MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5798: Huangfu Zhantian

Chapter 5796 Huangfu Zhantian 第5796章皇甫战天 But wants to continue to feel in Chu Feng, wants to determine oneself are the feeling made a mistake the time, all stopped. 可就在楚枫想要继续感受,想确定自己是不是感受错了的时候,一切停止了。 Chu Feng opens the eye, discovered that the formation technique strength in brass basin not only dissipates. 楚枫睁开眼睛,发现铜盆内的阵法力量不仅消散。 The formation technique trace in brass basin also dissipated. 铜盆内的阵法纹路也消散了。 The brass basin is still ancient, gives out antique aura, but except for has no use ancient. 铜盆依旧古老,散发太古气息,可除了古老已没有任何用处。 It seems like the formation technique trace on brass basin, can only use one time. 看来铜盆上的阵法纹路,只能使用一次。 No wonder, is unable to determine including nine summit Grandmaster, this method is whether feasible. 难怪,连九巅大师都无法确定,这个方法是否可行。 Because of him before, has not used. 因为他之前,也没有使用过。 Chu Feng benefactor, is this method invalid?” 楚枫施主,难道这个方法行不通?” Nine summit Grandmaster, seeing the Chu Feng complexion are unattractive, thinks that was the Chu Feng failure. 九巅大师,见楚枫脸色并不好看,以为是楚枫失败了。 Method is feasible.” “方法可行。” Is only Grandmaster, can this brass basin only use one time?” Chu Feng a little does not lose heart. “只是大师,这铜盆只能使用一次吗?”楚枫有点不死心。 Yes, can only one time.” Nine summit Grandmaster said. “是,只能一次。”九巅大师道。 Grandmaster may have other methods, can make junior have the feeling again?” Chu Feng asked. 大师可还有其他方法,能让晚辈再有刚才的感受?”楚枫问。 formation technique that this poor monk arranges only then the guidance function, looks at the strength in this brass basin in the final analysis.” Nine summit Grandmaster said. “贫僧布置的阵法只有引导作用,归根结底还是看这铜盆内的力量。”九巅大师道。 junior understood, many thanks Grandmaster.” 晚辈明白了,多谢大师。” Chu Feng knows, nine summit Grandmaster here, should not have the means that therefore said: 楚枫知道,九巅大师这里,应该是没有办法了,于是说道: Grandmaster, I just truly felt Bloodline of other king.” 大师,我刚刚确实感受到另外的王之血脉。” But I am unable to determine that is my mother's Bloodline of king.” “但我无法确定,那是不是我母亲的王之血脉。” Although felt, because possibly formation technique was limited, therefore not specially kind feeling, could not feel my mother's aura.” “虽然感受到了,但可能因为阵法有限,因此并没有特别亲切的感觉,也感受不到我母亲的气息。” Bloodline of king I feel, is very healthy, is extremely complete.” Chu Feng said. “不过我感受到的王之血脉,是很健康的,是极其完整的。”楚枫说道。 It seems like this poor monk, does not have the means to eliminate in the Chu Feng benefactor heart the anxiety.” Nine summit Grandmaster said. “看来贫僧,还是没办法打消楚枫施主心中疑虑。”九巅大师道。 Grandmaster, is related to my mother safety, only if I really see my mother to be safe and sound, otherwise indeed is unable to feel at ease 大师,事关我母亲安危,除非我真的见到我母亲安然无恙,否则的确无法心安” Also asked Grandmaster to excuse me.” “还请大师见谅。” Chu Feng slightly feels the apology, because he felt, nine summit Grandmaster are unknown with him, so helps him show extreme tolerance. 楚枫略感歉意,因为他觉得,九巅大师与他素不相识,如此帮他已是仁至义尽。 Chu Feng benefactor, this poor monk can definitely understand that your mood, this poor monk also wants to help you open the heart knot as far as possible.” 楚枫施主,贫僧完全能理解你的心情,贫僧也想尽量帮你打开心结。” But my disciple, should say with you, although the Summit of Nine Heavens formation technique strength is strong, but in fact has nothing to do with this poor monk.” “但我那弟子,应该与你说过,九天之巅阵法力量虽强,可实际上与贫僧无关。” This poor monk is unable to use the Summit of Nine Heavens strength, helping you spy on the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion situation, otherwise, can give the accurate answer actually.” Nine summit Grandmaster said. “贫僧无法用九天之巅的力量,帮你窥探七界圣府的情况,不然的话,倒是能够给出准确答案。”九巅大师道。 Grandmaster, your help to the junior, is enough many.” 大师,您对晚辈的帮助,已是足够多了。” If not for Grandmaster were previously utilizing the formation technique strength, making junior sober, junior perhaps really on idea of jie Tianran.” Chu Feng said. “若不是先前大师运用着阵法力量,让晚辈清醒,晚辈恐怕真就中了界天染的计了。”楚枫说道。 Evil.” “害。” This poor monk actually cannot think through, why jie Tianran has the so big hostility to you, he did not speak the talent of truth to be right.” Nine summit Grandmaster sighed. “贫僧其实也想不通,界天染为何对你有如此大的敌意,他本不是如此不讲道理之人才对。”九巅大师叹道。 „Has senior been acquainted with him?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈与他早就相识?”楚枫问。 Un.” “嗯。” Is only the acquaintance, does not have the too deep friendship, if said the friendship, pours might as well this poor monk and your mother.” “不过只是相识,没有太深交情,若要说交情,倒还不如贫僧与你母亲。” Your mother, had also helped this poor monk busy in the past.” “你母亲,当年还帮过贫僧一个忙。” Today, this poor monk also calculates also this favor.” Nine summit Grandmaster sighed suddenly. “今日,贫僧也算还了这个人情了。”九巅大师忽然叹道。 Originally Chu Feng also felt, nine summit Grandmaster help itself be because purely his heart is friendly. 本来楚枫还觉得,九巅大师帮助自己乃是纯粹因为他心善。 Has not thought that unexpectedly because of his mother. 不曾想,竟是因为其母亲。 Chu Feng benefactor, this can Summit of Nine Heavens, have to see the person?” 楚枫施主,这九天之巅,可还有想见之人?” Nine summit Grandmaster also asked. 九巅大师又问道。 Grandmaster, did Summit of Nine Heavens end?” Chu Feng asked. 大师,九天之巅是到此结束了吗?”楚枫问。 Yes, cannot enter the person of list, has forced expel... to leave.” “是,未能入榜之人,都已强行驱逐…离开了。” Enters the person of list, actually also has no reward, is this poor monk has not made them leave intentionally.” “入榜之人,其实也没什么奖励,是贫僧故意没让他们离开。” This poor monk thinks, you should also want to say goodbye to your friend?” Nine summit Grandmaster said. “贫僧是想,你应该还想与你的朋友道别吧?”九巅大师道。 Yes, I also want to see the friend of mine, had work Grandmaster.” Chu Feng said. “是,我还想见一见我的朋友,有劳大师了。”楚枫道。 Bare-handed work, whom do you want to see?” “徒手之劳而已,你都想见谁?” This poor monk passes to here them.” Nine summit Grandmaster said. “贫僧将他们都传到这里来。”九巅大师道。 Un? 嗯? But this words just said, Chu Feng has not opened the mouth with enough time, nine summit Grandmaster then raise one's head, looked suddenly void to beside. 可此话刚刚说完,楚枫还没来得及开口,九巅大师便猛然抬头,望向了虚空之外。 Simultaneously the palm gets hold of the buddha beads, the vision also becomes special. 同时手掌握紧佛珠,目光也变得特别起来。 „Does Grandmaster, what matter have?” 大师,发生何事?” Looks at the responses of nine summit Grandmaster, Chu Feng then knows, should have the matter to happen. 只是看九巅大师的反应,楚枫便知道,应该是又有事情发生了。 Sees the Chu Feng opens the mouth, nine summit Grandmaster to Chu Feng one finger/refers, next quarter formation technique are entering the body, the Chu Feng's vision, can break the Summit of Nine Heavens barrier, sees outside scene again. 楚枫开口,九巅大师对着楚枫一指,下一刻阵法入体,楚枫的目光,也能够打破九天之巅的屏障,再度看到外面的景象。 At this moment, void was blocked. 此刻,虚空又被封锁了。 That is huge chains of supplementary thunder, chains interweaves, forms thunder chains large net. 那是一道道附带雷霆的巨大锁链,锁链交织,形成一道雷霆锁链大网 Although the Chu Feng vision is limited. 虽然楚枫目光有限。 May look at that stance, should block the whole world. 可看那个架势,应该是将整个世界都封锁了起来。 Is Huangfu Celestial Clan?” “是皇甫天族?” The Chu Feng first response, is the Huangfu Celestial Clan person. 楚枫第一反应,便是皇甫天族的人。 Chu Feng they had understood that Huangfu Celestial Clan situation, is the person of outside, obviously had not understood. 楚枫他们已经了解皇甫天族的情况,可是外面之人,显然还并不了解。 Originally all troops, but also immersed in just Chu Feng and Seven Worlds Saint Mansion matter. 原本各方人马,还沉浸在刚刚楚枫七界圣府的事情之中。 That presents suddenly, making everyone be troubled. 突然间出现的一幕,让所有人都感到不安。 Because of chains of that blockade world, the strength is extremely strong. 因为那封锁天地的锁链,力量极其强大。 But such method, does not conform to any colossus that they know very well. 而这样的手段,并不符合他们所熟知的任何一个庞然大物。 The strange and powerful method, making them have the unknown sense of fear. 陌生而又强大的手段,让他们产生未知的恐惧感。 Only has Song Changsheng, knows that chains from where. 唯有宋长生,知道那锁链从何而来。 Besides Song Changsheng, in the starry sky outside this world, but also is standing together the form. 除了宋长生之外,在这个世界之外的星空中,还站立着一道身影。 That is a middle-aged appearance, keeps a man of white hair. 那是一名中年模样,留着一头白发的男子。 His wear is exactly the same as Huangfu Shengyu and others, carries a black wooden box behind. 他的穿着与皇甫圣宇等人一模一样,就连身后也背着一个黑色的木箱。 Thunder chains that precisely this person, loses, blocked that side world. 正是此人,丢出的雷霆锁链,封锁住了那方世界。 Emaciated ants.” “孱弱的蝼蚁们。” Today makes you experience, what for true cultivator.” “今日就让你见识一下,何为真正的修武者。” Shivers, this is your ends, will be the day of your enlarging ones vision.” “颤抖吧,这是你们的末日,也将是你们开眼之日。” Stands in the starry sky obviously, is stimulating to movement that chains, but the mouth of middle-aged man is mumbles to keep saying. 明明独自一人站在星空之中,催动着那锁链,可中年男子的嘴巴却是念念有词说个不停。 In fact, since he appears, the mouth has then thought aloud that is saying. 实际上,自当他出现之后,嘴里便一直自言自语的说着。 Song Changsheng is really unable to continue watching, therefore flickers the body, arrives in front of the man. 宋长生实在看不下去,于是一个瞬身,来到男子面前。 Aiya!!!” “哎呀!!!” Sees sudden Song Changsheng, the man also has a scare. 见到突然出现的宋长生,男子也是吓了一跳。 Who are you?” The men asked to Song Changsheng. “你是何人?”男子对宋长生问道。 Who I am unimportant.” “我是谁不重要。” But I know that you are not this time.” “但我知道你不属于这个时代。” Advised politely your one, do not break this place to be balanced.” Song Changsheng said. “奉劝你一句,不要打破此地平衡。”宋长生说道。 Right that you said that who you are, is indeed unimportant, in any case is present age cultivator.” “你说的对,你是谁,的确不重要,反正都是当代修武者。” Who I am, is very important.” The middle-aged man said. “不过我是谁,很重要。”中年男子说道。 I did not care that who you are, I only hope that you leave as soon as possible.” Song Changsheng said. “我不关心你是谁,我只希望你尽快离开。”宋长生道。 No, you will care that coming out that because I look, you can appear here, the inevitable strength is not weak.” “不,你会关心的,因为我看的出来,你能出现在这里,必然实力不弱。” In present age cultivator, your position should be very high.” “在当代修武者之中,你的地位应该很高。” But you are dying today.” “但你今日就要死了。” However kills your person is I.” “而杀你的人便是我。” „Since Huangfu has fought the day, Huangfu Celestial Clan constructs the clan the second strong talent.” “皇甫战天,皇甫天族建族以来第二强的天才。” Can die in my Huangfu Zhantian hand, you were also most honored.” “能够死在我皇甫战天的手中,你也算是三生有幸了。” This words saying, said the middle-aged man who Huangfu Zhantian, the thought moves, a pressure then releases from its within the body. 此话说完,自称皇甫战天的中年男子,意念一动,一股威压便自其体内释放而出。 That pressure covers surface area to be very small, almost just only covered Song Changsheng one person. 那威压覆盖面积很小,几乎刚好只覆盖了宋长生一人。 But the pressure is extremely strong, dominates the strength above True God. 可威压极强,是凌驾于真神之上的力量。 This pressure, even if the True God peak touches, will meet a cruel death, is reduced to ashes. 这道威压,哪怕真神巅峰触碰,也将粉身碎骨,化为灰烬。 But when this pressure, passed over gently and swiftly after Song Changsheng, only seems like the fresh breeze to blow together. 可是当这道威压,从宋长生身上掠过之后,就只像是一道劲风吹过。 Moved a Song Changsheng round of silk, moved his clothing, but he actually returns safe and sound, the lower hem corner has not damaged. 吹动了宋长生发丝,也吹动了他的衣衫,可他却是毫发未损,就连衣角都未曾破损。 „Do you, have such realm unexpectedly?” “你,竟有如此境界?” Previously also self-confident Huangfu fought the day, if this moment wood dull chicken. 先前还自信满满的皇甫战天,此刻木若呆鸡。 PS: This is Monday update, when I will awake will write on Tuesday, therefore also has update today. PS:这是周一的更新,等我睡醒会写周二的,所以今天还有更新 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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