MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5789: Unwilling Huangfu Shengyu

Chapter 5787 unwilling Huangfu Shengyu 第5787章不甘的皇甫圣宇 Is looking at own breaking arm place, Huangfu Shengyu shortly gawked the god. 望着自己的断臂处,皇甫圣宇短暂的愣了神。 His some are not willing to believe that this is real, is not willing to believe him by Eight Rank Half God, by pure strength, its entire arm cutting off forcefully. 他有些不愿相信这是真的,不愿相信他被一个八品半神,凭借纯粹的力量,将其整条手臂硬生生的斩断。 May break the pain that the arm place transmits, the breaking arm that the blood of that spout, as well as is tenesmusing, is reminding him, all these are happen. 可断臂处传来的痛感,那喷涌的鲜血,以及正在下坠的断臂,都在提醒他,这一切是真实发生的。 Bang- 轰- Suddenly, the body of Huangfu Shengyu, grew a longer black thorn, he at this moment looks like a human form hedgehog, looks, although strange, but his strength is actually increased again. 突然,皇甫圣宇的身体,长出了更长的黑刺,此刻的他就像是一个人形刺猬,看着虽然诡异,可他的战力却再度提升。 Chu Feng, I must tear to shreds you!!!” 楚枫,我要将你碎尸万段!!!” Huangfu Shengyu, cannot attend to the place of blood flying class/flow breaking arm, but is the right hand gets hold of Divine Weapon long spear. 皇甫圣宇,顾不得鲜血飞流的断臂之处,而是右手握紧神兵长枪 In an instant, the thunder spews out, in his behind, condenses huge Thunder Dragon quickly. 刹那间,雷霆喷涌而出,很快在他的身后,凝聚出一条巨大的雷龙 He has displayed the forbidden medicine strength all, this is his last chance. 他已将禁药的力量尽数施展而出,这是他最后的机会。 But according to the Chu Feng's observation, Huangfu Shengyu this Thunder Dragon not only shape and thunder flood dragon is different, power and influence above thunder flood dragon. 而根据楚枫的观察,皇甫圣宇这条雷龙不仅形态与雷蛟不同,威势更是远在雷蛟之上。 Although is First Rank Divine Taboo. 尽管同是一段神禁 But this Thunder Dragon absolutely is stronger Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. 但这雷龙绝对是更强的神禁武技 Naturally, this also relies on the in addition of Huangfu Shengyu that forbidden medicine to strength holds. 当然,这也依赖于皇甫圣宇禁药对战力的加持。 But regarding this, Chu Feng is still unhurried. 可对此,楚枫依旧丝毫不慌。 Sees only Chu Feng, grips tightly by both hands the antique heroic sword, later drinks one lightly. 只见楚枫,将太古英雄剑以双手紧握,随后轻喝一声。 Divine Taboo: thunder flood dragon.” 神禁:雷蛟。” - 滋啦啦- This moment whole body thunder twinkle, after quick thunder flood dragon then, appears. 此刻周身雷霆闪烁,很快一条雷蛟便自身后浮现。 But at this time Chu Feng thunder is the red, that thunder flood dragon is also unified by the red thunder. 只不过此时楚枫身上的雷霆皆是红色,就连那条雷蛟也是由红色雷霆凝聚而成。 Divine Taboo, thunder flood dragon?” 神禁,雷蛟?” How he... can display, my Huangfu Celestial Clan Divine Martial Forbidden Technique?” “他…怎么能够施展的出,我皇甫天族神禁武技?” Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shangyang also asked. 皇甫将耀皇甫上阳同时问道。 Although thunder flood dragon is the red thunder, but that shape and aura, they can still recognize, that is his Huangfu Celestial Clan Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. 尽管那雷蛟是红色的雷霆,可那形态和气息,他们仍能认得出,那是他皇甫天族神禁武技 Chu Feng simply has not paid attention to two people, but looks at that... already person non- person ghost not ghost Huangfu Shengyu. 楚枫根本没有理会二人,而是看着那…早已人不人鬼不鬼的皇甫圣宇 Huangfu Shengyu, naturally also noticed this point. 皇甫圣宇,自然也注意到了这一点。 Therefore he is also the eyeful startled colors. 所以他也是满眼惊色。 Cannot think through, really cannot think through. 想不通,实在想不通。 His Huangfu Celestial Clan Martial Technique never leaks, why can Chu Feng display? 皇甫天族武技从不外传,为何楚枫能够施展而出? But he had not asked that things have gotten to this point, these are unimportant. 但他也没有多问,事已至此,这些都不重要了。 More importantly he must kill Chu Feng. 重要的是他必须将楚枫杀死。 Otherwise, he will assign the mourning in this. 否则,他将命丧于此。 But he, although has not planned to speak, Chu Feng was actually the opens the mouth. 可他虽未打算说话,楚枫却是开口了。 Huangfu Shengyu.” 皇甫圣宇。” My this Martial Technique, you should understand.” “我这武技,你应该了解。” You are very clear, this Martial Technique, is inferior your.” “你很清楚,这个武技,不如你的。” But I today, use it to abandon you.” “但我今日,就用它来废了你。” I must make you understand, anything is called the disparity.” “我要让你明白,什么叫做差距。” Chu Feng this words saying, antique heroic sword to Huangfu Shengyu one finger/refers. 楚枫此话说完,太古英雄剑对着皇甫圣宇一指。 - 滋啦啦- That red thunder flood dragon, then attacks to go to Huangfu Shengyu. 那红色的雷蛟,便向皇甫圣宇冲击而去。 Extremely arrogant generation, you die to me.” “狂妄之辈,你给我死。” Huangfu Shengyu shouted angrily, used the whole body strength. 皇甫圣宇怒喝一声,使出全身力气。 Therefore, his behind Thunder Dragon, sends out grating roaring, is swinging the huge body, carries that destructive strength, attacks to go to Chu Feng. 于是,他身后的雷龙,也是发出刺耳的咆哮,摆动着庞大的身躯,携带那毁灭性的力量,向楚枫冲击而去。 But when, regardless of the shape, is the power and influence, when flood dragon stronger Thunder Dragon, really touches with thunder flood dragon. 可是,当那无论形态,还是威势,都比雷蛟更强的雷龙,真的与雷蛟触碰之际。 Immediately the mortal body is defeated and dispersed, collapses at the first blow simply. 顿时肉身溃散,简直不堪一击。 But the thunder flood dragon is irresistible, has swallowed Huangfu Shengyu. 而雷蛟势不可挡,已是将皇甫圣宇吞噬。 The red thunder, just like myriad Guided Arrow, shuttles back and forth in the Huangfu Shengyu body unceasingly. 红色雷霆,宛如万千箭矢,不断在皇甫圣宇身体穿梭。 „-” “呃啊-” The Huangfu Shengyu body sways from side to side fast, simultaneously splits big mouth, sends out grating wailing. 皇甫圣宇的身躯快速扭动,同时裂开大嘴,发出刺耳的哀嚎。 Until red thunder flood dragon is also changes to the thunder to diverge, Huangfu Shengyu such as the kite of broken line, crashes, finally falls above the land. 直到红色的雷蛟也是化作雷霆散去,皇甫圣宇才如断线的风筝,坠落而下,最终摔在大地之上。 The strength that he at this moment, stands continually does not have, has only remained the one breath. 此刻的他,连站起来的力气都没有,已是仅剩一口气。 In fact, he can remain the one breath, result that Chu Feng shows mercy. 实际上,他能剩一口气,还是楚枫手下留情的结果 Otherwise if, just that struck, then lets his flying ash annihilation sufficiently. 如若不然,刚刚那一击,便足以让他飞灰湮灭。 Treading- 踏- In the meantime, the form fell on his side together, was Chu Feng. 就在此时,一道身影落在了他的身旁,乃是楚枫 Why?” “为什么?” Why my solemn Heavenly Thunder will Saint Grade, be inferior to you?” “为什么我堂堂天雷圣品,会不如你?” Huangfu Shengyu lies down on the ground, looks to overlook own Chu Feng, in the flood red eyes, maps infinite being unwilling. 皇甫圣宇躺在地上,看着俯视自己的楚枫,泛红的双眼内,映射出无穷的不甘。 From infancy to maturity, he is Huangfu Celestial Clan most dazzling existence, will be regarded as the Huangfu Celestial Clan future hope. 从小到大,他都是皇甫天族最耀眼的存在,被视为皇甫天族未来的希望。 In the peers, he is from infancy to maturity invincible. 同辈之中,从小到大他都是无敌的。 In addition Saint Grade Bloodline, he thinks that he can be control of this time. 再加上圣品血脉,他以为他会是这个时代的主宰者。 After may meet Chu Feng, his all proud was been broken by stepping on. 可遇到楚枫之后,他的所有骄傲都被一次次的踩碎。 But he still had the expectation to himself, thought that the Chu Feng beforehand actions all were lucky. 但他对自己仍是抱有期望,觉得楚枫之前的所作所为皆是侥幸。 Even if now, he is not willing to believe, he is inferior to the Chu Feng's fact. 哪怕现在,他也不愿相信,他不如楚枫的事实。 Chu Feng had not replied, but is the big sleeve wields, First Level formation blocked him and Huangfu Shengyu in middle. 楚枫没有回答,而是大袖一挥,一重结界将他与皇甫圣宇封锁在了当中。 Your that Martial Technique I wanted.” “你那武技我要了。” Chu Feng this words saying, searches the hand to grasp, dark colored Mist, then release, but covered Huangfu Shengyu. 楚枫此话说完,探手一抓,暗黑色的气焰,便释放而出笼罩住了皇甫圣宇 Is Secret Skill, Anzhi plundering. 秘技,暗之掠夺。 Returns to Chu Feng within the body along with Anzhi plundering, all methods that Huangfu Shengyu just used, was grasped by Chu Feng. 伴随着暗之掠夺回到楚枫体内,皇甫圣宇刚刚所施展的所有手段,都被楚枫所掌握。 Does not need cultivation, grasps directly, this is the Anzhi plundering fearful place. 无需修炼,直接掌握,这便是暗之掠夺的可怕之处。 Fearfully to saying, no one believe the so terrifying method. 可怕到说出去,都没有人会相信有如此恐怖的手段。 Actually are you what monster?” “你究竟是什么怪物?” Huangfu Shengyu weak looks at Chu Feng, his not clear Chu Feng made anything to him. 皇甫圣宇虚弱的看着楚枫,他不清楚楚枫对他做了什么。 But he just felt, as if oneself all, had pulled out. 但他刚刚感觉到,仿佛自己的一切,都已经被抽离了出去。 That dark colored Mist, making him feel the fear. 那暗黑色的气焰,让他感到恐惧。 Regarding Huangfu Shengyu this issue, Chu Feng had not replied, but asked: 对于皇甫圣宇这个问题,楚枫没有回答,而是问道: Your does Huangfu Celestial Clan, have what plan?” Chu Feng asked. “你皇甫天族,有何打算?”楚枫问道。 Killed me.” “杀了我。” Regarding the Chu Feng's issue, Huangfu Shengyu had not replied, he closed the eye, resembled has prepared death. 对于楚枫的问题,皇甫圣宇也没有回答,他闭上了眼睛,似已做好了死亡的准备。 Chu Feng shows a faint smile, later searches the hand to grasp, palm formation technique appears, Huangfu Shengyu was then inhaled in the palm. 楚枫微微一笑,随后探手一抓,掌心阵法浮现,皇甫圣宇便被吸入掌心之中。 Afterward, formation technique changes to the mark, there are many goods to graze, not only there is cosmos sack, on Huangfu Shengyu other treasures. 随后,阵法化作印记,又有多件物品飞掠而出,不仅有乾坤袋,还有皇甫圣宇身上的其他宝物。 Chu Feng searches the hand to grasp, Huangfu Shengyu that Divine Weapon long spear, then fell into the Chu Feng hand. 楚枫探手一抓,皇甫圣宇的那把神兵长枪,便落入了楚枫手中。 This long spear, may compared with Huangfu Fanni that.” “这把长枪,可比皇甫凡逆那把强多了。” Chu Feng own Bloodline, integrates in that long spear, he is also the brow slightly wrinkle. 楚枫将自己的血脉,融入那长枪之内,就连他也是眉头微皱。 He needs from long spear, to strip the Huangfu Shengyu aura, can make this Divine Weapon long spear use for him. 他需要从长枪内,剥离出皇甫圣宇的气息,才能让这神兵长枪为他所用。 Although some difficulties, but also the moment time, this Divine Weapon long spear then stopped the resistance. 虽然有些难度,但也不过片刻时间,这神兵长枪便停止了抵抗。 Not only forces the Huangfu Shengyu aura, starts to submit to Chu Feng. 不仅将皇甫圣宇的气息逼迫而出,更是开始对楚枫屈服。 Un?” “嗯?” But in Divine Weapon long spear and Chu Feng aura fusion flickers, Chu Feng discovers on Divine Weapon long spear, there is an ancient typeface. 可就在神兵长枪楚枫气息融合的一瞬,楚枫发现神兵长枪上面,有一个古老的字体。 That resembles is a square character. 那似是一个真字。 It and Divine Weapon is a body, appears faintly, but vanishes quickly does not see. 它与神兵乃是一体,隐隐浮现,但又很快消失不见。 what intention?” 何意?” Chu Feng is somewhat puzzled, but quick Chu Feng both legs one soft, the red thunder of whole body also draws back immediately disperses to go. 楚枫有些不解,但很快楚枫双腿一软,周身的红色雷霆也是立刻退散而去。 At this moment, Chu Feng's cultivation realm, returned to Fifth Rank Half God realm rapidly. 这一刻,楚枫的修为,迅速的回到了五品半神境界 „Is this feeling, the side effect?” “这感觉,是副作用吗?” Chu Feng does not feel wonderfully, therefore the big sleeve wields, diverges formation. 楚枫感觉不妙,于是大袖一挥,将结界散去。 The person sees Chu Feng in the presence of everyone again, discovers in the Chu Feng hand to grasp Huangfu Shengyu Divine Weapon long spear, but the ground remains many treasures as well as cosmos sack, actually does not see the Huangfu Shengyu form only. 当众人再度见到楚枫,发现楚枫手中握着皇甫圣宇神兵长枪,而地上残留着诸多宝物以及乾坤袋,却唯独不见皇甫圣宇的身影。 Obviously, Huangfu Shengyu has died. 显然,皇甫圣宇已经死了。 Chu Feng, I and you spelled!!!” 楚枫,我和你拼了!!!” Huangfu Jiangyao grasps Divine Weapon, carries dreadful killing intent then to rush over to Chu Feng. 皇甫将耀手持神兵,携带滔天杀意便向楚枫冲了过去。 May facing the Huangfu Jiangyao offensive, Chu Feng not only not have the meaning of slight dodging, instead the body in a flash, then must fall to the ground. 可面对皇甫将耀的攻势,楚枫不仅没有丝毫闪躲之意,反而身子一晃,便要栽倒在地。 But in the meantime, Huangfu Jiangyao grasps Divine Weapon is overruns to front of Chu Feng. 而就在此时,皇甫将耀手持神兵已经是攻到楚枫面前。 Wa Wa- 呜哇- But that Divine Weapon has not divided to cut, he then looks painfully. 可那神兵还未劈砍而下,他便面露痛苦。 Is Xianhai Shaoyu!!! 仙海少禹!!! He not only supports by the arm Chu Feng that will soon throw down, promoted extreme cultivation realm. 他不仅搀扶住了即将摔倒的楚枫,更是将修为提升到了极致 But Divine Weapon in his hand, had pierced Huangfu Jiangyao dantian. 而他手中的神兵,已然洞穿了皇甫将耀丹田 Meanwhile, Little Fishy, Feng Ling, as well as Xian Miaomiao, almost also appears. 与此同时,小鱼儿,风铃,以及仙喵喵,几乎同时出现。 Assumes the potential of protection, encircled Chu Feng in middle. 呈守护之势,将楚枫围在了当中。 Us, may have Chu Feng one person incessantly.” “我们这边,可不止有楚枫一人。” This words saying, Xianhai Shaoyu Divine Weapon wields, Huangfu Jiangyao then cut off around the middle, the aura does not have. 此话说完,仙海少禹神兵一挥,皇甫将耀便被拦腰斩断,气息全无。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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