MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5799: Heavenly Dragon World Spiritist

Chapter 5797 Heavenly Dragon World Spiritist 第5797章天龙界灵师 Now leaves also with enough time.” Song Changsheng said. “现在离开还来得及。”宋长生说道。 Oh, you quite install.” “哎哟,你好装啊。” You should not think, my solemn Huangfu Zhantian will lose to you?” “你该不会以为,我堂堂皇甫战天会败给你吧?” Huangfu Zhantian spoke, took down the box, later thunder long spear appeared in his hands. 皇甫战天说话间,将身后箱子取下,随后一把雷霆长枪出现在其手中。 That is Divine Weapon. 那是一把神兵 Divine Weapon in the hand, Huangfu Zhantian strength rises sharply immediately. 神兵在手,皇甫战天的战力顿时大涨。 Even if in this boundless starry sky, space all around is also starts the fierce vibration. 哪怕在这无边星空之中,周遭的空间也是开始剧烈的抖动起来。 But fights the day facing so power and influence Huangfu, Song Changsheng actually the vision, went to the world suddenly. 可就是面对如此威势的皇甫战天,宋长生却忽然将目光,投向了世界之中。 Because in that blocked world, several thousand forms appear. 因为在那被封锁的世界之中,又有数千道身影浮现。 Their wear, fight the Tianyi mold with Huangfu, is the people of Huangfu Celestial Clan. 他们的穿着,与皇甫战天一模一样,都是皇甫天族之人。 At present these people, in fast grazes to go to the Summit of Nine Heavens direction. 眼下那些人,正在快速的向九天之巅的方向飞掠而去。 Quick must wait/etc. all troops meet with Seven Worlds Saint Mansion. 很快就要与七界圣府等各方人马碰面。 You are looking to where.” “你在看向哪里。” Suddenly long spear drops from the clouds together, chops to cut to Song Changsheng. 忽然一道长枪从天而降,向宋长生劈砍而来。 Is Huangfu Zhantian offensive. 是皇甫战天的攻势。 Song Changsheng searches the hand to grasp, then bare-handed receives that Divine Weapon long spear. 宋长生探手一抓,便将那神兵长枪徒手接下。 Afterward, the arm makes an effort suddenly, grips Huangfu of spear's/gun's body to fight the day, then withstood the tremendous strength. 随后,手臂猛然用力,握住枪身的皇甫战天,便承受了巨大的力量。 At this moment, the space twinkling disruption of his whole body. 此刻,他周身的空间瞬息碎裂。 The powerful strength, makes its unexpected, knelt above the midair directly. 强大的力量,让其猝不及防,直接跪在了半空之上。 Scoundrel.” “混账。” Regarding this, obviously not as he expected, he immediately violent anger. 对于这一幕,显然不在他的预料之中,他顿时暴怒。 Humiliation, because he felt the enormous humiliation. 屈辱,因为他感受到了极大的屈辱。 Therefore, he causes completely the whole body strength, wants to stand up, but actually radically helpless. 于是,他使尽全身力气,想要站起身来,但却根本无能为力。 - 滋啦啦- Therefore, above its forehead, appears Thunder Mark. 于是,其额头之上,浮现雷纹 Thunder Mark appears, its cultivation realm has been promoted. 雷纹浮现,其修为得到提升。 But, he is not so able to contend with the strength that Song Changsheng transmits single-handed even if. 可哪怕如此,他仍无法抗衡宋长生单手所传递来的力量。 The thunder changes, on Huangfu Zhantian has Lightning Armour to reappear, its cultivation realm increases again. 雷霆变化,皇甫战天身上有雷霆铠甲浮现,其修为再度大增。 Even but if, is actually not so able to stand up as before, is unable to change all these as before. 但哪怕如此,却也依旧无法站起身来,依旧无法改变这一切。 At this moment, Huangfu Zhantian was shocked. 这一刻,皇甫战天愣住了。 He some are not obviously unacceptable, but actually can not accept. 他显然有些无法接受,但却又不得接受。 He looks to Song Changsheng, discovered that Song Changsheng has not visited him, Song Changsheng is sizing up, in that side world matter. 他看向宋长生,发现宋长生根本都没看他,宋长生在打量着,那方世界内发生的事情。 Sees such Song Changsheng, the anger on Huangfu Zhantian face, also dissipates. 看到这样的宋长生,皇甫战天脸上的怒火,也是随之消散。 Even he himself felt, he should not the anger. 连他自己都觉得,他不该愤怒。 The opposite party, were too strong. 对方,太强了。 Oh, I said, you don't seem to want to kill me?” Huangfu Zhantian asked. “唉,我说,你似乎不想杀我?”皇甫战天问。 I have not killed your reason.” Song Changsheng speech time, the vision is gazing at that side world as before. “我没有杀你的理由。”宋长生说话的时候,目光依旧注视着那方世界。 I, no matter the following matter, you can treat as have not run into me?” Huangfu Zhantian asked. “那我不管下面的事了,你能不能就当做没遇到过我?”皇甫战天问道。 Ok.” Song Changsheng said. “可以。”宋长生道。 „Can you not lose to your matter to say me?” Huangfu Zhantian also asked. “那你能不能别把我败给你的事说出去?”皇甫战天又问。 Hears this words, Song Changsheng looked that fights the day to Huangfu, loosened that to grab the hand of Divine Weapon long spear. 听闻此话,宋长生才看向皇甫战天,松开了那抓住神兵长枪的手。 Follows it to let loose the palm, that oppresses Huangfu Zhantian strength also to vanish. 伴随其放开手掌,那压迫住皇甫战天的力量也随之消失。 Then said: Ok.” 这才说道:“可以。” At this time, Huangfu Zhantian can set out, is serving with a ritual to Song Changsheng unexpectedly: many thanks.” 此时,皇甫战天得以起身,竟对着宋长生施以一礼:“多谢。” The words, he also stands side Song Changsheng unexpectedly, looks to the world all. 话罢,他竟也站在宋长生身旁,看向世界内发生的一切。 At this moment, the Huangfu Celestial Clan people, had arrived at the Summit of Nine Heavens position. 此刻,皇甫天族的众人,已是来到了九天之巅的位置。 Collects there all influence, was attracted by the Huangfu Celestial Clan people. 汇集于那里的各方势力,都被皇甫天族的众人所吸引。 Because of this group of people, they have never seen. 因为这伙人,他们从未见过。 But looks at their wear, looks at thunder chains of blockade world again, people subconscious then this group of people, contacted with the chief criminals in blockade world. 但看他们的穿着,再看着封锁世界的雷霆锁链,人们下意识的便将这伙人,与封锁世界的罪魁祸首联系到了一起。 But also because of so, people do not dare to be negligent. 可也正因如此,人们不敢大意。 They can expect, this goods unauthentic person, the strength is very strong. 他们能够预料到,这货来路不明之人,实力很强。 Suddenly, the form emerges out of thin air together, several tens of thousands of forms, neat falling in it behind. 忽然,一道身影凭空出现,紧接着数万道身影,整齐的落在其身后。 Above void, with the Huangfu Celestial Clan people, formed the potential of confrontation. 在虚空之上,与皇甫天族众人,形成了对峙之势。 Is the person of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, is precisely Seven Worlds Mansion Lord of head, jie Tianran. 七界圣府之人,为首的正是七界府主,界天染 newcomer who?” jie Tianran asked. 来者何人?”界天染问。 Huangfu Celestial Clan, Huangfu extraordinary.” Is the man of head said. 皇甫天族,皇甫不凡。”为首的一名男子说道。 Huangfu Celestial Clan? 皇甫天族 Does could it be that, with entering Summit of Nine Heavens that five people have the relations? 难道说,与进入九天之巅的那五个人有关系? The people at first are only the suspicions. 众人起初只是怀疑。 May follow all juniors, has come out from Summit of Nine Heavens. 可伴随各方小辈,已经从九天之巅出来。 Quick all influence, obtained the clue about Huangfu Shengyu and others. 很快各方势力,也都得到了关于皇甫圣宇等人的线索。 Naturally also knows, this so-called Huangfu Celestial Clan, is Celestial Clan that Ancient Era then inherits. 自然也就知道,这所谓的皇甫天族,乃是远古时期便传承下来的天族 But existence of Ancient Era, is the secret in ruins, cannot clash with their life. 远古时期的存在,一直都是隐秘于遗迹之中,与他们的生活不会发生冲突。 How did this time, appear here? 怎么这一次,就出现在了这里? This matter no small matter, likely concerns the vast martial cultivation world future pattern. 这件事非同小可,很可能关乎浩瀚修武界日后的格局。 Therefore all influence, is serious, felt the tremendous pressure. 因此各方势力,也都是面色凝重,感受到了巨大的压力。 But Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, is the complexion is tranquil, asks: 七界府主,却是面色平静,问道: That is chains, your arrange/cloth?” “那锁链,是你们布的?” Yes.” Huangfu extraordinary said. “是。”皇甫不凡说道。 Has what intention?” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord asked. “有何用意?”七界府主问。 My Huangfu Celestial Clan, had the later generation to enter Summit of Nine Heavens.” “我皇甫天族,有后辈进入了九天之巅。” But some people died in inside.” “但有人死在了里面。” „If not give a reasonable view and compensation, everyone in this world, then must be buried along with the dead together.” Huangfu extraordinary said. “若不给一个合理的说法和赔偿,这个世界的所有人,便要一起陪葬。”皇甫不凡说道。 „Was this... too also overbearing?” “这…也太霸道了吧?” Hears this matter, all troops feel absurdly. 听闻此事,各方人马都感觉荒唐。 The trial, will have the casualties unavoidably, since dares to come, must have the preparation. 既是试炼,难免会有伤亡,既然敢来,就要有心理准备。 Where had also to compensate? 哪有死了还要赔偿的? This ruled by force. 这着实太霸道了一些。 And, but also wants everyone to be buried along with the dead? 并且,还要所有人陪葬? If were only the indigenous people in this side world also even. 若只是这方世界的原住民也就算了。 But now in this side world, but is collecting vast martial cultivation world, the troops of all influence. 可现在这方世界内,可是汇集着浩瀚修武界,各方势力的人马。 What collection is the entire vast martial cultivation world elite. 汇集的乃是整个浩瀚修武界的精英。 Even jie Tianran this type, is honored as the present age strongest people here. 甚至连界天染这种,被誉为当代最强之人都在这里。 The opposite party dare to say so the words, simply wildly. 对方竟敢说出如此话语,简直猖狂至极。 Ancient Era, without custom?” jie Tianran asked. 远古时期,没有规矩吗?”界天染问。 Custom? Naturally has.” “规矩?当然有。” But well-mannered, is decided by the powerhouse.” Huangfu extraordinary said. “可规矩,是由强者定的。”皇甫不凡说道。 The implication, they are the powerhouses, all calculation that was said by them. 言外之意,他们是强者,一切由他们说的算。 Old man does not want to kill people today, your unblocking, leaves directly.” jie Tianran beckons with the hand. “老夫今日不想杀人,你们解除封锁,直接离开吧。”界天染摆了摆手。 „......” “呵……” Hears this words, Huangfu extraordinary exudes one to sneer. 听闻此话,皇甫不凡发出一声冷笑。 You do not seem to make clear the condition.” “你好像没搞清楚状况。” The words, a boundless pressure releases from its within the body, sweeps across in the wink of an eye in all directions. 话罢,一股磅礴的威压自其体内释放而出,瞬息之间席卷四面八方。 Everyone in almost this side world, felt that powerful aura. 几乎这方世界的所有人,都感受到了那强大的气息。 But by this person of pressure direct coverage, is surface like the white paper, an eye of reveal despairs. 而被这威压直接覆盖之人,更是一个个面如白纸,目露绝望。 They can feel, this pressure strong. 他们能感觉到,这威压有多强。 That is dominates the strength above True God. 那是凌驾于真神之上的力量。 The deity, he is the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse!!! 天神,他乃天神境强者!!! Does the deity exist? 天神何等存在? How can the world not know? 世人怎能不知? Because knows, they fear. 正因为知晓,他们才恐惧。 Because the deity has vanished is very long. 因为天神已经消失很久了。 They on the scene , the True God powerhouse has actually much, but collaborates even, perhaps still difficult resistance deity. 他们在场之中,真神强者倒是有着不少,但就算联手,恐怕也难以对抗天神。 Now the deity must kill them, they can only wait for death. 如今天神要杀他们,他们只能等死。 But in the people only because of a wisp of pressure, then feels in despair. 可就在众人只因一缕威压,便感到绝望之际。 This side world, the ray shines suddenly. 这方天地,忽然光芒普照。 When that ray appears, Huangfu extraordinary pressure was reduced and solved by the twinkling unexpectedly. 当那光芒浮现,皇甫不凡的威压竟被瞬息化解。 Because of the strength of that ray release, is more powerful than Huangfu extraordinary. 因为那光芒释放的力量,比皇甫不凡更加强大。 But that ray precisely stems from jie Tianran. 而那光芒正是源于界天染 This feeling......” “这感觉……” Feels aura that jie Tianran releases, the facial expression of people are more complex. 感受到界天染所释放的气息,众人的神情更加复杂。 But compares in outsider, the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion people are wild with joy. 可是相比于外人,七界圣府的众人却是为之狂喜。 Sir Mansion Lord he, broke through Heavenly Dragon Realm.” 府主大人他,突破到了天龙境。” Sir Mansion Lord he, is Heavenly Dragon World Spiritist.” 府主大人他,已是天龙界灵师。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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