MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5811: Can abandon one time, can abandon the second time

Chapter 5809 can abandon one time, can abandon the second time 第5809章能废一次,就能废第二次 Jiang Kongping, Jiang Yuantai, could not have spoken, by frightening forcefully, even the words could not really be said. 姜空平,姜元泰,已经说不出话来了,是真的被硬生生的吓到,连话都说不出来。 Jiang Taibai also really looks deathly pale, he is insufficient frightened speech but actually, but he actually does not dare to talk too much. 姜太白也是真的脸色惨白,他倒不至于被吓的说不出话,但他却不敢多嘴。 Jiang Jingyu, is extremely scared. 就连姜靖宇,也是极度恐慌。 Qin Xuan? 秦玄 Long Chengyu? 龙承羽 Long Muxi? 龙沐熙 Yuwen Yanri? 宇文炎日 Xianhai Shaoyu? 仙海少禹 Xianhai Yu'er? 仙海鱼儿 Ling Xiao, Jie Baobao?...... 灵霄,界宝宝?…… Jiang Jingyu cannot believe, these reputation illustrious talents, will appear simultaneously here, can with Chu Feng in the same place. 姜靖宇不敢相信,这些名声赫赫的天才,会同时出现在这里,会与楚枫在一起。 Chu Feng, he has certainly heard, Jiang Taibai and Jiang Kongping they, told with him about the Chu Feng's matter. 楚枫,他当然听闻过,姜太白姜空平他们,都与他讲述了关于楚枫的事。 But Jiang Taibai they, lose to the hand of Chu Feng although, but before Jiang Jingyu, felt, Chu Feng is some juniors of talent, extremely has not cared. 可尽管姜太白他们,是败于楚枫之手,但姜靖宇之前也只是觉得,楚枫是有些天赋的小辈,并未太过放在心上。 But now, does Chu Feng with these, the vast martial cultivation world strongest talents gather at one? 可现在,楚枫怎么与这些,浩瀚修武界最强的天才们聚集在了一起? False, you are fake.” “假的,你们是假的。” You are pretend to be.” “你们是冒充的。” Long Chengyu, Long Muxi, haven't you died?” 龙承羽,龙沐熙,你们不是已经死了吗?” You, even if has not died, will still be detained, how can here?” “你们就算没死,也应该被关押起来,怎么会在这里?” False, you are fake, wants to pretend to be these talents to deceive me? You think my Jia Lingyi is silly?” “假的,你们都是假的,想冒充这些天才来欺骗我?你们以为我贾令仪是傻的吗?” My Jia Lingyi coming out that but the World Spiritist talent, I look, you are pretend to be, is pretends to be.” “我贾令仪可是界灵师天才,我看的出来,你们都是冒充的,是冒充的。” Jia Lingyi looks fiercely is roaring, although the sound is very loud, but is difficult to cover her flurry. 贾令仪面露狰狞的咆哮着,尽管声音很大,可却难掩她的慌乱。 She flustered, reason that was so flurried, was because she observed earnestly, actually could not see the flaw. 她慌极了,之所以如此慌乱,是因为她认真观察,却看不出破绽。 These famous talents, as if really guarantee exchange if not genuine. 这些大名鼎鼎的天才,似乎真的如假包换。 Boisterous.” “聒噪。” Xianhai Shaoyu light opens the mouth. 仙海少禹淡淡开口。 The next quarter, the Xianhai Shaoyu clothes robe waves, release his Seventh Rank Half God cultivation realm. 下一刻,仙海少禹衣袍舞动,释放出了他那七品半神修为 That pressure falls on the head of Jia Lingyi, in the wink of an eye then lying that Jia Lingyi pressed on the ground, could not move. 那威压落在贾令仪的头上,瞬息之间便将贾令仪压的趴在了地上,动弹不得。 Seventh Rank Half God?” 七品半神?” No promotion, this is real cultivation realm.” “没有任何提升,这是真实修为。” He is really Xianhai Shaoyu, is the vast martial cultivation world strongest talent.” “他真的是仙海少禹,是浩瀚修武界最强天才。” Jiang Jingyu shiver opened the mouth. 姜靖宇颤抖的开口了。 Jia Lingyi is Immortal Dragon God-cloak, has to endure to compare Seventh Rank Half God cultivation realm. 贾令仪仙龙神袍,拥有堪比七品半神修为 May facing the Xianhai Shaoyu pressure, not have including a strength of resistance. 可面对仙海少禹的威压,却连一点反抗的力气都没有。 This is the strength suppression. 这是战力压制。 So the strength, so cultivation realm, does not need any argument, he has proven oneself status. 如此战力,如此修为,无需任何辩解,他已证明了自己的身份。 The present age junior, is impossible to have the second person, has such strength. 当代小辈,不可能有第二个人,拥有如此实力。 Only then Xianhai Shaoyu may achieve!!! 只有仙海少禹有可能达到!!! Since Xianhai Shaoyu real, that other talents possibly are not false. 既然仙海少禹都是真的,那其他天才也不可能是假的。 These people, are real, the name shakes vast martial cultivation world, each Galaxy strongest talent. 这些人,都是货真价实,名震浩瀚修武界,各个天河的最强天才。 „Did you... you go to Summit of Nine Heavens?” “你…你去了九天之巅?” Lies in ground Jia Lingyi, looks to Chu Feng. 趴在地上的贾令仪,看向楚枫 She responded, Chu Feng decided however went to Summit of Nine Heavens, otherwise was impossible to know Xianhai Shaoyu they. 她反应过来了,楚枫定然是去了九天之巅,不然不可能认识仙海少禹他们。 Responded?” “反应过来了?” Xianhai Shaoyu in the posture of overlooking, looks to lie in ground Jia Lingyi. 仙海少禹以俯视之姿,看着趴在地上的贾令仪 Xianhai Young Master, why... does your such status, why need to be a companion with Chu Feng?” 仙海少爷,为何…您这样的身份,为何要与楚枫为伍?” Ling Xiao Young Master, Miss.” “还有灵霄少爷,界小姐。” You, you do not know that Chu Feng at the matter that Seven Worlds Saint Mansion does do?” “你们,你们难道不知道楚枫七界圣府做的事吗?” The Jia Lingyi tone changed, becomes base and low. 贾令仪的语气变了,变得卑微至极。 After determining these talents are real, she does not dare to have one to idle. 当确定了这些天才都是货真价实的后,她不敢有一丝懈怠。 No matter she usually how rampant. 不管她平日多么的嚣张。 May in the face of these talents, her anything not be. 可在这些天才面前,她什么都不是。 Why?” “为何?” Why I told you.” “我告诉你为何。” In the meantime, the Qin Xuan stand, he not only looked to Jia Lingyi, swept to Jiang Jingyu, Jiang Taibai, Jiang Yuantai, Jiang Kongping and others. 就在此时,秦玄站了出来,他不仅看向了贾令仪,也扫向了姜靖宇,姜太白,姜元泰,姜空平等人 Finally, he collected the vision on Chu Feng's. 最终,他将目光汇集在了楚枫的身上。 He spreads out both hands, aims at Chu Feng, immediately looks to the people, this said: 他摊开双手,指向楚枫,旋即又看向众人,这才说道: Introduced for you.” “为你们介绍一下。” He, Chu Feng, Ancestral Martial Galaxy from Eastern Territory.” “他,楚枫,来自东域祖武天河。” His mother, is the Bloodline of owner Seven Worlds Saint Mansion king, Sir Jie Ranqing.” “他的母亲,乃是七界圣府王之血脉拥有者,界染清大人。” What?” “什么?” Qin Xuan such remarks, Jiang Jingyu, Jiang Taibai, Jiang Yuantai, Jiang Kongping and others immediately difficult believing of whole face. 秦玄此话一出,姜靖宇,姜太白,姜元泰,姜空平等人顿时满脸的难以置信。 As World Spiritist, they possibly do not know where Jie Ranqing is a character? 身为界灵师,他们怎么可能不知道界染清是何方人物? Is Chu Feng, unexpectedly the Jie Ranqing son? 楚枫,竟是界染清的儿子? Qin Xuan, pays attention to them radically, but fell the vision on the body of Jia Lingyi finally, continued saying: 秦玄,根本理会他们,而是最终将目光落在了贾令仪的身上,继续说道: However Chu Feng, also has Bloodline of king, and he also has Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, above Saint Grade.” “而楚枫,也同样拥有王之血脉,并且他还拥有天雷血脉,圣品之上。” King... Bloodline of king?” Jiang Taibai and others looks to Chu Feng, the look is extremely complex. “王…王之血脉?”姜太白等人看向楚枫,眼神极其复杂。 Moreover, he also in Summit of Nine Heavens, defeated ancient times the later generation, conquered Source of lineage/vein, captured the Summit of Nine Heavens strongest name.” “另外,他也是在九天之巅,击败远古后辈,征服脉之本源,斩获九天之巅最强之名。” Now vast martial cultivation world, deserving strongest talent.” “如今浩瀚修武界,当之无愧的最强天才。” Jia Lingyi, now why do you know?” 贾令仪,现在你知道为何了?” Jia Lingyi had not replied, these information made her somewhat not accept. 贾令仪没有回答,这些信息让她有些接受不了。 She knows that Chu Feng possibly went to Summit of Nine Heavens. 她知道楚枫可能去了九天之巅 But did Chu Feng finish the Summit of Nine Heavens strongest name unexpectedly? 可是楚枫竟获得了九天之巅的最强之名? That in other words, Qin Xuan, Ling Xiao, Yuwen Yanri, did Xianhai Shaoyu and other talents lose to Chu Feng? 那也就是说,秦玄,灵霄,宇文炎日,仙海少禹等天才都败给了楚枫 Is this possible? 这怎么可能呢? This is the not possible matter. 这是不可能的事啊。 The Chu Feng talent is good, is impossible to progress is so quick. 楚枫天赋再好,也不可能进步这么快。 But these talents here, if false, why they didn't refute? 但这些天才都在这里,若是假的,他们为何不反驳呢? Looks at that delay general Jia Lingyi, Qin Xuan continued saying: 看着那呆滞了一般的贾令仪,秦玄则继续说道: „If there is not understood, I explain again.” “如果还不懂,那我再说明白一点。” Now we, are Chu Feng mix, understood?” “现在我们,都是和楚枫混的,懂了吗?” Qin Xuan this words saying, Jiang Jingyu and others feels scalp tingles, is somewhat unconscious. 秦玄此话说完,姜靖宇等人都感觉头皮发麻,有些神志不清。 Let alone Jia Lingyi. 就别说贾令仪了。 Her whole person weak lying on the ground, with is dying was the same, a strength did not have. 她整个人瘫软的趴在地上,就跟要死了一样,一点力气都没有了。 But at this moment, Qin Xuan turned around, arrived at Chu Feng behind, really like the little brother, standing that called straight. 而此刻,秦玄则转身,走到了楚枫身后,真的像小弟一样,站的那叫一个笔直。 Wang Qiang and Long Chengyu, give the thumbs-up to Qin Xuan. 王强龙承羽,都冲着秦玄竖起了大拇指。 But Qin Xuan also looks happily, held holding the fist in the other hand. 秦玄也面露得意,抱了抱拳。 That small manner, probably very proud as. 那个小神态,好像很骄傲似的。 Sees that Chu Feng looks to Qin Xuan: 见状,楚枫看向秦玄: Qin brother, did not fear that Seven Worlds Saint Mansion does ask you to trouble?” “秦兄,不怕七界圣府找你麻烦?” What fears? Her goods, said some words people who do believe? Does she... dare to say?” “怕什么?她这种货色,说出去的话有人信吗?她…敢说吗?” Chu Feng, you, even if not kill her, I did not fear.” 楚枫,你就算不杀她,我也不怕。” The words to here, Qin Xuan also look to Ling Xiao: 话到此处,秦玄还看向灵霄: Ling Xiao, do you fear? 灵霄,你怕吗? Naturally did not fear.” Ling Xiao looks contemptuously. “自然不怕。”灵霄面露轻蔑。 Qin Xuan looks to Yuwen Yanri: Yuwen Yanri, do you fear?” 秦玄又看向宇文炎日:“宇文炎日,你怕吗?” Yuwen Yanri had not replied, but actually shakes the head. 宇文炎日没有回答,但却摇了摇头。 Yes, their status, how will fear Jia Lingyi this goods. 是啊,他们这种身份,怎么会惧怕贾令仪这种货色。 Why this is also they dares to identify one's role when first coming on stage, reason that even beams with joy simply. 这也是为何他们敢自报家门,甚至干脆露脸的原因。 Because by their status, they have not paid attention to Jia Lingyi from beginning to end. 因为以他们的身份,从始至终都没有将贾令仪他们放在眼里。 Naturally also on fearless Jia Lingyi they, passes on here matter. 自然也就无惧贾令仪他们,将这里的事传出去。 If Jia Lingyi dares to pass on, that invites trouble instead is Jia Lingyi they. 若是贾令仪敢传,那惹祸上身的反而是贾令仪他们。 Chu Feng also understands this truth, therefore looked to Xianhai Shaoyu: Brother Shaoyu, lets loose her.” 楚枫也明白这个道理,于是看向了仙海少禹:“少禹兄,放开她。” Xianhai Shaoyu, takes back the pressure immediately. 仙海少禹,立刻收回威压。 Chu Feng step by step, arrives in front of Jia Lingyi, tore off the mask on Jia Lingyi face, revealed that ugly facial features. 楚枫一步一步,走到贾令仪面前,一把将贾令仪脸上的面具扯掉,露出了那丑陋的面容。 But Chu Feng this action, enraged Jia Lingyi immediately, knew she who is doomed, such as the mad dog sets out to plunge Chu Feng generally. 楚枫这个举动,顿时激怒了贾令仪,自知在劫难逃的她,如疯狗一般起身扑向楚枫 I butchered......” “我宰了……” But her words have not said, was shocked. 可她话未说完,便愣住了。 Chu Feng not only avoided her offensive easily, the Chu Feng's palm, was the sharp blade is more common, inserted Jia Lingyi dantian. 楚枫不仅轻而易举的躲开了她的攻势,楚枫的手掌,更是利刃一般,插入了贾令仪丹田 Jia Lingyi, I can abandon your one time, can abandon your second time.” 贾令仪,我能废你一次,就能废你第二次。” Chu Feng this words saying, Jia Lingyi then sends out incomparably pitiful wailing. 楚枫此话说完,贾令仪便发出无比凄惨的哀嚎。 Because Jia Lingyi cultivation realm is diverging fast, Source was pulling out by Chu Feng leaves. 因为贾令仪修为正在快速散去,本源都在被楚枫抽离。 Quick, her whole body strength loses, such as the dead dog lies on the ground generally. 很快,她浑身力气丧失,如死狗一般趴在地上。 This time she, degenerated into a disabled person again. 此时的她,再度沦为了一个废人。 But in Chu Feng hand, is grasping glittering and translucent carving, unites the extraordinary strength the bead. 楚枫手中,则是握着一颗晶莹剔透,凝聚不凡力量的珠子。 „Is this you can restore the cultivation realm root?” “这就是你能恢复修为的根源吧?” Chu Feng looks that this bead sighed. 楚枫看着这颗珠子叹道。 Because this precisely takes from the Jia Lingyi body. 因为这正是贾令仪身体里取出来的。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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