MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5801: Urged you not to move Chu Feng

Chapter 5799 urged you not to move Chu Feng 第5799章劝你别动楚枫 Saint Grade of king?” “王之圣品?” Sir, is Saint Grade of king then Heavenly Thunder Bloodline strongest Grade?” Huangfu Shangwu asked. “大人,王之圣品便是天雷血脉最强的品阶吗?”皇甫上武问。 Un, Saint Grade of king, is our Heavenly Thunder Bloodline end.” “嗯,王之圣品,便是我们天雷血脉的尽头。” In fact, such as I so achieve General Grade is very few.” “不过事实上,如我这般达到将品的都已是少之又少。” Can achieve Saint Grade, otherwise why will Huangfu Shengyu, be regarded as Huangfu Celestial Clan in the future?” Huangfu Zhantian said. “能达到圣品的就更加了得,不然为何皇甫圣宇,会被视为皇甫天族未来?”皇甫战天道。 That like this looks like, that Chu Feng really may very much above Young Lord......” “那这样看来,那楚枫真的很有可能在少主之上……” Huangfu Shangwu recalled all that Chu Feng shows. 皇甫上武回想起楚枫展现的一切。 Especially Chu Feng stands when the Bloodline resort to violence stage, takes to his constriction, he has to accept this reality. 尤其是楚枫站在血脉武斗台时,带给他的压迫感,他不得不接受这个现实。 Does not have the possibility, is almost certain.” “不是有可能,几乎是一定的。” We must reexamine present age cultivator.” “我们必须重新审视当代修武者了。” present age cultivator, we have not imagined are so weak.” “当代修武者,并没有我们想象中那么弱。” You had not just seen, Huangfu extraordinary they were killed?” Huangfu Zhantian asked. “难道你刚刚没看到,皇甫不凡他们被杀?”皇甫战天问道。 junior actually saw.” 晚辈其实看到了。” Huangfu Shangwu indeed saw, will otherwise not hide in Teleportation Formation. 皇甫上武的确看到了,不然也不会躲到传送阵中。 In fact, he from formation technique came out by teleportation of Huangfu Zhantian, reason that will tremble. 事实上,他被皇甫战天阵法传送出来,之所以会瑟瑟发抖。 Is because saw that Huangfu extraordinary they were killed. 就是因为看到皇甫不凡他们被杀了。 He thinks, he must be doomed. 他本来以为,他也要在劫难逃的。 Has not once thought, Huangfu Zhantian also came. 没曾想,皇甫战天也来了。 Can be saved, is unexpected in him. 能够得救,在他意料之外。 Fights the huge person, that Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Mansion Lord, is flagrant, kills the person of my Huangfu Celestial Clan.” “战天大人,那七界圣府府主,敢明目张胆,杀我皇甫天族之人。” My should Huangfu Celestial Clan extinguish them?” Huangfu Shangwu asked. “我皇甫天族是不是该灭了他们?”皇甫上武问道。 Seven Worlds Saint Mansion is a little not as if simple, copes with them also to need further consideration.” 七界圣府似乎有点不简单的,对付他们还要从长计议。” That Chu Feng, he dares to kill the Huangfu Shengyu words, Clan Head will not let off him.” Huangfu Zhantian said. “不过那个楚枫,他胆敢杀皇甫圣宇的话,族长可不会放过他。”皇甫战天说道。 Chu Feng, I urged you not to move.” But suddenly, the sound resounds through from its front together. 楚枫,我劝你们别动。”可忽然,一道声音自其前方响彻。 Fixes the eyes on looks, is Song Changsheng, such as the ghosts and demons are ordinary, appear on road that in Huangfu Zhantian led the way. 定睛一看,是宋长生,如鬼魅一般,出现在了皇甫战天前行的路上。 Frightens Huangfu Zhantian, rushes to stop. 吓得皇甫战天,赶忙停下。 You......” “你……” Why to track me?” Huangfu Zhantian somewhat feared. “干嘛跟踪我?”皇甫战天有些怕了。 At this time he almost can determine, Song Changsheng is existence that he is unable to defeat. 此时他几乎能够确定,宋长生是他无法战胜的存在。 This existence to him, has the enormous threat. 这种存在对他来说,具有极大的威胁。 Why this is also, when Song Changsheng indicated that can put he leaves, he directly has the reason that Huangfu Shangwu is leaving. 这也是为何,当宋长生表示可以放他离开的时候,他直接带着皇甫上武离开的原因。 Is afraid Song Changsheng to renege on a promise. 就是害怕宋长生反悔。 But Song Changsheng pursues now, he was really afraid Song Changsheng to kill him. 可现在宋长生又追上来了,他是真的害怕宋长生杀了他。 Song Changsheng has not replied Huangfu Zhantian, but said directly: 宋长生没有回答皇甫战天,而是直接说道: Your Huangfu Celestial Clan has what goal , there is nothing to do with me.” “你皇甫天族有何目的,与我无关。” How you want, I not to meddle.” “你们想如何,我也不会插手。” Actually today I am protecting Burning Vein Ordinary Realm, was held, otherwise I will not block you.” “其实今日我护着燃脉凡界,也是受人所托,不然我也不会拦住你。” Therefore in the future, regardless of your Huangfu Celestial Clan makes anything, so long as has nothing to do with me, I will then not manage again.” “所以日后,无论你皇甫天族做什么,只要与我无关,我便不会再管。” But Chu Feng, I urged your Huangfu Celestial Clan do not move.” “但是楚枫,我劝你皇甫天族不要动。” He , if all right, it is worth mentioning , he if has an accident, inheritance of your Huangfu Celestial Clan then to head.” “他若没事,倒也罢了,他若出事,你皇甫天族的传承便是到了头。” Heard this words, Huangfu Zhantian also realized anything, therefore rushed to ask: Thank my dear friend to remind.” 听闻此话,皇甫战天也是意识到了什么,于是赶忙问道:“感谢仁兄提醒。” My dear friend, your simple good person achieves the bottom, told me troublesome, Chu Feng has what background?” “仁兄,那你干脆好人做到底,麻烦告诉我一下,楚枫到底有何背景?” However, Song Changsheng has not paid attention to him, but is direct figure one revolution, then vanished in the Huangfu Zhantian vision. 然而,宋长生并未理会他,而是直接身形一转,便消失在了皇甫战天的视线范围之内。 Sees that Huangfu Zhantian brow tight wrinkle. 见状,皇甫战天眉头紧皱。 He has not continued to hurry along, but stands in same place looking pensive. 他没有继续赶路,而是站在原地若有所思。 Sir, are you speaking with whom?” Huangfu Shangwu asked. “大人,您在与谁说话?”皇甫上武问道。 present age cultivator, strength above me.” Huangfu Zhantian asked. “一个当代修武者,实力在我之上。”皇甫战天问道。 present age martial practitioner of strength above you?” Hears this words, Huangfu Shangwu is extremely shocking. “实力在您之上的当代武者?”听闻此话,皇甫上武极其震惊。 Because of the Huangfu Zhantian strength, he has hear. 因为皇甫战天的实力,他是有所耳闻的。 The Huangfu Zhantian strength, is not weak in their Sir Clan Head. 皇甫战天的实力,是不弱于他们族长大人的。 Because is powerful enough, Huangfu Zhantian is also quite special in the Huangfu Celestial Clan position. 正因为足够强大,皇甫战天皇甫天族的地位也极为特殊。 If there is present age cultivator, is stronger than Huangfu Zhantian, his couldn't Huangfu Celestial Clan, fight present age cultivator? 若是有当代修武者,比皇甫战天还强,那他皇甫天族,岂不是就斗不过当代修武者了? Sir, what did he say to you?” Huangfu Shangwu curious asking. “大人,那他对您说什么了?”皇甫上武好奇的问道。 Do not ask, this matter knew, to you, only then the fault did not have the advantage.” “别多问,这种事知道多了,对你只有坏处没有好处。” For example just that he does not want to expose his status, I may eliminate a potential informant by him, let alone is you?” “就比如刚刚那位,他并不想暴露他的身份,我都有可能被他灭口,何况是你?” I, if the present told you, he must kill you to eliminate a potential informant I probably unable to block.” Huangfu Zhantian said. “我若现在告诉你了,他要杀你灭口我可拦不住。”皇甫战天道。 Sir, was junior talked too much,... you do not tell junior.” Huangfu Shangwu rushes to say. “大人,是晚辈多嘴了,您…您千万别告诉晚辈。”皇甫上武赶忙说道。 Hey, is not good, must die dies together.” “嘿,不行,要死一起死。” Why Huangfu extraordinary they were killed, I do not have to be direct the palm reading to rescue , because I was diverted by this person.” “为何皇甫不凡他们被杀,我没有直接出手相救,就是因为我被此人牵制住了。” The Huangfu Shangwu face was green: Sir you let alone, junior does not want to know.” 皇甫上武脸都绿了:“大人您别说了,晚辈不想知道了。” But Huangfu Zhantian is basic, no matter Huangfu Shangwu, but continues saying: 皇甫战天根本不管皇甫上武,而是继续说道: Also, he just came, is reminds me do not move Chu Feng.” “还有,他刚刚现身,是提醒我不要动楚枫。” He said that my Huangfu Celestial Clan anything, he can, no matter, but if moved Chu Feng......” “他说,我皇甫天族所什么事,他都可以不管,可若是动了楚枫……” But, Huangfu Zhantian does not say at this point. 可说到这里,皇甫战天则是不说了。 May hear here, Huangfu Shangwu is really curious, cannot bear pursue asks: How can?” 可听到这里,皇甫上武实在好奇,忍不住追问道:“会怎么样?” „The inheritance of my Huangfu Celestial Clan, will stop.” Huangfu Zhantian said. “我皇甫天族的传承,将到此为止。”皇甫战天道。 That that therefore, the Sir said that compared with Sir stronger present age cultivator, with Chu Feng is one group?” “所以,大人所说的那位,比大人更强的当代修武者,与楚枫是一伙的?” No wonder this Chu Feng such being supercilious.” Huangfu Shangwu is suddenly enlighted. “难怪这楚枫如此的目中无人。”皇甫上武恍然大悟。 Is one group is unascertainable, his tone is a little strange, but he does not seem like cracks a joke.” “是不是一伙的不能确定,他的语气有点怪,但是他不像是开玩笑。” That Chu Feng, cannot move in any case.” “反正那楚枫,是不能动了。” But... I am somewhat worried.” “但是…我有些担心啊。” Huangfu Shengyu, is the Clan Head darling, if is really is killed by Chu Feng, I feared that he does not listen to advice.” 皇甫圣宇,可是族长的心肝宝贝,倘若真是被楚枫所杀,我怕他不听劝啊。” Huangfu Zhantian sighed. 皇甫战天叹道。 Huangfu Shangwu was silent, he also felt, if the determination is the Chu Feng behavior, perhaps is very difficult to calm down their Clan Head. 皇甫上武沉默了,他也觉得倘若确定是楚枫所为,恐怕很难劝住他们的族长 Huangfu Shengyu, Huangfu Celestial Clan, was too important. 皇甫圣宇,于皇甫天族而言,太重要了。 Therefore, you know how should do?” Huangfu Zhantian asked suddenly. “所以,你知道该怎么做吗?”皇甫战天忽然问道。 junior?” Huangfu Shangwu is somewhat vacant, this matter, he possibly meddles? 晚辈?”皇甫上武有些茫然,这种事情,他怎么可能插手的了? You just said with me, is only your analysis and guess, but I suggested that do not tell in the clan the person your analysis and guess.” “你刚刚与我所说,也只是你的分析和猜测,但我建议你不要告诉族内之人你的分析和猜测。” Although does not lie well, but if your lie, is favorable for my Huangfu Celestial Clan, that is good deed one.” Huangfu Zhantian said. “虽然说谎不好,但若是你的谎言,是对我皇甫天族有利的,那就是好事一件。”皇甫战天说道。 Sir, junior knew.” Huangfu Shangwu said. “大人,晚辈知道了。”皇甫上武说道。 ...... …… Meanwhile, in Summit of Nine Heavens. 与此同时,九天之巅内。 Chu Feng had seen Wang Qiang. 楚枫已经见到了王强 But he must see Wang Qiang, because of him this time in Summit of Nine Heavens, besides Source of lineage/vein, other harvests. 而他之所以要见王强,是因为他此次在九天之巅,除了脉之本源,还有其他收获。 This harvest is also the no small matter. 这个收获也是非同小可。 Chu Feng thought that this is rare, therefore wants to look whether Wang Qiang can travel together. 楚枫觉得这个机会难得,所以想看王强能否同行。 The Wang Qiang condition, beforehand was better, not to use continuously cultivation actually, therefore Wang Qiang decided to travel together. 王强的状态,比之前好了许多,倒是不用一直修炼了,所以王强决定同行。 However in fact, Wang Qiang and Long Muxi, do not have the qualifications peer. 不过实际上,王强龙沐熙,是没资格同行的。 After all this advantage, obtains in that ancient Diannei, only then places ancient hall, and broke open the talent of formation technique to be entitled with bloodline power. 毕竟这个好处,是在那古殿内获得的,只有身处古殿,并且用血脉之力破开了阵法之人才有资格。 However Chu Feng also has the selfishness, therefore wants takes Wang Qiang and Long Muxi together. 但是楚枫也有私心,所以想将王强龙沐熙一同带上。 After all he is a leader, therefore Chu Feng thought that others will not have the objection. 毕竟他是主导者,因此楚枫觉得其他人也不会有异议。 But the issue is, Qin Xuan also in the ancient palace, he also has the qualifications peer. 但问题就在于,秦玄也在古殿之内,他也是有资格同行的。 Therefore Chu Feng lets nine summit Grandmaster, through formation technique, making him see Long Chengyu and Long Muxi sister and brother. 所以楚枫又让九巅大师,通过阵法,让他见到了龙承羽龙沐熙姐弟俩。 Although before Qin Xuan, is together with Long Chengyu seems like. 虽说秦玄之前,和龙承羽相处的看起来还可以。 But after all Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, is to make Totem Dragon Clan fall to today's paddies chief criminal. 但毕竟苍穹仙宗,是让图腾龙族落到今日田地的罪魁祸首。 Chu Feng wants to seek information the opinions of these two good friends. 楚枫还是想征询这两位好友的意见。 If they minded that travels together with Qin Xuan, Chu Feng then compensates Qin Xuan with other advantage. 若是他们介意与秦玄同行,楚枫便用其他好处补偿秦玄 But who once thinks, Long Chengyu and Long Muxi did not mind travels together with Qin Xuan. 可谁曾想,龙承羽龙沐熙并不介意与秦玄同行。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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