MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5810: Does the rebel influence, bluff and bluster?

Does Chapter 5808 rebel influence, bluff and bluster? 第5808章叛徒势力,耀武扬威? Jiang Jingyu, so long as you hand over your son, I can make you return to Pill Dao Immortal Sect.” 姜靖宇,只要你将你儿子交出来,我可以让你们回到丹道仙宗。” And gives treatment that you could not obtain in the past.” “并且给你以往得不到的待遇。” This Jiang Yuantai can also have a good future at least.” “这样起码姜元泰还能有个好的前程。” Otherwise if, the person who my Jia Lingyi wants, living that you guarantee?” “如若不然,我贾令仪想要的人,你保的住吗?” If I caught Jiang Kongping personally, you may this opportunity not have.” “若是等我亲手抓到了姜空平,你可就连这个机会都没有了。” Was seeing with own eyes is unable to defeat Jiang Jingyu, Jia Lingyi then speaks the threat. 眼见着无法击败姜靖宇,贾令仪便出言威胁。 Sir Lingyi, my child is young, asking you to spare and not punish too severely, lets off him.” Jiang Jingyu implored urgently. 令仪大人,我儿年纪尚小,求你高抬贵手,放过他吧。”姜靖宇苦苦哀求。 Is only a son, are you so why dedicated?” Jia Lingyi asked. “只是一个儿子,你何必如此执着?”贾令仪问道。 Sir Lingyi, if your son, you do give up?” 令仪大人,若是您的儿子,您舍得吗?” You, if not wants cultivation, uses my life Jiang Jingyu to sigh. “您若非要修炼,就用我的命吧”姜靖宇叹道。 Who Hahaha......” may once think, Jia Lingyi laughs, immediately received the offensive. 哈哈哈哈……”可谁曾想,贾令仪一阵大笑,旋即收起了攻势。 This, lets Jiang Jingyu is also somewhat puzzled. 这一幕,让姜靖宇也是有些不解。 But after Jia Lingyi receives the offensive, he also receives the offensive immediately. 贾令仪收起攻势之后,他也是立刻收起攻势。 Sees, he fears Jia Lingyi very much, does not want really with Jia Lingyi for the enemy. 看到出来,他很惧怕贾令仪,并不想真的与贾令仪为敌。 Good, Jiang Jingyu, I have not misread you, your performance I am very satisfied.” Jia Lingyi sighed. “不错,姜靖宇,我没有看错你,你的表现我很满意。”贾令仪叹道。 Sir Lingyi, you... you?” 令仪大人,您…难道您?” Jiang Jingyu was shocked, but actually thought of a good possibility. 姜靖宇愣住了,但却想到了一个好的可能。 Although in this place meet is accidental, but I actually live you early and others recalled the heart of Pill Dao Immortal Sect.” “虽然于此地相遇乃是偶然,但我其实早生将你等召回丹道仙宗之心。” But you leave after all already a while, I also need to probe your moral behavior, whether to make good use for me.” “可你毕竟离开已有一阵子,我还需要试探一下你的人品,能否为我重用。” Is good because, this result is satisfying.” Jia Lingyi said. “不过好在,这个结果是令人满意的。”贾令仪道。 Sir Lingyi, therefore your beforehand words, are under the probe?” Jiang Jingyu great happiness. 令仪大人,所以你之前的话,都是在试探属下?”姜靖宇大喜。 That is......” Jia Lingyi smiles certainly lightly, may point at one finger/refers suddenly, formation power changes to the formation long sword together, pierced the chest of Jiang Jingyu directly. “那是当然……”贾令仪淡淡一笑,可忽然手指一指,一道结界之力化作结界长剑,直接洞穿了姜靖宇的胸口。 Afterward, that formation long sword changes blocks formation technique, innumerable chains appear, the twinkling then tied up Jiang Jingyu. 随后,那结界长剑化作封锁阵法,无数锁链浮现,瞬息便把姜靖宇捆绑了起来。 You......” only then, Jiang Jingyu realized oneself were swindled. “你……”直到此时,姜靖宇才意识到自己上当了。 Stupid.” Jia Lingyi satire looks at Jiang Jingyu. “愚蠢。”贾令仪讽刺的看着姜靖宇 Father!!!” “父亲!!!” But sees this situation, Jiang Kongping and Jiang Yuantai rushes over immediately. 而见此情形,姜空平姜元泰立刻冲了过去。 Meanwhile, Jiang Taibai and others also rush over. 与此同时,姜太白等众人也是冲了过去。 You, don't I ask you to leave?” “你们,我不是让你们走吗?” „Do you also come back to do?” “你们还回来干什么?” Saw that these people come back, Jiang Jingyu not happy, instead flies into a rage. 看到这些人回来,姜靖宇并未高兴,反而勃然大怒。 But Jia Lingyi laughs loudly. 贾令仪则是放声大笑。 Hahaha... the scene of good proper family relationships, really suits me.” 哈哈哈哈…好一个父慈子孝的场面,真是正合我意啊。” Jia Lingyi is afraid Jiang Kongping to escape, rushes to lift the hand, arranges one to block formation technique, the Jiang Kongping blockade in middle. 贾令仪似是害怕姜空平逃脱,赶忙抬手,布置一座封锁阵法,把姜空平封锁在了当中。 Jia Lingyi, is really face does not want.” 贾令仪,真是老脸都不要了。” Can be victorious others, with so damage to incur unexpectedly, such as your so underhanded female, I have never seen.” “打不过人家,竟用如此损招,如你这般下作之女子,我从未见过。” In the meantime, the Chu Feng sound resounds. 就在此时,楚枫声音响起。 Afterward, Chu Feng as well as Wang Qiang and others , is the flying falls, appears in the Jia Lingyi vision. 随后,楚枫以及王强等众人,也是飞身落下,出现在贾令仪的视线范围之内。 Who?” Sees this weaponry, Jia Lingyi is also somewhat anxious. “何人?”看到这个阵仗,贾令仪也是有些不安。 Jia Lingyi, even couldn't my sound listen?” 贾令仪,连我的声音都听不出来了?” Why brings the mask, doesn't have the means to face the ugly disgusting face?” Chu Feng said again. “为何带着面具,是没办法面对自己丑陋恶心的脸吗?”楚枫再度说道。 You, are you Chu Feng?” Perfectly round that the Jia Lingyi eyes stare, her some do not believe. “你,你是楚枫?”贾令仪双眼瞪的溜圆,她有些不太相信。 But this sound indeed is Chu Feng's right. 可这个声音的确是楚枫的没错。 But Chu Feng is takes off the hood directly again, revealed own appearance/portrait again. 楚枫则是直接将兜帽再度摘下,再度露出了自己的真容。 Really is you?” “真的是你?” Your this small bastard, are you actually also living?” “你这小畜生,你竟然还活着?” Sees Chu Feng, Jia Lingyi clenches jaws immediately, killing intent is dreadful. 看到楚枫,贾令仪顿时咬牙切齿,杀意滔天。 Saw this, Jiang Taibai and Jiang Kongping and others is shocked. 看到这一幕,姜太白姜空平等人都愣住了。 Obviously, Chu Feng and Jia Lingyi had known, and this appearance, has the bitter hatred. 显然,楚枫贾令仪早就认识,并且这个样子,是有深仇大恨啊。 Buzz- 嗡- Suddenly the big sleeve wields, Jia Lingyi will block formation technique to expand, blocked Chu Feng and others in middle. 忽然大袖一挥,贾令仪将封锁阵法扩大,把楚枫等人都封锁在了当中。 Chu Feng, cannot think that you have not died, good, was really good.” 楚枫,想不到你没死,好,真是太好了。” Jia Lingyi clenching jaws appearance fierce looks at Chu Feng. 贾令仪咬牙切齿面目狰狞的看着楚枫 She to Chu Feng deep enmity, has wished one could to eat the Chu Feng's meat, drinks the Chu Feng's blood. 她对楚枫早就恨之入骨,恨不得食楚枫的肉,喝楚枫的血。 But she also knew, relations of Chu Feng and Seven Worlds Saint Mansion. 但她也知道了,楚枫七界圣府的关系。 Child as Jie Ranqing. 身为界染清之子。 The Chu Feng's life, the present is very valuable. 楚枫的命,如今可是很值钱。 Compares in rapidness of the solution heart pain, killed Chu Feng directly. 相比于一解心痛之快,将楚枫直接杀了。 Gives Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Chu Feng, without doubt is a better choice. 楚枫交给七界圣府,无疑是更好的选择。 What to be good, anticipates cultivation realm again by my waste one time?” Chu Feng asked. “好什么,就这么期待修为再被我废一次?”楚枫问。 Hahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” But Chu Feng such remarks, Jia Lingyi crazy laughs. 楚枫此话一出,贾令仪则是疯狂的大笑起来。 Chu Feng, the Totem Dragon Clan matter haven't you known?” 楚枫,图腾龙族的事情你难道还不知道吗?” Totem Dragon Clan already counter-, Long Chengyu and Long Muxi also had their fathers dead.” 图腾龙族已经反了,龙承羽龙沐熙还有他们的父亲都已经死了。” However my Pill Dao Immortal Sect, overthrows the Totem Dragon Clan hero, obtains Sir Long Lin(dragon scale) to make good use.” “而我丹道仙宗,乃是推翻图腾龙族的功臣,已得到龙鳞大人重用。” Your once Leaning Mountain, now is my Jia Lingyi Leaning Mountain.” “你曾经的靠山,如今已是我贾令仪靠山。” Without Long Chengyu and Long Muxi supported to you, what thing were you?” “没有了龙承羽龙沐熙给你撑腰,你算什么东西?” Let alone, you also offended Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, do you now and I fight with what?” “何况,你还得罪了七界圣府,你现在拿什么和我斗?” Depends on you that cultivation realm?” “就凭你自身那点修为吗?” Does not understand the true situation depending on your, friend of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth?” “还是凭你这些不明真相,不知天高地厚的朋友?” Jia Lingyi wicked is staring at Chu Feng. 贾令仪恶狠狠的盯着楚枫 Also looks to Chu Feng behind people, the vision 11 has swept from them behind. 同时也看向楚枫身后的众人,目光从他们身后一一扫过。 That is a threat look. 那是一种威胁的眼神。 As if was saying, I know your some skills. 就仿佛在说,我知道你们有些本事。 What status however is Chu Feng? 但是楚枫是什么身份? What status am I? 我又是什么身份? If helps Chu Feng resist me, urging you to think things over carefully before acting. 若要帮楚枫对抗我,劝你们三思而后行。 - 唰- But, a pure white small hand stretches out from the cape in the meantime, in her hand, but also is grasping together the token. 可就在此时,一只洁白的小手从斗篷内伸出,她的手中,还握着一道令牌。 On that token writes, Xianhai Yu Clan four large characters. 那道令牌上面写着,仙海鱼族四个大字。 This token, the ray shines immediately, the imposing manner is dreadful, that confirms this token is not false, but. 这令牌一出,顿时光芒普照,气势滔天,那验证着这令牌不是假的,而是真的。 Who you... are you?” “你…你是何人?” Sees this token, Jia Lingyi was also somewhat nervous. 看到这令牌,贾令仪也是有些慌了。 Because of Xianhai Yu Clan, similarly is existence that her Pill Dao Immortal Sect cannot offend. 因为仙海鱼族,同样是她丹道仙宗得罪不起的存在。 But the next quarter, Xianhai Shaoyu also revealed the Xianhai Yu Clan token. 而下一刻,仙海少禹也是将仙海鱼族令牌亮出。 Two Xianhai Yu Clan?” “两个仙海鱼族?” Sees these two tokens, not to mention Jiang Taibai and others, Jiang Jingyu is in a daze that looks. 看到这两块令牌,莫说姜太白等人,就连姜靖宇都是看的发愣。 Xianhai Yu Clan exists, how can they not know? 仙海鱼族何等存在,他们岂会不知? That is the Xianhai Galaxy Overlord influence, now one of the vast martial cultivation world strongest influences. 那可是仙海天河霸主势力,当今浩瀚修武界最强的势力之一。 Pill Dao Immortal Sect before them is the colossus, but in front of Xianhai Yu Clan, is not worth mentioning. 丹道仙宗在他们面前是庞然大物,但在仙海鱼族面前,根本不值一提。 But...... 而紧接着…… Totem Dragon Clan! 图腾龙族 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect! 苍穹仙宗 Seven Worlds Saint Mansion! 七界圣府 Divine Body Celestial Palace! 神体天府 Waits for the token to reveal one after another. 等令牌接连亮出。 Is Long Chengyu, Qin Xuan, Yuwen Yanri and others. 龙承羽,秦玄,宇文炎日等人 Even Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao also revealed their respective tokens. 甚至灵霄界宝宝也都亮出了他们各自的令牌。 This... this... this......” “这…这…这……” Looks at these, sparkle ray the token of Galaxy Overlord, Jiang Jingyu and Jiang Taibai are dumbfounded. 看着这些,闪耀光芒的天河霸主的令牌,姜靖宇姜太白都目瞪口呆。 But Jiang Yuantai and Jiang Kongping and others, is frightens the cold sweat to brave, to tremble. 姜元泰姜空平等人,更是吓得冷汗直冒,瑟瑟发抖。 This may be, rules a side Galaxy colossus. 这可都是,统治一方天河的庞然大物。 Is now vast martial cultivation world, strongest influence. 是当今浩瀚修武界,最强的势力啊。 Chu Feng... 楚枫 Chu Feng he...... 楚枫他…… Obtained supporting of this grade of influence unexpectedly? 竟得到了这等势力的撑腰? You, who are you?” “你们,你们到底是何人?” Jia Lingyi opens the mouth again, the sound has shivered slightly. 贾令仪再度开口,声音已是微微颤抖。 Although your status is lowly, without the qualifications sees my appearance/portrait.” “虽然你身份卑贱,没资格见我真容。” But a you helping a tyrant do evil rebel influence, dares to look down upon my Little Brother, bluffs and blusters in front of my Little Brother?” “但你一个助纣为虐的叛徒势力,竟敢看不起我的兄弟,在我兄弟面前耀武扬威?” Some of my then necessities make you know, you offend anyone today.” “那我便有必要让你知道,你今日得罪了什么人。” Xianhai Shaoyu opens the mouth. 仙海少禹开口了。 The words to here, Xianhai Shaoyu tore off the cape directly, revealed own appearance/portrait. 话到此处,仙海少禹直接将斗篷扯下,露出了自己的真容。 Xianhai Yu'er, Long Chengyu, Long Muxi, Yuwen Yanri, Wang Qiang, even is Qin Xuan, Ling Xiao, Jie Baobao, tore off oneself cape, revealed own appearance/portrait. 紧接着,仙海鱼儿,龙承羽,龙沐熙,宇文炎日,王强,甚至是秦玄,灵霄,界宝宝,也都扯下了自己身上的斗篷,露出了自己的真容。 Their hands lift, the token that represents their powerful status, opens the mouth in turn...... 他们手举,那代表他们强大身份的令牌,依次开口…… Xianhai Yu Clan, Xianhai Shaoyu.” 仙海鱼族,仙海少禹。” Xianhai Yu Clan, Xianhai Yu'er.” 仙海鱼族,仙海鱼儿。” Totem Dragon Clan, Long Chengyu.” 图腾龙族,龙承羽。” Totem Dragon Clan, Long Muxi.” 图腾龙族,龙沐熙。” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, Qin Xuan.” 苍穹仙宗,秦玄。” Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, Ling Xiao.” 七界圣府,灵霄。” Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, Jie Baobao.” 七界圣府,界宝宝。” Divine Body Celestial Palace, Yuwen Yanri.” 神体天府,宇文炎日。” God god god... Divine Body Celestial Palace, king king... Wang Qiang.” “神神神…神体天府,王王…王强。” PS: PS: The important matter, said again with Little Brother. 重要的事,再和兄弟们说一下。 This Tuesday, was on November 21, the Martial God animation reflected the anticipated future position. 本周二,也就是11月21日,武神动漫将提前点映。 What reflects for the anticipated future position? 何为提前点映? Martial God animation in the first quarter a total of 16 volumes, every week a update volume, tomorrow update to the tenth volume. 武神动漫第一季总共十六集,每周更新一集,明天更新到第十集。 The anticipated future position reflects is, tomorrow can purchase the following six volumes ahead of time, sees big ending. 提前点映就是,明天能提前购买后面的六集,一口气看到大结局 But with emphasis is not this, opens the anticipated future position to reflect with emphasis, will have many audience to spend, current capacity everyone of Tencent video should be clear. 但重点不是这个,重点开提前点映,会有很多观众消费,腾讯视频的流量大家应该清楚。 This Tuesday, the Martial God sales volume will welcome eruption to grow. 本周二,武神的销量会迎来爆发式增长。 Therefore this is the Martial God animation, attacks the best-selling list best time. 所以这是武神动漫,冲击畅销榜最佳时机。 The Martial God animation, has not entered the best-selling list of Tencent video at present. 武神动漫,目前还未进入过腾讯视频的畅销榜。 Honeybee or those words, so long as Martial God can enter the best-selling list, the honeybee in into the list in ten days, will challenge 15 chapters of big eruptions. 蜜蜂还是那句话,只要武神能进入畅销榜,蜜蜂会在入榜十日内,挑战十五章大爆发。 Which step although the Martial God animation result can, what are more is must look at the affection degree of passer-by. 虽说武神动漫成绩能到哪一步,更多的还是要看路人的喜爱程度。 But existence of our original works powder, is extremely important, is indispensable. 但我们原著粉的存在,极其重要,是不可或缺的。 Therefore tomorrow will have Little Brother of condition, can help flush. 所以明天有条件的兄弟,可以帮忙冲一冲。 Without the condition does not need to demand, after all opens the member, looked that the anticipated future position reflects, must spend. 没条件的也不用强求,毕竟无论是开会员,还是看提前点映,都是要花钱的。 Even the animation terminates, the honeybee will still try hard to stay the update condition, so long as the condition is good, this/should eruption will also erupt. 就算动漫完结,蜜蜂也会努力保持更新状态,只要状态好,该爆发也还是会爆发的。 Thank you. 谢谢大家。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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