MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5792: Conquering: Source of lineage/vein

Chapter 5790 conquers: Source of lineage/vein 第5790章征服:脉之本源 Chu Feng raise one's head, by that formation gate, looks at outside scene, he is very quiet, on the face cannot see slight flustered. 楚枫抬头,透过那结界门,看着外面的景象,他十分平静,脸上看不到丝毫的慌张。 But in fact, can see by that formation gate, outside has been earth-shaking. 可实际上,透过那结界门能够看到,外面早已是天翻地覆。 Almost all people, no longer pay attention to Summit of Nine Heavens, but is paying attention void above. 几乎所有人,都不再关注九天之巅,而是关注着虚空之上。 The ray is radiant, continuously to line of sight end, then by Seven Worlds Saint Mansion many powerhouses, jointly arrangement boundless great formation, covers the world. 光芒璀璨,连绵到视线尽头,那由七界圣府诸多强者,联合布置的磅礴的大阵,同样覆盖天地。 The phenomenon and formation technique, cover the world simultaneously. 异象与阵法,同时笼罩世界。 That weaponry, looks like both armies to confront. 那阵仗,就像是两军对峙。 When the formation technique strength surges, the world shivers fiercely, the powerful strength, causes the land to present the innumerable fissures. 阵法力量涌动时,天地都剧烈颤动,强大的力量,引得大地都出现无数裂痕。 And this grade of scene, may continue Burning Vein Village this side world, but is the whole world is so. 并且这等景象,可不止燃脉村这一方天地,而是整个世界都是如此。 Even if Seven Worlds Saint Mansion thinks, this formation technique strength, can destroy this side world with ease. 甚至若是七界圣府想的话,这阵法的力量,能够轻松的毁灭这方世界。 But is so powerful formation technique strength, at present actually collects above a tiny form. 而就是如此强大的阵法力量,眼下却汇集到一个渺小的身影之上。 This tiny form, can withstand this terrifying the formation technique strength. 偏偏,这个渺小的身影,能够承受这恐怖的阵法力量。 This person of precisely Seven Worlds Mansion Lord. 此人正是七界府主 When Seven Worlds Mansion Lord arrives, world that made noise, became peaceful several points. 七界府主登场,原本喧闹的世界,都变得安静了几分。 In front of this old person, people must consider the speech carefully. 在这位老者面前,人们连说话都要仔细斟酌一番。 If, vast martial cultivation world, most makes the influence that one fears now is Seven Worlds Saint Mansion. 如果说,当今浩瀚修武界,最令人惧怕的势力是七界圣府的话。 Then, vast martial cultivation world, most makes the person of one fearing now, without doubt is Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, jie Tianran. 那么,当今浩瀚修武界,最令人惧怕之人,无疑就是七界府主,界天染 Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, the double palm merge, the law secret art pinches later. 七界府主,双掌合并,随后法诀捏动。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- In an instant, fierce that the world shivers, must invert just like the whole world. 刹那间,天地颤动的更加剧烈,宛如整个世界都要颠倒。 The land starts to seethe, starts to disrupt void. 大地开始翻腾,虚空开始碎裂。 At once, juniors space underground, difficult comes to a stop, needs the older generation to support by the arm to stand firm the figure. 一时之间,小辈们无论是天上还是地下,都难以站稳,需要老一辈搀扶才能稳住身形。 Panic-stricken , the vast troops, just like the frightened person, draw back to the distant place disperse to go. 惊恐之下,浩瀚人马,宛如惊弓之鸟,向远处退散而去。 Follows the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord palm to spread out, circular formation technique compass departs from his palm. 伴随七界府主掌心摊开,一个圆形的阵法罗盘自其掌心飞出。 formation technique compass lets go the later rapid expansion. 阵法罗盘脱手之后迅速扩大。 In an instant, changed obstructed a day of monster. 转眼间,也化作了遮天之巨物。 On compass covers entirely the formation spell, as at this moment the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord method secret art changes, rapid rotation. 罗盘上边布满结界符咒,此刻随着七界府主法诀变化,快速旋转。 The boundless suction releases from compass, although has nothing to do with the land, but actually covers void. 磅礴的吸力自罗盘内释放而出,虽与大地无关,但却覆盖虚空。 In an instant, void above all goods, flood into that compass. 刹那间,虚空之上的所有物品,都涌入那罗盘之内。 Source of lineage/vein, is ready to make trouble, just like tornado that just formed, forms the posture of crash, grazes to go to that compass. 就连脉之本源,也是蠢蠢欲动,宛如刚刚形成的龙卷风,形成坠落之姿,向那罗盘飞掠而去。 In the midair, actually stops, two not true connection. 只是,在半空之中,却又停下,二者并未真正的交汇。 But this scene, makes everyone be troubled. 但这个景象,却也让所有人感到不安。 He, really Source of income lineage/vein?” “他不会,真的要将脉之本源收入其中吧?” Long Chengyu and others is also looks anxiously, they naturally do not hope, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord succeeds. 龙承羽等人也是面露紧张,他们自然不希望,七界府主成功。 Relax, he could not become.” “放心,他成不了。” Compares in them, Chu Feng is as before calm. 相比于他们,楚枫则是依旧淡定。 Just, during the Chu Feng speeches, is Yu Kong, before arriving at that formation gate . 只不过,楚枫说话间,已是御空而起,来到了那结界门前。 Buzz- 嗡- But Chu Feng just approached, then had golden rune to reappear, blocked Chu Feng. 楚枫刚刚靠近,便有金色符文浮现,拦住了楚枫 Chu Feng stretches out the palm, simultaneously observes golden rune earnestly, he knows that contains some strengths, with important thing. 楚枫伸出手掌,同时认真观察金色符文,他知道这其中蕴藏着一些力量,和重要的东西 At this time, others in observing outside scene, but Ling Xiao is Chu Feng, together observation that golden color rune. 此时,其他人都在观察外面景象,但灵霄则是与楚枫,一同观察那金色符文 Ling Xiao also realized that golden rune contains anything, he wants to have a look whether to spy on anything thing. 灵霄也意识到,那金色符文蕴藏着什么,他想看看能否窥探出一些什么东西 But he has not spied on anything, Chu Feng then pinches together extremely complex law secret art. 可他还没有窥探出什么,楚枫便捏出一道极其复杂的法诀。 In an instant- 刹那间- That golden rune, then starts to flood into Chu Feng within the body. 那金色符文,便开始涌入楚枫体内。 Finally, all golden rune, integrated Chu Feng within the body thoroughly. 最终,所有金色符文,彻底融入了楚枫体内。 - 嗷- But in the meantime, void above, suddenly sends out grating roaring. 而就在此时,虚空之上,突然发出一声刺耳的咆哮。 Is Source of lineage/vein!!! 是脉之本源!!! Follows that to roar to resound through, a powerful strength drops from the clouds. 伴随那声咆哮响彻,一股强大的力量从天而降。 In the wink of an eye, compass of that release suction then changes to the smashing. 瞬息之间,那释放吸力的罗盘便化作粉碎。 Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, is the hurrying figure backs up, from the upper air, fell the ground. 就连七界府主,也是赶忙身形倒退,从高空之上,落到了地上。 Meanwhile, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion these maintain that formation technique World Spiritist, light look embarrassedly, heaviness spits the blood crazily, even some people of direct stupors, start from in the air to crash. 与此同时,七界圣府那些维持那阵法界灵师,轻者面露难堪,重者狂吐鲜血,甚至有人直接昏迷,开始从空中坠落。 However these people, may be the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion strength extremely strong generations. 但是那些人,可都是七界圣府实力极强之辈。 Sees this situation, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion many Yu Kong, supports the powerhouse who that crashes. 见此情形,七界圣府又有多人御空而起,将那坠落的强者扶住。 But more people, is arrives at side Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, arranges one to defend great formation, covers Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, is very afraid to have the accident/surprise. 但更多的人,则是来到七界府主身旁,布置一座防御大阵,覆盖七界府主,深怕出现意外。 I am all right.” “我没事。” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord sighed, but his time complexion is unattractive, was paler than previously. 七界府主叹道,可他此时的脸色并不好看,比先前苍白了许多。 But immediately takes out elixir, swallows in entrance, but the situation has not alleviated. 但立刻取出一颗丹药,吞入口中,但情况并未缓解。 But he cannot attend to these, but is raise one's head looks to void, after seeing clearly the void scene, in his pair of old eyes, is unwilling completely. 可他也顾不得这些,而是抬头望向虚空,看清虚空的景象后,他那一双老眼之中,满是不甘。 Follows many Seven Worlds Mansion Lord powerhouse stupors and being wounded, that formation technique is also difficult maintains. 伴随诸多七界府主强者昏迷和负伤,那阵法也是难以维持。 Camouflages void great formation, just like the lens disruption, the innumerable fissures appears, and serious that even more spreads. 遮蔽虚空的大阵,宛如镜片碎裂,无数裂痕浮现,且蔓延的越发严重。 Transmitted orders, abandons.” “传令,弃阵。” Everyone draws back.” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord said. “所有人退回来吧。”七界府主道。 He such remarks, some people transmitted orders immediately, the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord powerhouses return in abundance. 他此话一出,立刻有人传令,七界府主众强者纷纷退回。 Did not have the World Spiritist support, great formation to disintegrate thoroughly, diverged formation power, just like the light rain general incline, was extremely beautiful. 没有了界灵师的支撑,大阵彻底瓦解,散去的结界之力,宛如光雨一般倾斜而下,极其美丽。 But people see this, more is actually sigh with emotion. 但人们看到这一幕,更多的却是感慨。 The back of this beautiful scene, is actually the failure of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, is the failure of jie Tianran. 这美丽景象的背后,却是七界圣府的失败,也是界天染的失败。 Unexpectedly even Seven Worlds Mansion Lord intended to be defeated personally.” “居然连七界府主亲自出手都失败了。” It seems like this strength, is really legend Source of lineage/vein, otherwise so will not be wild.” “看来这力量,真的是传说中的脉之本源,不然不会如此狂暴。” The people sighed. 众人纷纷感叹。 But the powerhouses of some colossi, actually look the happy expression. 但一些庞然大物的强者,却是面露喜色。 This is actually meddlesome, if were attained Source of lineage/vein by jie Tianran, did not have our auspicious days.” “这倒是好事,若是被界天染拿到了脉之本源,就更没我们的好日子了。” But quick, void above, previously the central area of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion set up formation, there is a Spirit Formation method together to reappear. 可很快,虚空之上,先前七界圣府布阵的中心区域,又有一道结界阵法浮现。 This Spirit Formation method is very small, but its gives out aura is extremely special, causes the audience to pay attention rapidly. 这道结界阵法很小,但是它散发的气息极其特别,迅速引得全场注意。 Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, fiercer formation technique?” 七界圣府,还有更厉害的阵法?” The people's first response, then feels that formation technique, is the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion method. 众人第一反应,便觉得那阵法,是七界圣府的手段。 But quick, a hand stretches out from that formation technique, follows the palm to stretch out, together the form is also fast reappearing. 可是很快,一只手从那阵法中间伸出,伴随手掌伸出,一道身影也是快速的浮现。 After seeing that form, many people on the scene, stare. 当看到那道身影之后,在场的许多人,都是不由一愣。 This person, their almost most people recognize, because of recognizing, they suspected whether they misread. 此人,他们几乎大部分人都认得,正因认得,他们才怀疑他们是否看错了。 Because of this person, is Chu Feng. 因为此人,乃是楚枫 Chu Feng in the ancient palace, after fusing golden rune, then can smoothly pass through the formation gate. 楚枫在古殿之内,融合了金色符文之后,便可以顺利的穿越结界门。 But Chu Feng precisely walked from the formation gate, but after going out, entered in this Spirit Formation method. 楚枫正是结界门内走了出来,只不过走出之后,就进入了这结界阵法之内。 This formation technique is transparent, clear that outside person looks at he, outside clear all that he also looks. 阵法乃是透明的,外面的人看的清他,他也看的清外面的一切。 so that's how it is.” 原来如此。” Chu Feng observed this Spirit Formation method, lowers the head looks, formation gate also, and can still see ancient Diannei the situation. 楚枫观察了一眼这结界阵法,低头一看,结界门还在,且仍能看到古殿内的情况。 He can go back through the formation gate momentarily. 他随时可以通过结界门回去。 What is important, this formation technique is not simple. 但重要的是,这阵法可不简单。 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- In an instant, the innumerable rays just like the meteor that shoots, from all directions, encircles to Chu Feng. 刹那间,无数光芒宛如倒射的流星,自四面八方,向楚枫围剿而来。 Is the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion person. 七界圣府的人。 After they determined newcomer is Chu Feng, then arranges formation technique immediately, wants to capture Chu Feng. 当他们确定来者乃是楚枫后,便立刻布置阵法,想要将楚枫擒拿。 „......” “呵……” Looks that sweeps across formation technique that comes, Chu Feng does not fear, instead could not bear reveal wiped the smile of satire. 看着那席卷而来的阵法,楚枫则是丝毫不惧,反而忍不住露出了一抹讽刺的微笑。 These formation technique power and influence are obviously dreadful, strength extraordinary, but when collides, tiny formation technique that Chu Feng. 那些阵法明明威势滔天,力量不凡,可当碰撞到,楚枫所在的渺小阵法后。 These formation technique, have blown the giant stone just like the breeze, immediately changes to formation power to scatter outward. 那些阵法,就宛如微风吹过了巨石,立刻化作结界之力向外飘散。 That formation technique? Unexpectedly so formidable?” “那阵法?竟如此强悍?” Far more than person of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, outsider cannot find out the mind. 何止七界圣府之人,外人也是摸不清头脑。 Don't waste your energy, that is the Summit of Nine Heavens formation technique strength.” Seven Worlds Mansion Lord in secret sound transmission. “别白费力气,那是九天之巅阵法力量。”七界府主暗中传音 Hears the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord words, the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion people gives up immediately. 听到七界府主的话,七界圣府众人才立刻罢手。 The Summit of Nine Heavens formation technique strength, they indeed have no alternative. 九天之巅阵法力量,他们的确无可奈何。 Chu Feng, won't he in participate Summit of Nine Heavens, why suddenly appear here?” 楚枫,他不是在参加九天之巅吗,为何会突然出现在这里?” Meanwhile, the people also guessed. 但同时,众人也是纷纷猜测。 But when they are puzzled, Chu Feng is Yu Kong, follows the Chu Feng figure to move, formation technique of Chu Feng whole body, follows him to move unexpectedly moves. 而就在他们不解之际,楚枫则是御空而起,伴随楚枫身形挪动,楚枫周身的阵法,竟也跟随他一动挪动。 When Chu Feng stops, from Source of lineage/vein is extremely near, sees only it to extend the arm, opens the palm. 楚枫停止之际,距离脉之本源已是极近,只见其伸出手臂,张开手掌。 At this moment, on the Chu Feng's skin, presented golden rune, that golden rune, with just extended from the formation gate, enters golden rune of his within the body to be exactly the same. 这一刻,楚枫的皮肤上,出现了金色符文,那金色符文,与刚刚从结界门内延伸而出,进入他体内的金色符文一模一样。 This stance......” “这个架势……” Chu Feng he wants to conquer Source of lineage/vein.” 楚枫他是想征服脉之本源。” At this time, the people understood the Chu Feng's plan finally. 此时,众人终于明白了楚枫的打算。 Was insane, he was really insane.” “疯了,他真是疯了。” Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, Source of helpless lineage/vein, does his junior, want to subdue?” 七界圣府,都无能为力的脉之本源,他一个小辈,就想要收服?” Courts death simply.” “简直是找死。” But responded the people, actually shake the head in abundance, feels Chu Feng this act, fights a hopeless battle simply. 但反应过来的众人,却是纷纷摇头,觉得楚枫此举,简直是以卵击石。 - 嗷- Quick, Source of lineage/vein transmits grating roaring, that roared, with previously crushed roaring of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion formation technique to be exactly the same. 很快,脉之本源传来一声刺耳的咆哮,那声咆哮,与先前击碎七界圣府阵法的咆哮一模一样。 And quick, Source of lineage/vein like enraged generally, the boundless strength starts to mix, drops from the clouds, directly soars the Chu Feng impact on go. 并且很快,脉之本源就像被激怒了一般,磅礴的力量开始搅动,从天而降,直奔楚枫冲击而去。 Really acts recklessly.” “真是不知死活。” Even if protects his formation technique to be strong, may face Ownerless Source of lineage/vein, still can only wait for death.” “就算是护着他的阵法再强,可面对无主的脉之本源,也只能等死。” Sees this, many people shake the head again and again, thought that Chu Feng must die the person. 见到这一幕,许多人都是连连摇头,觉得楚枫已是必死之人。 But the next quarter, everyone is the complexion big change. 可下一刻,所有人都是脸色大变。 Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, also stares round that pair of old eyes. 就连七界府主,也是也是瞪圆了那双老眼。 Because of Source of that boundless lineage/vein, after approaching Chu Feng, has not swallowed Chu Feng, instead is swamps into the Chu Feng's palm. 因为那磅礴的脉之本源,在靠近楚枫之后,并没有将楚枫吞噬,反而是涌入楚枫的掌心之中。 At the extremely quick speed, is entering Chu Feng's within the body. 正在以极快的速度,进入楚枫的体内。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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