MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5805: Top talent peer

Chapter 5803 top talent peer 第5803章顶尖天才同行 On point of departure before, nine summit Grandmaster, bestowed Chu Feng and others, each person gray cape. 临别前,九巅大师,赠送了楚枫等人,每人一件灰色斗篷。 Effect that this cape has not hidden actually, but the blocking effect is extremely good. 这斗篷倒是没有隐藏的效果,但是遮挡效果极佳。 And the cape is quite simple, low-key. 并且斗篷较为朴素,低调。 And special effects, wear this cape, was neglected specially easily, can reduce has the feeling. 且有一种特殊的功效,就是穿上这斗篷,特别容易被人忽略,能降低存在感。 Chu Feng and others wears this cape, even if frank and upright walks in the crowd, is very difficult to cause others to pay attention. 楚枫等人穿着这件斗篷,哪怕光明正大的在人群中行走,也很难引起别人注意。 Said simply, wears this cape, will seem extremely low-key. 简单的说,穿上这斗篷,就会显得极其低调。 Freely, Chu Feng and others will also use the hidden method, oneself will hide thoroughly, but actually also threw over this cape on the body. 尽管,楚枫等人也会使用隐藏手段,将自己彻底隐藏,但却也都将这斗篷披在了身上。 At present, nine summit Grandmaster have not come. 眼下,九巅大师并未现身。 But is Liu Kuo is representing Summit of Nine Heavens, Chu Feng and other juniors, delivered to Teleportation Formation. 而是刘阔代表着九天之巅,将楚枫等众小辈,送到了一座传送阵上。 Little Brother Chu Feng, everyone brother, as well as... the everyone miss, that then have another chance to meet.” Say/Way that Liu Kuo smiles. 楚枫兄弟,诸位兄台,以及…诸位姑娘,那便后会有期啦。”刘阔笑眯眯的道。 Brother Liu Kuo, trip many thanks looks.” Chu Feng said. 刘阔兄,此行多谢关照。”楚枫说道。 Oh, Little Brother Chu Feng, do not say, doing seemed you to go through the motions was the same.” “唉唉唉,楚枫兄弟,你可别这么说,搞得好像你走后门了一样。” Monk has been fair fairly, I may anything not help you, you depend on your skill.” Liu Kuo said. “小僧一直公平公正,我可什么都没帮你啊,你都是靠自己本事。”刘阔说道。 Knock it off, fair fair? My first refusing to accept.” Qin Xuan is curling the lip to say. “拉倒吧,公平公正?我第一个不服。”秦玄撇着嘴说道。 Qin Xuan benefactor, this monk, who knows no wonder you will abandon throw clear(ly) secretly, the one had only known, the monk make you little rest several days of square.” Liu Kuo said. 秦玄施主,这怪不得小僧,谁知道你会弃暗投明,早知如此,小僧就让你少睡几天广场了。”刘阔道。 He... does not calculate that abandoned throws clear(ly) secretly, but with... travelled together with us.” “他也不不不…不算弃暗投明,只是与我们同同…同行罢了。” Perhaps leaves here, on... spoke our malicious remarks, sends people to pursue... to chase down us.” “说不定离开这里,就就就…就说咱们坏话,派人追追…追杀咱们。” Wang Qiang big mouth one, saying of smiling. 王强大嘴一咧,笑眯眯的说道。 Heard Wang Qiang this words, Qin Xuan flusters immediately, rushed to beckon with the hand: „The Wang Qiang brother, I may be unable absolutely.” 听闻王强此话,秦玄立刻慌了,赶忙摆手:“王强兄,我可绝对不会。” That that... that who knows?” A Wang Qiang face smiles badly. “那那…那谁知道呢?”王强一脸坏笑。 I really cannot.” Qin Xuan took a stand hastily. “我真的不会。”秦玄连忙表态。 Although he is the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect first talent, but here is actually weakest one. 他虽是苍穹仙宗第一天才,可在这里却是最弱之一。 Casual wants to eliminate a potential informant, he is doomed, he is who does not dare to offend. 随便一个想灭口,他都在劫难逃,他是谁都不敢得罪。 But looked the appearance that Qin Xuan was really frightened, others also smiled. 而看秦玄是真的被吓到的样子,其他人也不由笑了。 Ok, we must leave, Brother Liu Kuo has another chance to meet.” Chu Feng holds the Fist Dao to Liu Kuo. “好了,我们要动身了,刘阔兄后会有期。”楚枫刘阔抱拳道。 Has another chance to meet.” Liu Kuo also returns by a ritual. “后会有期。”刘阔也是回以一礼。 Afterward, Chu Feng and others then grazes through formation technique, fell above the land. 随后,楚枫等人便通过阵法飞掠而下,落在了大地之上。 raise one's head looked, anything could not see, Chu Feng uses the Heaven's Eyes out-of-sight Summit of Nine Heavens shadow. 抬头一看,什么都看不到,就连楚枫天眼都观察不到九天之巅的影子。 It looks like Summit of Nine Heavens, here is not ordinary. 就像是九天之巅,根本不在这里一般。 But Chu Feng actually knows, Summit of Nine Heavens, obviously above their top of the heads. 楚枫却知道,九天之巅,明明就在他们的头顶之上。 Summit of Nine Heavens, is very indeed strong. 九天之巅,的确很强。 everyone, walks.” 诸位,走吧。” Chu Feng takes the lead to leave, the immediately numerous position talents follow. 楚枫率先动身,旋即众位天才紧随其后。 These almost collect, now the vast martial cultivation world strongest junior talents, precisely steps the journey. 这些几乎汇集,当今浩瀚修武界最强的小辈天才们,正是踏上旅途。 Place that they must go, is located in the desert of this side world. 他们要去的地方,是位于这方世界的一片沙漠。 Long Chengyu, here is your Totem Dragon Clan domain, understands here you?” 龙承羽,这里是你图腾龙族的地盘,对于这里你了解吗?” On the road, Qin Xuan asked. 路上,秦玄问道。 Totem Galaxy is so big, my how possibly each world understood.” 图腾天河那么大,我怎么可能每个世界都了解。” Here, should be the Pill Dao Immortal Sect territory.” “不过这里,应该是丹道仙宗的领地。” Said, Pill Dao Immortal Sect that group of fellows, be not caught by me, catches extinguishes one to me.” “说起来,丹道仙宗那群家伙,别被我逮到,逮到一个我灭一个。” Mentioned Pill Dao Immortal Sect, Long Chengyu is then mad not to hit one, because synthesis, Totem Dragon Clan continuously when Pill Dao Immortal Sect was not thin. 提及丹道仙宗,龙承羽便气不打一处来,因为综合来说,图腾龙族一直待丹道仙宗不薄。 But Pill Dao Immortal Sect actually helps the Long Lin(dragon scale) rebellion, became the rebel. 可是丹道仙宗却帮助龙鳞叛乱,成了叛徒。 Handles here matter, I help you cope with Pill Dao Immortal Sect together.” Chu Feng said to Long Chengyu. “处理完这里的事,我帮你一起对付丹道仙宗。”楚枫龙承羽说道。 Does not use, my Totem Dragon Clan can process.” Long Chengyu said. “不用,我图腾龙族能处理。”龙承羽说道。 Pill Dao Immortal Sect, may incessantly be your matter.” Chu Feng said. 丹道仙宗,可不止是你的事。”楚枫道。 „, I almost forgot.” “啊,我差点忘记了。” Like this thinks, Pill Dao Immortal Sect is really damn, the influence that this rotten person composes, should not exist on his mother, should destroy completely thoroughly.” “这样想起来,丹道仙宗真是该死,这种烂人组成的势力,就他妈不应该存在,应该彻底灭掉。” Long Chengyu remembered, Jia Lingyi to the matter that Grandma Chu Feng does, the anger is more abundant. 龙承羽想起了,贾令仪楚枫奶奶所做的事,怒意更盛。 Pill Dao Immortal Sect and do Chu Feng have grudge?” Xian Miaomiao asked. 丹道仙宗楚枫恩怨?”仙喵喵问道。 „The Miaomiao miss, is this, Pill Dao Immortal Sect, there are named Jia Lingyi old woman.” 喵喵姑娘,是这样的,丹道仙宗,有一个名为贾令仪的老太太。” She is Pill Dao Immortal Sect Sect Master Daughter, in the past when was young, is acquainted with Chu Feng's Grandmother.” “她是丹道仙宗宗主女儿,当年还年轻之时,便与楚枫的奶奶相识。” But she envies Grandma Chu Feng talent, then collaborates Situ World Spirit Sect and Immortal Slaughter person, destroys the family that Grandma Chu Feng was.” “但她嫉妒楚枫奶奶的天赋,便联手司徒界灵门仙屠的人,去毁了楚枫奶奶所在的家族。” Long Chengyu has not concealed, but said this matter in the presence of everyone. 龙承羽也未隐瞒,而是当众将这件事情说了出来。 This is not the secret, so long as some people want to investigate Chu Feng, this is coming out that can definitely investigate. 这已不是秘密,只要有人想调查楚枫,这是完全能够调查的出来的。 This is Jia Lingyi also living?” Xian Miaomiao asked, at this time her in the eye has the anger to reappear. “这贾令仪还活着?”仙喵喵问,此时她的眼中已有怒火浮现。 Matter that Jia Lingyi does, calculates absolutely on is the intense and deep-seated hatred. 贾令仪所做的事,绝对算的上是血海深仇。 She by Little Brother Chu Feng, was abandoned cultivation realm before, pulled out Source, now can only barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, living to might as well die.” “她之前被楚枫兄弟,废了修为,抽了本源,如今只能苟延残喘,生不如死。” Indeed is also living.” “不过的确还活着。” Originally was detained in my Totem Dragon Clan, but should be rescued now by the Pill Dao Immortal Sect person.” Long Chengyu said. “本来是被关押在我图腾龙族的,但现在应该被丹道仙宗的人救回去了。”龙承羽说道。 Chu Feng, you want to let her pain is living?” 楚枫,你是想让她痛苦的活着吗?” Xian Miaomiao asked. 仙喵喵问道。 She asked that meaning of this words is very obvious, if Chu Feng's meaning, she follows Chu Feng's meaning, if not, she will lend a hand to solve this person. 她问此话的意思很明显,若是楚枫的意思,她遵循楚枫的意思,若不是,她都会出手解决此人。 Miaomiao, my matter I solve.” 喵喵,我的事我来解决。” Here matter ended, you feel at ease cultivation.” Chu Feng said. “这里的事结束,你就安心回去修炼。”楚枫说道。 Saw Chu Feng to say like this, Xian Miaomiao then understood Chu Feng's meaning, no longer said. 楚枫这样说,仙喵喵便明白了楚枫的意思,也不再多说。 But from beginning to end, Little Fishy and Xianhai Shaoyu, have not interposed this matter. 而从始至终,小鱼儿仙海少禹,都没插话此事。 When may mention Jia Lingyi, on Little Fishy that beautiful small face, is transfers coldly. 可提及贾令仪时,小鱼儿那绝美的小脸上,也是转冷。 Before Little Fishy, then knows this matter. 小鱼儿之前便知道此事。 She knows that Chu Feng has the Chu Feng's idea, therefore has not meddled. 只是她知道楚枫楚枫的想法,所以并未插手。 Do not look at Little Fishy usually likely a child, but she also has her thoughts. 别看小鱼儿平时像个小孩子,可是她却也有她的心思。 ...... …… Quick, Chu Feng and others then entered the blood-color desert. 很快,楚枫等人便进入了血色沙漠。 That is a piece of blood red sand, composed desert, vast, surface area is enormous. 那是一片血红色的沙子,组成的沙漠,一望无际,面积极大。 In addition sandstorm everywhere, even if their these cultivator, regards the distance certainly to be limited. 再加上风沙漫天,哪怕他们这些修武者,所视距离也会受到一定限制。 This desert has the issue.” “这沙漠有问题。” Just saw this desert, Ling Xiao has not flown to fall, also has not observed earnestly, but saw this desert had the issue. 刚看到这片沙漠,灵霄还未飞落而下,也未认真观察,只是一眼就看出了这沙漠有问题。 But Chu Feng flies to fall directly, grasped a sand in the hand. 楚枫则是直接飞落而下,抓了一把沙子于手中。 Sees that Little Fishy, Xian Miaomiao, immediately with whereabouts above desert. 见状,小鱼儿,仙喵喵,立马跟着落在了沙漠之上。 Others do not have the means that is also follows to fly to fall, Jie Baobao was also flies to fall. 其他人没办法,也是跟着飞落而下,就连界宝宝也是飞落了下去。 They are centered on Chu Feng. 他们都以楚枫为中心。 However Ling Xiao, is situated in in the air, his vision compared with it in the past, became especially bright, in the hand pinches the law secret art. 不过灵霄,还是立于空中,他目光比之以往,变得格外明亮,手中更是捏动着法诀。 He in by oneself method, is observing this blood red desert. 他在以自己的方法,观察着这片血红色的沙漠。 Place that everyone, we must find, in this desert.” 诸位,我们要找到的地方,就在这片沙漠之中。” I only know that is a very special place, regarding us, has the greatest help.” “我只知道,那是一个很特别的地方,对于我们,将有着莫大的帮助。” Very possibly is in our life, one of the biggest destiny.” “很可能是我们人生中,最大的机缘之一。” Therefore we must find this place.” “所以我们一定要找到这个地方。” Everyone also observes with the respective method, looks whether to observe some profound and abstruse principles or the clues.” Chu Feng said. “大家也都用各自的方法观察一下,看能否观察出一些玄机或线索。”楚枫说道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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