MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5790: Seven Worlds Saint Mansion acts

Chapter 5788 Seven Worlds Saint Mansion acts 第5788章七界圣府出手 Killed?” “杀了?” Is seeing with own eyes Xianhai Shaoyu, killed Huangfu Jiangyao directly. 眼见着仙海少禹,直接杀了皇甫将耀 Qin Xuan and Ling Xiao and others, is looks complex. 秦玄灵霄等人,皆是面露复杂。 The strength and treasure that Huangfu Celestial Clan these five juniors show, have made them be clear, the Huangfu Celestial Clan background is abundant. 皇甫天族这五个小辈展现出的实力和宝物,就已经让他们清楚,皇甫天族底蕴雄厚。 Such influence, offended consequence, that is extremely fearful. 这样的势力,得罪的后果,那是极其可怕的。 Although Huangfu Jiangyao these people, have moved to them killed the heart. 尽管皇甫将耀这些人,早就对他们动了杀心。 May trade to be them, not necessarily dares to make Xianhai Shaoyu such decision. 可换做他们,未必敢做出仙海少禹这样的决定。 Elder Brother, Big Brother he how?” “哥,大哥哥他怎么了?” Little Fishy was also extends the small hand to support Chu Feng, and is also observing the Chu Feng's situation. 小鱼儿也是伸出小手扶住了楚枫,且也在观察楚枫的情况。 According to her observations, Chu Feng is weak, but is not affected much. 据她观察,楚枫只是虚弱,但并无大碍。 But she was too worried about Chu Feng, therefore does not believe to own judgment. 可她太担心楚枫了,所以对自己的判断并不相信。 At this time, she believed the judgment of her Elder Brother. 这种时候,她更相信她哥哥的判断。 All right, should be just method, caused some burdens.” “没事,应该是刚刚的手段,造成了一些负担。” Xianhai Shaoyu speaks, looked to Huangfu Shangyang. 仙海少禹说完话,看向了皇甫上阳 Huangfu Shangyang, then searches the hand immediately, saying of showing weakness: 皇甫上阳,则是立刻探手,示弱的说道: I actually am a personal servant, I do not want not dead with you continuous.” “我其实就是一个跟班,我可没想与你们不死不休。” Things have gotten to this point, you thought that we do have to keep the necessity of living witness?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. “事已至此,你觉得我们有留活口的必要吗?”仙海少禹问。 Indeed, I, if dies here, no one knows that had anything, you can declare greatly to the outside we die of the trial.” “的确,我若是死在这里,谁也不知道发生了什么,你们大可以对外宣称我们是死于试炼。” I , if living, you must take the risk that the matter exposes.” “我若是活着,你们则是要承担事情败露的风险。” As far as I know, don't the relations of your present age Galaxy Overlord influences, have the surface is so sturdy?” “不过据我所知,你们这些当代天河霸主势力的关系,并没有表面那么牢靠吧?” Xianhai Shaoyu, you, if killed me, did not fear that they do pass on this news?” 仙海少禹,你若是杀了我,不怕他们将这个消息传出去吗?” You want, eliminates a potential informant them together?” “你要不要,将他们一起灭口?” During the Huangfu Shangyang speeches, will look at Qin Xuan specially, Long Chengyu, as well as Ling Xiao, Yuwen Yanri and others. 皇甫上阳说话间,特意将目光投向秦玄,龙承羽,以及灵霄,还有宇文炎日等人 Xianhai Shaoyu, I will not say absolutely.” Qin Xuan guarantee says immediately. 仙海少禹,我绝对不会说出去。”秦玄立刻保证道。 Huangfu Shangyang, you little sow dissension.” Long Chengyu and others angrily rebukes Huangfu Shangyang. 皇甫上阳,你少挑拨离间。”龙承羽等人更是纷纷怒斥起皇甫上阳 But regarding their reprimanding, Huangfu Shangyang has not paid attention, but continues to look to Xianhai Shaoyu. 但对于他们的斥责,皇甫上阳并未理会,而是继续看向仙海少禹 Xianhai Shaoyu, I think that you to my Huangfu Celestial Clan, should be very curious.” 仙海少禹,我想你对我皇甫天族,应该很是好奇。” Like this, you put my horse, I told you my Huangfu Celestial Clan situation.” Huangfu Shangyang said. “这样,你放我一马,我将我皇甫天族的情况告诉你。”皇甫上阳说道。 You said.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “你说。”仙海少禹道。 My Huangfu Celestial Clan, you have not actually imagined is so strong, but presented we five quite gifted juniors, therefore looks quite strong.” “我皇甫天族,其实并没有你们想象中的那么强,只是出现了我们五个天赋不错的小辈,所以看上去比较强。” But in fact, my Huangfu Celestial Clan older generation the strength is bad.” “可实际上,我皇甫天族的老一辈早就实力不济。” Family property that although some ancient times conducted, but the strength was inferior to your present age the colossi.” Huangfu Shangyang said. “虽然有些远古传承下来的家业,但实力不如你们这些当代的庞然大物。”皇甫上阳说道。 You might as well said, the matter of ancient times.” “你不妨说说,远古之事。” Ancient Era, had anything, your ancient times races, mostly were why restricted.” 远古时期,发生了什么,为何你们远古种族,大多受限。” However your Huangfu Celestial Clan not restricted, how do you get rid of this limit?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. “而你们皇甫天族并未受限,你们是如何摆脱这限制的?”仙海少禹问道。 These matters, secret that but cannot leak, you come, I only told you.” Huangfu Shangyang said. “这些事,可是不能外传的秘密,你过来,我只告诉你。”皇甫上阳说道。 - 唰- Xianhai Shaoyu arrived at the Huangfu Shangyang near directly: Said.” 仙海少禹直接来到了皇甫上阳的近前:“说吧。” But Huangfu Shangyang looks killing intent suddenly, in the wink of an eye, promoted extreme cultivation realm. 皇甫上阳忽然面露杀意,瞬息之间,将修为提升到了极致 But he has not acted with enough time, sees only blood splattering, is decapitated. 但他还没来得及出手,只见鲜血喷溅,身首异处。 Xianhai Shaoyu is prepared early, sees with own eyes right, does not cut to kill it directly. 仙海少禹早有准备,眼见不对,直接将其斩杀。 This fellow, suffices to be sinister.” “这家伙,够阴险的。” Sees that Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu and others sighed. 见状,秦玄龙承羽等人纷纷感叹。 Luckily what past is Xianhai Shaoyu, if others, could not do well really go well by the Huangfu Shangyang sneak attack. 幸亏过去的是仙海少禹,若是其他人,搞不好真的就被皇甫上阳偷袭得手了。 The Xianhai Shaoyu big sleeve wields, on all treasures Huangfu Shangyang as well as Huangfu Jiangyao, received. 仙海少禹大袖一挥,将皇甫上阳以及皇甫将耀身上的所有宝物,都收了起来。 Treasure that however Huangfu Shengyu falls, he is the same has not actually taken. 但是皇甫圣宇掉落的宝物,他却是一样也没取。 Brother Shaoyu, you are experienced.” 少禹兄,你见多识广。” Knows that just Chu Feng red thunder, is actually what kind of strength.” “知道刚刚楚枫身上的红色雷霆,究竟是怎样的力量。” Why can let him by Eight Rank Half God cultivation realm, cuts to kill First Rank True God?” Qin Xuan curious asking. “为何能让他以八品半神修为,斩杀一品真神?”秦玄好奇的问道。 But regarding this issue, actually also presents others to be curious. 而对于这个问题,其实也是在场其他人感到好奇的。 I guessed that should be a special Bloodline method, Huangfu Celestial Clan Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, is Heaven rank Bloodline is interlinked.” “我猜测,那应该是一种特殊的血脉手段,皇甫天族神禁武技,都是与天级血脉相通的。” Therefore Chu Feng when displaying Huangfu Celestial Clan Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, that Divine Martial Forbidden Technique shape will follow his Bloodline to change.” “所以楚枫在施展皇甫天族神禁武技时,那神禁武技的形态都会跟随他的血脉发生变化。” This method, big probability, only then Little Brother Chu Feng can use.” “不过这个手段,大概率只有楚枫兄弟能用。” Because the method is stronger, the needed ability is bigger.” “因为手段越强,需要的能力则越大。” When however Little Brother Chu Feng, mounts that Bloodline ratio to fight the stage, self-designated extraordinary Huangfu Shengyu , can only lie on the ground.” “而当楚枫兄弟,登上那血脉比斗台,自命不凡皇甫圣宇,也只能趴在地上。” Also only then Huangfu Celestial Clan several fools, are not willing to face the reality, but outsider who cannot look.” “也只有皇甫天族的几个傻子,不愿面对现实,但外人谁看不出来。” Little Brother Chu Feng Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, compared with Huangfu Shengyu stronger Grade.” 楚枫兄弟天雷血脉,是比皇甫圣宇更强的品阶。” And, strong may a continuing tiny bit, but is many, completely not in a scale.” “并且,强的可不止一星半点,而是很多很多,完全不在一个档次。” Therefore Little Brother Chu Feng method, although indeed heaven defying, but actually heaven defying eventually is he.” “所以楚枫兄弟的手段,虽然的确逆天,但其实逆天的终究是他本身。” „Others, even if knows that this method, cannot display.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “其他人,就算知道这个手段,也施展不出。”仙海少禹说道。 Also is really......” “还真是……” The people nod in abundance, expressed the support. 众人纷纷点头,表示赞同。 They also felt, Xianhai Shaoyu analysis is very reasonable. 他们也都觉得,仙海少禹分析的很有道理。 That very possible with the Bloodline related method. 那很可能是与自身血脉有关的手段。 My Little Brother Chu Feng, but also is not really simple.” Long Chengyu sighed. “我的楚枫兄弟,还真是不简单啊。”龙承羽叹道。 But he sighed was not only Chu Feng own strength, but was this method, itself can know is also a background. 但他感叹的不仅仅是楚枫自身的实力,而是这个手段,本身能够知晓也是一种底蕴。 Naturally is not simple, the Little Brother Chu Feng father, should be extremely expert.” “当然不简单,楚枫兄弟的父亲,应该是一位绝顶高手。” Otherwise, how possibly to obtain the favor of Senior Jie Ranqing.” “不然,怎么可能得到界染清前辈的青睐。” Also as arrogant as the person of stupid, does not understand this point.” “也只有自大到愚钝之人,才不明白这一点。” Also thinks that Sir Jie Ranqing married to owe.” “还以为界染清大人嫁亏了。” The words to here, Xianhai Shaoyu look to Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao, said with a smile: 话到此处,仙海少禹看向灵霄界宝宝,笑道: Does not aim at you.” “不是针对你们。” But the person of your Seven Worlds Saint Mansion stupid is really many, are you also clear?” “但你七界圣府愚钝之人真是不少,想必你们也清楚吧?” Regarding this, Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao had not replied. 对此,灵霄界宝宝都没有回答。 What Xianhai Shaoyu said is the fact. 仙海少禹说的是事实。 If Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, conscientiously investigated this matter initially, rather than jump to conclusions. 若是当初七界圣府,认真调查此事,而不是自己妄断。 Sentenced the death penalty with his father Chu Feng directly, sets the name of waste. 直接将楚枫与其父亲判了死刑,定下废物之名。 Perhaps will not fall today, the so awkward paddies. 也许就不会落到今日,这般尴尬的田地了。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- But in the meantime, void above, suddenly transmits thunders intermittently. 可就在此时,虚空之上,忽然传来阵阵轰鸣。 raise one's head looked, boundless great formation shoots up to the sky, condenses one huge law unexpectedly. 抬头一看,道道磅礴的大阵冲天而起,竟凝聚出一道巨大的法阵。 Quick, have several a form to arrive above the horizon , to continue to arrange formation technique. 很快,又有数道身影来到天际之上,继续布置阵法 Sees these forms, the people vision change. 看到那些身影,众人目光变化。 Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, what do they want to make?” Long Chengyu and others is curious. 七界圣府,他们要做什么?”龙承羽等人皆感到好奇。 If, blocks the strength of sky, is really legend Source of lineage/vein.” “倘若,封锁天空的力量,真的是传说中的脉之本源。” That should Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, be wants to conquer Source of this lineage/vein?” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “那七界圣府,应该是想要征服这脉之本源吧?”仙海少禹道。 Hears this words, Qin Xuan and Divine Body Celestial Palace person vision is complex. 听闻此话,秦玄以及神体天府的人目光复杂。 Source of lineage/vein, this legend strength, who doesn't want to obtain? 脉之本源,这传说力量,谁不想得到? If not for dreaded, the influence that they are at has also acted. 若不是有所忌惮,想必他们所在的势力也早就出手了。 Whom dreads? 忌惮谁? Naturally is Seven Worlds Saint Mansion. 自然是七界圣府 Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, on outwardly is also side Galaxy Overlord, with Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, Divine Body Celestial Palace, Xianhai Yu Clan and other influences shared the honor. 七界圣府,明面上也是一方天河霸主,与苍穹仙宗,神体天府,仙海鱼族等势力齐名。 But everyone is well aware, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion is now the vast martial cultivation world strongest influence. 但大家心知肚明,七界圣府是当今浩瀚修武界最强的势力。 All Overlord influence, must look at their complexion conduct. 各方霸主势力,也都要看他们的脸色行事。 On for example now, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion is in front of all influence, acts to Source of lineage/vein directly. 就比如现在,七界圣府当着各方势力面,直接对脉之本源出手。 But does not have an influence on dare to propose a non- character, even proposed that collaborates this matter, does not dare. 但却没有一个势力敢提出一个不字,甚至连提出联手这种事,都是不敢。 Only can look at Seven Worlds Saint Mansion helplessly, subdues the strength in that legend. 只能眼睁睁的看着七界圣府,去收服那传说中的力量。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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