MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5809: Haha, great person?

Chapter 5807, great person? 第5807章哈哈,大人物? Young Master.” 少爷。” Sees that Jiang Taibai and Jiang Yuantai also open the mouth, does not think Jiang Kongping said. 见状,姜太白姜元泰同时开口,是不想姜空平说。 But Jiang Kongping clenches teeth, said to Chu Feng: We were meet to trouble, if can ask you to save my father.” 姜空平还是咬了咬牙,对楚枫说道:“我们是遇到麻烦了,若是可以求你救救我父亲。” I know that I do not have the qualifications to ask you to help, so long as you want, what price I am willing to pay.” “我知道我没资格求你帮忙,但只要你愿意,什么代价我都愿意付。” The words to here, Jiang Kongping knelt in front of Chu Feng unexpectedly directly. 话到此处,姜空平竟然直接跪在了楚枫面前。 Chu Feng supported by the arm Jiang Kongping: What matter has, mentioned carefully.” 楚枫姜空平搀扶了起来:“发生何事,仔细说来。” Chu Feng does not know that they meet anything to trouble, therefore asked the detailed point for good. 楚枫也不知道他们遇到什么麻烦,所以还是问详细一点为好。 Afterward according to narration of Jiang Kongping. 随后根据姜空平的讲述。 Chu Feng knew the general process. 楚枫知道了大概的经过。 Here has cultivation sacred land that his father discovers. 这里有着一处他父亲发现的修炼圣地 So long as takes the corresponding cultivation resources, here cultivation, will have the extremely good effect. 只要拿着相应的修炼资源,在这里修炼,会有极佳的效果。 Since they leave Nine Souls Galaxy, Jiang Kongping then decides to work hard for the prosperity of the country diligently cultivation, therefore then found his father. 自打他们离开九魂天河,姜空平便决定奋发图强努力修炼,所以便找到了他的父亲。 His father knows Jiang Kongping, preparation diligently cultivation, then puts down all on hand on things simply, leading few trusted aides to come here. 他父亲得知姜空平,准备努力修炼,便干脆放下所有手头上的事情,带着少量心腹来到了这里。 They continuously in this to undergo closed-door training. 他们一直在此闭关 But who once thinks, recently the person appeared in the blood-color desert, has paced back and forth in the desert. 可是谁曾想,最近又有一个人出现在了血色沙漠,一直在沙漠徘徊。 Resembles cultivation sacred land that looks for them to hide. 似是在寻找他们所藏身的修炼圣地 But this person, was a Pill Dao Immortal Sect status the person. 而这个人,乃是丹道仙宗一位身份了得之人。 Jiang Jingyu they, although left Pill Dao Immortal Sect, but has had the sentiment to Pill Dao Immortal Sect, has also wanted to go back. 姜靖宇他们,虽然离开了丹道仙宗,但对丹道仙宗一直有感情,一直还想回去。 Sees this great person, comes, then comes to show good will on own initiative, informs cultivation sacred land that this great person they discovered on own initiative in the position. 见到这位大人物,是独自一人来的,便主动现身示好,主动告知了这位大人物他们发现的修炼圣地所在位置。 But who once thinks, this great person cultivation demonic technique, and knows that the Jiang Kongping talent is good, Bloodline is special. 可谁曾想,这位大人物修炼魔功,且知道姜空平天赋较好,血脉特殊。 Then wants to massacre Jiang Kongping, is used for cultivation, fills cultivation realm. 便想要杀掉姜空平,用来修炼,填补修为 Jiang Jingyu naturally cannot hand over Jiang Kongping. 姜靖宇自然不会把姜空平交出去。 Now is resisting that great person alone. 如今正独自抵挡那位大人物。 Helps Jiang Kongping they strive to escape from the time. 姜空平他们争取逃脱时间。 Chu Feng, this person of status is special, is one can achieve to hoodwink the public, extremely not affable great person.” 楚枫,此人身份特别,乃是一个能做到只手遮天,极其不好惹的大人物。” I know you to be fearless, but I must state clearly with you.” “我知道你天不怕地不怕,但我还是必须与你明说。” She is not truly good to provoke, if you are not willing to help, I can also understand.” “她确实不好招惹,你若不愿意帮,我也能够理解。” But you , if willing to help, even if I make the cow to make the horse, must repay you.” “但你若愿意帮,我就算做牛做马,也要报答你。” Jiang Kongping said this saying time, is full of the tears, was about to cry. 姜空平说这话的时候,已是饱含热泪,都快哭了出来。 But he such remarks, the intermittent laughter transmits suddenly, that is a contemptuous laughter. 可他此话一出,忽然阵阵笑声传来,那是一种轻蔑的笑声。 But is not Chu Feng smiles, but is Chu Feng these wears the person of gray cape to send behind. 但不是楚枫笑的,而是楚枫身后那些身披灰色斗篷之人发出来的。 Does not help not help, what do you smile?” Jiang Yuantai is frowning to ask. “不帮就不帮,你们笑什么?”姜元泰皱着眉头问道。 He has not thought makes Chu Feng they help, see Chu Feng behind person to exude such laughter unexpectedly, he thinks that is ridiculing them. 他本就没想过让楚枫他们帮忙,见楚枫身后的人居然发出这样的笑声,他以为是在嘲笑他们。 Oh, my my I... I said you, said that directly person in, that person was what cultivate... cultivation realm on the line.” “唉,我我我…我说你,就直接说人在哪,那人是何修修…修为就行了。” Trivial Pill Dao Immortal Sect, without... person who my my I... my Little Brother Chu Feng do not dare to offend.” “区区丹道仙宗,没有我我我…我楚枫兄弟不敢得罪的的的…的人。” Must fear that also... is also they feared.” Wang Qiang said. “要怕也也也…也是他们怕。”王强说道。 Right, you spoke frankly are, trivial Pill Dao Immortal Sect, let alone Chu Feng, we did not pay attention.” Qin Xuan is also adds. “没错,你直说便是,区区丹道仙宗,别说楚枫,我们也不放在眼里。”秦玄也是补充道。 These two such remarks, other Pill Dao Immortal Sect person of looks are somewhat complex. 这两位此话一出,丹道仙宗其余人神色都是有些复杂。 Coming out that although looks, these two are also some strengths, but was this saying too also crazy? 虽然看的出来,这两位也是有些实力的,但这话也太狂了吧? Pill Dao Immortal Sect is not the small role. 丹道仙宗可不是小角色。 That is entire vast martial cultivation world, some reputations colossi. 那是整个浩瀚修武界,都有些名声的庞然大物。 In Totem Galaxy, is next to existence of Totem Dragon Clan. 图腾天河,更是仅次于图腾龙族的存在。 Do these people, how dare is so wild? 这些人,怎么敢如此猖狂的? Even if talks big does not ask for money, but can't speak irresponsibly like this? 就算说大话不要钱,但也不能这样乱说吧? Immediately a far-fetched thought that raises in the Pill Dao Immortal Sect people heart. 顿时一股不靠谱的念头,于丹道仙宗众人心中升起。 However compares in others, Jiang Kongping has the anticipation to Chu Feng, has been staring at Chu Feng. 但是相比于其他人,姜空平则是对楚枫抱有期待的,一直盯着楚枫 According to the reply that they said.” Chu Feng said. “按他们说的回答。”楚枫说道。 She is Pill Dao Immortal Sect now the female of Sect Master, Jia Lingyi.” Jiang Kongping said. “她是丹道仙宗当今宗主之女,贾令仪。”姜空平说道。 Jia Lingyi?” 贾令仪?” You determined that is Jia Lingyi?” “你确定是贾令仪?” Long Chengyu asked. 龙承羽不由问道。 Right, is Jia Lingyi.” “对,就是贾令仪。” I know, her status is aloof, if you are not willing to help, I can understand.” Jiang Kongping lowers the head. “我知道,她身份超然,你们若不愿意帮,我能理解。”姜空平低下了头。 He actually hopes very much Chu Feng they help, is he not being cruel enough pit Chu Feng. 他其实是很希望楚枫他们帮忙的,可是他又不忍心坑楚枫 Because in his heart, the Jia Lingyi backstage was too hard. 因为于他心中,贾令仪的后台实在太硬了。 You said Jia Lingyi, is fighting with your father, does she have cultivation realm?” Chu Feng asked. “你说贾令仪,在和你父亲交手,她有修为?”楚枫问。 Right, is she.” Jiang Kongping said. “对,就是她。”姜空平道。 „Did you determine? She?” Chu Feng also asked. “你确定?她一个人?”楚枫又问。 Was a person, before my father saw her, has determined, others have not followed.” Jiang Kongping also said. “就是一个人,我父亲见她之前已经确定过了,没有别人跟随。”姜空平又道。 Chu Feng is somewhat surprised. 楚枫有些意外。 His accidental/surprised is not a Jia Lingyi person comes to here. 他意外的不是贾令仪一个人来这里。 But is Jia Lingyi. 而是贾令仪自身。 Jia Lingyi not to mention cultivation realm was abandoned, Source pulled out by him, now should be a from head to tail disabled person is right. 贾令仪莫说修为被废,本源都被他抽了,如今应该是个彻头彻尾的废人才对。 Possibly how also to have cultivation realm? 怎么可能还有修为呢? Is it possible that Pill Dao Immortal Sect, has so fierce treasure, can help Jia Lingyi restore cultivation realm? 莫非丹道仙宗,有如此厉害的至宝,能够帮贾令仪恢复修为 My father's cultivation realm, is Immortal Dragon God-cloak.” “我父亲的修为,乃是仙龙神袍。” She can fight to a draw with my father, its cultivation realm should not be weak in my father.” “她能与我父亲打成平手,其修为应该不弱于我父亲。” But Jia Lingyi in the past, was the able to move unhindered Galaxy talent, I felt to continue, my father decided however does not beat “但贾令仪当年,乃是纵横天河的天才,我觉得继续下去,我父亲定然不敌” The Jiang Kongping whole face worried. 姜空平满脸担忧。 I knew, is that direction?” Chu Feng refers, is direction that ruins is. “我知道了,是那个方向吗?”楚枫所指,乃是遗迹所在的方向。 He felt, cultivation sacred land that Jiang Kongping they said that should be last ruins that Chu Feng they must go. 他觉得,姜空平他们所说的修炼圣地,应该就是楚枫他们要去的最后一个遗迹 „... Right.” “啊…对。” Jiang Kongping does not know why Chu Feng knows this direction, but Chu Feng refers to is indeed correct. 姜空平也不知,楚枫为何知道这个方向,但楚枫所指的确是正确的。 Walks, has a look, what's the matter.” “走,去看看,怎么回事。” During the Chu Feng speeches, then leaves immediately, but when Chu Feng leaves also brings Jiang Kongping and others together. 楚枫说话间,便立刻动身,而楚枫动身之时也是带着姜空平等人一同。 This speed?” “这速度?” This leaves, the Jiang Taibai and others complexion is complex. 这一动身,姜太白等人脸色更是复杂。 Originally thinks that Chu Feng's cultivation realm is Fifth Rank Half God. 本来以为楚枫的修为五品半神 Speed that now but Chu Feng they show, obviously far ultra Fifth Rank Half God. 可是现在楚枫他们所展现的速度,明明已经远超五品半神 This indicated, Chu Feng estimates them is stronger. 这说明,楚枫比他们预想的还要强。 Has so powerful World Spirit unexpectedly?” “竟拥有如此强大的界灵?” this child has what charm, can result in the favor of so powerful World Spirit?” 此子到底有何魅力,能得如此强大界灵之青睐?” The Jiang Taibai innermost feelings sighed, is not also able to understand. 姜太白内心感叹,同时也无法理解。 He simply does not have relates, this is Chu Feng cultivation realm, the so progressive speed, is not possible. 他根本没有联想到,这是楚枫自身修为,如此进步速度,是不可能的。 The only reasonable explanation, was Chu Feng obtained more powerful World Spirit. 唯一合理的解释,就是楚枫得到了更强大的界灵 But a junior, can the favor of so powerful World Spirit, went beyond his acceptance range similarly. 但一个小辈,能够得到如此强大界灵的青睐,也同样超出了他的接受范围。 In a while, Chu Feng and others then heard thundered intermittently, and quick dreadful ripples started to reappear. 没过多久,楚枫等人便听到了阵阵轰鸣,且很快滔天涟漪开始浮现。 Although the distance is very far, but Chu Feng can see, the distant place indeed is two World Spiritist is fighting. 尽管距离很远,但楚枫能够看见,远处的确是两个界灵师正在交手。 A middle-aged man, obviously is Jiang Kongping and Jiang Yuantai father, Jiang Jingyu. 一个中年男子,显然就是姜空平姜元泰的父亲,姜靖宇 Before, united the Sima Xiangtu chief criminal. 之前,联合司马相屠的罪魁祸首。 But another is a female, unexpectedly is really Jia Lingyi. 而另一个是女子,竟真的是贾令仪 Present Jia Lingyi brings the mask, but Chu Feng knows that is Jia Lingyi. 现在的贾令仪带着面具,但楚枫知道,那就是贾令仪 This aura cannot be wrong. 这个气息不会错。 But these two people of formation cultivation realm, is Immortal Dragon God-cloak. 而这二人的结界修为,也都是仙龙神袍 Unexpectedly really restored cultivation realm.” “居然真的恢复了修为。” Chu Feng had determined, Jia Lingyi cultivation realm restored, but has not thoroughly restored. 楚枫已经确定,贾令仪修为恢复了,但并没有彻底恢复。 Before Jia Lingyi , but Saint Dragon God-cloak, only misses one step to step into True Dragon World Spiritist. 贾令仪之前可是圣龙神袍,只差一步便可踏入真龙界灵师之列。 The present is Immortal Dragon God-cloak, and strength is not specially strong, she and Jiang Jingyu fight is only impartial. 现在是仙龙神袍,并且战力也不是特别强,她与姜靖宇的战斗只是持平。 This should also be abandoned cultivation realm initially, the sequela of stays behind. 这应该也是当初被废修为,所留下的后遗症。 However Chu Feng abandoned its cultivation realm initially, but has not shown mercy, Jia Lingyi can restore to this situation. 但是楚枫当初废其修为,可是没有手下留情,贾令仪能恢复到这个地步。 Not was only cultivation demonic technique, should also use the extremely precious priceless treasure. 不仅仅是修炼魔功,应该也用了极其珍贵的无价之宝。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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