MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5806: Little Fishy power of observation

Chapter 5804 Little Fishy power of observation 第5804章小鱼儿的观察力 Good.” “好。” The people should immediately, and some people pinch the law secret art, some people put out the treasure. 众人立刻应下,且有人捏动法诀,有人拿出宝物。 And the eyes, in varying degrees become must be special. 且双眼,都不同程度的变得特别起来。 In them, and not only Chu Feng, Ling Xiao, Jie Baobao excels at the law of observation. 他们之中,也并不只是楚枫,灵霄,界宝宝擅长观察之法。 In fact, even if cultivator, there is the law of cultivator own observation. 实际上,哪怕修武者,也有修武者自己的观察之法。 „Can everyone, what have to observe?” After the moment, Chu Feng asked. 诸位,可有观察出什么?”片刻后,楚枫问道。 Has.” “有。” „The sand of this desert, should contain the strength of formation technique, but the strength of formation technique is extremely weak, even is unable to detect.” “这片沙漠的沙子,应该蕴藏着阵法之力,但阵法之力极其微弱,甚至无法察觉。” But such vast desert gathers, the formation technique strength then meets invisible in appears, will cause the person to have the illusion, but affects should not be big to us.” “但这样浩瀚的沙漠聚集在一起,阵法力量便会无形之中浮现,会致使人产生幻觉,不过对于我们来说影响应该不大。” Moreover in this desert, should also hide the secret, that should be we want to look.” Ling Xiao said. “另外这片沙漠之中,应该还藏着秘密,那应该就是我们想要找的。”灵霄说道。 How to feel, said didn't seem to say?” Long Chengyu sighed. “怎么感觉,说了好像没说?”龙承羽叹道。 Also had saying that did not say this inside contained formation technique that can make us have the illusion? Is useless to us.” Qin Xuan added. “也并非没说,不是说了这里面蕴藏能让我们产生幻觉的阵法吗?只是对咱们没用。”秦玄补充道。 „......” Ling Xiao is somewhat speechless, he said that indeed is he observes. “……”灵霄有些无语,他说的,的确是他观察出来的。 However probably indeed does not have the substantive help. 但是好像的确没有实质性的帮助。 That that... do that you, what have to observe?” Wang Qiang asked. “那那那…那你们,有观察出什么吗?”王强问。 We do not excel at Spirit Formation technique, has not observed anything.” Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan also said. “我们不擅长结界之术,并未观察出什么。”龙承羽秦玄同时说道。 „Also... might as well others Ling Xiao.” Wang Qiang said. “还还…还不如人家灵霄呢。”王强道。 That Wang Qiang brother, what do you have to observe?” Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan also asked. “那王强兄,你有观察出什么吗?”龙承羽秦玄同时问道。 Hey, my my I... I and you not... different.” “嘿,我我我…我与你们不不…不同。” I am many excel at some knots... Spirit Formation technique, but I observe and Ling Xiao is similar.” Wang Qiang said. “我是多少擅长一些结结…结界之术的,不过我观察的与灵霄差不多。”王强道。 „......” Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan show the whites of the eyes, this was equal to that had not said. “……”龙承羽秦玄不由翻了个白眼,这等于没说。 Who knows, what you said is really or false, if studies Ling Xiao? 况且谁知道,你说的是真的还是假的,万一只是学灵霄呢? Therefore generally speaking, the observation of Wang Qiang is like them, no uses. 所以总体来说,王强的观察和他们两个一样,没啥用。 Miss, you?” Chu Feng looks to Jie Baobao. “界姑娘,你呢?”楚枫看向界宝宝 Because Chu Feng discovered that here person, besides him, only has earnestness that quite three people observe. 因为楚枫发现这里的人,除了他之外,就只有三个人观察的比较认真。 And two are Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao. 其中两个便是灵霄界宝宝 As for others, general watched a meeting, discovered that the observation difficulty is big, then gave up in abundance. 至于其他人,大概的看了一会,发现观察难度较大,便都纷纷放弃了。 Therefore looks like in Chu Feng, inquired these three then. 所以在楚枫看来,询问这三位即可。 Similar that I and Ling Xiao observe, to observe are more, but also needs to explore carefully, best go all over the trim desert, careful nosing.” “我与灵霄观察的差不多,若想观察更多,还需要仔细探索,最好走遍整片沙漠,仔细查探。” Although quite time-consuming, but should have the harvest.” Jie Baobao said. “虽然比较耗时,但应该会有收获。”界宝宝说道。 Un.” Chu Feng slight nod, therefore looked to Little Fishy. “嗯。”楚枫微微点头,于是看向了小鱼儿 „Did girl, what see?” “丫头,看出什么了吗?” In this little girl holds one handful of sand, tosses about among the fair small hands, seems like playing. 这个小丫头手里捧着一捧沙子,于白皙小手之间翻来覆去的,就像是在玩。 But actually, she besides Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao, the observation is most earnest. 可其实,她就是除了灵霄界宝宝之外,观察最认真的。 „? Did Big Brother ask me?” Little Fishy looks is too earnest, suddenly is unable to determine, but is supine the small face is looking at Chu Feng. “啊?大哥哥问我?”小鱼儿看的太认真,一时间无法确定,而是仰着小脸看着楚枫 Right, looked is so earnest, what can observe?” Chu Feng asked. “对,看的这么认真,可有观察出什么?”楚枫问。 Big Brother, this inside should have three ruins, that three ruins have the respective function, having a liking for is independent ruins.” 大哥哥,这里面应该有三座遗迹,那三座遗迹都有各自的作用,看上是独立的遗迹。” But in fact, ruins is a lock, if can break open three ruins, can find the hidden in this desert, thing of deeper level.” Little Fishy said. “但实际上,遗迹就是锁,若能破开三座遗迹,就能找到隐藏于这沙漠中,更深层次的东西。”小鱼儿说道。 „The Yu'er miss, have you come to here?” Long Chengyu asked. 鱼儿姑娘,你来过这里?”龙承羽问。 No.” Little Fishy shakes the head. “没。”小鱼儿摇了摇头。 „Are you have looked about here record?” Qin Xuan asked. “那你是看过关于这里的记载?”秦玄问。 No.” Little Fishy shakes the head. “没。”小鱼儿又摇了摇头。 These that that... that you just observed?” Wang Qiang also asked. “那那那…那你是刚刚观察出的这些?”王强也是问道。 Un.” Little Fishy nods. “嗯。”小鱼儿点了点头。 „, Real false?” “哇,真的假的?” „Does the Yu'er miss, how see so many?” 鱼儿姑娘,怎么看出这么多?” At this time, many vision are complex, particularly Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao feel difficult believing. 此时,许多人都目光复杂,尤其是灵霄界宝宝更是感觉难以置信。 After all Little Fishy said that simply with looking is ordinary about here record, was too more detailed. 毕竟小鱼儿所言,简直就跟看过关于这里的记载一般,也太详细了一些。 If Little Fishy said is true, that no small matter. 倘若小鱼儿所说属实,那可非同小可。 The power of observation, exceeded their several times to continue simply. 其观察力,简直胜过他们数倍不止了。 Cannot think, the power of observation of your girl is so also fierce.” “想不到,你这丫头的观察力也这么厉害。” This was easy to do.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “这样就好办了。”楚枫不由笑道。 That Big Brother, what I observe is right?” Little Fishy asked. “那大哥哥,我观察的是对的?”小鱼儿问道。 But others were shocked. 而其他人就更加震惊了。 After all the Chu Feng's words, are authoritative. 毕竟楚枫的话,还是极具权威性的。 It seems like Little Fishy was really relies on own power of observation to observe these, and to a great extent was correct, otherwise Chu Feng will not praise her. 看来小鱼儿真的是凭借自己的观察力观察出了这些,并且很大程度上是正确的,不然楚枫也不会夸她。 Your observation is right.” “你的观察都是对的。” During the Chu Feng speeches, then uses the hand as the pen, outlined in the desert. 楚枫说话间,便以手为笔,在沙漠勾勒起来。 Suddenly, he outlined a map. 眨眼间,他就勾勒出了一幅地图。 That unexpectedly is the complete map of trim blood-color desert, and above also symbolized three places. 那竟是整片血色沙漠的完整地图,且上面还标志了三个地点。 These three places, are the hidden in this desert ruins.” “这三个地方,就是隐藏于这片沙漠的遗迹。” What Little Fishy said is right, these three ruins, are not simple ruins, when its reality therefore locks, so long as opens, can start out the place of hidden.” 小鱼儿说的是对的,这三座遗迹,不是简单的遗迹,其实相当于是锁,只要打开,就能开出隐藏之地。” But the unlocking needs the order.” “但开锁是需要顺序的。” First, this and this.” “首先,这个和这个。” Chu Feng aims at two ruins respectively, said: These two ruins, need also to open.” 楚枫分别指向两处遗迹,说道:“这两个遗迹,需要同时开启。” Only then after simultaneously opening, opens third ruins again, can complete.” “只有同时开启之后,再开启第三个遗迹,才能完成。” And this opening way, from stepping into that moment has started to consider as finished.” Chu Feng said. “并且这个开启方式,是从踏入的那一刻就已经开始算了。”楚枫说道。 Steps into that moment?” The people are somewhat accidental. “踏入那一刻?”众人有些意外。 Right, formation technique in this ruins, has certain induction range.” “对,这遗迹内的阵法,有一定感应范围。” not to mention steps into ruins, but steps into this range, already zero computing time.” Chu Feng said. 莫说踏入遗迹之内,只是踏入这个范围,就已经开始计算时间。”楚枫说道。 Therefore, we do want to fan out in two groups?” Ling Xiao asked. “所以,我们要兵分两路?”灵霄问。 Un.” Chu Feng nods. “嗯。”楚枫点头。 I and Big Brother together.” Little Fishy stands immediately side Chu Feng. “那我和大哥哥一起。”小鱼儿立马站到楚枫身旁。 „Not good Little Fishy, you and Ling Xiao they together.” “不行小鱼儿,你与灵霄他们一起。” Your power of observation, can help them.” Chu Feng said. “你的观察力,能帮到他们。”楚枫说道。 Good.” Saw Chu Feng to say like this, although Little Fishy some did not prefer, but actually also compromises immediately. “好吧。”见楚枫这样说,小鱼儿虽有些不情愿,可却也立刻妥协。 Afterward, under the Chu Feng arrangement, they fans out in two groups. 随后,在楚枫安排下,他们兵分两路。 Others, but Chu Feng. 其他人一路,而楚枫自己一路。 Because the to break the formation time needs to be the same, therefore Chu Feng they need the same time, enters that ruins territory range, and must at the same time, complete to break the formation. 因为破阵的时间需要相同,所以楚枫他们需要同一时间,进入那遗迹的领地范围,并且还要在同一时间,完成破阵 This is actually not difficult, they have agreed on the time of entry, as well as to break the formation time. 这个其实并不难,他们已经约定好了进入的时间,以及破阵的时间。 Chu Feng only worry is, Ling Xiao they cannot prepare to break the formation the method in the time horizon of agreement. 楚枫唯一担心的就是,灵霄他们不能在约定的时间范围内布置好破阵的手段。 After to break the formation succeeds, they then together go to third ruins, converges there. 至于破阵成功之后,他们便一同前往第三座遗迹,在那里汇合。 Chu Feng, I have a question.” 楚枫,我有个疑问。” But before leaving, Ling Xiao opens the mouth suddenly. 可就在动身前,灵霄忽然开口。 You said.” Chu Feng said. “你说。”楚枫道。 I believe that you said that you did not understand this place before.” “我相信你说的,你之前也不了解此地。” But, how you are in such a short time, then observes such multithreading?” “但是,你是怎么在这么短的时间内,便观察出这么多线索的?” „... Has known from A to Z simply.” Ling Xiao is really unthinkable. “简直已经…了如指掌。”灵霄实在匪夷所思。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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