MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5808: Encountered the problem?

Did Chapter 5806 encounter the problem? 第5806章遇到麻烦了? Wants initially, Sima Xiangtu to seize power Nine Souls Saint Clan. 想当初,司马相屠能夺权九魂圣族 Is person who because has Pill Dao Immortal Sect behind supports. 就是因为身后有丹道仙宗的人撑腰。 Is the person of head is called Jiang Jingyu. 为首的人叫做姜靖宇 However this Jiang Jingyu, has not made an appearance from beginning to end, actually his son and his subordinate, went to Nine Souls Galaxy. 不过这个姜靖宇,从始至终都未露面,倒是他的儿子和他的一众手下,去了九魂天河 But so the lineup, actually also stirs even if earth-shakingly in Eastern Territory. 可哪怕只是如此阵容,却也在东域搅得天翻地覆。 The Jiang Jingyu son, is Jiang Kongping and Jiang Yuantai. 姜靖宇的儿子,便是姜空平姜元泰 Chu Feng first defeated Jiang Kongping, behind defeated Jiang Yuantai. 楚枫最先击败了姜空平,后面击败了姜元泰 As for that Jiang Taibai, meets for the first time, he is powerful. 至于那姜太白,第一次见面之时,他可谓是威风凛凛。 When Jiang Taibai and fight of Prison Sect Underworld Envoy, Chu Feng or Martial Venerable Realm. 姜太白狱宗地狱使的交手之时,楚枫还是武尊境 That two fight, is the Chu Feng first time true feels the great strength of Half God Realm cultivator. 那两位的交手,是楚枫第一次真正感受到半神境修武者的强大。 As for afterward, Chu Feng grasped the Asura army to reverse the situation. 至于后来,楚枫掌握了修罗大军才得以逆转局势。 At that time, what Chu Feng most wants to tidy up is Sima Xiangtu. 当时,楚枫最想收拾的是司马相屠 Pill Dao Immortal Sect these people, discussed with Chu Feng with. 丹道仙宗这些人,与楚枫谈和了。 But in fact, Chu Feng looks in the Jiang Kongping face, let off their horse. 但实际上,楚枫是看在姜空平的面子,才放过了他们一马。 Has not thought today, will run into them here again. 不曾想今日,会在这里再遇到他们。 But they appear here, should not be the coincidence. 但他们出现在这里,应该不是巧合。 Therefore Chu Feng figure one vertical, not only comes, blocked in the Jiang Kongping and others front. 于是楚枫身形一纵,不仅现身,更是拦在了姜空平等人的面前。 They were flustered, suddenly has wears the person of Grey-Cloak to block together before the body, heavy that Jiang Kongping and others frightens. 他们本就慌张,忽然有一道身穿灰袍之人拦在身前,把姜空平等人吓的不轻。 Jiang Taibai, stands in Jiang Kongping immediately, before the Jiang Yuantai and others body . 姜太白,更是立刻站在了姜空平,姜元泰等人身前。 Third Rank Half God, this is Jiang Taibai present cultivation realm, compared with when Nine Souls Galaxy, promoted First Rank at that time actually. 三品半神,这是姜太白如今的修为,比当时在九魂天河之时,倒是增进了一品 Chu Feng is filled with emotion, when initial acquaintance, imposing Jiang Taibai, in front of Chu Feng, has actually reduced for the paper tiger like that now thoroughly. 楚枫感慨万千,最初相识之时,那般威风的姜太白,如今在楚枫面前,却已是彻底沦落为了纸老虎。 cultivation realm of others, in front of Chu Feng, is the clarity that looks. 其他人的修为,在楚枫面前,也是看的清清楚楚。 Here strongest, was still Jiang Taibai. 这里最强的,仍然是姜太白 Has also promoted as for Jiang Kongping and Jiang Yuantai. 至于姜空平姜元泰也都有所增进。 Jiang Yuantai now is First Rank Half God. 姜元泰如今是一品半神 But Jiang Kongping is also First Rank Half God, compares in Jiang Yuantai, the Jiang Kongping progressive speed wants quick many. 姜空平也是一品半神,相比于姜元泰,姜空平的进步速度要快的多。 Because Chu Feng remembers, just knew Jiang Kongping time, Jiang Kongping or Fifth Rank Martial Venerable. 因为楚枫记得,刚认识姜空平的时候,姜空平还是五品武尊 As for Jiang Yuantai, at that time compared with many that Jiang Kongping strove to excel. 至于姜元泰,当时可是比姜空平要强的多。 Your excellency who?” “阁下何人?” The Jiang Taibai brow tight wrinkle, the congealing sound asked. 姜太白眉头紧皱,凝声问道。 And the whole person not only assumes the defense stance, will launch the attack to Chu Feng momentarily. 且整个人不仅是呈防御姿态,更是随时会对楚枫发动进攻。 Chu Feng had not replied, but took off the hood directly, revealed own facial features. 楚枫没有回答,而是直接摘下了兜帽,露出了自己的面容。 Chu Feng?” 楚枫?” Sees Chu Feng's first, Jiang Taibai and others then recognized Chu Feng. 看到楚枫的第一时间,姜太白等人便认出了楚枫 Jiang Kongping is delighted, during the speeches then prepares to arrive in front of Chu Feng. 姜空平喜出望外,说话间便准备走到楚枫面前。 But actually blocked by Jiang Taibai and Jiang Yuantai together. 可却被姜太白姜元泰一同拦了下来。 Although initially they were the reconciliations. 虽说当初他们是和解了。 But in Jiang Taibai and Jiang Yuantai eye, Chu Feng was still the enemy. 但在姜太白姜元泰眼中,楚枫仍是敌人。 If not for Jiang Kongping advises vigorously, behind them is also plans to retaliate Chu Feng's. 若不是姜空平极力劝阻,他们后面也是打算报复楚枫的 Now meets again, naturally extremely guards. 如今再度相遇,自然是万分提防。 Chu Feng, you how in this?” The Jiang Taibai congealing sound asked that is also observing earnestly. 楚枫,你怎么会在这?”姜太白凝声问道,同时也在认真观察着。 In his opinion, can be silent, blocks before them, surely is expert. 在他看来,能够无声无息,拦在他们面前,必定是一个高手 However Chu Feng, he is many understanding. 但是楚枫,他是多少有些了解的。 Chu Feng's is really the talent, but is impossible in such short time, progresses to this degree. 楚枫的确是天才,但也不可能这么短的时间内,进步到这种程度。 Therefore he is not only observing Chu Feng earnestly, what are more is periphery the inquiry, he thought that Chu Feng has the helper. 所以他不仅在认真观察楚枫,更多的是在打探周围,他觉得楚枫是有帮手的。 Do not be anxious, among us hadn't the matter ended?” “别紧张,咱们之间的事不是已经结束了吗?” During Chu Feng speeches, then stand forth. 楚枫说话间,便向前走去。 But suddenly, Jiang Yuantai whole body Mist surges, its cultivation realm from First Rank Half God, promoted Second Rank Half God. 可忽然,姜元泰周身气焰涌动,其修为一品半神,提升到了二品半神 And the powerful pressure, sweeps across to Chu Feng one after another unceasingly. 并且一股又一股强大威压,不断向楚枫席卷而来。 Although has not injured Chu Feng, but is actually threatening Chu Feng, wants to come Chu Feng to drive back by this. 尽管没有伤害楚枫,但却在威胁着楚枫,想要以此来将楚枫逼退。 Chu Feng, stands in that do not move 楚枫,站在那别动” We were not initial we.” The Jiang Yuantai congealing sound said. “我们都不是当初的我们了。”姜元泰凝声说道。 But Chu Feng is actually going against the Jiang Yuantai pressure, forwards step by step, at all not by the influence of his pressure. 楚枫却顶着姜元泰的威压,一步步向前,根本不受他那威压的影响。 Quick, then arrived at the Jiang Yuantai near. 很快,便走到了姜元泰的近前。 Calm.” Chu Feng puts out a hand, wants to pat the shoulder of Jiang Yuantai. “冷静。”楚枫伸出手,想拍一下姜元泰的肩膀。 Bang- 轰- But, another pressure sweeps across to come to Chu Feng in the meantime, simultaneously together form, blocked again before the Jiang Yuantai body, was Jiang Taibai. 可就在此时,又一股威压向楚枫席卷而来,同时一道身影,也是再度拦在了姜元泰身前,是姜太白 Chu Feng, Sir Jingyu in the , you dares to be impolite to my family Young Master, you are also doomed.” 楚枫,靖宇大人就在附近,你胆敢对我家少爷无礼,你也是在劫难逃。” Jiang Taibai wicked said to Chu Feng. 姜太白恶狠狠的对楚枫说道。 But Chu Feng can actually see his panic and anxiety from his look. 楚枫却能从他的眼神中看出他的恐慌与不安。 What's wrong, the head shattered, couldn't the logical expression understand?” “怎么,脑袋坏掉了,人话都听不懂了?” Helpless Chu Feng shakes the head, but suddenly the vision becomes swift and fierce, next quarter...... 楚枫无奈摇了摇头,可忽然目光变得凌厉,下一刻…… Bang- 轰- The Chu Feng's aura release, sweeps away Heaven rank immediately. 楚枫的气息释放而出,顿时横扫天级 Jiang Taibai everyone, feels a tremendous pressure, blocks them, soon soul destroyed/terror-stricken that they extrude. 姜太白所有人,都感觉一股巨大的压力,将他们封锁,快要将他们挤压的魂飞魄散 So long as the opposite party wants, they can vanished in a puff of smoke momentarily. 只要对方愿意,他们随时都能灰飞烟灭。 But this terrifying aura, precisely came from in present Chu Feng. 而这股恐怖的气息,正是源自于眼前的楚枫 You... you... have you stepped into Fifth Rank Half God?” “难道你…你…你已踏入五品半神?” No, is impossible, is absolutely impossible.” “不,不可能,绝对不可能。” Is your World Spirit?” “是你的界灵吗?” Jiang Taibai difficult believing looks at Chu Feng, a pair of eyes pupil glitters the vision that difficult is accepting. 姜太白难以置信的看着楚枫,一双眼眸闪烁着难以接受的目光。 Because Chu Feng's World Spirit, going to this situation is still enough fearful. 因为就算是楚枫的界灵,达到了这种地步也是足够可怕。 Chu Feng looked at people, incessantly is Jiang Taibai, Jiang Yuantai as well as Jiang Kongping wait/etc. everyone, with that not only shock and panic-stricken look looks at Chu Feng. 楚枫看了一眼众人,不止是姜太白,姜元泰以及姜空平等所有人,都是用那既震惊又惊恐的眼神看着楚枫 „Were you these days, to undergo closed-door training in remote mountains and ancient forests coming?” “你们这些日子,是在深山老林里闭关来着?” Chu Feng calculates that looked. 楚枫算看出来了。 After they leave Nine Souls Galaxy, does not seem to contacted the outside world. 他们离开九魂天河后,似乎并没怎么接触外界。 Otherwise Chu Feng present reputation, Ancestral Martial Galaxy ill-informed also even. 不然楚枫现在的名声,祖武天河消息闭塞也就算了。 But here Totem Galaxy, how possibly don't some people know oneself deeds? 这里可是图腾天河,怎么可能有人不知道自己的事迹呢? He has made a big row Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, by the child of Jie Ranqing Seven Worlds Saint Mansion issues a warrant for arrest. 他可是大闹过七界圣府,被七界圣府通缉的界染清之子啊。 Chu Feng, do you know them?” 楚枫,你认识他们?” But in the meantime, the sound conveys from the distant place together. 而就在此时,一道声音自远处传来。 When the sound just resounded through, anything cannot see obviously. 声音刚刚响彻之时,明明什么都看不到。 But next quarter...... 可下一刻…… Swish Swish Swish...... 唰唰唰…… Several forms also appear, fell on Chu Feng in abundance behind. 数道身影同时出现,纷纷落在了楚枫身后。 precisely catches up with and Chu Feng collection, Little Fishy, Xianhai Shaoyu, Xian Miaomiao, Wang Qiang, Long Chengyu, Long Muxi, Feng Ling, Yuwen Yanri, Qin Xuan and other numerous talent...... 正是赶来与楚枫汇集的,小鱼儿,仙海少禹,仙喵喵,王强,龙承羽,龙沐熙,风铃,宇文炎日,秦玄等一众天才…… Long Chengyu and others, naturally also discovers Jiang Kongping they, is the Pill Dao Immortal Sect person. 龙承羽等人,自然也发现姜空平他们,乃是丹道仙宗的人。 But looks at Chu Feng with them, probably the appearance of acquaintance, was anything had not said. 但看楚枫与他们,好像相识的样子,也是什么都没说。 Stands on obediently in Chu Feng behind, whatever Chu Feng processes this matter. 乖乖站在楚枫身后,任由楚枫处理此事。 They wear the gray capes of nine summit Grandmaster gifts, cannot see their facial features. 他们都穿着九巅大师赠予的灰色斗篷,看不到他们的面容。 Imposing manner that the speed that but since they catch up with, as well as falls to the ground, Jiang Taibai and others is the complexion is paler, realized that these people are very not simple. 可是从他们赶来的速度,以及落地的气势,姜太白等人更是脸色铁青,意识到这些人也都很不简单。 Chu Feng, really has the helper. 楚枫,果然有帮手。 Suddenly, Jiang Kongping broke through the protection of Jiang Taibai, arrived at the Chu Feng's near, held the Chu Feng's arm. 忽然,姜空平突破了姜太白的保护,来到了楚枫的近前,一把抓住了楚枫的胳膊。 Chu Feng, Chu Feng, are you now what cultivation realm?” 楚枫,楚枫,你现在是何修为?” Your these are senior what cultivation realm?” “你的这些前辈们是何修为?” Jiang Kongping asked one after another. 姜空平接连问道。 What's wrong, encountered the problem?” Chu Feng asked to Jiang Kongping. “怎么,遇到麻烦了?”楚枫姜空平问道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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