MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5794: Eliminates Bloodline

Chapter 5792 eliminates Bloodline 第5792章剥夺血脉 Several hundred Touwan such as huge beast of hill size, neat lying face downward above void. 数百头宛如小山大小的巨兽,整齐的俯卧于虚空之上。 On them has chains, chains is connecting the same end. 它们身上都有着一条锁链,锁链连接着同一目标。 Is kilometer chariot. 一辆长达千米的战车 But the space in chariot, incessantly the kilometer is so simple. 战车内的空间,却远不止千米这么简单。 Resplendent in gold and jade green, majestic, simply is a giant palace. 金碧辉煌,大气磅礴,简直是一座巨型宫殿。 In this palace most peak, old person that wears the golden armor crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 在这宫殿最顶端,一位身穿金色铠甲的老者负手而立。 By the window, is sizing up outside situation. 透过窗户,打量着外面的情况。 In his behind, then stands dozens to wear the person of golden armor. 在他的身后,则是站着数十位身穿金色铠甲之人。 These people, some facial features are old, some middle-aged appearances, each aura extraordinary, is True God late expert. 这些人,有的面容苍老,有的中年模样,各个气息不凡,皆是真神后期的高手 But they actually can only stand in old person behind, respectful. 可他们却只能站在老者身后,毕恭毕敬。 Because of this old person, is now one of the vast martial cultivation world strongest existences. 因为这位老者,乃是当今浩瀚修武界最强的存在之一。 Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord, is the Yuwen Yanri sibling's grandfather. 神体天府府主,也是宇文炎日的亲爷爷。 Luckily jie Tianran is mistaken, otherwise is only jie Tianran adds on Jie Ranqing, already enough thorny.” “幸亏界天染走了眼,不然只是界天染加上界染清,就已经足够棘手。” If adds on Chu Feng again, is really the difficult imagination.” “若是再加上楚枫,真的是难以想象。” Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord sighed. 神体天府府主叹道。 Sir Mansion Lord, jie Tianran has experienced to the Chu Feng's talent, can he change the attitude, receives under Chu Feng Seven Worlds Saint Mansion?” 府主大人,界天染已经见识到楚枫的天赋,他会不会改变态度,将楚枫收入七界圣府麾下?” Divine Body Celestial Palace old person asked. 神体天府一位老者问道。 „, I will not understand the decision that the jie Tianran character, he makes, will not turn head.” “不会,我了解界天染的性格,他做的决定,不会回头。” Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord said. 神体天府府主道。 But, if he did lower the head?” “但,若是他低头了呢?” Divine Body Celestial Palace that old person also said. 神体天府老者又道。 Hears this words, the Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord silent moment said: That then prepares for submitting to Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” 听闻此话,神体天府府主沉默片刻才道:“那便做好臣服七界圣府的准备吧。” Such remarks, presents all Divine Body Celestial Palace powerhouses, is serious. 此话一出,在场所有神体天府的强者,都是面色凝重。 Because they know, their Mansion Lord this words absolutely not exaggerating. 因为他们知道,他们的府主此话绝对没有夸张。 jie Tianran and Seven Worlds Saint Mansion was strong enough. 界天染七界圣府本身就够强了。 The Jie Ranqing past performance, was startled is a Celestial. 界染清当年的表现,更是惊为天人。 But the Chu Feng present performance, unexpectedly was more terrifying than Jie Ranqing in the past. 可偏偏楚枫现在的表现,竟比界染清当年还要恐怖。 If Chu Feng really joins Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, jie Tianran and Jie Ranqing father and daughter's contradiction will also reduce and solve. 倘若楚枫真的加入七界圣府,界天染界染清父女俩的矛盾也将化解。 Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, old , middle-aged and young three generations of talents, all haughty above the entire vast martial cultivation world peer. 七界圣府,老中青三代天才,皆傲世于整个浩瀚修武界的同辈之上。 Who can the enemy? 谁人能敌? Perhaps other influences collaborate, feared that does not help matters. 恐怕其他势力联手,怕也无济于事。 „......” “呵……” Haha......” “哈哈……” Hahaha......” “呃哈哈哈哈……” Suddenly, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord unexpectedly fierce laughs, his smile is very grating, is nearly demented. 忽然,七界府主竟然狰狞的大笑起来,他的笑容十分刺耳,近乎癫狂。 People on the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord face, see such rude smile for the first time. 人们还是第一次在七界府主脸上,看到这样失态的笑容。 Always keeps aloof, mapping out strategic plans in an army tent was Seven Worlds Mansion Lord? 向来高高在上,运筹帷幄的七界府主是怎么了? Facing so outstanding Chu Feng, he also lost the reason, almost collapse? 难道面对如此优秀的楚枫,就连他也丧失了理智,几近崩溃? Thinks when the people, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord been mad demented, he actually receives the smile suddenly, looks to Chu Feng. 就在众人以为,七界府主被气的癫狂之际,他却忽然收起笑容,看向楚枫 Vision, incomparable very ruthless. 目光,无比狠辣 Chu Feng, what you can conquer Source of lineage/vein to depend is what?” 楚枫,你能征服脉之本源靠的是什么?” Depended also isn't my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Bloodline of king?” “靠的还不是我七界圣府的王之血脉?” Made a mistake, Bloodline of my king is my mother gives, are not related with your Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” “错了,我的王之血脉是我母亲给的,与你七界圣府没有关系。” A Chu Feng face disdains. 楚枫一脸不屑。 What is wrong is you, your mother's Bloodline of king, is my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion gives.” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord said. “错的是你,就连你母亲的王之血脉,都是我七界圣府给的。”七界府主道。 Regarding this, Chu Feng looks to disdain. 对此,楚枫面露不屑。 Regarding this matter, he is disinclined to argue. 对于这种事,他根本懒得争辩。 Everyone was clear, what is strong is Jie Ranqing, but is not Seven Worlds Saint Mansion. 大家心里都清楚,强的是界染清,而并非七界圣府 Because before Jie Ranqing, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion has not simply had Bloodline of king. 因为在界染清之前,七界圣府根本没有过王之血脉 But who once thinks, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord actually continues to open the mouth. 可谁曾想,七界府主却继续开口。 Chu Feng, you are first self-satisfied a while.” 楚枫,你先得意一阵子。” How long but could not continue.” “但也持续不了多久了。” Now all your, are my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” “现在你的一切,都是我七界圣府的。” My Seven Worlds Saint Mansion will take carry back sooner or later.” “我七界圣府迟早会拿回来。” Not is only Source of lineage/vein, including Bloodline of your king.” “不仅仅是脉之本源,也包括你的王之血脉。” Like your mother, the old man will eliminate all your personally.” “就像你母亲一样,老夫会亲手剥夺你的一切。” Such remarks, the people all are the look stagnate. 此话一出,众人皆是神色一滞。 But Chu Feng, did not have the beforehand calm, the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards twinkling raises up. 楚枫,也是没有了之前的沉稳,剑眉瞬息竖起。 This words what intention?” “此话何意?” What did you make to my mother?” The congealing sound asked. “你对我母亲做了什么?”凝声问道。 All that Jie Ranqing has, is my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion bestows, but she is disloyal to my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” 界染清所拥有的一切,皆是我七界圣府所赐,可她对我七界圣府不忠。” Old man read her is my Daughter, kept her life, but was Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Mansion Lord, actually cannot practice favoritism.” “老夫念她是我女儿,留她一条性命,但身为七界圣府府主,却也不能徇私。” Jie Ranqing Bloodline of king, had been eliminated by the old man.” 界染清的王之血脉,已被老夫剥夺。” Now, is disabled person one.” “如今,已是废人一个。” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord such remarks, everyone feels difficult believing. 七界府主此话一出,所有人都感觉难以置信。 Jie Ranqing, sweeps away a time the talent. 界染清,横扫一个时代的天才。 Daughter that Seven Worlds Mansion Lord most loves. 七界府主最疼爱的女儿 Was Bloodline of her king, stripped unexpectedly? 她的王之血脉,竟被剥离了? Real false? 真的假的? As for? 至于吗? He does this, weakened, but Seven Worlds Saint Mansion strength? 他这样做,减弱的可是七界圣府的战力啊? Although Seven Worlds Mansion Lord told this matter personally. 尽管七界府主亲口诉说此事。 But people feel difficult believing. 可人们还是感觉难以置信。 jie Tianran, to enrage me, doesn't hesitate to compile so the lie?” 界天染,为了激怒我,不惜编造如此谎言吗?” Chu Feng opens the mouth again, in the tone has been mixing with some spunks. 楚枫再度开口,语气之中已是夹杂着些许的怒意。 Chu Feng has seen great storms, will not easily be enraged. 楚枫见过大风大浪,并不会被轻易激怒。 May be related to his mother safety, he is unable again to maintain indifferent free. 可事关其母亲安危,他也无法再保持淡然自若。 Because of actually, Chu Feng has been worried very much his mother has the accident/surprise. 因为其实,楚枫一直很担心他的母亲出现意外。 Really fears what, then what comes? 难道真的是怕什么,便来什么吗? At this moment, the Chu Feng's heart is also flurried. 此刻,楚枫的心也慌乱起来。 Rumor?” “谎言?” Chu Feng, do you have the qualifications to make the old man compile the lie?” 楚枫,你有资格让老夫编造谎言吗?” You do not have the qualifications to make the old man compile the lie by your reputation/honorary.” “你更没资格让老夫以自己的名誉来编造谎言。” But, is actually a little related with you.” “但有一点,倒是与你有关。” You and your father, indeed let Jie Ranqing, loses the Bloodline chief criminal.” “你与你父亲,的确是让界染清,丧失血脉的罪魁祸首。” On the same day, she had the choice.” “当日,她本来是有选择的。” She can preserve the kinship, preserves the reputation/honorary, preserves to belong to all her, can still have the bright future, can still become the pride of old man.” “她本可以保住亲情,保住名誉,保住属于她的一切,仍可以拥有光明的未来,仍可以成为老夫的骄傲。” But her stubborn, because of you.” “可她冥顽不灵,是因为你。” All because of you!!!” “全是因为你!!!” Chu Feng, is you and your father, destroyed your Ranqing, you are the chief criminals.” 楚枫,是你与你的父亲,毁了你的染清,你们才是罪魁祸首。” The words, the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord palm turns, a blood red dagger appears in the palm. 话罢,七界府主掌心一翻,一把血红色的匕首浮现在掌心。 Sir Mansion Lord?” 府主大人?” Sees that red dagger, stands is anxious in Seven Worlds Mansion Lord people complexion. 看到那红色匕首,站在七界府主身旁的众人面色紧张。 „Doesn't everyone, dare with the old man altogether onset and retreat?” 诸位,不敢与老夫共进退吗?” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord is narrowing the eyes, said lightly. 七界府主眯着双眼,淡淡说道。 Hears this words, these Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Elder , the palm turns, reveals a blood red dagger. 听闻此话,那些七界圣府长老,也都掌心一翻,亮出一把血红色的匕首。 Sees these daggers, saw the Jie Ranqing people to feel absent-minded. 看到那些匕首,见过界染清的人都感觉恍惚了。 Because has seen Jie Ranqing, therefore they feel. 正因为见过界染清,所以他们感觉的到。 On these daggers, has the Jie Ranqing aura. 那些匕首上面,都有着界染清的气息。 But Chu Feng sees this blood red dagger, is vision dull. 楚枫看到这血红匕首,更是目光呆滞。 He recalls when scene that Ancient World Illusion sees. 他回想起,在古界幻象阵时所看到的景象。 In that Illusion, he saw his mother was eliminated Bloodline. 在那幻象阵内,他看到了他母亲被剥夺了血脉 But these people , at present these people that in the illusion uses puts out almost exactly the same. 而那些人在幻境内所使用的,与眼前这些人所拿出的几乎一模一样。 „Did Chu Feng, see?” 楚枫,看到了吗?” Your mother's Bloodline of king, was eliminated by this dagger.” “你母亲的王之血脉,就是被这匕首剥夺而出。” However it will also end Bloodline of your king.” “而它也将终结你的王之血脉。” Your mother also had the right of choice in the past, but you do not have, your fate has been doomed from the beginning.” “你母亲当年还有选择的权利,但你没有,你的下场从一开始就已经注定。” Does not belong to your thing, the old man will take personally.” “不属于你的东西,老夫会亲手取回来。” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord grasps the blood red dagger, looks at Chu Feng by the gloomy and cold vision. 七界府主手握血红匕首,以阴冷的目光看着楚枫 In Divine Body Celestial Palace chariot, the powerhouses look to their Divine Body Mansion Lord. 神体天府战车内,众强者看向他们的神体府主 Sir Mansion Lord, what Seven Worlds Mansion Lord said is false?” 府主大人,七界府主说的是假的吧?” He loves Jie Ranqing, is really willing to eliminate Jie Ranqing Bloodline of king?” “他那么疼爱界染清,真的舍得剥夺界染清的王之血脉吗?” The powerhouses, still felt difficult believing. 众位强者,仍感觉难以置信。 You do not understand jie Tianran.” “你们并不了解界天染。” This person's loyalty to the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion has achieved held the situation of reading.” “此人对七界圣府的忠诚已达到了执念之地步。” For Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, coming out that his anything matter makes.” “为了七界圣府,他什么事都做的出来。” Since announced this matter in the presence of everyone, that looked like.” “既然当众宣布此事,那看来就是真的了。” Muddled, jie Tianran is really muddled.” “糊涂,界天染真是糊涂啊。” But his muddled, is actually our good fortunes.” “但他的糊涂,却是我们的幸事。” Divine Body Celestial Palace closing one's eyes pupil, sighing of Shenshen. 神体天府闭上眼眸,深深的叹了一口气。 His closing one's eyes pupil, is Jie Ranqing feels regrettable, such talent, should not fall from the sky. 他闭上眼眸,是在为界染清感到遗憾,那样的天才,不该陨落。 Meanwhile also relaxes. 但同时也松了一口气。 If so, that vast martial cultivation world future, but also is the aspect is really undecided. 若是这样,那浩瀚修武界的未来,还真就是局面未定。 Rumble - 隆隆隆- Suddenly, ten thousand li (0.5 km) clear sky, was covered by nine-colored lightning. 猛然间,万里晴空,被九色雷霆所覆盖。 Meanwhile, the Chu Feng whole body also releases nine-colored lightning. 与此同时,楚枫周身同样释放出九色雷霆 But destructive aura, releases from that thunder, covers the whole world!! 而一股毁灭性的气息,也自那雷霆之中释放而出,笼罩整个世界!! I want you dead!!!” “我要你死!!!” PS: Today also has, but update will be quite late, tomorrow has the Little Brother suggestion of matter to rest earlier, tomorrow awoke can see. PS:今日还有,不过更新会比较晚,明日有事的兄弟建议早点休息,明天睡醒就可以看到了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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