MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5796: Violent anger jie Tianran

Chapter 5794 violent anger jie Tianran 第5794章暴怒的界天染 Xianhai Yu Clan Clan Head had not replied, but has been staring at Chu Feng, suddenly said: Must finish.” 仙海鱼族族长没有回答,而是一直凝视着楚枫,忽然道:“要结束了。” Hears this words, the Little Fishy mother looks again to Chu Feng, this discovered...... 听闻此话,小鱼儿母亲再度看向楚枫,这才发现…… Facing the spoken languages of various Seven Worlds Saint Mansion provocation, Chu Feng's Bloodline Rampage has not only erupted thoroughly, instead is the covering the sky and blocking the sun thunder starts to dissipate. 面对七界圣府各种挑衅的言语,楚枫的血脉暴走不仅没有彻底爆发,反而是遮天蔽日的雷霆开始消散。 Chu Feng, suppressed the Bloodline Rampage strength. 楚枫,抑制住了血脉暴走的力量。 Finished, controlled unexpectedly?” “结束了,竟然控制住了?” Regarding this, everyone feels the surprise. 对于这一幕,所有人都感到诧异。 „It is not Bloodline Rampage, but is other methods?” “难道不是血脉暴走,而是一种其他手段吗?” Originally they determined that was Bloodline Rampage. 本来他们确定那是血脉暴走了。 But now, all powerhouses are unable to determine. 可现在,各方强者又无法确定了。 According to the record, Bloodline Rampage will lose the reason, is almost impossible automatic control. 根据记载,血脉暴走会丧失理智,几乎无法自控。 Although the Chu Feng's power and influence is strong, but can actually control, this makes them feel, does not seem like Bloodline Rampage. 楚枫的威势虽强,但却能够控制住,这让他们觉得,又不像是血脉暴走 May compare in others, saw that Chu Feng's Bloodline Rampage was terminated, the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord complexion is becomes gloomy. 可相比于其他人,见到楚枫的血脉暴走被终止,七界府主的脸色则是变得阴沉起来。 Chu Feng thoroughly has restored calmly, he looked to protect his formation technique, had presented the fissure unexpectedly. 楚枫已经彻底恢复冷静,他看了看守护他的阵法,竟已经出现了裂痕。 Has a look at Seven Worlds Mansion Lord again, that disappointed even angry and unwilling complex facial expression. 再看看七界府主,那失望甚至愤怒且不甘的复杂神情。 He also realized, oneself just nearly led to the catastrophe. 他也是意识到,自己刚刚险些酿成大祸。 Continues, indeed will destroy this formation technique. 继续下去,的确会破坏这阵法 When the time comes, he will face directly the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion people. 到时候,他将直面七界圣府的众人。 Bloodline Rampage, although can make his strength rise sharply, but will also lose the consciousness. 血脉暴走,虽能让他力量大涨,可也将丧失意识。 In that situation, all meet one's fate with resignation. 那种情况下,一切听天由命。 He does not know whether can exceed Seven Worlds Mansion Lord this old fox. 他不知道,是否能够胜过七界府主这个老狐狸。 Chu Feng, did you instigate?” 楚枫,你是怂了吗?” Originally you are also a coward.” “原来你也是个胆小鬼啊。” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord these Elder, were still provoking Chu Feng crazily. 七界府主的那些长老,仍在疯狂的挑衅着楚枫 After calm Chu Feng, only felt that this behavior is very laughable. 冷静后的楚枫,只感觉这种行为十分可笑。 But Chu Feng cannot smile. 楚枫笑不出来。 The anger in Chu Feng heart, was still surging, after all they said that concerned own mother. 楚枫心中的怒火,仍在涌动,毕竟他们所言,关乎自己的母亲。 I will reenter Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” “我会再入七界圣府。” When the time comes, you must die.” “到时候,你们都要死。” The Chu Feng ice-cold vision, looks to these Elder. 楚枫冰冷的目光,看向那些长老 In the wink of an eye, all sounds stop. 瞬息之间,所有声音停止。 They from the Chu Feng's vision, felt strong killing intent. 他们都从楚枫的目光中,感到了浓烈的杀意 That feeling, was locked by the god of death probably was the same, they are difficult to escape probably die. 那种感觉,就好像被死神锁定了一样,他们好像已是难逃一死。 But Chu Feng, indeed 11 takes down their face. 楚枫,也的确将他们的脸庞一一记下。 Although does not know that just sound transmission in secret, is whose sound. 虽不知刚刚的暗中传音,是谁的声音。 But Chu Feng felt, cannot entirely believe that words. 楚枫觉得,并不能完全相信那位的话。 His mother still had is eliminated the Bloodline possibility. 他母亲仍有被剥夺血脉的可能。 If, then these people, must die today. 倘若是真的,那么今日这些人,都要死。 Continues these people, he wants Seven Worlds Saint Mansion everyone, a debt of blood must be paid in blood. 不止这些人,他要七界圣府所有人,血债血偿 Chu Feng this words saying, then in the formation gate through formation technique, returned to the ancient palace. 楚枫此话说完,便通过阵法内的结界门,回到了古殿之内。 Chu Feng just walked, a Seven Worlds Mansion Lord then figure revolution, returning to that to belong to his motion palace. 楚枫刚走,七界府主便身形一转,回到了那属于他的移动宫殿之内。 And the big sleeve wields, under the arrange/cloth blocks formation technique, sealed off the entire palace. 并且大袖一挥,布下封锁阵法,封锁了整座宫殿。 Sir Mansion Lord, are you all right?” 府主大人,您没事吧?” Originally numerous position Elder, want to follow Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, enters in the palace. 本来众位长老,是想跟随七界府主,进入宫殿内的。 In this matter, traded to make the past, must discuss the treatment method. 发生这种事情,换做以往,应当商议一下处理方法。 But actually discovered that got down by the arrange/cloth isolated formation, then somewhat is worried about Seven Worlds Mansion Lord. 但却发现被布下了隔绝结界,便有些担心七界府主 What matter can old man have?” In the palace broadcasts the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord disgruntled sound. “老夫能有何事?”宫殿内传来七界府主不悦的声音。 Subordinate damn, was the subordinate considers thoroughly.” Numerous position Elder said with one voice. “属下该死,是属下多虑了。”众位长老齐声说道。 But they do not know, at this time Seven Worlds Mansion Lord in palace, is sits cross-legged to sit on the ground alone, and starts to remove the clothing. 可他们不知道的是,此时独自在宫殿内的七界府主,已是盘膝坐在了地上,并且开始褪去衣衫。 Follows the clothing to remove, dazzling ray always doing nothing but body release. 伴随衣衫褪去,耀眼的光芒竟自身体释放。 Carefully looked that ray came from in innumerable rune, rune stems from its within the body, and is getting more and more obvious. 仔细一看,那光芒源自于无数符文,符文源于其体内,并且越来越明显。 Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, sees the physical condition, over the face worry. 七界府主,看到身体状况,满面担心。 He first is swallows several elixir, immediately pinches the law secret art. 他先是吞服几颗丹药,旋即才捏动法诀。 The law secret art pinches, within the body also has the strength of seal to reappear unexpectedly. 法诀捏动,体内竟又有封印之力浮现。 The strength of that seal is very strong. 那封印之力很强。 Obviously just did not arrange, should be the arrangement for a long time. 明显不是刚刚布置的,应该是布置许久。 Under the oppression of strength of this seal, rune starts to go into seclusion to the skin. 在这封印之力的压迫下,符文开始向皮肤内隐退。 But quick, his muscle starts to twist fast, that feeling looked like some strength unable to suppress generally. 但很快,其肌肉开始快速扭曲,那种感觉就像是某种力量压制不住了一般。 The Seven Worlds Mansion Lord complexion becomes flustered. 七界府主脸色变得慌张。 He can feel, if continues to suppress, he himself may vanished in a puff of smoke, explodes the body to perish. 他能感觉到,若是继续压制,他自己可能会灰飞烟灭,爆体而亡。 But Seven Worlds Mansion Lord does not want to give up, he hurries and swallows several Grade extremely high elixir. 七界府主不想放弃,他赶忙又吞下数颗品阶极高的丹药 Even puts out precious seal talismans, its crumb, strengthens within the body sealing formation technique strength. 甚至拿出珍贵的封印符纸,将其捏碎,来增强体内封印阵法的力量。 Although this seal talismans is precious, but he knows, this seal talismans, is minimal regarding his help. 这封印符纸虽然珍贵,可他知道,这种封印符纸,对于他的帮助微乎其微。 He absolutely did not have the means that wants to refuse to abandon hope. 他完全是没有办法了,想死马当活马医。 Wa Wa- 呜哇- But suddenly, his mouth, the blood such as the column spews out generally, spurted full place. 可猛然间,他嘴巴一张,鲜血如柱一般喷涌而出,喷了满满一地。 And the flesh also starts to present the fissure, the blood is crazy from flesh fissure spout. 并且肌肤也开始出现裂痕,鲜血更是疯狂的自肌肤裂痕喷涌。 In the wink of an eye, his then whole body is the blood, changed to a true blood person. 只是瞬息之间,他便浑身是血,化作了一个真正的血人。 Sees this situation, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord rushes to cancel the law secret art. 见此情形,七界府主赶忙取消法诀。 The law secret art cancels, the strength of seal starts to dissipate. 法诀取消,封印之力开始消散。 But these rune appear again fast, and forms complete rune, covers the whole body. 而那些符文则再度快速浮现,且形成完整的符文,笼罩全身。 But follows rune to be even more complete, the aura of his within the body even more is also powerful. 但伴随符文越发完整,他体内的气息也越发强大。 Trades to be the average man, if this strength, is surely delighted. 换做常人,若得此力量,必定喜出望外。 But Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, is the whole face is angry and unwilling. 七界府主,却是满脸愤怒与不甘。 Chu Feng.” 楚枫。” His double fist grips tightly, the whole body muscle inflates, the violent anger appearance, does not need to feel the aura, only looked clarity that its condition can also look. 他双拳紧握,浑身肌肉膨胀起来,暴怒的模样,不用感受气息,只看其状态也能看的清清楚楚。 This is the strength that he has suppressed, for the better future, he had suppressed for tens of thousands years. 这是他一直压制的力量,为了更好的未来,他已压制了几万年。 But he to Chu Feng deep enmity. 但他对楚枫恨之入骨 Especially Chu Feng time and time again, shows the talent before him, he then even more hates to Chu Feng. 尤其是楚枫一次又一次,在他面前展现天赋,他便对楚枫越发憎恨。 Hates to think that rely on just opportunity, erased Chu Feng directly, eliminates Chu Feng's all. 恨到想借助刚刚的机会,直接将楚枫抹除,剥夺楚枫的一切。 Therefore, he broke the plan, relieved seal. 为此,他打破了计划,解除了身上的封印。 Why this is also, Chu Feng Bloodline Rampage, gives out has like that the terrifying aura, reason that he actually does not fear. 这也是为何,楚枫血脉暴走,散发出那般恐怖的气息,他却也丝毫不惧的原因。 He has the self-confidence, can suppress Chu Feng, writes off Chu Feng. 他有自信,能够压制楚枫,抹杀楚枫 But who once thinks, after his seal relieves. 可谁曾想,当他封印解除后。 Bloodline Rampage Chu Feng, had actually restored obviously calmly. 明明已经血脉暴走楚枫,却又恢复了冷静。 Let his in vain unsealed this strength. 让他白白解封了这股力量。 Although is insufficient to fall short, but relieves in this time, was not in his plan. 虽然不至于功亏一篑,但于此时解除,本不在他的计划之中。 Will make him lose. 会让他有所损失。 This is he so angry reason. 这便是他如此愤怒的原因。 ...... …… At this time, Chu Feng had returned to ancient Diannei. 此时,楚枫早已回到了古殿内。 Everyone looks at Chu Feng, without speech, does not dare to speak. 所有人都看着楚枫,没有说话,也不敢说话。 They know, the Chu Feng's mood decides however is very bad. 他们都知道,楚枫的情绪定然很糟。 Suddenly, Chu Feng looks to Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao: Matter that you know my mother?” 忽然,楚枫看向灵霄界宝宝:“你们知道我母亲的事吗?” Chu Feng, told the facts, I have heard this hearsay.” Ling Xiao said. 楚枫,实话实说,我有听闻过这个传闻。”灵霄说道。 He such remarks, Xianhai Shaoyu, Little Fishy, Long Chengyu and others, is the look is all complex, in the eye the same fashion reveals the color of worry. 他此话一出,仙海少禹,小鱼儿,龙承羽等人,皆是神色复杂,眼中同时流露出担心之色。 Ling Xiao is the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion talent, his reply, is not obviously wonderful. 灵霄七界圣府的天才,他这个回答,显然不妙。 But Ling Xiao adds immediately: Sir Mansion Lord, actually loves to Sir Jie Ranqing.” 灵霄却是立刻补充道:“不过府主大人,其实对界染清大人非常疼爱。” I felt, he is impossible to do such matter.” “我觉得,他不可能做这样的事。” He should to enrage you.” “他应该只是为了激怒你。” Chu Feng, I also felt, Mansion Lord will not make that matter to Senior Jie Ranqing.” Jie Baobao is also adds. 楚枫,我也觉得,府主不会对界染清前辈做出那种事。”界宝宝也是补充道道。 Un.” Chu Feng slight nod. “嗯。”楚枫微微点头。 But he suddenly discovered, a small hand extends timidly, held his lower hem corner. 可他忽然发现,一只小手怯懦的伸来,抓住了他的衣角。 Is Little Fishy. 小鱼儿 Big Brother, are you all right?” 大哥哥,你没事吧?” Little Fishy that bright and intelligent beautiful eyes, is gazing at itself kindly. 小鱼儿那水汪汪的美眸,正关切的注视着自己。 Full is the worry. 满是担心。 Not is only Little Fishy, Xian Miaomiao is also so. 不仅仅是小鱼儿,仙喵喵也是如此。 This instead makes Chu Feng somewhat ashamed. 这反而让楚枫有些惭愧。 Sorry, making you be worried.” Chu Feng said. “抱歉,让你们担心了。”楚枫道。 Said anything, why you said were sorry, must blame only to blame jie Tianran that old thing is not too the person, to enrage you, was really what lie said that old thing, bad.” “说什么呢,你何必说抱歉,要怪只怪界天染老东西太不是人了,为了激怒你,真是什么瞎话都说,老东西,坏的很。” Good Chu Feng you had not been swindled.” Feng Ling said. “不过还好楚枫你没有上当。”风铃说道。 He does not care about the response of Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao, scolded Seven Worlds Mansion Lord directly here. 他也不在乎灵霄界宝宝的反应,直接就在这里骂起了七界府主 But Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao anything had not said. 灵霄界宝宝什么都没说。 They also felt, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord as well as Seven Worlds Saint Mansion these Elder, really excessively. 就连他们也觉得,七界府主以及七界圣府的那些长老,实在过分。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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