MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5793: Present age first

Chapter 5791 present age first 第5791章当世第一 Source of lineage/vein, obstructed a day of thing, at present collects the same place, wells up to the Chu Feng palm. 脉之本源,本是遮天之物,眼下汇集一起,向楚枫掌心涌去。 Fierce of the world shake, as if this world will collapse to disintegrate momentarily. 天地震荡之剧烈,仿佛这个世界随时都会崩溃瓦解。 All troops, revealed the method of maintaining life, protects the junior. 各方人马,都亮出保命的手段,守护自家小辈。 But earth-shaking may not only be this side world, people similarly so. 但天翻地覆的可不仅是这方世界,众人内心同样如此。 This is Chu Feng, the child of Jie Ranqing.” “这就是楚枫,界染清之子。” Everyone is sizing up Chu Feng earnestly. 所有人都在认真打量着楚枫 The hearsay eventually is the hearsay, they are not willing to acknowledge this strange junior. 传闻终究是传闻,他们内心也是不愿承认这个陌生小辈的。 But when this reappearing. 可当这一幕的浮现。 Especially after jie Tianran is defeated...... 尤其是在界天染失败之后…… Everyone was clear, the Chu Feng present actions, what kind of component are. 所有人都清楚,楚枫眼前的所作所为,是怎样的份量。 This is all of them, component that is unable to deny. 这是他们所有人,都无法否认的份量。 - 嗷- But suddenly, grating roaring resounds through in Source of lineage/vein, huge Phantom, in Source of lineage/vein, appears faintly. 可忽然,刺耳的咆哮于脉之本源内响彻,紧接着巨大的虚影,也于脉之本源内,隐隐浮现。 What is most fearful, follows Source of lineage/vein so to change, the shake of the world is more intense. 最可怕的是,伴随脉之本源如此变化,天地的震荡更加强烈。 The mountain range avalanche, the sea is in flood...... 山脉崩塌,海洋泛滥…… The whole world, because of this shake, but changes fast. 整个世界的面貌,都在因这震荡而快速改变。 But that flooded into Chu Feng within the body Source of lineage/vein fast, is starts to slow down the speed. 而那原本快速涌入楚枫体内的脉之本源,也是开始减缓速度。 jie Tianran.” 界天染。” In the meantime, Chu Feng looks to Seven Worlds Mansion Lord. 就在此时,楚枫看向七界府主 What can you know this are?” Chu Feng asked. “你可知此为何物?”楚枫问。 Seven Worlds Mansion Lord had not replied, but raise one's head is actually also staring at Chu Feng. 七界府主没有回答,但却也抬头凝视着楚枫 Chu Feng continues saying: You should have the guess, but I told you, your guess was correct.” 楚枫继续说道:“你应该已有猜测,但我来告诉你,你的猜测是正确的。” This thing, precisely hidden in the Bloodline Galaxy strength, Source of lineage/vein.” “此物,正是隐于血脉天河的力量,脉之本源。” This Summit of Nine Heavens, will elect here, because of it.” “此次九天之巅,会选于这里,就是因为它。” If before people, but also is unable to determine absolutely, Chu Feng's these words, was is equal to announcing the model answer. 如果说之前人们,还无法绝对的确定,楚枫的这番话,则是等于宣布了标准答案。 Chu Feng, how you so determined, what you did know?” 楚枫,你怎么如此确定,你是知道了什么吗?” Innumerable sound transmission map the Chu Feng ear curtain in secret, they are more definite. 无数暗中传音映入楚枫耳帘,他们都想更加确定。 But their why in secret sound transmission, but does not dare frank and upright asking, naturally is because fears Seven Worlds Saint Mansion. 但他们为何暗中传音,而不敢光明正大的问,自然是因为惧怕七界圣府 Therefore regarding these sound transmission, Chu Feng treats as unable to hear in secret, but continues to look to own grandfather jie Tianran. 因此对于这些暗中传音,楚枫就当做听不到,而是继续看向自己的外公界天染 Source of this lineage/vein, here.” “这脉之本源,就在这里。” Your doesn't Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, how send people to rob?” “你七界圣府,怎么不派人出来抢夺?” Is big Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, can the people of Source of approval lineage/vein unable to look including one?” “是偌大的七界圣府,连一个能够得到脉之本源认可之人都找不出来吗?” If so, your Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, why also to regard outsider is the waste?” “若真是如此,你七界圣府,又凭什么视外人为废物?” „Aren't you, the waste?” Chu Feng asked. “你们,不也是废物吗?”楚枫问道。 Such remarks, the people will look at Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, wants to look at the response of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion. 此话一出,众人都不由将目光投向七界圣府,想看七界圣府的反应。 This opinion, traded to be others saying that courted death simply. 这番言论,换做其他人说,那简直就是找死。 Who however is Chu Feng? 但是楚枫是谁? He early and Seven Worlds Saint Mansion is unable to co-exist. 他早与七界圣府势不两立。 Therefore he said these words, the people were not accidental, and his some qualifications spoke these words. 所以他说出这番话,众人并不意外,并且他有资格说这番话。 Therefore the people want to take a look, how can Seven Worlds Saint Mansion deal? 因此众人都想看看,七界圣府要如何应对? Chu Feng, do not put on airs.” 楚枫,别装腔作势。” Could not insist that you give up are, why to pull these to find the excuse?” “坚持不住你罢手便是,何必扯这些找理由?” Seven Worlds Saint Mansion has Elder to say. 七界圣府的有长老开口说道。 On his face does not have the slight anger, instead looks through all stances. 他脸上没有丝毫怒意,反而一副看破一切的架势。 Right, couldn't Chu Feng insist?” “对啊,楚枫是坚持不住了吧?” Finds the excuse intentionally, prepares the ground for oneself following giving up?” “是故意找借口,为自己接下来的放弃做铺垫吗?” Although this is the counter-attack, but the people also thought that Seven Worlds Saint Mansion that Elder said in the principle. 虽然这是反击,但众人却也觉得七界圣府长老所言在理。 After all, after Source of lineage/vein changes, swamped into the speed of Chu Feng within the body indeed to slow down. 毕竟,脉之本源变化后,涌入楚枫体内的速度的确变慢了许多。 Can't insist? Makes one think so?” Chu Feng asked. “坚持不住?何以见得?”楚枫问。 Makes one think so?” “何以见得?” That Elder contemptuously smiles, this said: 那位长老轻蔑一笑,这才说道: Feigns?” “装傻充愣?” Chu Feng, you, when the person of presence is blind?” 楚枫,你当在场之人眼瞎吗?” Who cannot look, you are the oil lamp are completely dry, Source of this lineage/vein, you are incapable of conquering radically.” “谁看不出来,你已是油尽灯枯,这脉之本源,你根本无力征服。” Oh?” Regarding this words, Chu Feng shows a faint smile, immediately said: Originally you think like this, you may see clearly.” “喔?”对于此话,楚枫微微一笑,旋即说道:“原来你是这样想的,那你可看清楚了。” The words, Chu Feng whole body golden color rune becomes brighter. 话罢,楚枫周身金色符文变得更加明亮。 Even if has rampage trend Source of lineage/vein, is continues to swamp into the Chu Feng's palm. 紧接着,哪怕已有暴走趋势的脉之本源,也是继续涌入楚枫的掌心之内。 And this time speed, was faster than several tens of thousands of times to continue previously. 并且这一次的速度,比先前快了数万倍都不止。 So under the speed, covering the sky and blocking the sun Source of lineage/vein, the time of moment, then swamped into the Chu Feng's palm all. 如此速度下,原本遮天蔽日的脉之本源,不过片刻的功夫,便尽数涌入楚枫的掌心之中。 At this time, finally restored the normal appearance void. 此时,虚空终于恢复了正常模样。 Blue sky, all normal. 蓝天白云,一切正常。 Before , fearful shake, dissipates in this time. 就连之前可怕的震荡,也于此时消散。 But under this gentle void, everyone is actually going against a shocking face. 但这平和的虚空下,所有人却都顶着一张震惊的脸庞。 Source of lineage/vein, was subdued by Chu Feng. 脉之本源,被楚枫收服了。 And subdues extremely relaxed. 并且收服的极其轻松。 If not personally sees, they are how regardless of not to believe. 若非亲眼所见,他们是无论如何也不会相信。 In jie Tianran, assembles the strength of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, Source of lineage/vein is unable to subdue. 界天染,集结七界圣府之力,都无法收服的脉之本源 Chu Feng so relaxed subduing. 楚枫会如此轻松的收服。 Is this then the disparity? 这便是差距吗? But can the disparity of person and person, how big be in so the situation? 可人与人的差距,怎能大到如此地步? Among talents, there is the difference of the world? 难道天才之间,也有天地之别? Oh, old man, just words, but dares to say again?” “唉,老头,刚刚的话,可敢再说一遍?” Chu Feng looks at that Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Elder that previously opened the mouth. 楚枫看着那位,先前开口的那位七界圣府长老 That Elder complexion is pale, clenches jaws, but the vision actually does not dare to go to Chu Feng again, does not dare to face up to with Chu Feng. 那位长老脸色铁青,咬牙切齿,但目光却不敢再投向楚枫,根本不敢与楚枫正视。 So many people witness with own eyes, he is unable to dispute. 这么多人都亲眼见证,他根本无法辩驳。 Especially after jie Tianran is defeated, he did not even have the means saying that Source of strength that lineage/vein was too weak. 尤其是在界天染失败之后,他甚至都没办法去说,那脉之本源力量太弱。 Otherwise, was equal to hitting the face of their Sir Mansion Lord. 不然,就等于是打了他们府主大人的脸。 Present he is in a dilemma, has had no way out, can only acknowledge that the punishment is deserved, can only lose face in the presence of everyone. 现在的他可谓进退两难,已是无路可走,只能认栽,只能当众丢脸。 Was too fierce?” “太厉害了吧?” „The this child actions, were simply more fearful than Jie Ranqing in the past.” 此子所作所为,简直比界染清当年还要可怕。” jie Tianran he was mistaken, this where is the waste, this never has clearly been born talent.” 界天染他真是看走眼了,这哪里是废物,这分明是从未出世过的天才啊。” All powerhouses, innermost feelings sigh. 各方强者,内心感叹。 These words, their being at all numerous said. 这番话,他们不敢当众说出来。 But in their hearts, had an explicit cognition to Chu Feng, the this child talent, has been in the situation that was unable to forecast simply. 但他们心中,对楚枫都有了一个明确的认知,此子的天赋,简直已到了无法预测的地步。 Buzz- 嗡- But in the meantime, the Summit of Nine Heavens list changed. 而就在此时,九天之巅的榜单发生了变化。 That is a list that announced result. 那是一个公布结果的榜单。 First: Chu Feng. 第一名:楚枫 Second: Xianhai Yu'er. 第二名:仙海鱼儿 Third: Xianhai Shaoyu. 第三名:仙海少禹 Fourth: Feng Ling. 第四名:风铃 Fifth: Yuwen Yanri. 第五名:宇文炎日 Sixth: Ling Xiao. 第六名:灵霄 Seventh: Jie Baobao. 第七名:界宝宝 Eighth: Xian Miaomiao. 第八名:仙喵喵 Ninth: Long Chengyu. 第九名:龙承羽 Tenth: Qin Xuan. 第十名:秦玄 ............ ………… ...... …… ... Ranking is very long, has hundred fully. 排名很长,足有百名。 But at this moment everyone's vision, condensed in the first position. 但此刻所有人的目光,都凝聚在了第一名的位置。 Chu Feng!!! 楚枫!!! „Had Summit of Nine Heavens, finished?” 九天之巅,已经结束了吗?” No wonder Chu Feng will have such formation technique guard.” “难怪楚枫会有如此阵法护身。” It seems like he has not lied, this is really Source of lineage/vein, the Source of present world this lineage/vein, has the relations of being able to withdraw with Summit of Nine Heavens.” “看来他没有说谎,这真的是脉之本源,此次脉之本源现世,与九天之巅有着脱不开的关系。” The people discuss spiritedly. 众人议论纷纷。 But no one questioned why Xianhai Yu'er and Xianhai Shaoyu and other well-known talents, can arrange behind Chu Feng. 但却没有人质疑,为何仙海鱼儿仙海少禹等知名天才,会排在楚枫后面。 Source of lineage/vein, was conquered by Chu Feng. 脉之本源,都被楚枫征服了。 Also can some people be stronger than him? 难道还有人能比他更强? Before recombination Chu Feng, makes a big row Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, magnificent feat that can also move out. 再结合楚枫之前大闹七界圣府,又能全身而退的壮举。 This first, what he takes is natural, name will follow reality. 这第一,他拿的乃是理所应当,实至名归。 Even many people felt, this first should be Chu Feng's, others do not have this qualifications. 甚至许多人觉得,这第一就应该是楚枫的,其他人没有这个资格。 Because absolutely does not have the second person, can be so relaxed, this legend Source of lineage/vein subdues. 因为绝对没有第二个人,能够如此轻松的,将这传说中的脉之本源收服。 Chu Feng, the child of Jie Ranqing. 楚枫,界染清之子。 Without doubt is now the vast martial cultivation world strongest junior. 无疑就是当今浩瀚修武界最强的小辈。 One, is unable to question. 没有之一,无法质疑。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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