MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5786: Shows the strength Miaomiao

Chapter 5784 shows the strength Miaomiao 第5784章展现实力的喵喵 bound!” 束缚!” Suddenly, Huangfu Shengyu drinks one lightly, and his both hands pinch the secret art to Chu Feng. 忽然,皇甫圣宇轻喝一声,并且他双手捏诀正对着楚枫 The next quarter, his chest made on that sign, had/left two unexpectedly. 下一刻,他胸口令那道牌上面,竟又多出了两个。 Besides allocation, protection, had/left the bound two characters. 除了赋予,守护之外,又多出了束缚二字。 After the bound two characters appear, then changes to light beam, grazes from the token, directly soars Chu Feng. 束缚二字出现之后,便化作一道光束,自令牌飞掠而出,直奔楚枫而来。 This strikes too quickly, even if Chu Feng is unable to avoid. 这一击太快,哪怕是楚枫也无法躲避。 When responded, had been penetrated by that light beam. 反应过来之时,已是被那道光束所穿透。 However after this strikes, Chu Feng has not been injured, but is felt that the Asura King strength is dissipating fast. 但是这一击过后,楚枫并未受伤,而是感觉修罗王的力量正在快速消散。 Chu Feng is restoring to oneself original cultivation realm truly. 楚枫真正在恢复到自己本来的修为 This feeling?” “这感觉?” could it be that?” Chu Feng does not feel wonderfully. 难道说?”楚枫顿感不妙。 Felt?” “感觉到了吗?” You think that my card in a hand, why can be called as the card in a hand, because only he can give me the First Rank True God strength?” “你以为我这个底牌,为什么能称作底牌,就只因为他能赋予我一品真神的力量?” Now were you clear about its fierce?” Huangfu Shengyu self-satisfied looks to Chu Feng. “现在你清楚它的厉害了?”皇甫圣宇得意的看向楚枫 bound my World Spirit strength, but does not have bound my Martial Power strength, it seems like your card in a hand also reached the limit.” Chu Feng said. 束缚界灵的力量,而没有束缚武力的力量,看来你的底牌也到了极限了。”楚枫说道。 Right, thanks to your, has reached the limit.” “对,托你的福,已达极限。” But without the World Spirit strength, you, even if can display Martial Power, why also to fight with me?” Huangfu Shengyu said. “但没有了界灵的力量,你就算能够施展武力,又凭什么和我斗?”皇甫圣宇说道。 But Chu Feng notices, during the Huangfu Shengyu speeches, that matter transparent armor dissipated. 楚枫注意到,皇甫圣宇说话间,那层透明的铠甲消散了。 No wonder he so displayed anxiously, that token final strength, conducted bound to the Chu Feng's World Spirit strength. 难怪他如此急切的施展出了,那令牌最后的力量,对楚枫的界灵力量进行了束缚 He is very inevitably clear, if not the quick point uses this last resort, the Chu Feng's surprise attack continues to start, his then poor life does not guarantee. 他必然很清楚,若不快一点施展这最后的手段,楚枫的奇袭继续发动,他便小命不保。 Huangfu Shengyu, I acknowledged words that you previously spoke.” 皇甫圣宇,我承认你先前说的话了。” Background, truly to you helpful.” “底蕴,确实对你有帮助。” You whether to mean what he says?” “那你能否说话算话?” So long as I will conquer the Source of lineage/vein opportunity from within the body peeling, you then do let off them?” Chu Feng asked. “只要我将征服脉之本源的机会从体内剥离而出,你便放过他们?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng, may not.” 楚枫,不可。” Big Brother, is not good.” 大哥哥,不行。” But Chu Feng such remarks, then encounters the Xian Miaomiao as well as Little Fishy and others of immediately the oppositions. 楚枫此话一出,便立刻遭到了仙喵喵以及小鱼儿等众人的反对。 They rather died with Chu Feng together, is not willing to let Chu Feng, for they sacrificed themselves. 她们宁愿与楚枫一同死去,也不愿意让楚枫为了他们牺牲自己。 Little Brother Chu Feng, do not play dumb.” 楚枫兄弟,你可别犯傻。” Properly speaking, you had just beaten him, but that token rescued his life.” “按理来说,你刚刚已经击败他了,只是那令牌救了他一命。” This person simply does not have the integrity.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “这种人根本没有诚信可言。”仙海少禹说道。 - 滋啦啦- May see only the thunder to graze together, Chu Feng vanished in same place. 可只见一道雷霆飞掠而过,楚枫消失在了原地。 When Chu Feng appears again, had arrived at Huangfu Shengyu behind. 楚枫再度出现之时,已是来到了皇甫圣宇的身后。 Chu Feng in the wink of an eye, Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, Lightning Wings, and method of that promotion strength, displays simultaneously. 楚枫瞬息之间,将雷纹,雷霆铠甲,雷霆羽翼,以及那提升战力的手段,同时施展而出。 Chu Feng's cultivation realm, achieved Eight Rank Half God from Fifth Rank Half God. 楚枫的修为,从五品半神达到了八品半神 But actually his strength, has achieved Ninth Rank Half God. 但其实他的战力,已达到九品半神 The rely on god line, its speed may exceed First Rank True God again. 借助神行,其速度可超越一品真神 Then in the wink of an eye, arrived at Huangfu Shengyu behind. 这才瞬息之间,来到了皇甫圣宇身后。 Chu Feng's this sword, cannot stab Huangfu Shengyu. 只是楚枫的这一剑,未能刺中皇甫圣宇 Huangfu Shengyu, but First Level Martial Power takes possession, then kept off Chu Feng's to strike. 皇甫圣宇,只是一重武力附体,便挡下了楚枫的一击。 No?” “不行吗?” The Chu Feng vision is complex, did not sigh secretly wonderfully. 楚枫目光复杂,暗叹不妙。 He wants while the Huangfu Shengyu general idea/careless, to start the surprise attack again. 他本来是想趁着皇甫圣宇大意,再度发动奇袭。 Who once thinks, Huangfu Shengyu not again negligent, he covered the body by First Level Martial Power. 只是谁曾想,皇甫圣宇没有再大意,他以一重武力覆盖了身体。 Such method, naturally cannot block the First Rank True God offensive, but can actually keep off the Half God offensive. 这样的手段,自然是挡不住一品真神的攻势,但却能够挡下半神的攻势。 This is the realm disparity. 这便是境界的差距。 Scoundrel!!!” “混账!!!” Huangfu Shengyu stretches out the palm, wants to hold Chu Feng. 皇甫圣宇伸出手掌,想将楚枫抓住。 But the Chu Feng actually figure flashes, vanished again does not see, appears in the distant place. 楚枫却身形一闪,再度消失不见,出现在了远处。 „Does Half God Realm, have such speed unexpectedly?” 半神境,竟还拥有如此速度?” Xianhai Shaoyu and others, was opens mind. 仙海少禹等人,算是开了眼界了。 Previously the rely on World Spirit strength, cultivation realm achieved True God Realm also even. 先前借助界灵的力量,修为达到了真神境也就算了。 After never expected that cultivation realm restores Half God Realm, Chu Feng actually also has the so terrifying speed. 没想到修为恢复半神境之后,楚枫竟然还拥有如此恐怖的速度。 Also is this place is restricted, otherwise by this speed, the True God Realm powerhouse, cannot do to Chu Feng. 也就是此地受限,否则凭借这个速度,真神境强者,根本奈何不得楚枫 Bang- 轰- But in the meantime, a boundless pressure sweeps away entire ancient hall, Chu Feng by the god line, has to exceed the First Rank True God speed. 而就在此时,一股磅礴的威压横扫整座古殿,楚枫凭借神行,拥有超越一品真神的速度。 May in the restricted range, not be actually able to prevent such spreadability pressure. 可在受限的范围内,却也无法阻挡这样覆盖性的威压。 Quick, Chu Feng was then hit by the pressure, collision ruthlessly above wall. 很快,楚枫便被威压击中,狠狠的撞在墙壁之上。 Chu Feng!!!” 楚枫!!!” Sees that Little Fishy, Xian Miaomiao, Xianhai Shaoyu and others, arrive at side Chu Feng immediately. 见状,小鱼儿,仙喵喵,仙海少禹等众人,立刻来到了楚枫身旁。 I am all right.” “我没事。” Chu Feng this words saying, then shouts in within the body immediately. 楚枫此话说完,便立刻在体内呼喊。 Divine Deer senior?” 神鹿前辈?” Chu Feng, must depend on yourself.” Divine Deer said. 楚枫,要靠你自己。”神鹿说道。 Such long hadn't you restored?” Chu Feng is somewhat helpless. “这么久了您还没恢复吗?”楚枫有些无奈。 Where was long, is actually away from this god previous time to save you, has not passed is too long.” Divine Deer said. “哪里久了,其实距离本神上次救你,并未过去太久。”神鹿说道。 „......” “……” Chu Feng is unable to refute , his growth is truly quick, but the time indeed has not passed is too long. 楚枫无法反驳,确实,他只是成长快,但时间的确没有过去太久。 But the key is, he needs the Divine Deer strength to lead the people to escape from here now. 但关键是,他现在需要神鹿的力量带着众人逃脱这里。 Qilin, Heaven Swallowing Qilin?” 麒麟,吞天麒麟?” Chu Feng summoned Heaven Swallowing Qilin, Heaven Swallowing Qilin after all was Divine Beast, perhaps it has the special method. 楚枫呼唤吞天麒麟,吞天麒麟毕竟是神兽,也许它有着特殊的手段。 Does, Heaven Swallowing Qilin is nothing responds. 只是奈何,吞天麒麟则是没有任何回应。 Chu Feng, gives you opportunity you not to want, now... lets them and you are buried along with the dead.” 楚枫,给你机会你不要,现在…就让他们与你陪葬吧。” The pressure raids again, these carries killing intent time, Huangfu Shengyu must massacre everyone on the scene. 威压再度袭来,这一次是携带着杀意,皇甫圣宇是要杀掉在场的所有人。 Bang- 轰- But that pressure has not approached, then kept off. 可那威压还未靠近,便被挡了下来。 Sees that form, everyone is surprised. 看着那道身影,所有人都感到意外。 Xian Miaomiao!!! 仙喵喵!!! Is Xian Miaomiao, stands before the people body, kept off the Huangfu Shengyu True God pressure. 仙喵喵,站在众人身前,挡下了皇甫圣宇真神威压。 This time Xian Miaomiao, cultivation realm achieved Ninth Rank Half God. 此时的仙喵喵,修为达到了九品半神 „Did she, hide cultivation realm?” “她,隐藏了修为吗?” Looks at this time Xian Miaomiao, Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu are serious. 看着此时的仙喵喵,秦玄龙承羽面色凝重。 Change that previously on Xian Miaomiao had, they had seen before. 先前仙喵喵身上所产生的变化,他们之前都见过。 To fighting Huangfu Fanni time, Xian Miaomiao has displayed. 对战皇甫凡逆的时候,仙喵喵就施展过。 Because Xian Miaomiao beforehand cultivation realm is Fifth Rank Half God therefore promotes the Third Level method even if, promotes cultivation realm to Eight Rank Half God. 但因为仙喵喵之前的修为五品半神所以哪怕提升三重手段,也只是将修为提升到八品半神 But now, is this Third Level method, Xian Miaomiao cultivation realm actually achieved Ninth Rank Half God. 可现在,还是这三重手段,仙喵喵修为却达到了九品半神 This indicated before Xian Miaomiao, hid cultivation realm, hid one. 这说明仙喵喵之前是隐藏了修为,是藏了一手的。 Her real cultivation realm, is actually Sixth Rank Half God. 她的真实修为,其实是六品半神 But even so, Ninth Rank Half God was still her limit. 可就算如此,九品半神也是她的极限了。 Ninth Rank Half God places in the junior to be indeed top. 九品半神放在小辈之中的确顶尖。 But eventually is Half God, why can keep off the First Rank True God pressure? 但终究是半神,凭什么能挡下一品真神的威压? Rumble - 隆隆隆- In the meantime, the entire ancient palace starts to shiver fiercely, blocks ancient hall dull purple Mist, crazy swaying from side to side. 就在此时,整座古殿开始剧烈颤动,就连封锁古殿的暗紫色气焰,也疯狂的扭动。 That feeling, is exactly the same as the scene that Source of previous lineage/vein presents. 那种感觉,与先前脉之本源出现的景象一模一样。 Entire ancient hall, is fearing probably anything. 整座古殿,好像都在恐惧着什么。 In the people are puzzled, Xian Miaomiao within the body starts to have green Mist to reappear, that Mist one presently, everyone's vision threw. 就在众人不解之际,仙喵喵的体内开始有绿色的气焰浮现,那气焰一现,所有人的目光都投了过去。 They can feel, making the palace produce so changes, precisely came from at the Xian Miaomiao within the body release, but green Mist. 他们都能感觉到,让古殿产生如此变化的,正是源自于仙喵喵体内释放而出的绿色气焰 And, many of more and more that green Mist release, precisely this strength, resisted the First Rank True God pressure. 并且,那绿色气焰释放的越来越多,正是这股力量,抗下了一品真神的威压。 „The fog of flame soul, unexpectedly is the fog of flame soul.” “魂之雾焰,竟然是魂之雾焰。” Hahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” Really cannot think that not only discovered legend Source of lineage/vein, met the legend fog of flame in soul unexpectedly?” “真是想不到啊,不仅发现了传说中的脉之本源,竟然还遇到了传说中的魂之雾焰?” At this moment, Huangfu Shengyu fierce laughs. 此刻,皇甫圣宇狰狞的大笑起来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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