MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5797: Dual Heavenly Thunder

Chapter 5795 dual Heavenly Thunder 第5795章双重天雷 Buzz- 嗡- In the meantime, strength of the teleportation the palace appeared since old times, covered everyone on the scene. 就在此时,一股传送之力自古殿浮现,笼罩了在场的所有人。 The next quarter, Chu Feng and others then all returned to at first above that square. 下一刻,楚枫等人便全部回到了最初那座广场之上。 All is living person, here. 所有活着出来的人,都在这里。 Including cannot enter Long Xiaoxiao and others of ancient palace. 包括未能进入古殿的龙晓晓等人 Moreover, void above also presented a list that is condensed by formation technique becomes. 不仅如此,虚空之上同样出现了一座由阵法凝聚而成的榜单。 The list is huge, hangs above void. 榜单巨大,挂在虚空之上。 Above also covered entirely the name. 上面还布满了名字。 precisely Chu Feng and others, this rank. 正是楚枫等人,此次的排行。 Earliest possible time that everyone comes out, by that list attraction. 所有人出来的第一时间,就被那榜单吸引了。 Buzz- 嗡- But suddenly, strength of the teleportation covered Chu Feng. 可忽然,又有一股传送之力笼罩了楚枫 When the strength of teleportation dissipates, Chu Feng entered in the middle of a courtyard in temple. 传送之力消散,楚枫进入了一座寺庙的院子当中。 In this courtyard, has an old monk who wears the simple cassock. 在这院子内,有着一位穿着朴素袈裟的老僧。 The old monk is thin and small, over the face is gentle. 老僧瘦瘦小小,满面慈祥。 But in his hand, is grasping one skewer of buddha beads. 而他的手中,握着一串佛珠。 That skewer of buddha beads, precisely beforehand Liu Kuo takes buddha beads. 那串佛珠,正是之前刘阔所拿着的佛珠。 Nine summit Grandmaster?” Chu Feng exploratory asking. “九巅大师?”楚枫试探性的问。 Chu Feng benefactor, we met finally.” The old monk said with a smile. 楚枫施主,我们终于见面了。”老僧笑道。 junior, greets nine summit Grandmaster.” Chu Feng rushes to serve with a ritual. 晚辈,拜见九巅大师。”楚枫赶忙施以一礼。 Opposite party's response, not only determined the status of opposite party. 对方的回应,不仅确定了对方的身份。 When key sound, precisely previously Chu Feng Bloodline Rampage, that makes Chu Feng restore the sober sound. 关键这个声音,正是先前楚枫血脉暴走时,那让楚枫恢复清醒的声音。 Chu Feng benefactor, is overly courteous.” 楚枫施主,无需多礼。” Coughs......” “咳咳咳……” Nine summit Grandmaster were with smile on the face, but the severe gasping and coughing gets up suddenly, and more coughs is more serious. 九巅大师原本面带微笑,可忽然剧烈的喘咳起来,并且越咳越严重。 Chu Feng had discovered, nine summit Grandmaster complexions are not good. 楚枫早就发现,九巅大师脸色不好。 Therefore at this moment is also releases Spirit power to observe, Chu Feng discovered, nine summit Grandmaster are backlash is the result, this is the wound, but is not a condition. 于是此刻也是释放出精神力进行观察,楚枫发现,九巅大师反噬所致,这是伤,而并非病情。 And the situation should appear not long. 并且情况应该出现没有多久。 Grandmaster, is it possible that you... are because just helped me?” 大师,您…莫非是因为刚刚助我?” Sees nine summit Grandmaster to be wounded, the Chu Feng first relates, nine summit Grandmaster previously awakened him. 见九巅大师负伤,楚枫第一个联想到,九巅大师先前将他唤醒。 Nine summit Grandmaster actually only said several words, the sound is not then able to transmit. 九巅大师其实只说了几句话,声音便无法传递。 This indicated that received the hindrance. 这说明是受到了阻碍。 Chu Feng has long known from Liu Kuo there, although nine summit Grandmaster are on outwardly, Summit of Nine Heavens control. 楚枫早就从刘阔那里知道,虽说九巅大师是明面上,九天之巅的掌控者。 But in fact, Summit of Nine Heavens not by nine summit Grandmaster true controls. 但实际上,九天之巅并没有被九巅大师真正的掌控。 For example the Summit of Nine Heavens choice arrived here, is Summit of Nine Heavens own decision. 比如九天之巅选择来到这里,便是九天之巅自己的决定。 This Summit of Nine Heavens, a lot are time nine summit Grandmaster are unable to meddle. 这一次的九天之巅,很多事情都是九巅大师无法插手的。 For this reason, nine summit Grandmaster meddle forcefully, possibly suffered Summit of Nine Heavens backlash, will therefore be wounded. 正因如此,九巅大师强行插手,可能遭受了九天之巅反噬,所以才会负伤。 Chu Feng benefactor, the injury of this poor monk unobstructive.” 楚枫施主,贫僧的伤势无碍。” Nine summit Grandmaster said with a smile, but this reply, poured also confirmed the Chu Feng's guess. 九巅大师的笑着说道,但这个回答,倒也是验证了楚枫的猜测。 Nine summit Grandmaster, indeed to help him are wounded. 九巅大师,的确是为了帮他才负伤的。 Grandmaster, you previously told me, my mother had not been eliminated Bloodline by Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” 大师,您先前告诉我,我母亲没有被七界圣府剥夺血脉。” Is you to let me is calm, deceives my.” “是您为了让我冷静,欺骗我的。” You really know, something about my mother?” Chu Feng inquired. “还是您真的知道,关于我母亲的一些事情?”楚枫询问道。 Now, matter that he most cares about, is her mother's safety. 现在,他最关心的事情,就是她母亲的安危。 Some matters, did not facilitate to say actually.” “有些事,其实不方便说。” But gives up your anxiety, is necessary, otherwise this poor monk worried that has affected on your future cultivation.” “但打消你这个疑虑,还是有必要的,否则贫僧担心对你日后的修炼有所影响。” Words that therefore this poor monk then spoke to Chu Feng benefactor, but also asked Chu Feng benefactor do not leak.” “所以贫僧接下来对楚枫施主说的话,还请楚枫施主不要外传。” Nine summit Grandmaster injunctions said. 九巅大师嘱咐道。 Has work Grandmaster to inform.” Chu Feng said. “有劳大师告知。”楚枫道。 This poor monk does not know, between your mother and Seven Worlds Saint Mansion had anything specifically.” “贫僧并不知道,你母亲与七界圣府之间具体发生了什么。” „The formation technique strength that but this poor monk grasps through Summit of Nine Heavens, has observed Jie Tian.” “但贫僧通过九天之巅掌握的阵法力量,观察过界天。” Through observing this poor monk discovered, Jie Tian Bloodline of king, is not inborn then has.” “通过观察贫僧发现,界天的王之血脉,并非是天生便有。” But Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, only then your mother has Bloodline of king.” “但七界圣府,只有你母亲有王之血脉。” Normal, Jie Tian Bloodline of king is not he has inborn.” “正常来说,界天的王之血脉既不是他天生具备。” That can only be your mother's Bloodline of king, the transplant but actually the body of Jie Tian.” “那只能是你母亲的王之血脉,移植倒了界天的身上。” May observe according to this poor monk, Jie Tian Bloodline of king, not your mother's aura, even has no connection with your mother.” “可根据贫僧观察,界天的王之血脉,并没有你母亲的气息,甚至与你母亲没有任何关联。” Other this poor monk does not dare saying that at least Jie Tian Bloodline of king, is not your mother's Bloodline of king.” “别的贫僧不敢说,至少界天的王之血脉,绝非是你母亲的王之血脉。” Nine summit Grandmaster said. 九巅大师说道。 No wonder he does not let the Chu Feng to divulge to an outsider, he observed the Jie Tian situation through Summit of Nine Heavens, this should not gather the custom very much. 难怪他不让楚枫外传,他通过九天之巅观察了界天的情况,这应该不是很合规矩。 This is also concerning the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion matter. 况且,这还关乎着七界圣府的事。 Therefore, Grandmaster you are therefore, had my mother Bloodline not yet eliminated inference?” Chu Feng asked. “所以,大师您是因此,有了我母亲血脉尚未被剥夺的推断?”楚枫问。 Indeed, this is only this poor monk's speculation.” “的确,这只是贫僧的猜测。” jie Tianran to your hostility, some truly difficult understood.” 界天染对你的敌意,确实有些难以理解。” But this poor monk had seen, how jie Tianran treats your mother.” “可贫僧曾经见过,界天染是如何待你母亲的。” That and other degrees of love, are unique.” “那等宠爱的程度,是独一无二的。” This poor monk never has at least seen jie Tianran, when others , if treats your mother like that.” “至少贫僧从未见过界天染,待其他人如待你母亲那般。” This poor monk does not believe, such loves your mother's jie Tianran, will be willing to strip your mother's Bloodline, destroyed your mother's future.” Nine summit Grandmaster said. “贫僧并不相信,那样宠爱你母亲的界天染,会舍得剥离你母亲的血脉,毁了你母亲的前程。”九巅大师说道。 People like him, ruled by force, so long as were disobedient his order, his what matter couldn't do?” Chu Feng said. “他这种人,霸道惯了,只要忤逆他的命令,他什么事做不出来?”楚枫道。 It looks like in Chu Feng, jie Tianran is one has not reached the goal, the person of resorting to all means. 楚枫看来,界天染就是一个未达目的,不择手段之人。 You, jie Tianran is indeed unpardonably wicked.” “于你而言,界天染的确十恶不赦。” Nine summit Grandmaster said. 九巅大师说道。 He knows that jie Tianran is not good to Chu Feng, therefore has not denied the judgment of Chu Feng to jie Tianran. 他知道界天染楚枫不好,所以并没有否定楚枫界天染的评判。 Stands in the Chu Feng's angle, his judgment, does not have any issue. 站在楚枫的角度,他的这个评判,没有任何问题。 Even this judgment, is light. 甚至这个评判,都是轻的。 Chu Feng benefactor, may once hear, is Bloodline connected?” Nine summit Grandmaster asked. 楚枫施主,可曾听闻过,血脉相连?”九巅大师问道。 Has listened.” Chu Feng said. “听过。”楚枫说道。 This poor monk, had once obtained a treasure, this treasure contains the unusual formation technique strength.” “贫僧,曾得到过一件宝物,这宝物蕴藏着非同一般的阵法力量。” If performs the formation technique adjustment, this treasure then can the feeling Bloodline strength of deeper level.” “若是加以阵法调整,此宝物便能更深层次的感受血脉力量。” Although cannot help cultivation, but could achieve the Bloodline connected effect.” “虽不能有助于修炼,但也许能够达到血脉相连的效果。” Chu Feng, you can give a try.” 楚枫,你可以试试看。” Looked whether you can feel your mother's bloodline power.” “看你能否感受到你母亲的血脉之力。” If Ok, this poor monk believes, you can be connected through Bloodline, judge your mother's condition.” “若是可以,贫僧相信,你能通过血脉相连,判断出你母亲的状态。” Answer, naturally knows.” “答案,自然知晓。” Nine summit Grandmaster spoke, took out a brass basin. 九巅大师说话间,取出了一个铜盆。 This brass basin is very ancient, is the thing of immemorial. 这铜盆十分古老,乃是太古之物。 On the brass basin, is carving the formation technique trace. 铜盆上面,刻着阵法纹路。 Nine summit Grandmaster took out talismans, on talismans already the arrange/cloth good formation technique. 九巅大师又取出一张符纸,符纸上面已经布好了阵法 That should be nine summit Grandmaster cloths formation technique. 那应该是九巅大师布的阵法 On the formation technique trace through talismans, Chu Feng can judge. 通过符纸上的阵法纹路,楚枫就能判断。 This indeed with sensing Bloodline is related, but actually has nothing to do with cultivation. 这的确是与感悟血脉有关,但却与修炼无关。 Nine summit Grandmaster give Chu Feng talismans: Chu Feng benefactor.” 九巅大师符纸递给楚枫:“楚枫施主。” many thanks Grandmaster.” 多谢大师。” Chu Feng as World Spiritist, naturally understands nine summit Grandmaster meaning. 楚枫身为界灵师,自然明白九巅大师意思 Chu Feng received talismans, releases formation power slightly, that talismans such as the blade generally is then sharp. 楚枫接过符纸,稍微释放结界之力,那符纸便如刀一般锋利。 Chu Feng with this talismans, lacerated own wrist/skill, immediately threw into the brass basin talismans. 楚枫用这符纸,割破了自己的手腕,旋即符纸丢入铜盆之中。 talismans enters the basin, immediately changes to formation technique, forms such as the water common transparent liquid. 符纸入盆,立刻化作阵法,形成如水一般的透明液体。 The wrist/skill that Chu Feng will bleed, soaks in the brass basin. 紧接着,楚枫又将流血的手腕,浸泡在铜盆之内。 At this time the formation technique trace in brass basin starts to revolve, Chu Feng is also rushes to close the eyes. 此时铜盆内的阵法纹路开始运转,楚枫也是赶忙闭上双眼。 Chu Feng can a deeper level, feel own bloodline power. 楚枫能够更深层次的,感受到自己的血脉之力 Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, Bloodline of king. 天雷血脉,王之血脉 Chu Feng has nothing hesitant, own consciousness, strongly in Bloodline feeling to king. 楚枫没有任何犹豫,将自己的意识,集中在了对王之血脉的感受。 Because formation technique has supposed, is connected through Bloodline, the Bloodline condition that the feeling parents inherit, through the parental Bloodline condition, judges parents' condition again. 因为阵法已经设好,就是通过血脉相连,感受父母传承的血脉状态,再通过父母血脉状态,判断父母的状态。 All are smooth, quick Chu Feng then had a marvelous feeling, he can feel Bloodline besides oneself Bloodline. 一切非常顺利,很快楚枫便产生了一种奇妙的感觉,他能感觉到除了自己血脉之外的血脉 That similarly is Bloodline of king. 那同样是王之血脉 But the feeling of that Bloodline, is healthy. 而那个血脉的感觉,非常健康。 This makes Chu Feng relax, if formation technique is true, nine summit Grandmaster have not been up to mischief. 这让楚枫松了一口气,倘若阵法属实,九巅大师也没有搞鬼的话。 Properly speaking he feels, should be his mother's Bloodline of king. 按理来说他感受到的,应该就是他母亲的王之血脉 Judged from this Bloodline, her mother should safe and sound be right. 从这个血脉判断,她母亲应该安然无恙才对。 The key is, nine summit Grandmaster do not need to be up to mischief. 关键是,九巅大师也没必要搞鬼。 Therefore Chu Feng was hanging the heart, fell at this moment much. 所以楚枫原本悬着的心,此刻落下了不少。 It seems like what lies is jie Tianran. 看来说谎的乃是界天染 formation technique has the effectiveness, and there is a certain limit. 阵法有时效性,并且也有一定限制。 At present Chu Feng feels, is extreme, wants to feel many formation technique not to support. 眼下楚枫所感受的,已是极致,想感受更多阵法也不支持。 Therefore the Chu Feng opening eyes pupil, consciousness to recall. 所以楚枫睁开眼眸,将意识调回。 This time, Chu Feng will mainly realize, strongly above Heavenly Thunder Bloodline. 这一次,楚枫主要将意识,集中在了天雷血脉之上。 He wants to feel, whether father's Bloodline has the difference. 他想感受一下,父亲的血脉是否有异样。 This feeling?” “这感觉?” But when Chu Feng consciousness strongly after Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, is actually the innermost feelings big quake. 可当楚枫意识集中于天雷血脉之后,却是内心大震。 Chu Feng discovered that formation technique strength has not introduced Nine-colored Divine Lightning in dantian him. 楚枫发现,那阵法力量并没有将他引入丹田内的九色神雷 Instead leads into the innermost soul him, a place that is thorough he unable to contact. 反而将他带入灵魂深处,一个深到他也无法接触的地方。 But there , has Nine-colored Divine Lightning. 而在那里,同样有着九色神雷 But Nine-colored Divine Lightning in dantian also. 丹田之内的九色神雷还在。 If feels has not made a mistake, that Chu Feng within the body, has twofold Heavenly Thunder Bloodline!!! 倘若感觉没有出错,那楚枫体内,有着两重天雷血脉!!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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