MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5787: Bloodline technique: Divine Lightning tax

Chapter 5785 Bloodline technique: Divine Lightning tax 第5785章血脉技:神雷 Fog of flame soul? Is the strength in hidden that legend in Nine Souls Galaxy?” “魂之雾焰?是隐藏于九魂天河内那传说中的力量吗?” Then pushes to the peak Nine Souls Saint Clan the strength?” “那将九魂圣族推向巅峰的力量?” Hears the Huangfu Shengyu words, everyone looked again the Xian Miaomiao expression all changed. 听到皇甫圣宇的话,大家再看仙喵喵的表情全都变了。 Originally seems like that weakest Xian Miaomiao, instead is in them hidden deepest that. 原来看似最弱的仙喵喵,反而是他们之中隐藏最深的那一个。 Bang- 轰- But in the meantime, under Huangfu Shengyu together Martial Technique bang. 可就在此时,皇甫圣宇一道武技轰下。 Sees that Xian Miaomiao within the body releases the fog of flame boundless soul to form a giant defense cover, protected Chu Feng and others completely in middle. 见状,仙喵喵体内释放出磅礴的魂之雾焰形成一道巨大的防护罩,将楚枫等人全部护在了当中。 The defense cover that the fog of flame soul forms, kept off Huangfu Shengyu Martial Technique actually, but Xian Miaomiao actually was also a blood spurted. 魂之雾焰形成的防御罩,倒是挡下了皇甫圣宇武技,可是仙喵喵却也是一口鲜血喷了出来。 But Chu Feng discovered, Xian Miaomiao situation incessantly so. 楚枫发现,仙喵喵的情况不止如此。 Her life is dissipating fast, she can rely on Ninth Rank Half God cultivation realm, resists the attack of True God, because not only she is grasping the fog of flame soul. 她的生命正在快速的消散,她之所以能够凭借九品半神修为,抵挡住真神的攻击,不仅仅因为她掌握着魂之雾焰。 Because also she with own life, fog of flame combustion soul, therefore obtained the so powerful strength. 还因为她正在用自己的生命,来燃烧魂之雾焰,所以才获得了如此强大的力量。 Miaomiao, calls a halt quickly, this way you will die.” Chu Feng said. 喵喵,快停手,这样下去你会死。”楚枫说道。 He such remarks, the people are also the vision change, they know the strength that Xian Miaomiao displays, actually paid what kind of price. 他此话一出,众人也是目光变化,他们才知道仙喵喵所展现的力量,究竟付出了怎样的代价。 The Xian Miaomiao side looks excessively to behind Chu Feng, the corners of the mouth is also hanging bloodstain her, reveals unexpectedly suddenly wipes the smile. 仙喵喵侧过头看向身后的楚枫,嘴角还挂着血迹的她,竟忽然露出一抹笑容。 Chu Feng, how long did we know?” 楚枫,我们认识多久了?” This sudden issue, making Chu Feng somewhat helpless, now does not chat this time obviously. 这突如其来的问题,让楚枫有些不知所措,现在明显不是聊这个的时候。 In an instant, in the past so many years.” “一转眼,都过去那么多年了。” Just knew your time, I have not thought that later must depend on you to protect time and time again , helping, can grow.” “刚认识你的时候,我可没想过,以后要靠着你一次一次的保护,帮助,才能成长。” But all such happened, from Lower Realm to Upper Realm, from Ancestral Martial Galaxy, to Nine Souls Galaxy.” “可一切就是那样发生了,从下界上界,从祖武天河,到九魂天河。” Even if my status changed, my cultivation realm is also stiffening even if, I think that I can not need to protect by you, even I can protect your time......” “哪怕我的身份都发生了变化,哪怕我的修为也在变强,我以为我可以不用靠你保护,甚至我能保护你的时候……” But result, you are protecting me, you are helping me.” “可结果,还是你在保护我,还是你在帮助我。” If not for you, I have possibly died.” “若不是你,我可能早就死了。” I, without that big ambition, initial cultivation, because of everyone in cultivation, I naturally cannot fall behind.” “我啊,没有那么大的野心,最初修炼,也只是因为大家都在修炼,我自然也不能落后。” But that time I, but follows the crowd, but does not want to fall behind, not clear goal.” “但那时的我,只是从众,只是不想落后,并没有明确的目标。” But behind, I was clear about oneself cultivation goal.” “可是后面,我明确了自己修炼的目标。” That is some day, when you encounter the danger, I can also stand before your body, keeps off the danger for you.” “那就是有朝一日,当你遇到危险的时候,我也能站在你的身前,替你挡下危险。” Chu Feng.” 楚枫。” The words to this time, the happy expression on Xian Miaomiao face do not reduce, but that narrows the eyes of two crescent moons, actually becomes moist. 话到此时,仙喵喵脸上的笑意丝毫不减,可那眯成两道月牙的双眼,却变得湿润。 „Since, thank you.” “一路以来,都谢谢你了。” Today, changes me to protect you.” “今日,就换我来保护你吧。” The words to here, Xian Miaomiao will then look at Huangfu Shengyu, the smile on her face disappears, what replaces it is dreadful killing intent. 话到此处,仙喵喵便将目光投向皇甫圣宇,她脸上的笑容消失,取而代之的是滔天的杀意 Meanwhile, the fog of flame boundless soul, such as the volcanic eruption is common, continuous attacks to go to Huangfu Shengyu. 与此同时,磅礴魂之雾焰,如火山喷发一般,源源不断的向皇甫圣宇冲击而去。 Facing such offensive, Huangfu Shengyu is also looks difficultly, grasps Divine Weapon, starts resisting furiously. 面对这样的攻势,皇甫圣宇也是面露艰难,手持神兵,开始奋力的抵挡。 The strength of fog of flame soul is very strong, even if Huangfu Shengyu can resist, but actually still completely obviously distressed. 魂之雾焰的力量很强,皇甫圣宇就算能够抵挡,可却也尽显狼狈。 But the Xian Miaomiao situation is actually worse. 仙喵喵的情况其实更糟。 Xian Miaomiao life aura, fast passing. 仙喵喵的生命气息,正在快速的流逝。 Elder Sister Miaomiao, you called a halt quickly, making me butcher him.” 喵喵姐姐,你快停手,让我去宰了他。” Sees this situation, Little Fishy wants to clash, oneself cope with Huangfu Shengyu. 见此情形,小鱼儿想冲出去,自己对付皇甫圣宇 But was actually blocked by Xianhai Shaoyu. 可却被仙海少禹拦了下来。 Although did not hope the Xian Miaomiao sacrifice, may as Elder Brother, he not hope that own younger sister took risk. 尽管也不希望仙喵喵牺牲,可身为哥哥,他更不希望自己的妹妹冒险。 Regarding the sacrifice of Xian Miaomiao, everyone was silent, loved dearly although, but had no alternative. 对于仙喵喵的牺牲,所有人都是沉默着,尽管心疼,但却无可奈何。 Looks at the helpless people. 看着无能为力的众人。 And does not hesitate the combustion life, must protect own Miaomiao. 以及不惜燃烧性命,也要保护自己的喵喵 Chu Feng closes a pupil immediately. 楚枫则是立刻闭上了眼眸。 The next quarter, the Chu Feng's form, presented in dantian world. 下一刻,楚枫的身影,出现在了的丹田世界之内。 When his opening eyes pupil, was twined by the red thunder, greatly to covering the sky and blocking the sun thunder huge beast, in his at present. 当他睁开眼眸,那被红色雷霆缠绕,巨大到遮天蔽日的雷霆巨兽,就在他的眼前。 „Does little rascal, you want to be clear?” “小鬼,你想清楚了?” Really can in the method of this cultivation realm challenge main body?” “真的要在这个修为挑战本尊的手段?” You should still remember, consequence of failure?” “你应该还记得,失败的后果吧?” The red thunder huge beast vigorous sound, reverberates in this vast world. 红色雷霆巨兽浑厚的声音,回荡于这浩瀚世界之内。 senior, I am not challenge.” 前辈,我不是来挑战的。” But is this strength, I must attain today.” “而是这个力量,我今日必须拿到。” The words, the Chu Feng footsteps tread forward, then charges into thunder huge beast, entered the body of thunder huge beast. 话罢,楚枫脚步向前一踏,便冲向雷霆巨兽,进入了雷霆巨兽的身体。 In an instant, the innumerable say/way red thunder, changes to the mighty force, crazy takes away as many things as possible to Chu Feng. 刹那间,无数道红色雷霆,化作千军万马,疯狂的向楚枫席卷而去。 In the wink of an eye, the Chu Feng's mortal body is becomes damaged. 瞬息之间,楚枫的肉身已是变得破败不堪。 But Chu Feng not only speed forward, without slightly slow, wails has not exuded one. 楚枫不仅向前的速度,没有丝毫迟缓,就连哀嚎都没有发出一声。 In his eye, has the unequalled firmness. 他的眼中,有着无与伦比的坚定。 Finally, Chu Feng arrived, position that the thunder huge beast body deep place, that thunder scroll is. 终于,楚枫来到了,雷霆巨兽身体深处,那雷霆卷轴所在的位置。 At this time, Chu Feng can see clearly finally, character that on that thunder scroll writes. 此时,楚枫终于能够看清,那雷霆卷轴上面所写的字。 Bloodline technique: Divine Lightning tax 血脉技:神雷 About this technique, but must trace Ancient World. 关于此技,还要追溯到古界 When Ancient World, red thunder huge beast comes to help Chu Feng break out of the difficult position. 古界之时,红色雷霆巨兽现身帮楚枫摆脱困境。 That is also red thunder huge beast, the first time with the Chu Feng true communication. 那也是红色雷霆巨兽,第一次与楚枫真正的沟通。 It reminded Chu Feng, cannot display Heavenly Thunder's Nine Consecutive Slashes again, because that is the combustion Bloodline Taboo method. 它提醒了楚枫,不可再施展天雷九重斩,因为那是燃烧血脉禁忌手段。 Meanwhile, said that teaches Chu Feng its method. 但同时,也说传授楚枫它的手段。 However its method, Chu Feng cannot easily attempt. 不过它的手段,楚枫不可轻易尝试。 Because Chu Feng must succeed, if failed, red thunder huge beast, will leave Chu Feng's dantian, no longer is Chu Feng uses. 因为楚枫必须成功,若是失败,红色雷霆巨兽,将离开楚枫的丹田,不再为楚枫所用。 Why this is, Chu Feng does not dare easily to attempt, fuses this thunder scroll reason. 这是为何,楚枫一直不敢轻易尝试,融合这雷霆卷轴的原因。 Even before, does not know that thunder scroll, what kind of strength has. 甚至之前,都不知道那雷霆卷轴,具备怎样的力量。 Chu Feng, breaks through in Summit of Nine Heavens tests formation technique, Source of after wisp of lineage/vein was built up by Chu Feng . 还是楚枫,在九天之巅冲破测试阵法,一缕脉之本源楚枫炼化后。 Makes the control of Chu Feng to own Bloodline stronger. 使得楚枫对自身血脉的掌控力更强。 At that time he knows, what kind of strength this thunder scroll has. 那个时候他才知道,这雷霆卷轴到底有着怎样的力量。 Now, ancient hall was blocked, the Divine Deer strength has not recovered, in situation that Heaven Swallowing Qilin has not responded. 现在,古殿被封锁,神鹿力量未恢复,吞天麒麟也没有回应的情况下。 Chu Feng can only depend upon itself. 楚枫只能依靠自己。 But this strength, was Chu Feng only hopes. 而这力量,是楚枫唯一的希望了。 Chu Feng grasps thunder scroll in the hand. 楚枫将雷霆卷轴握在手中。 senior, many thanks.” 前辈,多谢了。” The words, then pinches the smashing thunder scroll, next quarter thunder scroll changes to the red thunder, enters Chu Feng within the body. 话罢,便将雷霆卷轴捏成粉碎,下一刻雷霆卷轴化作道道红色雷霆,进入楚枫体内。 ............ ………… ...... …… - 滋啦啦- Suddenly, Little Fishy, Xianhai Shaoyu, Long Chengyu and others, after feel has dazzling red sparkle, as well as unusual aura. 猛然间,小鱼儿,仙海少禹,龙承羽等众人,都感受到有耀眼的红色自身后闪耀,以及与众不同的气息。 Chu Feng......” 楚枫……” Then waits and sees, they all are the eye of reveal startled color, the facial features delay. 回头观望,他们皆是目露惊色,面容呆滞。 That red came from in Chu Feng, is the fierce red thunder, like dragon, overbearing incomparable. 那红色源自于楚枫,是凶猛的红色雷霆,道道如龙,霸道无比。 Sees only Chu Feng Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, as well as Lightning Wings remains. 只见楚枫身上的雷纹,雷霆铠甲,以及雷霆羽翼依然存在。 But when First Level red thunder, since Chu Feng within the body spreads, covered his all bloodline power unexpectedly. 但当一重红色的雷霆,自楚枫体内扩散之后,竟然覆盖了他的所有血脉之力 nine-colored lightning, turned into the red thunder. 九色雷霆,变成了红色雷霆。 But Thunder Mark shape, or is the Lightning Armour shape, changed. 但无论是雷纹的形态,又或者是雷霆铠甲的形态,都发生了变化。 Thunder Mark becomes more aggressive, Lightning Armour is close to substantializing. 雷纹变得更加霸气,雷霆铠甲则是更加接近实质化。 But speaking of change, what the change is biggest is that Lightning Wings. 而说到变化,变化最大的是那雷霆羽翼 Although Nine-colored Divine Lightning, only has the red thunder now, then but to Lightning Wings, was bigger than ten times to continue previously. 虽然九色神雷,如今只剩下了红色雷霆,但那对雷霆羽翼,却比先前大了十倍不止。 Just like the wing of devil, bestows on the body of mortal, but saw that then made one dread. 宛如恶魔之翼,赋于凡人之躯,只是看到便令人畏惧。 In the meantime, Chu Feng opened a pupil, in his eye also covered entirely the red thunder unexpectedly. 就在此时,楚枫睁开了眼眸,他的眼中竟也布满了红色的雷霆。 But follows his eye pupil to open, that unusual aura, covered entire vast ancient hall. 但伴随他的眼眸睁开,那与众不同的气息,更是覆盖了整座浩瀚古殿。 What did you make?” “你做了什么?” Sees Chu Feng this appearance, most surprised is actually the Huangfu Shengyu three people. 见到楚枫这个模样,最惊讶的其实莫过于皇甫圣宇三人。 As Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, they can feel, the change that Chu Feng shows at this time, has the close relationship with Heavenly Thunder Bloodline. 身为天雷血脉者,他们能感受到,楚枫此时展现的变化,与天雷血脉有着密切的关系。 But this unexpectedly is their Huangfu Celestial Clan, had not understood the method of having been. 可这竟是他们皇甫天族,都未曾了解到过的手段。 What is main, as Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, after Chu Feng this red thunder appears, they unexpectedly inexplicable felt flustered with frightened. 最主要的是,身为天雷血脉者,当楚枫这红色雷霆出现后,他们竟莫名的感到心慌和恐惧。 This performance, Huangfu Shangyang is most obvious, his body is trembling, is unable automatic control that. 这种表现,皇甫上阳最为明显,他的身体都在瑟瑟发抖,是无法自控的那种。 All these all, as if are telling them, method that Chu Feng uses, was extremely, extremely extraordinary. 这一切的一切,仿佛都在告诉他们,楚枫所施展的手段,是极其了得,极其不凡的。 Chu Feng has not paid attention to Huangfu Shengyu, but arrived at side Xian Miaomiao, put out a hand to grab the hand of Xian Miaomiao. 楚枫没有理会皇甫圣宇,而是来到了仙喵喵身旁,伸手抓住了仙喵喵的手。 At this moment, Xian Miaomiao all strength twinkling dissipate. 这一刻,仙喵喵的所有力量都瞬息消散。 Chu Feng?” 楚枫?” Saw Chu Feng that at this time the red thunder is encumbered, Xian Miaomiao is also surprised, was shocked at once. 看到此时红雷缠身的楚枫,仙喵喵也是倍感意外,一时之间愣住了。 Miaomiao, then gives me.” 喵喵,接下来交给我吧。” Chu Feng is smiling to Xian Miaomiao lightly. 楚枫对着仙喵喵淡淡一笑。 A immediately wrist/skill revolution, the antique heroic sword appears in the hand again. 旋即手腕一转,太古英雄剑再度出现在手中。 - 滋啦啦- The red thunder extends following the Chu Feng palm , the antique heroic sword, changed to one unexpectedly a long sword that is twined by the red thunder. 红色雷霆顺着楚枫手掌延伸,竟也将太古英雄剑,化作了一把由红雷缠绕的长剑。 Under thunder winding, then the sword, as if is also a Chu Feng body. 雷霆缠绕之下,那把剑,仿佛也是楚枫一体。 Chu Feng, asked that your words, what on you are what?” 楚枫,问你话呢,你身上的是什么?” Huangfu Shengyu is staring the eyes, asked again. 皇甫圣宇瞪着双眼,再度问道。 He was really curious. 他实在是太好奇了。 Even compares in Source of lineage/vein, Chu Feng red thunder, is more attractive to him. 甚至相比于脉之本源,楚枫身上的红色雷霆,对他更具有吸引力。 Is your life, does not have the method of qualifications contact.” “是你此生,都没资格接触的手段。” Also is today, wants your life the strength.” Chu Feng said. “也是今日,要你性命的力量。”楚枫说道。 Joke, you have a look at your cultivation realm, is Eight Rank Half God.” “笑话,你看看你的修为,还是八品半神。” „Is your the bluff method?” “你这不过是虚张声势的手段吧?” „It seems like good, but what uses?” “看上去是不错,但又什么用?” Let alone you are Eight Rank Half God, even if you are Ninth Rank Half God, has the Fight Against Ninth Rank strength, you possibly are not my opponent.” “别说你是八品半神,就算你是九品半神,拥有逆战九品的力量,你也不可能是我的对手。” Half God, True God, separation of character.” 半神,真神,一字之隔。” But this realm gap, is you are unable to bridge over forever.” “但这境界的鸿沟,是你永远无法跨过的。” Huangfu Shengyu frantic taunt, even looks fiercely. 皇甫圣宇疯狂嘲讽,甚至面露狰狞。 He envies very much, envies Chu Feng's Bloodline, envies the Chu Feng's method. 他很嫉妒,嫉妒楚枫的血脉,嫉妒楚枫的手段。 Also is very meanwhile wild, the card in a hand that because the Huangfu Celestial Clan older generation strives, he has True God Realm cultivation realm at this time. 但同时也很猖狂,因为皇甫天族先辈争取来的底牌,他此时拥有真神境修为 Even Bloodline, the method is inferior to Chu Feng, what's the big deal? 就算是血脉,手段都不如楚枫,那又如何? Such card in a hand in the body, he is then in an impregnable position. 此等底牌在身,他便立于不败之地。 But suddenly, Huangfu Shengyu was shocked. 可忽然,皇甫圣宇愣住了。 The next quarter, everyone was shocked. 下一刻,所有人都愣住了。 The Huangfu Shengyu face, was covered by the red ray. 皇甫圣宇的脸庞,都被红色的光芒所覆盖。 When does not know, by Chu Feng that the red thunder twines, arrived at the Huangfu Shengyu front. 不知何时,被红色雷霆缠绕的楚枫,来到了皇甫圣宇的面前。 Chu Feng cultivation realm is invariable, as before is Eight Rank Half God. 楚枫修为不变,依旧是八品半神 But the antique heroic sword in his hand, had actually pierced, Huangfu Shengyu that... was protected the body of body by True God Martial Power. 可他手中的太古英雄剑,却已然洞穿了,皇甫圣宇那…被真神武力护体的身躯。 PS: PS: Was sorry Little Brother, the honeybee left hand pinky does not know a little to be how sore, written slow, update was late. 抱歉了兄弟们,蜜蜂左手小拇指不知怎么了有点疼,写的慢,更新迟了。 In order to compensate you, an extra additional chapter. 为补偿你们,额外加更一章。 Moreover now is on Tuesday, the Martial God animation in Tencent video update, rushes to Asura Ghost Tower update to Chu Feng today, everyone remembers that supports. 另外现在已是周二,武神动漫今天在腾讯视频更新,更新楚枫修罗鬼塔,大家记得去支持一下喔。 Moreover if today's Martial God animation, the maximum heat degree achieves 20000, the honeybee will explode ten chapters next Monday. 另外如果今天武神动漫吗,最高热度达到20000,蜜蜂下周一就爆更十章。 The maximum heat degree, at the noon 12 : 55 point, everyone pays attention generally together. 最高热度,一般是在中午12:55分,大家一起留意一下。 The honeybee displayed you also to see recently, from now on will live up to one's words, so long as the heat degree achieves 20000, the honeybee next Monday, will certainly explode. 蜜蜂最近表现你们也看到了,今后会说到做到的,只要热度达到20000,蜜蜂下周一,一定爆更。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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