MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5804: The riddle of Bloodline

The riddle of Chapter 5802 Bloodline 第5802章血脉之谜 „Can senior, why so?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,为何会如此?”楚枫问。 Because the main body chose you.” Red thunder huge beast said. “因为本尊选择了你。”红色雷霆巨兽道。 Therefore senior, although is strong, but is not Bloodline that I have inborn.” “所以前辈们虽强,但并非我天生具备的血脉。” „Is Heavenly Thunder Bloodline of my innermost soul, my father inherits to give my Heavenly Thunder Bloodline?” “我灵魂深处的天雷血脉,才是我父亲传承给我的天雷血脉?” senior was my tenth entered my within the body that year? Already in my within the body? Awakened in that year?” 前辈是我十岁那年进入我体内的吗?还是早就在我体内?只是于那一年觉醒?” That does senior come from where? Why can also choose in me?” “那前辈又是从何处而来?又为何要选择于我?” My own Inherited Bloodline, why can't I always feel it?” “还有我自己的传承血脉,我为何从来都感受不到它?” Chu Feng asked one after another. 楚枫接连问道。 Actually, before red thunder huge beast said that Chu Feng has the guess. 其实,红色雷霆巨兽说之前,楚枫就已经有了一些猜测。 In Ancient World, red thunder huge beast has said that was it chose Chu Feng. 古界的时候,红色雷霆巨兽就说过,是它选择了楚枫 Chu Feng was tenth that year, was divided by Nine-colored Divine Lightning, in dantian presented Nine-colored Divine Lightning, cultivation also started to progress by leaps and bounds at that time. 楚枫是十岁那年,被九色神雷劈中,丹田内才出现九色神雷,修炼也是那时开始突飞猛进。 Therefore possibly was at that time, Nine-colored Divine Lightning entered within the body. 所以可能就是那个时候,九色神雷进入自己体内的。 But thunder huge beast in dantian why so powerful, can actually choose itself? 可为何丹田内的雷霆巨兽如此强大,却要选择自己? Why can't oneself from infancy to maturity, feel oneself Inherited Bloodline? 为何自己从小到大,都感受不到自己的传承血脉 Chu Feng has too many issues. 楚枫有太多问题。 Little rascal, the main body only told you a matter.” “小鬼,本尊只告诉你一件事。” Your Bloodline Rampage , there is nothing to do with the main body.” “你的血脉暴走,与本尊无关。” The words to here, red thunder huge beast are laughing going far away, but his laughter is meaningful. 话到此处,红色雷霆巨兽大笑着远去,而他的笑声则是意味深长。 Some Chu Feng although a lot of issues, has not closely examined again, he knows that red thunder huge beast, will not inform him more again. 楚枫尽管有一肚子问题,也没有再追问,他知道红色雷霆巨兽,不会再告知他更多。 Thunder huge beast always so. 雷霆巨兽向来如此。 However Chu Feng, obtained a clue. 不过楚枫,还是得到了一个线索。 Originally, my each time is Bloodline Rampage, my Inherited Bloodline?” “原来,我每次血脉暴走,是我的传承血脉?” This clue said that useful also useful, said uselessly also useless, but at least can prove a point. 这个线索说有用也有用,说没用也没用,但至少可以证明一点。 Chu Feng own Inherited Bloodline should not be weak. 楚枫自身的传承血脉应该也不弱。 After all can cause Bloodline Rampage, itself needs extremely strong Bloodline to achieve. 毕竟能够引起血脉暴走,本身就需要极强的血脉才能做到。 Therefore, smiling that Chu Feng gets over an emotion suddenly. 于是,楚枫忽然释怀的笑了。 Trades to be others, continuously cultivation non- Bloodline, but after is, since Bloodline of oneself within the body, deciding however somewhat will be anxious. 换做其他人,一直修炼的非自身血脉,而是后进入自己体内的血脉,定然会有些不安。 After all if this Nine-colored Divine Lightning ran, how oneself later does deserve? 毕竟若是这九色神雷跑了,自己以后该当如何? But Chu Feng not this feeling anxious sleep/felt. 楚枫没有这种感不安的觉。 Because Chu Feng walks, depended may be in this dantian that not own Bloodline. 因为楚枫一路走来,靠的可就是这丹田内那本不属于自己的血脉 Chu Feng has not gone out from the dantian world, but carefully observed. 楚枫并未从丹田世界内走出,而是仔细观察了一下。 immediately closes the eye. 旋即又闭上眼睛。 Source of lineage/vein, already by Chu Feng obtained. 脉之本源,已被楚枫所得。 But visual observation, the intention feels, actually not sensation in the dantian world to Source of lineage/vein. 但无论是肉眼观察,还是用心感受,却都并未在丹田世界内感知到脉之本源 In other places as for own soul, Chu Feng cannot feel Source of lineage/vein similarly. 至于自己灵魂之内的其他地方,楚枫也同样感受不到脉之本源 Is it possible that was my present cultivation realm is insufficient, obtains Source of lineage/vein unable with its communication?” “莫非是我现在修为不够,得到了脉之本源也无法与其沟通?” Chu Feng had this guess, will therefore then realize to project the main body to start the set up formation. 楚枫有了这个猜测,于是便将意识投射回本体开始布阵。 About Source of lineage/vein, Chu Feng is unhurried. 关于脉之本源,楚枫也并不慌。 Although sensation, but Chu Feng can determine, Source of lineage/vein in own body. 尽管感知不到,但楚枫能够确定,脉之本源就在自己身体之中。 Own Inherited Bloodline, oneself sensation, Source of this external strength lineage/vein, if hidden, naturally can also hide the truth from Chu Feng's. 自己的传承血脉,自己都感知不到,脉之本源这种外来力量若要隐藏,自然也是能够瞒得过楚枫的 In the final analysis, the present strength is insufficient. 说到底,还是现在的实力不足。 The Chu Feng set up formation spent some time. 楚枫布阵花费了一些时间。 But actually when his set up formation, Summit of Nine Heavens has been hurrying along. 但其实在他布阵的时候,九天之巅已在赶路。 And the speed that Summit of Nine Heavens moves is quick, although cannot compare Chu Feng to use the Nine Heavens Secret Land Teleportation Formation speed to be quick. 并且九天之巅移动的速度很快,虽比不上楚枫使用九天秘地传送阵的速度快。 But is at least quicker than normal Ancient Teleportation Formation. 但至少是比正常的远古传送阵要快的。 Nine summit Grandmaster, are planned obviously the good deed achieves the bottom, escorts directly Chu Feng, world that Chu Feng wants to arrive. 九巅大师,显然是打算好事做到底,直接将楚枫护送到,楚枫想要抵达的世界。 After spending some time, Chu Feng also completes all formation technique arrangement, then found the person of peer immediately. 在花费了一定时间后,楚枫也是将所有阵法布置完成,便立刻找到了同行之人。 everyone, this formation technique, needs you to coordinate.” Chu Feng grasps formation technique, said to the people. 诸位,这个阵法,需要你们配合。”楚枫手握阵法,对众人说道。 Chu Feng, I first come.” 楚枫,我先来吧。” Qin Xuan lead stood. 秦玄率先站了出来。 He also knows, Long Chengyu, Xianhai Shaoyu, Wang Qiang and others is the Chu Feng friend. 他也知道,龙承羽,仙海少禹,王强等人都是楚枫朋友。 In the final analysis here outsider few, but he is one of them. 说到底这里的外人没几个,而他是其中之一。 And he also knew, their Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, likely participated in the rebellion of Totem Dragon Clan. 并且他也知道了,他们苍穹仙宗,很可能参与了图腾龙族的叛乱。 His status, actually compared with it Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao, is greatly bad, is quite sensitive. 他的身份,其实比之灵霄界宝宝,也大差不差,都是较为敏感的。 Therefore Chu Feng most needs to guard is he. 所以楚枫最需要提防的就是他。 Sees that Chu Feng smiles lightly, how immediately told Qin Xuan to coordinate. 见状,楚枫淡淡一笑,旋即告诉了秦玄该如何配合。 Afterward then integrates in formation technique the Qin Xuan body. 随后便将阵法融入秦玄身体之中。 Qin Xuan indeed coordinates, therefore smooth of very fusion, the formation technique fusion , Qin Xuan has no change looking from the outside. 秦玄的确非常配合,所以融合的很是顺利,阵法融合,从外表来看,秦玄没有任何变化。 However he cannot use all, with method that the outside world communicates, even if using the treasure, will be detected, even sound transmission was also restricted in secret. 但是他不能使用一切,与外界沟通的手段,哪怕使用宝物,都会被察觉,甚至暗中传音也受到了限制。 Only can with those present in secret sound transmission. 只能与在场的人暗中传音 After Qin Xuan, Chu Feng formation technique, integrates to present one after another everyone's within the body. 秦玄之后,楚枫接连将阵法,融入到在场所有人的体内。 But quick, sound transmission, maps Wang Qiang together in secret simultaneously, Xian Miaomiao, Long Chengyu, Long Muxi, the ear of Xianhai Shaoyu as well as in Little Fishy. 但很快,一道暗中传音,同时映入王强,仙喵喵,龙承羽,龙沐熙,仙海少禹以及小鱼儿的耳中。 Your formation technique are false, will not have any isolation, if you need to contact with anyone, can relate.” “你们身上的阵法是假的,不会有任何隔绝,若是你们需要联系什么人,可以联系。” This matter, temporarily should not be high-profile, in the surface I need to achieve fairly.” “不过此事,暂时不要张扬,表面上我还是需要做到公平的。” Chu Feng, has not achieved to treat impartially. 楚枫,并没有做到一视同仁。 In the final analysis, he arranges to isolate formation technique, to protect oneself. 说到底,他布置隔绝阵法,就是为了保护自己。 But many people on the scene, Chu Feng is the trust. 但在场很多人,楚枫是信任的。 Usually, they should also some people protect. 平日里,他们应该也都是有人守护的。 Chu Feng cannot because of own safety, but makes the friend be in danger. 楚枫总不能因为自己的安危,而让朋友陷入险境。 However, this also looks at their individual wishes, if they do not want to ask the person to accompany, can not call. 不过,这也是看他们个人意愿,若是他们不想叫人陪同,也可以不叫。 Chu Feng, but gave them to call the jurisdiction of person. 楚枫,只是给了他们可以叫人的权限罢了。 „Can Little Brother Chu Feng, chat alone, has a matter to want with you to say.” Suddenly, Xianhai Shaoyu said to Chu Feng. 楚枫兄弟,能不能单独聊聊,有件事想和你说。”忽然,仙海少禹楚枫说道。 Naturally.” “当然。” The Chu Feng direct big sleeve wields, arranges one to isolate formation technique. 楚枫直接大袖一挥,布置一座隔绝阵法 But after Xianhai Shaoyu goes, actually discovery not only Chu Feng came, Little Fishy also came. 仙海少禹进去后,却发现不仅楚枫进来了,小鱼儿也进来了。 You come to make anything, goes out.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “你进来做什么,出去。”仙海少禹说道。 What matter having is I cannot listen?” Little Fishy is not willing to go out. “有什么事是我不能听的吗?”小鱼儿并不愿意出去。 So is not how obedient, my how many words must say with Chu Feng alone, you do go out is not suddenly good? Don't the words of Elder Brother listen?” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “怎么这么不听话,我就几句话要单独与楚枫说,你出去一下不行吗?哥的话都不听了?”仙海少禹道。 I am not outsider, moreover haven't I listened to your words?” “我又不是外人,况且我也没听过你的话呀?” Little Fishy sweet smiling, was lovable. 小鱼儿甜甜的笑着,可爱极了。 But, Xianhai Shaoyu looks to Chu Feng: Chu Feng, manages manages your family Little Fishy.” 无奈之下,仙海少禹看向楚枫:“楚枫,管管你家小鱼儿吧。” Sees that also wear a look of happy expression looks to Little Fishy. 见状,也面带笑意的看向小鱼儿 Good, I go out then.” A look, Little Fishy then throws down these words, slipped out. “好啦,我出去便是咯。”只是一个眼神,小鱼儿便丢下这句话,溜出去了。 Oh, is really the younger sister does not remain greatly, my Elder Brother position does not have.” Xianhai Shaoyu does intentionally pitiful sighing. “唉,真是妹大不中留咯,我这哥哥一点地位都没有。”仙海少禹故作可怜的叹道。 But Chu Feng knows, their brother and sister relate excellently, but the surface likes bickering. 楚枫知道,他们兄妹关系极好,只是表面喜欢斗嘴罢了。 Therefore the Chu Feng direct blockade isolates formation technique, he and Xianhai Shaoyu conversation, outsider then cannot hear. 于是楚枫直接封锁隔绝阵法,他与仙海少禹的交谈,外人便听不到。 But Chu Feng just turned around, then discovered that Xianhai Shaoyu liked that cosmos sack handing over. 楚枫刚转身,便发现仙海少禹就爱那个一个乾坤袋递了过来。 Is the Yuwen's Shangyang thing shining and on Yuwen?” Chu Feng had not looked, had the guess. “是宇文将耀和宇文上阳身上之物?”楚枫未看,就有了猜测。 Yes, before the person were many, does not think that you arrogated to oneself the charge, had my Xianhai Yu Clan to share, you can also in the future many Leaning Mountain.” “是,之前人多,不想你独揽罪名,有我仙海鱼族分担,你日后也能多个靠山。” As for these thing, I do not have other meaning, is only useless to me, but should be useful to you.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “至于这些东西,我没别的意思,只是对我没用,不过对你应该有用。”仙海少禹说道。 You remain, their thing, but can also good Huangfu Shengyu?” “你留着吧,他们身上的东西,还能好的过皇甫圣宇吗?” Let alone one yard normalizing code, your intention I understand, but these must belong your.” Chu Feng said. “何况一码归一码,你的心意我懂,但这些就是应当属于你的。”楚枫说道。 Little Brother Chu Feng, among us......” Xianhai Shaoyu also wants to urge Chu Feng. 楚枫兄弟,咱们之间……”仙海少禹还想劝楚枫 But Chu Feng said: Is because is the friend, therefore you then don't with my ink marks, otherwise not like friend.” 楚枫却说:“就是因为是朋友,所以你便别和我墨迹了,不然都不像朋友了。” My Chu Feng is not the polite person, if I really need, you do not give me me also to want.” “我楚枫不是客气的人,我若真需要,你不给我我也会要。” Saw Chu Feng to say like this, Xianhai Shaoyu smiled, immediately received cosmos sack: Good.” 楚枫这样说,仙海少禹不由笑了,旋即乾坤袋收了回去:“那好吧。” Is only this matter?” Chu Feng asked. “就只是此事?”楚枫问。 Right, is this matter.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “对,就是此事。”仙海少禹道。 You are really.” Chu Feng is somewhat helpless, but actually thinks of a matter suddenly, said: I have the incident, just wants to ask you.” “你真是的。”楚枫有些无奈,但却忽然想到一件事,不由道:“不过我有一事,正想问你。” „Didn't I attain Huangfu Celestial Clan two Divine Weapon?” “我不是拿到了皇甫天族两件神兵?” Huangfu Shengyu Divine Weapon, when to recognize as master in me, presented a square character, but disappears in a flash.” 皇甫圣宇神兵,在认主于我的时候,出现了一个真字,但一瞬即逝。” Does not know that you can know this to have what implication?” Chu Feng asked. “不知你可知这有何寓意?”楚枫问。 That is the good deed, explained that this Divine Weapon quality is excellent.” “那是好事,说明这件神兵品质极好。” Only then quality enough good Divine Weapon, to recognize as master time speaks the reappearing square character.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “只有品质足够好的神兵,认主的时候才会浮现真字。”仙海少禹说道。 Originally is this, understood.” Chu Feng said. “原来是这样,懂了。”楚枫道。 Right, before and Huangfu Shengyu fought, haven't you displayed the full power?” Chu Feng asked. “对了,之前和皇甫圣宇交手,你没施展全力吧?”楚枫问。 This security.” “这个保密。” You do not need to think, I cannot be victorious in any case temporarily you.” Xianhai Shaoyu said with a smile. “不过你不必多想,反正我暂时打不过你。”仙海少禹笑道。 Regarding this, Chu Feng also smiled. 对此,楚枫也笑了。 Then after one hurries along, Summit of Nine Heavens arrived in Totem Galaxy blood desert Upper Realm. 而后经过一番赶路,九天之巅抵达了图腾天河的血漠上界 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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