MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5807: The person of initial knowing

The person of Chapter 5805 at first knowing 第5805章最初结识之人 Chu Feng shows a faint smile, searches the hand to grasp, grasps a sand starts. 楚枫微微一笑,探手一抓,又将一把沙子抓入手中。 immediately, this sand, squeezed in the hand of Ling Xiao. 旋即,将这把沙子,塞入了灵霄的手中。 You have a look, actually in this sand, contains the complete clue.” Chu Feng said. “你看看,其实这沙子之中,就蕴藏着完整的线索。”楚枫道。 Sand?” Ling Xiao awakens suddenly, not only Chu Feng first stressed this sand observation, behind Little Fishy also grasped a sand to observe. “沙子?”灵霄猛然醒悟,不仅楚枫第一时间就抓了这沙子观察,后面小鱼儿也抓了一把沙子观察。 His some are unable to understand. 只是他也有些无法理解。 Can a sand that this grasps at will, contain about this desert so complete clue unexpectedly? 这样随意抓的一把沙子,竟能蕴藏关于这片沙漠如此完整的线索? Sees Ling Xiao so difficult to understand, Chu Feng then continues saying: 灵霄如此难以理解,楚枫便继续说道: Since the general situation observes, looks for the clue by the landform, is the conventional observation way.” “从大局观察,以地貌来寻找线索,是常规观察方式。” But sometimes, the non-conventional way, instead has the effect.” “但有时候,非常规方式,反而更有效果。” You did not discover, here each grain of sand, did contain formation technique?” “你不是也发现,这里的每粒沙子,都蕴藏阵法了吗?” Since contains formation technique, naturally also contains the clue.” Chu Feng said. “既然蕴藏阵法,自然也就蕴藏线索。”楚枫说道。 Your power of observation does not have the issue, if I according to your observation way , can only see you see.” “你的观察力没问题,我若按照你的观察方式,也只能看到你所看到的。” Therefore you are the way have problems.” Chu Feng said. “所以你是方式出了问题。”楚枫说道。 But at this moment, Ling Xiao is silent, observes the sand in hand earnestly. 而此刻,灵霄已经沉默,认真观察手中的沙子。 Actually he was somewhat stimulated. 其实他是有些被刺激到了。 Since the simple way, actually broke him many years cognition. 简单的方式,却打破了他多年以来的认知。 Too simple, feels to him simply not possible. 太简单了,简单到他觉得不可能。 But he is the observation is uncomfortable, because of this method, unexpectedly really effective. 可他越是观察越是难受,因为这个方法,竟真的有效。 Although he cannot like Chu Feng, see the clue fast, so long as gives him some time, he can also find the complete clue. 尽管他不能像楚枫那样,快速看出线索,但只要给他一定时间,他也能够找出全部线索。 But this showed exactly, Chu Feng's way is right, is the shortcut, breaks his cognition the shortcut. 但这恰恰证明,楚枫的方式是对的,是捷径,打破他认知的捷径。 We first leave.” “咱们先动身吧。” everyone, careful.” 诸位,小心一点。” We do not fear the failure, but the security must place first absolutely.” “我们不怕失败,但安全绝对要放在第一位。” After Chu Feng exhorts, then leaves directly. 楚枫嘱咐完之后,便直接动身。 Good Big Brother, you are also careful.” Little Fishy is wielding the small hand, said goodbye with Chu Feng. “好的大哥哥,你也小心。”小鱼儿挥动着小手,与楚枫告别。 Until Chu Feng vanishes, she turns around to look to the people. 直到楚枫消失,她才转身看向众人。 We also leave.” “咱们也动身吧。” As soon as she opens the mouth, the people all are the look stagnate. 她一开口,众人皆是神色一滞。 Do not visit her the clever person, small female celestial that needs to protect likely. 别看她长得乖巧可人,像个需要保护的小仙女。 But she opens the mouth at this time again, the tone has little change obviously, but the feeling of whole person was entirely different. 可她此时再开口,明明语气没有太大变化,但整个人的感觉全然不同了。 No longer probably in the ordinary day, that weird, making one protect to want little girl of bursting. 不再像是平日里,那古灵精怪,让人保护欲爆棚的小丫头 Instead looks like a deserving leader, temperament is unusual, even in these ordinary days conceited talents, has no temperament unexpectedly, has feeling that plants to be shocked. 反而就像是一个当之无愧的领导者,气质超凡,连这些平日里唯我独尊的天才们,竟也都没有任何脾气,有种被震慑住的感觉。 Sees such Little Fishy, the people feels inconceivable, had the new understanding of Little Fishy. 看到这样的小鱼儿,众人都感觉不可思议,对小鱼儿又有了新的认识。 Some thing are really inherent. 有些东西真的是与生俱来的。 On for example Little Fishy this leader temperament, when she will then show earnestly, others cannot imitate. 就比如小鱼儿这股领导气质,当她认真便会展现,别人根本模仿不来。 But acclaimed when others, after leaving Chu Feng, the transformation of Little Fishy status, unexpectedly so the silk slides. 而在其他人赞叹,离开楚枫后,小鱼儿身份的转变,竟如此丝滑时。 Jie Baobao follows to graze side Ling Xiao together. 界宝宝则是跟在灵霄身旁一同飞掠。 What's wrong, was stimulated?” Jie Baobao asked in secret. “怎么,受刺激了?”界宝宝暗中问。 Because on the way of the flight, in the Ling Xiao hand also grabs that to give his sand Chu Feng, but also is observing. 因为飞行途中,灵霄手中也抓着那把楚枫递给他的沙子,还在观察。 Disparity was too big, is not only in the power of observation, on the brain also has the disparity.” “差距太大了,不仅仅是观察力上,脑子上也有差距。” Method way can study, the power of observation can also practice, but brain thing, oh......” Ling Xiao sighed. “方法方式可以学,观察力也可以练,但是脑子这东西,唉……”灵霄叹息一声。 I understand.” “我懂。” To put it bluntly, is the perception disparity, is the talent disparity.” Jie Baobao said. “说白了,就是悟性差距,也是天赋差距。”界宝宝道。 I know the disparity, but how can make up? Studies cultivation, seems not good.” Ling Xiao said. “我知道差距,但要怎么弥补呢?只是学习修炼,似乎不行。”灵霄道。 „It is not able to make up, will be only getting bigger and bigger.” Jie Baobao said. “无法弥补,只会越来越大。”界宝宝说道。 Your this... said was too straightforward, I touched somebody's sore spot.” Ling Xiao sighed. “你这…说的太直白了,我更扎心了。”灵霄叹道。 It‘s nothing, these are inferior to our people, will have this feeling.” “没什么的,那些不如我们的人,也会有这种感觉。” But the person and person, were different, is not only then becomes strongest, is meaningful.” “但人和人,本就不同,又不是只有成为最强,才有意义。” „The significance of life has many types.” Jie Baobao said. “人生的意义有很多种。”界宝宝道。 Right that you said that but arrived this step, who doesn't want to become strongest?” “你说的对,但都走到了这一步,谁又不想成为最强呢?” Sigh long of especially Ling Xiao. 灵霄的叹息声格外的长。 Because he knows, has Chu Feng. 因为他知道,有楚枫在。 World Spiritist this road, he was doomed unable to be strongest. 界灵师这条路,他注定无法最强了。 ...... …… Chu Feng, grazes in the desert of this everywhere blood sand, may stop suddenly. 楚枫独自一人,于这漫天血沙的沙漠之中飞掠,可忽然停了下来。 The front looks, as before is the vast desert, anything does not have. 前方望去,依旧是一望无际的沙漠,什么都没有。 But Chu Feng knows, first convenient is the ruins territory that he must go. 楚枫知道,前方便是他要前往的遗迹领地。 Wish makes this ruins appear, requires some methods and viewing times. 想要让这遗迹浮现,需要一些手段和观察时间。 However regarding this, Chu Feng believes Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao. 不过对此,楚枫还是相信灵霄界宝宝的。 Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao ability is very outstanding, the not to mention present age junior is top, the older generation also not necessarily has several compared with them. 灵霄界宝宝的能力很出众,莫说当代小辈是顶尖的,老一辈也未必有几个比他们强的。 They are only the way are sometimes stodgy. 他们只是方式有的时候过于死板。 But such as such place, they, so long as can determine, can observe all. 而如这样的地方,他们只要能够确定,就能观察出一切。 Little Fishy follows, the Little Fishy power of observation, is stronger than Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao. 况且还有小鱼儿跟随,小鱼儿的观察力,可是比灵霄界宝宝更强。 In a while, the time of agreement arrives, Chu Feng then grazes directly. 没过多久,约定的时间到达,楚枫便直接飞掠其中。 He fell a position accurately, threw down together ahead of time prepare formation technique. 他准确落到了一个位置,丢下一道提前布置好的阵法 Afterward came to change several positions one after another, similarly lost into together formation technique. 随后又来接连换了几个位置,同样丢入一道阵法 Finally, he leaps to the upper air above, pinches the law secret art: Opens 最后,他又飞跃到高空之上,捏动法诀:“阵启” Rumble - 隆隆隆- Follows the land to sway, an ancient palace, then appears from the blood-color desert. 伴随大地摇晃,一座古老的宫殿,便自血色沙漠之中浮现而出。 Here sand, cannot see the concrete years trace. 这里的沙子,看不出具体岁月痕迹。 Coming out that but this ancient palace can look. 可是这古老的宫殿是能够看的出来的。 This is the thing of Immemorial Era then existence. 此乃太古时期便存在之物。 Chu Feng enters the palace, then sought quickly decoded the method, and prepare is decoding that when the agreement time arrived, Chu Feng then Opening Formation. 楚枫进入宫殿,很快便寻得了破解方法,且布置好破解着那份,待得约定时间一到,楚枫便开启阵法 In the quick, ancient main hall the ray is radiant, light beam is penetrates everywhere the sandstorm, changes to dazzling ray, the direct impact remote horizon. 很快,古老大殿内光芒璀璨,一道光束更是穿透漫天的风沙,化作一道耀眼的光线,直冲遥远天际。 Chu Feng goes out of the palace, discovered that also has another light beam from the distant shoots towards upper air, just the light beam connection that projects in the main hall melts with Chu Feng. 楚枫走出宫殿,发现还有另外一光束自远方射向高空,刚好与楚枫所在大殿射出的光束交汇相融。 This their is then also succeeding on behalf of Little Fishy. 这代表着小鱼儿他们那便也成功了。 All smooth, but this is also expected in Chu Feng. 一切顺利,但这也在楚枫预料之中。 Here, difficult decodes the method. 这里,难的就是破解方法。 This point Chu Feng has looked through. 这一点楚枫已经看破。 As for process, so long as some people coordinate, is actually not difficult. 至于过程,只要有人配合,其实不难。 Especially regarding their these, present age peak talent, so long as the method is correct, will then not make a mistake basically. 尤其是对于他们这些,当代最顶尖的天才而言,只要方法正确,便基本不会失误。 Therefore Chu Feng leaves directly, grazes to go to the third ruins direction. 于是楚枫直接动身,向第三座遗迹的方向飞掠而去。 The Chu Feng fear misses the detail, although grazes fast, but actually also always uses Heaven's Eyes to observe. 楚枫害怕错过细节,尽管一路快速飞掠,可却也始终使用天眼观察。 When Chu Feng third ruins, actually will soon see to hide formation technique in the rapid traverse, to direction that oneself are. 而在楚枫即将第三座遗迹的时候,却看到有隐藏阵法在快速移动,向自己所在的方向而来。 Chu Feng rushes to halt, earnest power of observation. 楚枫赶忙止步,认真观察力。 Quick, hidden formation technique of that movement, then appears in the Chu Feng eye gradually. 很快,那移动的隐藏阵法,便在楚枫眼中渐渐浮现。 Not can only see to hide formation technique, but can also see to hide in formation technique to have the multi-channel form. 不仅能够看到隐藏阵法,还能够看到隐藏阵法内有着多道身影。 That is the Pill Dao Immortal Sect person. 那是丹道仙宗的人。 But at least three people of Chu Feng recognize. 而其中至少三人楚枫是认得的。 In Nine Souls Galaxy then already the person of knowing. 乃还是在九魂天河便已结识之人。 Jiang Kongping, Jiang Yuantai, Jiang Taibai. 姜空平,姜元泰,姜太白 PS: PS: The important matters, said with Little Brother. 有一件重要的事,和兄弟们说一下。 Tomorrow, was on November 21, the Martial God animation reflected the anticipated future position. 明天,也就是11月21日,武神动漫将提前点映。 What reflects for the anticipated future position? 何为提前点映? Martial God animation in the first quarter a total of 16 volumes, every week a update volume, tomorrow update to the tenth volume. 武神动漫第一季总共十六集,每周更新一集,明天更新到第十集。 The anticipated future position reflects is, tomorrow can purchase the following six volumes ahead of time, sees big ending. 提前点映就是,明天能提前购买后面的六集,一口气看到大结局 But with emphasis is not this, opens the anticipated future position to reflect with emphasis, will have many audience to spend, current capacity everyone of Tencent video should be clear. 但重点不是这个,重点开提前点映,会有很多观众消费,腾讯视频的流量大家应该清楚。 Tomorrow the Martial God sales volume will welcome eruption to grow. 明天武神的销量会迎来爆发式增长。 Therefore tomorrow, is the Martial God animation impact best-selling list best time. 所以明天,是武神动漫冲击畅销榜最佳时机。 The Martial God animation, has not entered the best-selling list of Tencent video at present. 武神动漫,目前还未进入过腾讯视频的畅销榜。 Honeybee or those words, so long as Martial God can enter the best-selling list, the honeybee in into the list in ten days, will challenge 15 chapters of big eruptions. 蜜蜂还是那句话,只要武神能进入畅销榜,蜜蜂会在入榜十日内,挑战十五章大爆发。 Which step although the Martial God animation result can, what are more is must look at the affection degree of passer-by. 虽说武神动漫成绩能到哪一步,更多的还是要看路人的喜爱程度。 But existence of our original works powder, is extremely important, is indispensable. 但我们原著粉的存在,极其重要,是不可或缺的。 Therefore tomorrow will have Little Brother of condition, can help flush. 所以明天有条件的兄弟,可以帮忙冲一冲。 Moreover does not leave accidentally/surprisingly, today will have update, but must 1 : 00 pm, not suggest slightly. 另外不出意外,今天还会有更新,不过要稍微晚 1 点,不建议等。 Everyone rests earlier, bright Tianyi gets up to look, Martial God animation first quarter big ending. 大家早点休息,明天一起看,武神动漫第一季的大结局 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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