MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5791: The side effect of Bloodline technique

The side effect of Chapter 5789 Bloodline technique 第5789章血脉技的副作用 -” “唔-” Together resounding of sound, letting everyone the scene of vision from ancient palace, fell a body of person. 一道声音的响起,让所有人将目光从古殿之外的景象,落到了一个人的身上。 Is sound that Chu Feng makes. 楚枫发出的声音。 Big Brother, you awoke.” 大哥哥,你醒了。” „Does Chu Feng, how feel? May have to think where is uncomfortable?” 楚枫,感觉怎么样?可有觉得哪里不舒服?” Sees that Little Fishy as well as Xian Miaomiao and others hurries concerned asking. 见状,小鱼儿以及仙喵喵等人赶忙关切的问道。 Hears the people to summon, Chu Feng is also the opening eyes pupil, although this time he regains consciousness, but the body is very weak. 听到众人呼唤,楚枫也是睁开眼眸,此时的他虽然苏醒,但身体还是很虚弱。 I am all right, is too weak, needs to restore.” Chu Feng said. “我没事,就是太虚弱,需要恢复一下。”楚枫说道。 Now Chu Feng has determined, this is the Bloodline technique: Side effect that Divine Lightning bends down. 现在楚枫已经确定了,这便是血脉技:神雷俯的副作用。 Bloodline technique: Divine Lightning tax. 血脉技:神雷赋。 Accurate, when he and Chu Feng Eggy dissipation, Chu Feng looks like because of the strength that the violent anger grasps very much. 准确来说,他与楚枫蛋蛋消散时,楚枫因暴怒而掌握的战力很像。 Can enhance the First Rank strength on Chu Feng cultivation realm, but this strength, is others cannot feel. 可以在楚枫修为上提升一品战力,但这个战力,是旁人所感受不到的。 Chu Feng cultivation realm is Fifth Rank Half God, Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, the Lightning Wings in addition holds, may promote cultivation realm to Eight Rank Half God. 楚枫本身修为五品半神,雷纹,雷霆铠甲,雷霆羽翼加持下,可将修为提升到八品半神 In addition that First Rank strength, the strength may reach Ninth Rank Half God. 再加上那一品战力,战力可达九品半神 In this foundation, Chu Feng displays the Divine Lightning tax again, the strength will promote First Rank again. 在这个基础上,楚枫再施展神雷赋,战力将再度提升一品 Do not look at Chu Feng seems like, is Eight Rank Half God, but its strength actually already based on Eight Rank Half God, promoted Second Rank. 别看楚枫看上去,是八品半神,可其战力却已然在八品半神的基础上,又提升了两品 But Chu Feng's promotion, unlike others. 楚枫的提升,与其他人不同。 For example Xianhai Shaoyu. 比如仙海少禹 He is Seventh Rank Half God , to promote Third Rank cultivation realm, surpassed Ninth Rank Half God. 他是七品半神,提升三品修为,就超出了九品半神 But is unable to enter into True God, can only based on Ninth Rank Half God, obtain the First Rank strength. 但根本无法迈入真神,只能在九品半神的基础上,获得一品战力。 Although the strength is strong in common Ninth Rank Half God, but actually still in Half God Realm Fan Chou. 虽然战力是强于寻常的九品半神的,但却仍然在半神境范畴内。 Properly speaking, Chu Feng Eight Rank Half God cultivation realm, can promote Second Rank cultivation realm even, must be also like Xianhai Shaoyu, the strength was still in Half God. 按理来说,楚枫八品半神修为,就算能提升两品修为,也应当也是与仙海少禹一样,战力仍是半神之内。 This is the principle of martial cultivation. 这是修武的法则。 But Chu Feng has not limited to this, this is the special place that Bloodline technique Divine Lightning bestows on. 楚枫并没有局限于此,这就是血脉神雷赋的特别之处。 The Divine Lightning tax, can break the limit of realm, breaks the martial cultivation principle. 神雷赋,能够打破境界的限制,打破修武法则。 When the Chu Feng strength achieves Ninth Rank Half God, displays the Divine Lightning tax by this foundation, can span the realm gap, making its strength achieve First Rank True God Realm. 楚枫战力达到九品半神的时候,以此基础施展神雷赋,可以跨越境界的鸿沟,让其战力达到一品真神境 Why this is, Chu Feng can rely on Eight Rank Half God cultivation realm, easily defeats the Huangfu Shengyu reason. 这便是为何,楚枫能够凭借八品半神修为,轻易击败皇甫圣宇的原因。 The so fearful strength, after displaying price, is only the whole body is weak, short stupor. 如此可怕的力量,施展后的代价,只是浑身虚弱,短暂昏迷。 It looks like in Chu Feng, this price can definitely accept. 楚枫看来,这个代价是完全能够接受的。 „Is the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion person, doing?” 七界圣府的人,是在干嘛?” Chu Feng lies down on the ground, just can through that formation, see outside situation. 楚枫躺在地上,刚好能够通过那结界们,看到外面的情况。 My brother said, is Seven Worlds Saint Mansion wants to conquer Source of lineage/vein.” Little Fishy said. “我哥说,是七界圣府想要征服脉之本源。”小鱼儿说道。 Oh?” Heard this words, Chu Feng smiles. “喔?”听闻此话,楚枫笑了。 Little Brother Chu Feng, can you through that formation gate, conquer Source of that lineage/vein now?” Long Chengyu said. 楚枫兄弟,你现在能通过那结界门,征服那脉之本源吗?”龙承羽说道。 Can.” Chu Feng said. “能。”楚枫道。 If can make a move quickly, do not let Seven Worlds Saint Mansion act swiftly to get there first.” Long Chengyu said. “若是能的话赶快出手吧,可别让七界圣府捷足先登了。”龙承羽说道。 „It is not anxious.” But Chu Feng is actually smiles, and added: I need to restore, just has a look at the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion joke together.” “不急。”可楚枫却是笑了笑,且补充道:“我需要恢复一下,也刚好一起看看七界圣府的笑话。” Joke?” Hears this words, the people stare. “笑话?”听闻此话,众人不由一愣。 They are unable to conquer Source of lineage/vein, does such big weaponry, what isn't the joke is?” “他们根本无法征服脉之本源,搞这么大的阵仗,不是笑话又是什么?” During the Chu Feng speeches, then sits to set out, first loses in two elixir entrance, the immediately then closing one's eyes pupil starts to adjust the condition. 楚枫说话间,便坐起身来,先将两颗丹药入口中,旋即便闭上眼眸开始调整状态。 „......” “……” At this time people, subconscious looked to Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao. 此时众人,下意识的看向了灵霄界宝宝 After all these two, were the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion person, Chu Feng said like this, everyone very difficult not to consider their mood. 毕竟这两位,可是七界圣府的人,楚枫这样说,大家很难不考虑他们二人的情绪。 But regarding this, Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao and have no response. 可对此,灵霄界宝宝并没有什么反应。 The speed of Chu Feng adjustment is quick, in a while the condition has then restored most. 楚枫调整的速度很快,没过多久状态便已恢复大半。 The Chu Feng opening eyes pupil, raise one's head looks to outside. 楚枫睁开眼眸,不由抬头看向外面。 Although outside formation technique is near completion, but has not actually carried out thoroughly. 外面的阵法虽然接近完成,但却并未彻底完成。 Unexpectedly hasn't arranged?” “居然还没布置完?” Suffices to be slow.” Chu Feng sighed. “够慢的。”楚枫叹道。 Coming out that he looks, that great formation should be ready, when shows in the people front, actually the preparatory work has completed completely. 他看的出来,那大阵应该早就是做好了准备,当展现在众人面前时,其实准备工作已经完全做好。 Even but if has prepared the foundation beforehand, but arranges formation technique actually still to consume such for a long time. 可就算已经事先准备好了基础,但布置阵法却也耗费这么久。 Thus, this formation technique difficulty is very big. 由此可以看出,这座阵法的难度很大。 Right, Huangfu Jiangyao they?” Chu Feng asked. “对了,皇甫将耀他们呢?”楚枫问道。 Was killed by me.” “被我杀了。” Because is I kills, therefore their treasures, I took away, do not mind.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “因为是我杀的,所以他们身上的宝物,我就收走了,你别介意。”仙海少禹说道。 Naturally will not mind.” “当然不会介意。” Chu Feng understands Xianhai Shaoyu meaning. 楚枫明白仙海少禹意思 They present in these people, now looks is the united front, but in fact various is his lord. 他们在场这些人中,现在看是统一战线,可实际上各为其主。 Very difficult guarantee in the future, some people today's matter will not pass on. 很难保证日后,不会有人将今日的事传出去。 If passed on, Chu Feng and Xianhai Shaoyu were the chief criminals. 若是传出去了,楚枫仙海少禹便是罪魁祸首。 Xianhai Shaoyu do not covet that treasure. 仙海少禹并非是要贪那宝物。 First the person is the homicide, he takes that treasure on the reason. 首先人是他杀的,他拿那宝物本身就情理之中。 But the most important thing is, he must shoulder this responsibility, he does not help Chu Feng kill, but is he wants to kill. 但最重要的是,他是要承担这份责任,他不是帮楚枫杀,而是他就是想杀。 He and Chu Feng has the same responsibility. 他与楚枫有着相同的责任。 Even if this matter will pass on the future, Huangfu Celestial Clan really must retaliate. 所以就算日后这个事情传出去,皇甫天族真的要报复。 Other influence does not dare saying that Xianhai Yu Clan will stand this side Chu Feng absolutely. 别的势力不敢说,仙海鱼族绝对会站在楚枫这一边。 Because of them, is the object of Huangfu Celestial Clan retaliation. 因为他们,也将是皇甫天族报复的对象。 Therefore Chu Feng, Huangfu Shengyu all treasures, received in cosmos sack, including Divine Weapon. 于是楚枫,将皇甫圣宇的所有宝物,也都收入了乾坤袋内,包括神兵 Little Brother Chu Feng, your just method, what's the matter?” 楚枫兄弟,你刚刚的手段,到底是怎么回事啊?” Why looks at you are Eight Rank Half God, but First Rank True God isn't Huangfu Shengyu, your opponent?” “为何看你是八品半神,但是一品真神皇甫圣宇,都不是你的对手?” Long Chengyu curious asking. 龙承羽好奇的问道。 He such remarks, others the curious vision will also go to Chu Feng. 他此话一出,其他人也都将好奇的目光投向楚枫 Before was only their guesses, but they want to hear the Chu Feng's reply with one's own ears. 之前只是他们自己的猜测,可他们还是想亲耳听到楚枫的回答。 This, is the secret.” “这个,是秘密。” Is my card in a hand.” “是我的底牌。” Chu Feng smiles, but immediately also added: This matter does not facilitate temporarily disclosed to the outside, but also asked everyone to help me keep secret.” 楚枫笑了笑,但旋即又补充道:“这件事暂时不方便对外透露,还请诸位帮我保密。” Actually not only this matter, Huangfu Shengyu their deaths, and Miaomiao strength, I hope that everyone can keep secret.” “其实不仅这件事,皇甫圣宇他们的死,以及喵喵的力量,我希望大家都能保密。” My offensive talk said in front, if who said any of these matters, drew on troublesome for me or the friend of mine.” “我丑话说在前头,若是有谁将这些事的任何一件说出去,为我或我的朋友招来了麻烦。” Who my Chu Feng will certainly find out is leaks out.” “我楚枫一定会查出是谁泄露出去的。” When the time comes, do not blame my Chu Feng to do without sparing anyone's sensibilities.” “到时候,可别怪我楚枫不讲情面。” Chu Feng said this saying time, looked emphatically to Qin Xuan, as well as Divine Body Celestial Palace that several. 楚枫说这话的时候,着重看向了秦玄,以及神体天府的那几位。 Naturally, looked to Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao. 当然,也看向了灵霄界宝宝 Actually Chu Feng is good to Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao impression, but they at present after all are hostile. 其实楚枫灵霄界宝宝印象不错,但是他们目前毕竟是敌对。 Various is his lord, everyone has the respective standpoint, something, Chu Feng is not good to determine. 各为其主,大家都有各自的立场,有些事情,楚枫也不好确定。 Chu Feng, if not for you, my Qin Xuan died, you could rest assured that I will keep secret absolutely.” Qin Xuan said. 楚枫若不是你,我秦玄都死了,你放心,我绝对会保密。”秦玄说道。 Chu Feng, I will also keep secret.” Yuwen Yanri also said, Divine Body Celestial Palace others also took a stand. 楚枫,我也会保密。”宇文炎日也是说道,紧接着神体天府的其他人也是纷纷表态。 Rumble - 隆隆隆- But in the meantime, outside transmitted grating thundering, boundless great formation arranges to complete finally. 而就在此时,外面传来了刺耳的轰鸣,磅礴的大阵终于布置完成。 And has released the powerful strength, but that strength collects a body of person. 并且已经释放出强大的力量,而那力量汇集到一个人的身上。 Sees that person, everyone is the vision change. 看到那个人,所有人都是目光变化。 Because of that person, is Seven Worlds Mansion Lord. 因为那个人,乃是七界府主 This great formation, for the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord arrangement, he wanted the carrying/sustaining great formation strength, conquers Source of lineage/vein personally. 这座大阵,原来是为七界府主布置,他要承载大阵的力量,亲自去征服脉之本源 Was seeing with own eyes Seven Worlds Mansion Lord arrives, people subconscious then looks to Chu Feng. 眼见着七界府主登场,人们下意识的便看向楚枫 After all Seven Worlds Mansion Lord and Chu Feng's grudge, they have returned. 毕竟七界府主楚枫的恩怨,他们都已经回到了。 This thinks to see Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, Chu Feng will be agitated. 本以为见到七界府主,楚枫会情绪激动。 But the astonished discovery, the Chu Feng's expression is very calm, even is calmer than them. 可却惊愕的发现,楚枫的表情十分平静,甚至比他们还要淡定。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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