MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5795: Why must so compel him

Why Chapter 5793 must so compel him 第5793章为何要如此逼他 Rumble- 轰隆隆- In an instant, camouflages void nine-colored lightning, blends with the thunder that the Chu Feng whole body releases in one. 刹那间,遮蔽虚空的九色雷霆,与楚枫周身释放的雷霆交融在了一起。 The world shakes, is not the Chu Feng this realm aura, fills the air in this side world. 天地震荡,不属于楚枫这个境界的气息,弥漫于这方天地。 What's the matter, is the Source of lineage/vein strength?” “怎么回事,是脉之本源的力量吗?” But that obviously is Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, why will release the so powerful aura?” “可那明明是天雷血脉,为何会释放出如此强大的气息?” What's the matter, this does not seem like Chu Feng own cultivation realm.” “怎么回事啊,这不像是楚枫自身的修为。” When people shock feels puzzled, why does not understand on Chu Feng, release so fearful strength. 众人震惊之余感到不解,不明白为何楚枫身上,释放出如此可怕的力量。 This feeling...” “这感觉…” Bloodline Rampage.” 血脉暴走。” Outside the world, carries Song Changsheng of axe, is gazing at this. 世界之外,身背斧头的宋长生,也注视着这一幕。 Compares in others, his eyes determined strength that Chu Feng displays. 相比于其他人,他一眼就确定了楚枫所展现的力量。 Because of determination, even if he is the vision is also dignified. 正因确定,纵使是他也是目光凝重。 He does not know whether should prevent all these occurrences. 他不知,是否该阻止这一切的发生。 Why, why does Chu Feng meet gives out to have the so powerful aura?” “为何,为何楚枫散发出如此强大的气息?” In Divine Body Celestial Palace, these powerhouses also feel puzzled. 神体天府内,那些强者也是感到不解。 Is Bloodline Rampage.” “是血脉暴走。” Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord said. 神体天府府主说道。 Bloodline Rampage?” 血脉暴走?” Hears these four characters, the Divine Body Celestial Palace many powerhouses, is surprised. 听闻这四个字,神体天府众多强者,也是感到吃惊。 So-called Bloodline, is the inherent strength. 所谓血脉,乃与生俱来的力量。 Not only human race has, the monster clan also has, and bloodline power type, is divided into many types. 不仅人族有,妖族也有,且血脉之力的种类,分为很多种。 bloodline power, has the division of strong and weak, even if same one bloodline power, there is the division of strong and weak. 血脉之力,有强弱之分,哪怕相同的一种血脉之力,也有强弱之分。 Bloodline to certain realm person, in certain peculiar circumstances, for example the temper tantrum, will then initiate Bloodline Rampage powerful. 血脉强大到一定境界的人,在某些特殊情况下,比如情绪失控,便会引发血脉暴走 Bloodline Rampage will show to exceed the cultivation realm strength, but the master will also lose the consciousness, becomes existence that can only slaughter. 血脉暴走将展现出超越修为的力量,但主人也会丧失意识,成为只会杀戮的存在。 But Bloodline Rampage, is extremely rare. 血脉暴走,极其罕见。 Entire vast martial cultivation world, after ancient times, until now has had the Bloodline Rampage person, only has three people. 整个浩瀚修武界,远古之后,至今为止有过血脉暴走的人,只有三人。 That three, without exception, are extremely powerful existences. 那三位,无一例外,都是极其强大的存在。 However the Chu Feng's talent, he can Bloodline Rampage, pouring is not unusual. 不过楚枫的天赋,他能血脉暴走,倒也并不稀奇。 Strength that but he displays, was too rather strong, this at all is not the strength that a junior should have. 可是他展现的力量,未免太强了,这根本不是一个小辈所该具备的力量。 Even if Bloodline Rampage, is not the extent that exaggeratingly. 哪怕血脉暴走,也不至于如此夸张。 And this strength, was still continue grow stronger. 并且这股力量,仍在继续变强。 Transmitted orders, the people of all Divine Body Celestial Palace, fall back on the margin for safety.” “传令下去,所有神体天府之人,退到安全范围内。” Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord said. 神体天府府主说道。 Afterward, the Divine Body Celestial Palace powerhouses retreat immediately. 随后,神体天府众强者立即撤退。 Incessantly is Divine Body Celestial Palace, Xianhai Yu Clan, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, as well as other influences also determined, this is Bloodline Rampage in legend. 不止是神体天府,仙海鱼族,苍穹仙宗,以及其他势力也都确定,这是传说中的血脉暴走 Therefore all troops, rapid retreats to the distant place, full is the person's shadow world, the twinkling becomes empty. 所以各方人马,都迅速的向远处退去,满是人影的天地,瞬息变得空荡起来。 The side influence has not only removed, instead under the arrange/cloth defends and attacks to kill dual great formation, is ready in full battle array. 唯有一方势力并未褪去,反而布下防御与攻杀双重大阵,严阵以待。 Is Seven Worlds Saint Mansion!!! 七界圣府!!! Sir Mansion Lord!!!” 府主大人!!!” May feel the Chu Feng's power and influence, stands the powerhouse around Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, is looks scared. 可感受到楚枫的威势,就连站在七界府主四周的众位强者,也是面露恐慌。 They may not be the weak ones, is True Dragon late World Spiritist. 他们可都不是弱者,都是真龙后期的界灵师 But, at present the Chu Feng gives out pressure, making them be troubled. 可是偏偏,眼下楚枫散发的威压,让他们感到不安。 That seems like can be easy, can the strength that they write off. 那似乎是能够轻而易举,就能将他们抹杀的力量。 Unobstructive , to continue, he will be separated from that formation technique.” “无碍,继续下去,他会脱离那阵法。” So long as he dares to be separated from that formation technique, old man his Zhengfa.” “只要他敢脱离那阵法,老夫就将他就地正法。” Compares in others, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord is over the face self-confident is staring at Chu Feng. 相比于其他人,七界府主则是满面自信的盯着楚枫 Meanwhile, in the eye is flooding the hope. 同时,眼中充斥着渴望。 He hopes extremely, Chu Feng comes out from Summit of Nine Heavens formation technique. 他极其希望,楚枫九天之巅阵法内出来。 Chu Feng, calm.” 楚枫,冷静。” But suddenly, the sound maps the Chu Feng ear curtain together, that is a strange old person sound. 可忽然,一道声音映入楚枫耳帘,那是一个陌生的老者声音。 This sound, is not simple sound transmission in secret, contains the strength of powerful formation technique. 这道声音,不是简单的暗中传音,蕴藏着强大的阵法之力。 This sound reflects the hearing curtain, the reason that Chu Feng will soon lose, immediately restored. 这道声音映入耳帘,楚枫即将丧失的理智,顿时恢复了许多。 You, if continues this, will destroy Summit of Nine Heavens formation technique, oneself will expose in the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion attack range.” “你若继续这样,会破坏九天之巅阵法,将自己暴露七界圣府的攻击范围之内。” Do not be enraged by jie Tianran, your mother's Bloodline had not been eliminated.” “不要被界天染所激怒,你母亲的血脉并没有被剥夺。” That old person sound resounds again. 老者声音再度响起。 Who you... are you?” “你…你是谁?” How do you know my mother's Bloodline is not eliminated?” “你怎知我母亲的血脉没有被剥夺?” Chu Feng traces that sound, inquired. 楚枫追溯那声音,询问道。 This is a trap, wants the fell into a trap not.” “这是陷阱,莫要中计。” The old person sound resounds again, but the sound actually becomes getting smaller, as if that old person sound transmission in secret, received some impediment. 老者声音再度响起,但是声音却变得越来越小,似乎那老者的暗中传音,也受到了某种阻隔。 Seven Worlds Mansion Lord sees Chu Feng not to launch the offensive, instead the Bloodline Rampage aura has alleviated, immediately brow slightly wrinkle. 七界府主楚枫迟迟没有发动攻势,反而血脉暴走的气息有所缓解,顿时眉头微皱。 Hurries in secret sound transmission in Seven Worlds Saint Mansion numerous position Elder: Enrages him, making him come out.” 赶忙暗中传音七界圣府的众位长老:“激怒他,让他出来。” Chu Feng, eliminates Jie Ranqing Bloodline, I have the participation, your mother's Bloodline is I eliminates personally, now I stand here, can you dare to move me?” 楚枫,剥夺界染清血脉,我也有参与,你母亲的血脉是我亲手剥夺的,如今我就站在这里,你可敢动我?” Chu Feng, the old man still remembers when Jie Ranqing was eliminated Bloodline that painful appearance, that pitiful wailing.” 楚枫,老夫还记得界染清被剥夺血脉时那痛苦的模样,那悲惨的哀嚎。” One generation of heaven's chosen fall from the sky, this because of you, is your small waste, she who harms lost all.” “一代天骄就此陨落,这都是因为你,是你这个小废物,才害的她失去了一切。” At once, various sounds, resound through unceasingly. 一时之间,各种声音,响彻不断。 Even, they to enrage Chu Feng, no longer have scruples oneself image, the words that various types do not have the bottom line also said. 甚至,他们为了激怒楚枫,都不再顾忌自己的形象,各种没底线的话也都说了出来。 They damn.” “他们该死。” Little Fishy stands in the ancient palace, her angle, cannot see the position of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion people. 小鱼儿站在古殿内,她的角度,看不到七界圣府众人的位置。 But can actually hear these sounds, above small face that she air/Qi, killing intent fills the air. 但却能够听到那些声音,她气的小脸之上,杀意弥漫。 If can leave here, she kills immediately. 若是可以离开这里,她都会立刻杀过去。 Xianhai Shaoyu and Long Chengyu Xian Miaomiao and others has not spoken, but their similarly eyeful anger. 仙海少禹龙承羽仙喵喵等人没有说话,但他们同样满眼怒火。 They know that Chu Feng walks is not easy, but actually to have many are not easy, they are not clear. 他们都知道楚枫一路走来不容易,但究竟有多不容易,他们并不清楚。 After all without the same experience, is not then able the true sympathize. 毕竟没有相同经历,便无法真正的感同身受。 But at this moment, they feel the misery that Chu Feng experienced. 可此时此刻,他们感受到了楚枫所经历的苦难。 But thinks, this is only the tip of the iceberg of Chu Feng experience. 但想到,这只是楚枫经历的冰山一角。 As the friend, how can they not get angry? 身为朋友,他们怎么能不怒? ............ ………… Meanwhile, outside Summit of Nine Heavens. 与此同时,九天之巅外面。 Xianhai Yu Clan powerhouse, fell back on the safe place. 仙海鱼族的强者,也退到了安全的地方。 But they were still using the respective method, is gazing at Chu Feng all. 可他们仍在用各自手段,注视着楚枫这边发生的一切。 Also including the Little Fishy parents. 也包括小鱼儿的父母。 „The aura that Chu Feng shows is very terrifying, they must enrage Chu Feng, really doesn't fear death?” 楚枫展现的气息很恐怖,他们还要激怒楚枫,真的不怕死吗?” The Little Fishy mother did not understand, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion actions. 小鱼儿母亲并不理解,七界圣府的所作所为。 jie Tianran does not do the matter that has not grasped, possibly is intentionally for it.” Xianhai Yu Clan Clan Head said. 界天染不做没把握的事,可能是故意为之。”仙海鱼族族长道。 Intentionally?” “故意的?” Enrages Chu Feng intentionally, making the Chu Feng temper tantrum initiate Bloodline Rampage, then do they escape again?” “难道是故意激怒楚枫,让楚枫情绪失控引发血脉暴走,然后他们再逃脱吗?” Can make Bloodline Rampage backlash destroy Chu Feng?” “是要让血脉暴走反噬毁了楚枫?” Wants, when Chu Feng Bloodline Rampage finished, killed Chu Feng again?” “还是要等到楚枫血脉暴走结束,再杀了楚枫?” They, rather too despicable?” “他们,也未免太卑鄙了吧?” That is also only a child, what wrong has not violated obviously, why can so compel him?” “那还只是一个孩子,明明什么错都没有犯过,为何要如此逼他?” The Little Fishy mother is also eyeful annoyed. 小鱼儿母亲也是满眼恼火。 She and Chu Feng are not naturally ripe. 她与楚枫自然不熟。 But as a woman, as a mother. 可是身为一个女人,身为一个母亲。 Sees a Chu Feng later generation, was so bullied, she also feels to love dearly. 看到楚枫一个后辈,被如此欺负,她也是感到心疼。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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