MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5800: Most Mansion Lord?

Chapter 5798 most Mansion Lord? 第5798章最府主 The ray is dazzling. 光芒更加耀眼。 Originally is that ray surface area expansion. 原来是那光芒面积扩大。 This encirclement jie Tianran ray, Huangfu Celestial Clan everyone, has covered in middle. 本环绕界天染的光芒,已将皇甫天族的所有人,都覆盖在了当中。 How long but has not continued, formation of gives out ray then dissipates. 但并未持续多久,散发光芒的结界便消散开来。 Sees only jie Tianran to stand in middle. 只见界天染站在当中。 But Huangfu Celestial Clan everyone, flutters in the midair, all the aura does not have. 皇甫天族的所有人,都飘在半空,却全都气息全无。 Also including, that achieved Heavenly God Realm Huangfu extraordinary. 也包括,那达到了天神境的皇甫不凡 Died, the Huangfu Celestial Clan powerhouse all died. 死了,皇甫天族的强者全都死了。 Such quickly?” “这么快?” Although it is expected that jie Tianran may win, but has not thought wins so relaxed. 虽然预料到,界天染可能会赢,但没想到赢的如此轻松。 After all opposite party, but also has existence in Heavenly God Realm this legend? 毕竟对方,可也是有天神境这种传说中的存在啊? This does old thing, dare to kill the person of my Huangfu Celestial Clan?” “这老东西,敢杀我皇甫天族之人?” Outside world, Huangfu Zhantian eye of reveal killing intent, but looks quickly to Song Changsheng. 世界之外,皇甫战天目露杀意,但很快看向身旁的宋长生 The eye reveal dreaded. 目露忌惮。 He... does not know, relations of Song Changsheng and Seven Worlds Saint Mansion. 他…并不知道,宋长生七界圣府的关系。 Song Changsheng also somewhat hesitates, he is not willing to mind others' business, but actually also knows Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, is Chu Feng's hinders together. 宋长生也有些犹豫,他不愿多管闲事,可却也知道七界府主,是楚枫的一道阻碍。 The hesitant moment, he said: I and he are not ripe.” 犹豫片刻,他还是说道:“我与他不熟。” Such remarks, Huangfu Zhantian understands Song Changsheng meaning immediately. 此话一出,皇甫战天立刻明白了宋长生意思 In the hand the Divine Weapon long spear rotation, then prepares to enter in the world. 手中神兵长枪转动,便准备杀入世界之中。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- But, the formation light beam shoots up to the sky in the meantime together, the unexpectedly direct bang put on formation chains of blockade world. 可就在此时,一道结界光柱冲天而起,竟直接轰穿了封锁世界的结界锁链 The ray rapidly spreads, scatters in all directions to go to the distant place, place visited thunder chains completely breaks. 光芒快速蔓延,向远处四散而去,所过之处雷霆锁链尽断。 But that light beam, from jie Tianran within the body release, but Spirit Formation method. 而那光柱,也是自界天染体内释放而出的结界阵法。 This old thing.” “这老东西。” Sees this, prepared to enter Huangfu Zhantian of the world to hesitate. 看到这一幕,原本准备杀入世界的皇甫战天犹豫了。 But Song Changsheng is also the brow slightly wrinkle. 宋长生也是眉头微皱。 This is stems from one that he anticipates. 这是出乎于他意料的一幕。 jie Tianran, compared with being stronger that he estimates. 界天染,比他预想的要强。 ...... …… In in the world, raise one's head waits and sees, the scene is more magnificent. 身在世界之内,抬头观望,场面更加壮观。 The thunder chains smashing of everywhere, but has not actually crashed, but was constrained by everywhere formation power. 漫天的雷霆锁链粉碎,但却并未坠落,而是被漫天的结界之力所拖住。 This strength, not to mention writes off True God, the destruction world is easy. 这股力量,莫说抹杀真神,毁灭世界都是轻而易举。 If, the True God peak destruction world, still needs to wage a war. 如果说,真神巅峰毁灭世界,仍需要大动干戈。 Perhaps the jie Tianran destruction world, only needed among the thoughts. 界天染毁灭世界,恐怕只需意念之间了。 jie Tianran at this moment, is situated in above the land, that tiny body, contains is destroying all strengths. 界天染此刻,立于大地之上,那渺小的身躯,却蕴藏着毁灭一切的力量。 Space underground, all powerhouses, look that he breathes becomes rapid. 天上地下,各方强者,看着他呼吸都变得急促起来。 Look except for respect, what are more is dreads. 眼神除了尊敬,更多的乃是畏惧。 But jie Tianran is raise one's head, is looking void, at this time his vision, as if can see through all. 界天染则是抬头,望着虚空,此时他的目光,仿佛能看穿一切。 But the place of looking, is just the position that Huangfu Zhantian is. 而所望之处,刚好是皇甫战天所在的位置。 „The Huangfu Celestial Clan person is listening.” 皇甫天族的人听着。” Today Huangfu Celestial Clan, offends our generation for no reason, is deserves to be damned.” “今日皇甫天族,无故冒犯我辈,乃死有余辜。” Huangfu Celestial Clan, if revenges, must slaughter innocents not, looks for my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion then.” 皇甫天族若要报仇,莫要滥杀无辜,找我七界圣府即可。” But take responsibility of the aftermath.” “但后果自负。” jie Tianran this words saying, the palm spreads out, one group of formation power appear. 界天染此话说完,掌心摊开,一团结界之力浮现。 The Huangfu Celestial Clan several thousand corpses, the twinkling flood into formation technique, void above, that break formation chains, in fast enters in that formation technique. 皇甫天族数千道尸体,瞬息涌入阵法之内,就连虚空之上,那断裂的结界锁链,也在快速的进入那阵法之中。 „Can he... see me unexpectedly?” “他…竟能看到我?” Huangfu Zhantian, the eye of reveal startled color, immediately looks to Song Changsheng. 皇甫战天,目露惊色,旋即看向宋长生 I lose to your matter, is also seen?” “那我败给你的事,岂不是也被看到了?” Compares is seen by jie Tianran, he seems worried about oneself defeat. 相比于被界天染看到,他仿佛更担心自己的败绩。 He cannot see me.” Song Changsheng said. “他看不到我。”宋长生道。 I then felt relieved.” Huangfu Zhantian relaxes. “那我便放心了。”皇甫战天松了一口气。 immediately takes out a thing, that treasure is a mirror, when it pinches the special law secret art, then changes to together the formation gate. 旋即取出一物,那件宝物似是镜子,当其捏动特殊法诀,便化作一道结界门。 The quick form, walked from the formation gate in together. 很快一道身影,自结界门内走了出来。 Is Huangfu Shangwu. 乃是皇甫上武 greets games huge person.” 拜见天大人。” Huangfu Shangwu sees Huangfu Zhantian, immediately serves with a ritual. 皇甫上武见到皇甫战天,立刻对其施以一礼。 And this time he, the body trembles, seems like frightened heavily. 并且此时的他,身体瑟瑟发抖,似乎是被吓得不轻。 But after seeing Huangfu Zhantian, the body of shivering starts to return to normal, explained that his panic, was not frightened by Huangfu Zhantian. 但见到皇甫战天后,颤抖的身体开始平复,说明他的恐慌,并非是被皇甫战天所吓的。 „Can't you see him?” Huangfu Zhantian asked. “你看不到他?”皇甫战天问。 Who?” Huangfu Shangwu puzzled asking. “谁?”皇甫上武不解的问道。 But Huangfu Zhantian refers, naturally stands in its Song Changsheng. 皇甫战天所指,自然就是站在其身旁的宋长生 Sees the response of Huangfu Shangwu, he then understood, Song Changsheng has the special method, this is the method that he cannot detect. 看到皇甫上武的反应,他便明白了,宋长生有着特殊的手段,这是他都察觉不到的手段。 Even he can see Song Changsheng, is because Song Changsheng wants to make him see. 甚至他能看到宋长生,也是因为宋长生想让他看到罢了。 Therefore Song Changsheng has not lied, jie Tianran indeed cannot see Song Changsheng. 所以宋长生没说谎,界天染的确看不到宋长生 My dear friend, I, if walks, you won't block me?” Huangfu Zhantian looks to Song Changsheng. “仁兄,我若要走,你不会拦我吧?”皇甫战天看向宋长生 Does as you please.” Song Changsheng said. “请便。”宋长生说道。 My dear friend, said goodbye.” “仁兄,告辞。” Huangfu Zhantian served with a ritual to Song Changsheng, immediately then brings Huangfu Shangwu to leave this place. 皇甫战天宋长生施以一礼,旋即便带着皇甫上武离开了此地。 ...... …… Meanwhile, in Summit of Nine Heavens, Chu Feng, although cannot see Huangfu Zhantian and Song Changsheng, but actually saw the jie Tianran actions. 同时,九天之巅内,楚枫虽看不到皇甫战天宋长生,但却看到了界天染的所作所为。 Originally, he has broken through Heavenly Dragon World Spiritist.” “原来,他已突破到了天龙界灵师。” Can easily write off Heavenly God Realm Heavenly Dragon World Spiritist, even Chu Feng Bloodline Rampage does not beat mostly. 能够轻易抹杀天神境天龙界灵师,就算楚枫血脉暴走也多半不敌。 Therefore Chu Feng looks to nine summit Grandmaster: many thanks Grandmaster.” 于是楚枫看向九巅大师:“多谢大师。” He even more felt, if Bloodline Rampage, the consequence will be dreadful at that time. 他越发觉得,若是当时血脉暴走,后果将不堪设想。 This poor monk also loves the talent, even does not know your mother, is not willing to see that you were strangled.” “贫僧也爱才,就算不认识你母亲,也不愿看到你被扼杀。” But, Chu Feng benefactor, the matter also looks do not blame this poor monk to talk too much.” “不过,楚枫施主,有一件事还望不要怪贫僧多嘴。” This poor monk knew your talent.” “贫僧知道你天赋了得。” But really must underestimate jie Tianran not.” “但真的莫要小看界天染。” Now the world only knows, your mother Jie Ranqing, once swept away a time.” “如今世人只知,你的母亲界染清,曾横扫一个时代。” But in fact past jie Tianran, swept away a time.” “可实际上当年的界天染,同样横扫一个时代。” jie Tianran is also the talent of shocking time, not only sits the position of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Mansion Lord 30,000 years ago, and at that time he has been the God-cloak peak.” 界天染也是惊艳一个时代的天才,不仅在三万年前就坐上七界圣府府主之位,且在那个时候他就早已是神袍巅峰。” Before your mother reveals itself, he is honored as, can become Seven Worlds Saint Mansion in history, the person of most Mansion Lord.” “在你母亲出世之前,他是被誉为,能成为七界圣府有史以来,最府主之人。” Nine summit Grandmaster lecture of these words time, looks dignifiedly, even if he, somewhat dreaded. 九巅大师讲这番话的时候,面露凝重,哪怕是他,也是有些忌惮。 many thanks Grandmaster point out, I will pay attention.” Chu Feng returns said. 多谢大师提点,我会注意。”楚枫回道。 He will not despise jie Tianran, but will not fear jie Tianran absolutely. 他不会轻视界天染,但也绝对不会惧怕界天染 The Chu Feng's idea does not change. 楚枫的想法不会变。 If his mother safely, something he can not haggle over, after all he must consider his mother's standpoint. 若他母亲安然,有些事情他可以不计较,毕竟他要考虑他母亲的立场。 But if his mother has the matter, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion must be buried along with the dead. 但若他母亲有事,七界圣府都要陪葬。 „Can senior, first make me see Wang Qiang?” 前辈,能先让我见王强吗?” Chu Feng said to nine summit Grandmaster. 楚枫对九巅大师说道。 Naturally.” Nine summit Grandmaster nod, immediately arranges the strength of teleportation, Chu Feng teleportation to the Wang Qiang dwelling. “当然。”九巅大师点头,旋即布置传送之力,将楚枫传送到了王强的住处。 ...... …… Meanwhile, Huangfu Zhantian is riding a black warhorse that covers the thunder, gallops in the starry sky. 与此同时,皇甫战天骑着一匹覆盖雷霆的黑色战马,于星空奔腾。 This horse is quite special, not only wants big one time compared with the common horse, and body has the thunder to surge. 此马较为特殊,不仅比寻常的马要高大一倍,且身上有雷霆涌动。 The key is, although it is the life body, but had the similarity with warship chariot and other treasures. 关键是,它虽是生命体,但却与战船战车等宝物有相同之处。 May according to cultivation realm of master, but raises its speed. 可根据主人的修为,而提升它的速度。 Therefore this horse void galloping, the speed is extremely fast. 所以此马虚空奔腾,速度极快。 Although still in Bloodline Galaxy, but was actually far away from Burning Vein Ordinary Realm. 虽仍在血脉天河,但却远离了燃脉凡界 Sir, were you just speaking to whom?” Sits asks Huangfu Zhantian behind Huangfu Shangwu. “大人,刚刚您在对谁说话?”坐在皇甫战天身后的皇甫上武问道。 „The matter that should not ask do not ask.” Huangfu Zhantian said. “不该问的事别问。”皇甫战天道。 junior was wrong.” Huangfu Shangwu said. 晚辈错了。”皇甫上武道。 „Are your one person living?” Huangfu Zhantian also asked. “就你一个人活着回来了?”皇甫战天又问。 junior does not know, we enter the Summit of Nine Heavens trial, all separated.” 晚辈不知道,我们进入九天之巅的试炼,就全都分开了。” However junior stupid, cannot enter most deep place, was actually not clear to have anything, but after junior came out, then has not seen Young Lord they.” Huangfu Shangwu said. “而晚辈愚钝,未能进入最深处,不清楚究竟发生了什么,但晚辈出来之后,便没有看到少主他们。”皇甫上武说道。 „Did Huangfu Shengyu also die?” Huangfu Zhantian asked. 皇甫圣宇也死了?”皇甫战天问。 Died? Did Young Lord die?” The Huangfu Shangwu complexion big change, he has not thought Huangfu Shengyu will die. “死了?少主死了吗?”皇甫上武脸色大变,他可没想到皇甫圣宇会死。 But he knows, if Huangfu Shengyu died, that is the extremely serious matter. 但他知道,若是皇甫圣宇死了,那可是极其不得了的事情。 Huangfu Shengyu, is not only now the Huangfu Celestial Clan Clan Head biological son, is the Huangfu Celestial Clan future. 皇甫圣宇,不仅是当今皇甫天族族长的亲儿子,更是皇甫天族的未来。 In the hand of Huangfu extraordinary, there are your life tokens, he said that you had an accident, therefore blocked Burning Vein Ordinary Realm.” “皇甫不凡的手中,有你们的生命令牌,他说你们出事了,所以才封锁了燃脉凡界。” Since only then your one person are living, that others naturally died.” Huangfu Shangwu said. “既然只有你一个人活着出来,那其他人自然是死了。”皇甫上武说道。 Chu Feng, is that Chu Feng does certainly.” Huangfu Shangwu said. 楚枫,一定是那个楚枫做的。”皇甫上武说道。 Chu Feng? Is that little rascal who conquered Source of lineage/vein?” Huangfu Zhantian asked. 楚枫?是那个征服了脉之本源的小鬼?”皇甫战天问。 Source of lineage/vein?” A Huangfu Shangwu eye of reveal is puzzled. “脉之本源?”皇甫上武目露不解。 He had not seen, Chu Feng conquers the Source of lineage/vein picture, naturally does not know these things. 他可没有看到,楚枫征服脉之本源的画面,自然不知道这些事情。 How do you do not know at all?” Huangfu Zhantian some are impatient. “你怎么一问三不知?”皇甫战天有些不耐烦。 I......” Huangfu Shangwu is pale, he has not truly listened to Source of lineage/vein, but he does not know how to reply. “我……”皇甫上武脸色发白,他确实没听过脉之本源,但他不知如何回答。 Looked coming out, he fears Huangfu Zhantian very much. 看的出来,他很怕皇甫战天 Why you said, Huangfu Shengyu their deaths, are related with Chu Feng?” Huangfu Zhantian asked. “那你为何说,皇甫圣宇他们的死,与楚枫有关?”皇甫战天问。 Because of that Chu Feng, everywhere in view of Young Lord.” “因为那楚枫,处处针对少主。” immediately, Huangfu Shangwu Chu Feng by World Spirit as well as Bloodline, defeated the Huangfu Shengyu matter to inform Huangfu Zhantian two times. 旋即,皇甫上武楚枫凭借界灵以及血脉,先后两次战胜皇甫圣宇的事情告知了皇甫战天 That Chu Feng, is unexpectedly stronger than Huangfu Shengyu Bloodline, the Bloodline Rampage imposing manner that no wonder he triggers is a little scary.” “那个楚枫,竟比皇甫圣宇血脉更强,难怪他触发的血脉暴走气势有点吓人。” Is it possible that... is he Ordinary Grade of Saint?” Huangfu Zhantian looking pensive. “莫非…他是圣之凡品?”皇甫战天若有所思。 Ordinary Grade of Saint? The Sir... that Chu Feng's will Bloodline, be really stronger than Young Lord?” Huangfu Shangwu rushes to ask. “圣之凡品?大人…那楚枫的血脉,真的会比少主还强?”皇甫上武赶忙问道。 From infancy to maturity, he was instilled into, Huangfu Shengyu Bloodline invincible thought. 从小到大,他都被灌输,皇甫圣宇血脉无敌的思想。 Even if therefore sees with own eyes, Huangfu Shengyu in the Bloodline resort to violence stage, lies by such as the dog that Chu Feng presses generally. 因此哪怕亲眼见到,皇甫圣宇血脉武斗台,被楚枫压的如狗一般趴地不起。 But he cannot determine, Chu Feng's Bloodline above Huangfu Shengyu. 可他仍不敢确定,楚枫的血脉皇甫圣宇之上。 there is heaven beyond the heaven there is human beyond the human, these words will never be obsolete.” 天外有天人外有人,这句话永远不会过时。” Huangfu Shengyu, although is strong, but is actually not an unmatched in the world.” 皇甫圣宇虽强,但却并非天下无敌。” I told you, it is said in Ancient Era, strongest Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, but achieved Saint King Grade.” Huangfu Zhantian said. “我告诉你,据说在远古时期,最强的天雷血脉,可是达到了圣之王品。”皇甫战天说道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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