MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5803: Has the twofold, Heavenly Thunder Bloodline

Chapter 5801 has the twofold, Heavenly Thunder Bloodline 第5801章拥有两重,天雷血脉 I and Seven Worlds Saint Mansion grudge, has not been connected with you temporarily.” “我与七界圣府恩怨,暂时与你们还没有关联。” ancient Diannei you also pay, if peer, sure.” Chu Feng said to the Ling Xiao two people. “古殿内你们也有付出,若要同行,当然可以。”楚枫灵霄二人说道。 That then also calculates our two.” Ling Xiao said. “那便也算我们两个。”灵霄说道。 Good, since everyone is in agreement, that was good the office.” “好,既然大家意见一致,那便好了办了。” Then, our rely on Summit of Nine Heavens strength, leaves here.” “接下来,我们借助九天之巅的力量,离开这里。” I first prepare formation technique, everyone wait for me here.” “我先去准备一下阵法,诸位就在这里等我。” Chu Feng this words saying, then strength of the teleportation packages him. 楚枫此话说完,便有一股传送之力包裹他。 When Chu Feng appears again, arrives in the middle of the temple that nine summit Grandmaster were. 楚枫再度出现之时,又来到了九巅大师所在的寺院当中。 Nine summit Grandmaster, are waiting for Chu Feng here. 九巅大师,就在这里等着楚枫 Chu Feng can benefactor, leave?” Nine summit Grandmaster asked. 楚枫施主,可以动身了?”九巅大师问道。 Has work Grandmaster.” Chu Feng said. “有劳大师。”楚枫说道。 You want to go to where, although cannot help you deliver directly, but can have your regulation as far as possible.” Nine summit Grandmaster asked. “你想去何处,虽不能直接帮你送到,但可以尽量带你一程。”九巅大师问。 Grandmaster, here convenient?” 大师,这里方便吗?” Chu Feng in the Spirit Formation method, outlined a map directly. 楚枫直接以结界阵法,勾勒出了一个地图。 That is in Totem Galaxy Upper Realm. 那是图腾天河的一座上界之中。 Convenient.” “方便。” Nine summit Grandmaster show a faint smile, immediately pinches to stop buddha beads, another hand pinches the law secret art. 九巅大师微微一笑,旋即捏住手中的一颗佛珠,另一只手捏动法诀。 Buzz- 嗡- The next quarter, is situated in above Burning Vein Village, all vanishes with the Summit of Nine Heavens related formation technique strength twinkling. 下一刻,立于燃脉村上方,所有与九天之巅相关的阵法力量瞬息消失。 This feeling......” “这感觉……” „Did Summit of Nine Heavens leave Burning Vein Ordinary Realm?” 九天之巅离开燃脉凡界了?” „Did Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, make Summit of Nine Heavens leave unexpectedly like this?” 七界府主,竟然就这样让九天之巅离开了?” The people outside Burning Vein Village, detected that Summit of Nine Heavens left. 燃脉村外的众人,都察觉到九天之巅离开了。 Regarding this they outside, the Summit of Nine Heavens this thing of non- fixing, cannot move freely, therefore the whereabouts is uncertain. 对此他们并不以外,九天之巅本非固定之物,是能自由移动的,所以才行踪不定。 What their accident/surprise is the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord attitude. 他们意外的是七界府主的态度。 They had confirmed, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord achieved Heavenly Dragon World Spiritist. 他们已经确认,七界府主达到了天龙界灵师 Although Summit of Nine Heavens formation technique is fierce, but Heavenly Dragon World Spiritist is also fierce, after all this is realm in legend. 九天之巅阵法虽然厉害,但天龙界灵师同样厉害,毕竟这可是传说中的境界 But Chu Feng should in Summit of Nine Heavens, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord ignores Summit of Nine Heavens leave unexpectedly, no matter? 楚枫应该就在九天之巅内,七界府主居然放任九天之巅离开而不管? This makes them somewhat unable to think through. 这让他们有些想不通。 But in fact, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord also in that floats in the spatial main hall, his vision is bright, observes the beyond the heavens situation. 可实际上,七界府主还在那座浮空大殿内,他目光明亮,观察天外情况。 To determine, which direction Summit of Nine Heavens to goes. 是想确定,九天之巅向哪个方向而去。 But even if his present cultivation realm, as before is actually not able to observe. 但哪怕是他现在的修为,却也依旧无法观测的到。 But regarding this, he is not accidental/surprised. 可对此,他也不意外。 Since the Summit of Nine Heavens formation technique strength, his Seven Worlds Saint Mansion all previous generations wants to obtain. 九天之巅阵法力量,他七界圣府历代以来都很想得到。 Cannot obtain, has the reason. 一直未能得到,也是有原因的。 He is not does not want to block, but is he does not have this ability. 他不是不想拦住,而是他没这个能力。 Therefore he turns the head to look to behind: Weather, gets up.” 于是他转头看向身后:“天儿,起来吧。” Originally, is Jie Tian kneels in his behind. 原来,是界天就跪在他的身后。 Grandfather, I do not do right by you.” “外公,我对不住你。” Jie Tian is not willing to set out, even is not willing raise one's head, but can see the drop drop tears, falls unceasingly. 界天不肯起身,甚至不肯抬头,但能看到滴滴泪水,不断落下。 Weather, you do not do right is not I, what you do not do right is yourself.” “天儿,你对不住的不是我,你对不住的是你自己。” Old man choice disclosed your identity at this time, wants to make you amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.” “老夫选择这个时候公开你的身份,本是想让你一鸣惊人。” But the old man has not thought, you actually became the Chu Feng's stepping-stone.” “但老夫万万没想到,你却成了楚枫的垫脚石。” If others , are Chu Feng.” “若是他人也就罢了,偏偏是楚枫。” The Seven Worlds Mansion Lord words to here, smile bitterly are swinging begin. 七界府主话到此处,苦笑着摇起了头。 Grandfather, but I... I have not lost to Chu Feng.” Jie Tian said. “外公,可我…我没有输给楚枫。”界天说道。 Has the difference?” “有区别吗?” In Summit of Nine Heavens, when ancient times the Celestial Clan later generation provoked our generation, you where?” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord asked. “在九天之巅,当远古天族后辈挑衅我辈之时,你在何处?”七界府主问。 I......” Jie Tian does not know how to reply. “我……”界天不知如何回答。 At that time he was beaten by Little Fishy, is actually not able to leave Summit of Nine Heavens, was closed by Liu Kuo. 那个时候他被小鱼儿击败,却无法离开九天之巅,被刘阔关了起来。 But follows the Summit of Nine Heavens junior to come out by teleportation. 而伴随九天之巅小辈被传送出来。 The Summit of Nine Heavens matter has spread...... 九天之巅的事已然传开…… He also knew, the Huangfu Celestial Clan five people, were ancient times Celestial Clan inheritance, and strength was extremely strong. 他也知道了,皇甫天族五人,乃是远古天族的传承者,并且实力极强。 Is Chu Feng, in strongest Huangfu Shengyu them beat, defended the present age cultivator honor. 楚枫,将他们之中最强的皇甫圣宇击败,守住了当代修武者的荣誉。 Summit of Nine Heavens had finished, on that Ranking List is first, you?” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord also asked. 九天之巅已然结束,那排行榜上的第一,可是你?”七界府主又问。 Jie Tian was still unasnwerable, his also one first, is only his first, is eliminates the list first. 界天仍无法回答,他也有一个第一,只是他的第一,是淘汰榜第一。 But Chu Feng is Summit of Nine Heavens true first. 楚枫则是九天之巅真正的第一。 Only if there is a junior to defeat Chu Feng. 除非有小辈能够击败楚枫 Otherwise if, the performance of Chu Feng in Summit of Nine Heavens, is the vast martial cultivation world recognized strongest junior. 如若不然,楚枫九天之巅的表现,就是浩瀚修武界公认的最强小辈。 Seven Worlds Mansion Lord continues to ask: Conquers the Source of lineage/vein person, is you?” 七界府主继续问道:“征服脉之本源的人,可是你?” The Jie Tian double fist grips tightly, the expression is not only unwilling and low, he has heard Chu Feng to conquer the matter of Source of lineage/vein. 界天双拳紧握,表情既不甘又低落,他已经听闻楚枫征服了脉之本源之事。 But Source of that strength lineage/vein, he does not know whether he can conquer. 而脉之本源那种力量,他也不知道他能否征服。 But he opens the mouth: Grandfather, weather guarantee, will not disappoint you again.” 可他还是开口:“外公,天儿保证,不会再让您失望。” I will defeat Chu Feng, making the world understand, who is this vast martial cultivation world strongest junior.” “我会击败楚枫,让世人明白,谁才是这浩瀚修武界最强的小辈。” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord has not spoken, he seems to be disappointed about Jie Tian, no longer has the expectation. 七界府主没有说话,他似乎已对界天失望透顶,不再抱有期望了。 Grandfather, please allow that I enter Ancestral Forbidden Land cultivation.” Jie Tian said. “外公,请容许我入祖之禁地修炼。”界天说道。 Hears this words, on the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord disappointed face, emerges to wipe the accident/surprise. 听闻此话,七界府主失望的脸上,也涌现出一抹意外。 You must go to Ancestral Forbidden Land, can think?” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord asked. “你要去祖之禁地,可想好了?”七界府主问。 Grandfather, the weather thought that the weather this time lost face to you, but will definitely not have again the next time.” Jie Tian said. “外公,天儿想好了,天儿这次给您丢脸了,但绝对不会再有下一次。”界天说道。 Weather, where Ancestral Forbidden Land is, the old man has said with you early, in you should be clear about fierce.” “天儿,祖之禁地是什么地方,老夫早与你说过,你应该清楚里面的厉害。” But you, since decided, the old man then helps you, the old man also hopes that... you can no longer disappoint me.” “但你既然决定,老夫便成全你,老夫也希望…你可以不再让我失望。” Age of Gods, your body shoulders, may not only be my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion future.” 神之时代,你身上背负的,可不仅是我七界圣府的未来。” Also is my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion current glory.” “也是我七界圣府当下的荣耀。” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord said. 七界府主说道。 ...... …… Meanwhile, nine summit Grandmaster were Chu Feng prepared a place of set up formation specially. 与此同时,九巅大师楚枫专门准备了一个布阵的地方。 Chu Feng knows, on these talents has powerful protection formation technique. 楚枫知道,那些天才身上都有强大的守护阵法 In Summit of Nine Heavens, protects formation technique by the formation technique restraint of Summit of Nine Heavens, cannot play the role. 九天之巅,守护阵法九天之巅阵法克制,发挥不出作用。 But leaves Summit of Nine Heavens, their protection formation technique will then restore. 但离开九天之巅,他们的守护阵法便会恢复。 Chu Feng cannot destroy others protection formation technique, therefore cannot use to defend the nightmare. 楚枫不能破坏人家的守护阵法,所以不能使用守之梦魇。 Wants under this premise, to conduct the thorough isolation, even if the opposite party coordinates, the formation technique difficulty that but needs to arrange is also big. 想在这个前提下,进行彻底隔绝,哪怕对方配合,可是需要布置的阵法难度也是较大。 At present, Chu Feng has prepared the sufficient material, but not immediately set up formation, but entered in own dantian world. 眼下,楚枫已经准备好了充足的材料,但并未立刻布阵,而是进入了自己的丹田世界之内。 The matter, Chu Feng wants to determine. 有一件事,楚枫想要确定一下。 What is worth mentioning is, Chu Feng just entered the dantian world, then the discovery at present is the vast red thunder. 值得一提的是,楚枫刚刚进入丹田世界,便发现眼前是一望无际的红色雷霆。 Is that red thunder huge beast, it in front of Chu Feng. 是那只红色的雷霆巨兽,它就在楚枫面前。 It... has been waiting for Chu Feng probably. 它…好像早就在等着楚枫了。 Comes, can endure the temper strangely.” “才进来,怪耐得住性子的。” The red thunder huge beast vigorous sound resounds through in endless dantian. 红色雷霆巨兽浑厚的声音响彻于无尽丹田之内。 It seems like, that is not the junior misconception.” Chu Feng sees this one, knows, red thunder huge beast wants to say anything to him. “看来,那不是晚辈的错觉。”楚枫见此一幕,就知道,红色雷霆巨兽是想对他说什么。 After all usually, Chu Feng called it, it paid no attention to himself. 毕竟平时,楚枫叫它,它都不理自己。 So communicates with on own initiative, this is the first time. 如此主动与自己沟通,这还是第一次。 „It is not an misconception, your within the body, indeed has twofold Heavenly Thunder Bloodline.” Red thunder huge beast said. “并非错觉,你的体内,的确有两重天雷血脉。”红色雷霆巨兽道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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