪流满面,爬到楚枫近前,便伸手想抱住了楚枫的腿。 Sees this, the Jiang Jingyu and others look is complex. 看到这一幕,姜靖宇等人神色复杂。 Jia Lingyi in their mind, but keeps aloof, ray sparkle. 他们印象中的贾令仪,可是高高在上,光芒闪耀的。 Has not thought that Jia Lingyi unexpectedly also so base and low side. 从没想过,贾令仪竟也会如此卑微的一面。 Jia Lingyi, actually on is also some people of strength of spirit. 贾令仪,实际也上是一个有些骨气之人。 Initially she was detained by Totem Dragon Clan, conducted the torture trial, pressed for an answer in her Totem Dragon Clan, rebel who whether colluded with her. 当初她被图腾龙族关押起来,进行了酷刑审判,逼问她图腾龙族之内,是否还有与她勾结的叛徒。 Jia Lingyi anything had not said actually. 贾令仪硬是什么都没说。 But in fact, she decided however has long known the matter of Long Lin(dragon scale). 可事实上,她定然早就知道龙鳞之事。 She was also clear that this matter cannot say, if said her Pill Dao Immortal Sect can not guarantee. 她也清楚这种事不能说,若是说了她丹道仙宗将会不保。 Although this Jia Lingyi does all kinds of evil, but to Pill Dao Immortal Sect, pouring also has several points of true feelings. 贾令仪虽然作恶多端,但对丹道仙宗,倒也是有着几分真情。 But do her true feelings, close the Chu Feng trifling thing? 可她的真情,关楚枫屁事? Hand of Jia Lingyi, but also without bumping into the Chu Feng's leg, Chu Feng then tramples on her face, tramples her turns in the place. 贾令仪的手,还没碰到楚枫的腿,楚枫便一脚踹在她的脸上,将她踹翻在地。 „Is calamity less than the family member?” “祸不及家人?” „Did you also match to speak these words?” “你也配说这句话?” Your Pill Dao Immortal Sect actions, do not match to have on World.” “你丹道仙宗的所作所为,不配存在于世上。” Regardless of there are you, your Pill Dao Immortal Sect must vanish from this world.” “无论有没有你,你丹道仙宗都必须从这个世界消失。” In the Chu Feng's eye does not have killing intent, but actually completely has made up mind, in his mind, Pill Dao Immortal Sect had been included in the list that must eliminate. 楚枫的眼中没有杀意,但却尽是决意,在他的心中,丹道仙宗已被列入必除的名单。 After hearing Chu Feng these words, Jia Lingyi raise one's head looked to Long Chengyu and Long Muxi. 听到楚枫这番话后,贾令仪抬头看向了龙承羽龙沐熙 Sees these two, after the eye the similarly cold glow surges . 看到这两位,眼中同样寒芒涌动之后。 She also realized, her Pill Dao Immortal Sect is unable to preserve. 她也是意识到,她丹道仙宗是无法保全了。 Therefore, in her eye appears to wipe to have made up mind. 于是,她的眼中浮现出一抹决意。 - 呃啊- The next quarter, she sends out wailing of incomparable pain, the life aura that only saves passes fast. 下一刻,她发出无比痛苦的哀嚎,仅存的生命气息快速流逝。 But at the same time, his whole body ray is unexpectedly radiant, from its within the body, extends First Level formation power. 但与此同时,他周身竟光芒璀璨,自其体内,延伸出一重结界之力 That is the strength of teleportation, the strength of extremely powerful teleportation. 那是传送之力,极其强大的传送之力。 Jia Lingyi, is to escape. 贾令仪,是要逃脱。 Sees that Chu Feng arranges to block formation technique immediately, blocks Jia Lingyi. 见状,楚枫立刻布置封锁阵法,将贾令仪封锁起来。 To prevent Jia Lingyi to escape. 想要阻止贾令仪逃脱。 But does to the strength of teleportation to be extremely strong, the next quarter then vanished in this place. 但奈何传送之力极强,下一刻便消失在了此地。 Unexpectedly ran?” “居然跑了?” On her, is hiding the so fierce treasure unexpectedly?” “她身上,竟藏着如此厉害的宝物?” Was seeing with own eyes Jia Lingyi vanishes does not see, the numerous position talents are also somewhat accidental/surprised. 眼见着贾令仪消失不见,众位天才也是有些意外。 What their accident/surprise is, the body of Jia Lingyi, has such treasure unexpectedly. 他们意外的是,贾令仪的身上,竟有那样的至宝 Pill Dao Immortal Sect, is inherits many years of World Spiritist sect, Ancient Ruins they may enter much.” 丹道仙宗,是传承多年的界灵师宗门,远古遗迹他们可进入过不少。” Has precious rare treasures, is nothing unusual, but I thought her just, in the strength of life the combustion only saved.” “有珍贵的奇珍异宝,也不足为奇,只不过我看她刚刚,在燃烧仅存的生命之力。” Such combustion, is the self- destruction.” “这样的燃烧,是自我毁灭。” Among world fierce treasure, is impossible to help her restore cultivation realm.” “天下间再厉害的至宝,也不可能帮她恢复修为。” She, although escaped, but thorough was also waste.” Ling Xiao says. “她虽然逃了,可也彻底废了。”灵霄开口说道。 No wonder she starts not to use, originally after using, will pay the so deeply grieved price, did this escape with not to run away what difference?” “难怪她开始不用,原来用了之后,会付出如此惨痛的代价,这逃了跟没逃有何区别?” Qin Xuan felt that some too did not understand. 秦玄感到有些不太理解。 Anti- precisely dies, must escape, isn't moves unnecessarily? 正是死,还是要逃,不是多此一举吗? But the cocoa... possibly felt, if remains, can... be suffered by my Little Brother is more miserable.” Wang Qiang guessed. “可可可…可能是觉得,若是留下来,会会…会被我兄弟折磨的更惨吧。”王强猜测道。 Actually in principle.” Regarding this guess, agreed. “倒是在理。”对于这个猜测,表示认同。 As for Chu Feng, then felt Ling Xiao said is very right. 至于楚枫,则是觉得灵霄说的很对。 Chu Feng just, the palm penetrated the Jia Lingyi body time, has used Spirit power, searched her treasure. 楚枫刚刚,手掌穿透贾令仪身躯的时候,就已经动用精神力,搜查了她身上的宝物。 This bead, is Chu Feng searches. 这颗珠子,就是楚枫搜查出来的。 However in addition, Chu Feng has not searched other thing. 但是除此之外,楚枫并没有搜查到其他东西 But strength of no small matter just teleportation, was precisely the strength of disposable teleportation. 可刚刚的传送之力非同小可,且是一次性的传送之力。 That inevitably is treasure. 那必然是至宝 After all can avoid the Chu Feng search treasure, obviously of its strength. 毕竟能够躲开楚枫搜查的至宝,可见其力量之强。 Therefore Chu Feng thought that was somewhat a pity. 所以楚枫觉得有些可惜。 Such treasure, if can unearth, obviously is better. 这样的宝物,若能挖掘出来,显然更好。 Chu Feng.” 楚枫。” This god restored.” “本神恢复了。” In the meantime, a familiar sound resounds, is Divine Deer. 就在此时,一个熟悉的声音响起,乃是神鹿 This is a good news. 这是一个好消息。 Divine Deer strength, but acted charitably compared with the god with, even formation could not block her. 神鹿的力量,可远比神行好用多了,连结界都挡不住她。 Said that she exempts the dead gold medal together, is not overrated. 说她是一道免死金牌,也毫不为过。 Knew senior.” Chu Feng said after Divine Deer this words, then looked to Qin Xuan and others. “知道了前辈。”楚枫神鹿说完此话后,便看向了秦玄等众人。 Chu Feng's has not planned to kill Jia Lingyi firmly. 楚枫的确没打算杀贾令仪 Present Jia Lingyi, could not have turned the storm, Chu Feng really thinks, making Jia Lingyi look with own eyes oneself destroy Pill Dao Immortal Sect. 现在的贾令仪,已经翻不起风浪了,楚枫是真的想,让贾令仪亲眼看着自己毁灭丹道仙宗 Make her also feel, the clansman by the pain that the slaughter extinguishes. 让她也感受一下,族人被屠灭的痛苦。 Chu Feng present ability, therefore can only make her live. 只是楚枫现在的能力还不到,所以只能让她活着。 But Chu Feng is also thinking, first controls Jia Lingyi, after they leave, then puts her to walk. 楚枫也是想着,先将贾令仪控制起来,待得他们离开之后,再放她走。 Has not once thought that the body of Jia Lingyi, is also hiding the thing of such fierce escaping unexpectedly. 没曾想贾令仪的身上,竟然还藏着那样厉害的逃跑之物。 Although the price is big enough, but Jia Lingyi escaped is also the fact. 虽然代价足够大,但贾令仪逃脱了也是事实。 Chu Feng actually fearless, but cares, whether can the people of these peers have the influence. 楚枫倒是无惧,但还是在意,是否会这些同行之人造成影响。 Therefore Chu Feng asked to the people: everyone, really did not mind that she will see our matters do pass on?” 于是楚枫对众人问道:“诸位,真的不介意她将见到我们之事传出去?” Big Brother, making her reach an agreement, I measured her not to dare.” 大哥哥,让她去说好了,我量她不敢。” Even she dares me not to fear.” “就算她敢我也不怕。” She dares saying that I extinguished her Pill Dao Immortal Sect Little Fishy to say. “她敢说,我就灭了她丹道仙宗小鱼儿说道。 Right that the Yu'er miss said that she does not dare absolutely, if she dares saying that but invites trouble.” 鱼儿姑娘说的对,她绝对不敢,她若敢说,只是惹祸上身。” Qin Xuan this words saying, but also looked specially to Jiang Jingyu and others: You , to say, can say.” 秦玄此话说完,还特意看向了姜靖宇等人:“你们若是想说,也可以说。” He such remarks, Jiang Jingyu and others shakes the head hastily: Qin Xuan Young Master felt relieved, we will not meet your matters to say absolutely today, half character will not say.” 他此话一出,姜靖宇等人连忙摇头:“秦玄少爷放心,我们绝对不会将今日遇到你们的事说出去,半个字都不会说。” Saw this effect, Qin Xuan showed the satisfactory smile, therefore arrived at side Chu Feng, patted the Chu Feng shoulder. 看到这个效果,秦玄露出了满意的笑容,于是走到楚枫身旁,拍了拍楚枫肩膀。 Chu Feng, we walk.” 楚枫,咱们走吧。” „The little Yu small shrimp does not need to care.” 小鱼小虾不用在意。” Proper business is important.” “正事要紧。” Looked coming out, Qin Xuan really does not care about escaping of Jia Lingyi. 看的出来,秦玄是真的不在意贾令仪的逃脱。 Not is only he, other talents do not care. 不仅是他,其他天才也不在意。 Because of their behind influences, gave their enough energy. 因为他们身后的势力,给了他们足够的底气。 Un, walks.” Chu Feng also nods, prepares to complete the goal of their trip, to the third palace interest. “嗯,走。”楚枫也点头,准备完成他们此行的目的,向第三座宫殿兴趣。 Chu Feng young hero, please wait.” 楚枫少侠,请等一下。” May in this time, Jiang Jingyu actually open the mouth suddenly. 可在此时,姜靖宇却忽然开口。 PS: PS: Little Brother, today, the Martial God animation entered the popular best-selling list of Tencent video. 兄弟们,就在今天,武神动漫进入腾讯视频的流行畅销榜了。 Now the pressure gave the honeybee, I need before this month ended, completes one-day 15 chapters of eruptions. 现在压力给到了蜜蜂,我需要在本月结束之前,完成一次单日十五章的爆发。 I will try hard, but 15 chapters are not simple, since this is Martial God serializes, the honeybee has not achieved big eruption. 我会努力的,不过十五章不简单,这是武神连载至今,蜜蜂还从来没做到过的大爆发。 Please to the honeybee some time, thank everyone's support!!! 请给蜜蜂一些时间,谢谢大家的支持!!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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