MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5788: Your this arm, I cut.

Chapter 5786 your arm, I cut. 第5786章你这手臂,我斩了。 In the ancient palace the people, look at Chu Feng's simultaneously, is ordinary just like the petrification, is all shocked. 古殿内之众人,看着楚枫的同时,宛如石化一般,皆是愣住。 After the moment, slow the god has come. 片刻后才缓过神来。 The big eye of Little Fishy winked winked, even if were she, above beautiful small face, was appears surprisedly. 小鱼儿的大眼睛眨了又眨,哪怕是她,绝美的小脸之上,也是浮现出了惊奇。 Did Half God, pierce True God? 半神,洞穿了真神 This matter, is really hears something never heard of before. 此事,真乃闻所未闻。 Buzz- 嗡- But suddenly, Chu Feng pulls out the long sword, the figure backs up backward. 可忽然,楚枫抽出长剑,身形向后倒退。 The Huangfu Shengyu chest front, presented one group of boundless strengths, that strength integrates in the Huangfu Shengyu body. 皇甫圣宇的胸前,出现了一团磅礴的力量,那力量融入皇甫圣宇身体之中。 Unexpectedly Huangfu Shengyu, pierced body restore such as beginning, aura that Huangfu Shengyu was weakening fast, rapidly restores. 竟将皇甫圣宇,被洞穿的身躯修复如初,就连皇甫圣宇本在快速减弱的气息,也快速恢复。 Is that token!!! 是那令牌!!! In the token of his chest, the thorough smashing, changed to that group of strengths and Huangfu Shengyu fuses together, rescued a Huangfu Shengyu life. 原本在其胸口的令牌,彻底粉碎,化作了那团力量与皇甫圣宇融为一体,又救了皇甫圣宇一命。 Your clan older generations leave your card in a hand, exhausted.” “你族先辈留给你的底牌,用尽了。” Then, who saves you?” Chu Feng asked. “接下来,谁来救你?”楚枫问。 He had seen, strength that token changes, is the final strength, and this strength could not continue is too long. 他已看出,那令牌化作的力量,是最后的力量,并且这份力量持续不了太久。 Huangfu Shengyu, does not have the card in a hand. 皇甫圣宇,已经没有底牌了。 „......” Huangfu Shengyu stands up, lowers the head, actually sends out gloomy sneering. “呵……”皇甫圣宇站起身来,低着头,却发出阴森的冷笑。 Chu Feng Chu Feng, you give me to be pleasantly surprised.” 楚枫楚枫,你真是给我惊喜。” Does not waste my Huangfu Shengyu, at first arrives at Summit of Nine Heavens to come to you.” “不枉费我皇甫圣宇,最初来到九天之巅就是冲着你来的。” I withdraw the previous words, you have not disappointed me, you gave my enormous pleasant surprise.” “我收回先前的话,你没有让我失望,你给了我极大的惊喜。” Source of lineage/vein I can not want, but your red thunder strength, my Huangfu Shengyu must decide.” “脉之本源我都可以不要,但你那红色雷霆这份力量,我皇甫圣宇要定了。” Suddenly, Huangfu Shengyu raise one's head looks to Chu Feng. 猛然间,皇甫圣宇抬头看向楚枫 At this moment, his eye pupil also made the jet black color unexpectedly. 这一刻,他的眼眸竟然还做了漆黑之色。 Incessantly is a pupil, his face also had the enormous change, the body started to fester, the black sharp thorn appeared from the skin. 不止是眼眸,他的脸庞也是发生了极大的变化,皮肉开始溃烂,黑色的尖刺自皮肤浮现。 Incessantly is the face, the palm, the whole body, is having such change. 不止是脸,手掌,以至于全身,都发生着这样的变化。 This time he, like individual, is less like a monster. 此时的他,已不像个人,更像是一个怪物。 Young Lord, may not!!!” 少主,不可!!!” Sees such Huangfu Shengyu, Huangfu Jiangyao loves dearly eyeful, prepares to go forward to stop. 见到这样的皇甫圣宇,皇甫将耀满眼心疼,就准备上前制止。 But he just about to leaves, Huangfu Shangyang then blocked him. 可他刚要动身,皇甫上阳便拦住了他。 Things have gotten to this point, has no other alternative, you think that Young Lord does die?” Huangfu Shangyang asked. “事已至此,别无他法,你想少主死吗?”皇甫上阳问。 Hears this words, Huangfu Jiangyao looks to Chu Feng, the vision is extremely complex. 听闻此话,皇甫将耀不由看向楚枫,目光极其复杂。 The Chu Feng's aura has not changed, red thunder, indeed created the enormous oppression to them although. 楚枫的气息没有变化,尽管身上的红色雷霆,的确对他们造成了极大的压迫。 But Chu Feng's cultivation realm, as before is Eight Rank Half God. 楚枫的修为,依旧是八品半神 But is such Chu Feng, has actually forced into the hopeless situation them. 但就是这样的楚枫,却已然将他们逼入绝境。 Right that Huangfu Shangyang said that their Young Lord, have no other alternative. 皇甫上阳说的对,他们的少主,已是别无他法。 Good special forbidden medicine.” “好特别的禁药。” Should extract from the special evil spirit?” “应该是从特殊的妖物之中提取出来的?” Cannot think that also has this forbidden medicine, was this ancient times family's method?” “想不到还有这种禁药,这就是远古家族的手段吗?” But such backlash, deciding however is also the no small matter, will possibly affect his Bloodline.” “但这样的反噬,定然也是非同小可,甚至可能会影响他的血脉。” It seems like, he goes on living very much.” “看来,他很活下去。” Xianhai Shaoyu sighed. 仙海少禹叹道。 Because the Huangfu Shengyu not only appearance changes, the strength is also increased again. 因为皇甫圣宇不仅外貌变化,战力也是再度提升。 But this forbidden medicine is very special, will affect Bloodline, will affect to practice in the future. 可这禁药很特别,会影响血脉,也就是会影响日后修行。 Huangfu Shengyu has taken own Bloodline as Heavenly Thunder Saint Grade is the honor, is willing to use so forbidden medicine, is equal to giving up the future. 皇甫圣宇一直以自己血脉天雷圣品为荣,肯动用如此禁药,等于放弃前程。 In order to protect oneself, he also spelled. 为了自保,他也是拼了。 Chu Feng naturally also saw the change of Huangfu Shengyu, but Chu Feng anything had not said. 楚枫自然也看出了皇甫圣宇的变化,可楚枫却什么都没说。 The left hand has delimited from cosmos sack, long spear of gives out thunder appeared in the hand. 左手自乾坤袋划过,一把散发雷霆的长枪出现在了手中。 This soldier, the void shake, the Chu Feng strength obviously becomes stronger. 此兵一出,虚空震荡,楚枫战力明显变得更强。 May see that thunder long spear, Huangfu Shengyu, Huangfu Jiangyao, the Huangfu Shangyang three people, all was stares the circle the eyes. 可看到那把雷霆长枪,皇甫圣宇,皇甫将耀,皇甫上阳三人,皆是瞪圆了双眼。 They naturally recognize, that is Huangfu Fanni Divine Weapon. 他们自然认出,那是皇甫凡逆神兵 You Huangfu Fanni how?” The Huangfu Jiangyao anger sound asked. “你把皇甫凡逆怎么了?”皇甫将耀怒声问道。 Killed.” Chu Feng said. “杀了。”楚枫道。 „Do you dare to kill the person of my Huangfu Celestial Clan?” “你胆敢杀我皇甫天族之人?” My Huangfu Celestial Clan will not let off your.” Huangfu Jiangyao clenches jaws. “我皇甫天族不会放过你的。”皇甫将耀咬牙切齿。 „Don't you have the problem?” “你没毛病吧?” Is the brain that your ancient times Celestial Clan person inherited is insufficient, have you been closed the head to be closed stupid?” “是你远古天族的人遗传的脑子不够用,还是你们一直被关着脑袋被关蠢了?” Chu Feng despises looked at Huangfu Jiangyao one, like regarding fool, even does not want to scold him. 楚枫鄙夷的看了皇甫将耀一眼,就像看待傻子,甚至都不想多骂他。 Regarding this, Xianhai Shaoyu also smiled. 对此,仙海少禹也笑了。 Indeed suffices to be stupid. 的确够蠢。 They have been unable to co-exist, does not die continuous. 他们已是势不两立,不死不休。 At this time also lifted the family to come scary, was the brain pulls out purely. 这个时候还抬出家族来唬人,纯粹是脑子抽了。 Chu Feng, is to and I fights with my Huangfu Celestial Clan Divine Weapon?” 楚枫,是要用我皇甫天族神兵和我交手?” It seems like, you are very poor.” Huangfu Shengyu said. “看来,你真的很穷。”皇甫圣宇说道。 No, I want to make you have a look, I have Divine Weapon.” “没有,我只是想让你看看,我也有神兵。” Chu Feng shows a faint smile, later the arm wields, then grazes from the midair Divine Weapon long spear under. 楚枫微微一笑,随后手臂一挥,那把神兵长枪便从半空飞掠而下。 Bang, the crushed stone flies upwards, then Divine Weapon long spear, is inserts in ancient hall the land. 嘭的一声,碎石飞扬间,那把神兵长枪,已是插入古殿的大地上。 Little Brother Chu Feng is his what intention?” 楚枫兄弟他这是何意?” Long Chengyu and others is puzzled. 龙承羽等人皆是不解。 Huangfu Shengyu, reveals the puzzled vision. 皇甫圣宇,同样露出不解的目光。 Why reveals Divine Weapon, discards it? 为何亮出神兵,又将其丢掉? Until Chu Feng looks at the Huangfu Shengyu opens the mouth, the people understand his meaning. 直到楚枫看着皇甫圣宇开口,众人才明白他的意思 Copes with you, I do not need Divine Weapon.” “对付你,我不需要神兵。” Extremely arrogant!!!” “狂妄!!!” Huangfu Shengyu, in the hand Divine Weapon long spear wields, several thunder huge beast sweep across to Chu Feng. 皇甫圣宇,手中神兵长枪挥动,数道雷霆巨兽楚枫席卷而来。 He not because of anger, but in acts at this moment, because his forbidden medicine in reaches the peak at this moment, therefore is acting at this moment. 他不是因为愤怒而于此刻出手,而是因为他的禁药于此刻达到顶峰,所以才在此刻出手。 This strikes, he had used before. 这一击,他之前用过。 But everyone can feel, at this time displays again, might by far previously. 但所有人都能感受到,此时再度施展,威力远胜先前。 Is special forbidden medicine, function that displays. 是特殊禁药,所发挥的作用。 Saw with own eyes that the situation is not wonderful, Long Chengyu and others then wants to avoid, because of the fight of that rank, even if ripples, can want their life. 眼见形势不妙,龙承羽等人便想躲开,因为那种级别的战斗,哪怕涟漪,也能要他们性命。 Does not use.” “不用。” But Xianhai Shaoyu actually opens the mouth immediately, and his vision has been staring at Chu Feng. 仙海少禹却是立刻开口,且他的目光一直盯着楚枫 Bang- 轰- In this flash, Martial Technique dispersing, the ripples forms, in Gudian wreaks havoc. 就在这一瞬间,武技散开,涟漪形成,于古殿肆虐。 But has not approached to their directions. 但偏偏没有向他们这个方向靠近。 Was Chu Feng keeps off that ripples. 楚枫挡下了那涟漪。 Not is only the ripples, Chu Feng grasps the antique heroic sword, kept off Huangfu Shengyu the struck. 不仅是涟漪,楚枫手持太古英雄剑,挡下了皇甫圣宇的这一击。 And directly soars Huangfu Shengyu to go. 并且直奔皇甫圣宇而去。 This time, Chu Feng has not displayed the god line again, but by oneself speed vanguard. 这一次,楚枫没有再施展神行,而是凭借自身速度前行。 After all god line again quick, cannot display. 毕竟神行再快,也不能一直施展。 Huangfu Shengyu wants to maintain the distance with Chu Feng, displays Martial Technique to attack Chu Feng, while continuously approaches back down to go. 皇甫圣宇很想与楚枫保持距离,一边施展武技攻击楚枫,一边不断向后退去。 But this time Chu Feng, is simply irresistible, does not have any special offensive, even has not displayed Martial Technique. 可此时的楚枫,简直势不可挡,没有任何特别的攻势,甚至都没有施展武技 Such, by Eight Rank Half God cultivation realm, by Venerable Armament. 就那样,以八品半神修为,凭借一把尊兵 Superficial within, then keeps off all Huangfu Shengyu Martial Technique, and finally, arrived at the Huangfu Shengyu near. 轻描淡写间,便挡下所有皇甫圣宇武技,并且最终,来到了皇甫圣宇近前。 A Chu Feng sword, was then dividing to the shoulder of Huangfu Shengyu. 楚枫一剑,对着皇甫圣宇的肩膀便劈了过去。 Sees with own eyes unable to move aside, Huangfu Shengyu has to hold up Divine Weapon long spear to resist. 眼见无法躲闪,皇甫圣宇只得举起神兵长枪进行抵挡。 But Chu Feng does not have the fluctuation sword potential, chops to cut directly under. 楚枫也没变幻剑势,就直接劈砍而下。 Clang- 铛- Venerable Armament and Divine Weapon interweave, the ripples that starts sweep away eight sides. 尊兵神兵交织,掀起的涟漪横扫八方。 Properly speaking, in armament of same rank, is unable to contend. 按理来说,不在同一级别的兵器,无法抗衡。 But the antique heroic sword, actually with that Divine Weapon long spear, shares half and half. 可太古英雄剑,却与那神兵长枪,平分秋色。 Even, Chu Feng is grasping Venerable Armament single-handed, the strength of shows, makes both hands lift up high Divine Weapon Huangfu Shengyu unexpectedly, clenches jaws, facial features distortion. 甚至,楚枫单手握着尊兵,所展现的力道,竟让双手高举神兵皇甫圣宇,咬牙切齿,面容扭曲。 He cannot shoulder!!! 他扛不住!!! Under the forbidden medicine function, his both arms usually were stronger than two, but also is twining the black thorn, seems like such as strong powerful. 禁药作用下,他的双臂比平时壮了两圈,还缠绕着黑刺,看上去如强壮有力。 But this moment that strong both arms, are actually the fierce vibration. 可此刻那强壮的双臂,却是剧烈抖动。 Helplessly looks that Chu Feng depresses the antique heroic sword unceasingly, finally fell above his shoulder. 眼睁睁的看着楚枫将太古英雄剑不断压下,最终落在了他的肩膀之上。 Your this hand, I cut.” “你这只手,我斩了。” The words, in Chu Feng hand antique heroic sword, suddenly to returning pulls out, blood splattering, the Huangfu Shengyu left arm entire was cut. 话罢,楚枫手中太古英雄剑,猛然向回一抽,鲜血喷溅,皇甫圣宇的左臂被整个斩下。 PS: Today the Martial God animation maximum heat degree, in 1 : 00 pm, very regrettable cannot achieve 20000. PS:今日武神动漫最高热度,是在中午 1 点,很遗憾未能达到20000。 However saw that these explode for Martial God, comments commentary of area message, the reader who as well as in the barrage interacts, the honeybee really felt everyone the deep love to Martial God. 不过看到那些为了武神爆更,去评论区留言的评论,以及弹幕里互动的读者,蜜蜂真的感觉到了大家对武神的热爱。 Therefore the honeybee decided, the honeybee will erupt next Monday, does not dare guarantee to erupt many, but should not be lower than five chapters, thank you, good night. 所以蜜蜂决定,蜜蜂下周一还是会爆发,不敢保证爆发多少,但应该不会低于五章,谢谢大家啦,晚安。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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