MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5785: Worthily is the card in a hand

Chapter 5783 worthily is a card in a hand 第5783章不愧是底牌 Actually Chu Feng, completely not by the words influence of Huangfu Shengyu. 其实楚枫,完全不会被皇甫圣宇的话影响。 However Little Fishy lost one's temper, Chu Feng could not endure, must counter-attack. 但是小鱼儿动怒了,楚枫就忍不了啦,必须反击。 Let alone does person mentality matter, the itself/Ben is Chu Feng excels, Huangfu Shengyu where is the Chu Feng's opponent? 何况搞人心态这种事,本就是楚枫擅长的,皇甫圣宇哪里是楚枫的对手? On for example Chu Feng these words, is in itself extremely strong on the aggressivity, and said that moreover Chu Feng smiles is very inexpensive. 就比如楚枫这番话,本身就攻击性极强,并且还是笑着说的,而且楚枫笑的很贱。 This displayed, Chu Feng by the spoken language influence of Huangfu Shengyu, had not been instead felt completely laughable. 这表现出了,楚枫完全没受皇甫圣宇的言语影响,反而感到可笑。 Such smile, making his these words language, the aggressivity turn time. 这样的笑容,让他的这番话语,攻击性翻倍。 What is main, Chu Feng said is the facts. 最主要的是,楚枫说的都是事实啊。 Therefore, Chu Feng these words, without doubt were the stabbing pain Huangfu Shengyu. 因此,楚枫这番话,无疑是刺痛了皇甫圣宇 Chu Feng, since you consider dead anxiously.” 楚枫,既然你急着想死。” I make you experience, my Huangfu Celestial Clan method.” “那我就让你见识一下,我皇甫天族的手段。” During the Huangfu Shengyu speeches, in Divine Weapon the hand shakes in both hands, later only listens to one to roar to resound through. 皇甫圣宇说话间,将手中神兵握于双手之间,随后只听一声咆哮响彻。 A giant thunder flood dragon, appeared in Huangfu Shengyu behind. 一条巨大的雷霆蛟龙,出现在了皇甫圣宇的身后。 Divine Taboo, thunder flood dragon. 神禁,雷蛟。 This move, Chu Feng can also. 这一招,楚枫也会。 Because Huangfu Fanni had once displayed. 因为皇甫凡逆曾施展过。 The thunder flood dragon that but at present, Huangfu Shengyu displays, may display compared with Huangfu Fanni, the volume big ten times continued. 但眼下,皇甫圣宇所施展出的雷霆蛟龙,可比皇甫凡逆施展,体积大了十倍不止。 Huangfu Shengyu stands in front of that thunder flood dragon, tiny looks like a grain of sesame seed. 皇甫圣宇站在那雷霆蛟龙面前,渺小的就像是一粒芝麻。 But, that thunder flood dragon was displayed by it, came from in his strength. 可偏偏,那雷霆蛟龙是被它施展而出,是源自于他的力量。 And that power and influence, but incessantly ten times are so simple. 并且那威势,可远不止十倍那么简单。 This, is Divine Martial Forbidden Technique that True God displays. 这,便是真神所施展出的神禁武技 Big Brother.” 大哥哥。” At this moment, everyone saw the thunder flood dragon above midair, Little Fishy is anxious. 此刻,所有人都看到了半空之上的雷霆蛟龙,小鱼儿更是紧张不已。 - 嗷呜- Also is one angrily roars, the thunder flood dragon directly soars Chu Feng to go, not only the power and influence is dreadful, the speed sweeps away all obstacles. 又是一声怒吼,雷霆蛟龙直奔楚枫而去,不仅威势滔天,速度更是所向披靡。 At this moment, looking that everyone is worried about to the direction that Chu Feng was. 此刻,所有人都担心的望向了楚枫所在的方向。 This feeling?” “这感觉?” But quick, Xianhai Shaoyu as well as Little Fishy, then looks at the direction that Huangfu Shengyu was. 但很快,仙海少禹以及小鱼儿,则是将目光投向了皇甫圣宇所在的方向。 Fixes the eyes on looked, Huangfu Shengyu stands in same place, but Chu Feng also appeared in Huangfu Shengyu unexpectedly behind. 定睛一看,皇甫圣宇站在原地,可是楚枫竟也出现在了皇甫圣宇的身后。 The antique heroic sword in Chu Feng hand, thorn to Huangfu Shengyu, but has not pricked Huangfu Shengyu within the body. 楚枫手中的太古英雄剑,正在刺向皇甫圣宇,但是并没有刺入皇甫圣宇体内。 The Huangfu Shengyu whole body, presented the First Level transparent armor, that armor kept off Chu Feng's to strike. 皇甫圣宇周身,出现了一重透明的铠甲,那铠甲挡下了楚枫的一击。 Protects formation technique, is not right, here protects formation technique is not the expiration?” “守护阵法,不对,在这里守护阵法不是失效的吗?” At this moment, Long Chengyu and others also responded. 此刻,龙承羽等众人也是反应了过来。 Although they are shocked, Chu Feng can start so the surprise attack, but was unable to exclaim in surprise now. 他们虽然震惊于,楚枫能发动如此奇袭,但现在已经无法惊叹。 Because of existence of that matter transparent armor, Chu Feng's surprise attack failure. 因为那层透明铠甲的存在,楚枫的奇袭失败了。 Is that token, that token not only gave him First Rank True God cultivation realm, gives the opportunity that he maintained life.” “是那令牌,那令牌不仅赋予了他一品真神修为,更是赋予了他保命的机会。” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 His saying, the people were also notice. 他这一说,众人也是注意到。 On that token, not only there are to give two characters, but also left protected two characters. 那令牌上面,不仅有赋予二字,还多出了守护二字。 „, This does not play, this also hits a hammer.” Long Chengyu air/Qi cursed angrily one. “靠,这不是玩赖吗,这还打个锤子啊。”龙承羽气的怒骂一声。 The Huangfu Shengyu first response is also panic-stricken, because Chu Feng's approaches, he simply has not detected. 皇甫圣宇第一反应也是惊恐,因为楚枫的靠近,他根本没有察觉到。 When he responded, antique heroic sword already thorn to him, without that token, the defense armor of autotrigger, he had been assassinated by a Chu Feng sword. 当他反应过来的时候,太古英雄剑已经刺向了他,若是没有那道令牌,自动触发的防御铠甲,他已经被楚枫一剑刺死了。 After may shock, he receives the scowl, reveals wipes the smile of satire. 可震惊过后,他则是收起怒容,露出一抹讽刺的微笑。 Chu Feng, come, I stand here motionless, can you injure to me?” 楚枫,来啊,我就站在这里不动,你能伤到我吗?” The words, Divine Weapon in his hand then turned the past to Chu Feng, is Chu Feng in the wink of an eye, then vanishes does not see. 话罢,他手中的神兵便向楚枫轮了过去,可是楚枫瞬息之间,便消失不见。 When Chu Feng appears again, appears is Huangfu Shengyu behind, and antique heroic sword, again thorn to Huangfu Shengyu. 楚枫再度出现之时,又出现在是皇甫圣宇的身后,并且太古英雄剑,再度刺向了皇甫圣宇 Also just, kept off by that matter transparent armor. 只不过,又被那层透明的铠甲挡了下来。 It seems like, cannot only guarantee life a time.” Chu Feng sighed. “看来,不是只能保一次命啊。”楚枫叹道。 Death.” “死。” The Huangfu Shengyu wheel begins again Divine Weapon, but Chu Feng actually vanishes again does not see. 皇甫圣宇再度轮动手中的神兵,可楚枫却又再度消失不见。 When Chu Feng appears, in had been away from the Huangfu Shengyu extremely far place. 楚枫出现时,已是在了距离皇甫圣宇极远的地方。 Seeing that Huangfu Shengyu is also the brow wrinkles. 见状,皇甫圣宇也是眉头皱起。 The Chu Feng's speed was too fearful, that is completely not the strength that First Rank True God should have. 楚枫的速度太可怕了,那完全不是一品真神所该具备的力量。 In this case, he does not dare to have again slightly negligently. 这种情况下,他也是不敢再有丝毫大意。 Displays Martial Technique again, immediately are innumerable only thunder huge beast, dashes about wildly. 再度施展武技,顿时无数只雷霆巨兽,狂奔而出。 This time, boundless Martial Technique does not attack to Chu Feng's, but attacks to Little Fishy and others. 只是这一次,磅礴的武技并不是攻向楚枫的,而是攻向小鱼儿等众人。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- How long but that Martial Technique just the bang appeared and disappeared, helping the midair explode. 可那武技刚轰出没有多久,便于半空爆炸开来。 Is Chu Feng, kept off this to strike. 楚枫,挡下了这一击。 Good quick speed.” “好快的速度。” What method is that?” “那是什么手段?” Has such speed, is simply invincible?” “拥有如此速度,简直无敌啊?” Sees this, not to mention Huangfu Shengyu, Xianhai Shaoyu expressed the exclamation. 见到这一幕,莫说皇甫圣宇,就连仙海少禹都是发出了惊叹。 At this time, Xianhai Shaoyu has promoted Ninth Rank Half God cultivation realm. 此时,仙海少禹已将修为提升到了九品半神 Although is Half God Realm, but by the keen power of observation, he actually can also observe probably, Chu Feng and Huangfu Shengyu tactical situation. 虽是半神境,但凭借敏锐的观察力,他却也能大概观察到,楚枫皇甫圣宇的战况。 For this reason, he also knows, Chu Feng had to exceed the First Rank True God speed. 正因如此,他也是知道,楚枫拥有超越了一品真神的速度。 precisely by this speed, completed to the Huangfu Shengyu surprise attack. 正是凭借这个速度,完成了对皇甫圣宇的奇袭。 Also by this speed, when Huangfu Shengyu just launched the offensive to them, was blocked by Chu Feng. 也是凭借这个速度,在皇甫圣宇刚对他们发动攻势时,便被楚枫拦了下来。 Properly speaking, the Chu Feng previous distance, should not block quickly. 按理来说,楚枫先前的距离,不应该这么快就拦下来。 Reason that can achieve, because of that inconceivable speed. 之所以能做到,就是因为那不可思议的速度。 Although this ancient hall is big, is at Chu Feng this speed, almost in the wink of an eye, then can arrive in any place. 这古殿虽大,可是以楚枫这个速度,几乎瞬息之间,便能够抵达任何地方。 Really terrifyingly in this way!!! 真是恐怖如斯!!! Ok, should not be worried, your Big Brother won.” “好了,别担心了,你的大哥哥赢定了。” „The Huangfu Shengyu maintaining life method, has the time limit inevitably, when results in the time limit to arrive, is his time of death.” 皇甫圣宇的保命手段,必然是有时间限制的,待得时间限制一到,就是他的死期。” Xianhai Shaoyu said to Little Fishy. 仙海少禹小鱼儿说道。 According to his observation, the Huangfu Shengyu maintaining life method has the time limit, but Chu Feng that inconceivable speed, even if there is a limit, but still inevitably is not the disposable limit. 根据他的观察,皇甫圣宇的保命手段是有时限的,但楚枫那不可思议的速度,就算是有限制,但也必然不是一次性的限制。 That is the unusual method, is unable by the common sense judgment. 那是非同寻常的手段,无法以常理判断。 - 呼- But, the Chu Feng's respite starts in the meantime becomes rapid. 可就在此时,楚枫的喘息开始变得急促。 Xianhai Shaoyu, do you determine?” Little Fishy stared his elder brother one eyes. 仙海少禹,你确定吗?”小鱼儿瞪了他哥一眼。 This......” Xianhai Shaoyu also feels speechless, because of the present Chu Feng's appearance, indeed does not seem like the attire. “这……”仙海少禹也是感到无语,因为现在楚枫的样子,的确不像是装的。 But in fact, that is the Chu Feng attire. 可实际上,那就是楚枫装的。 Chu Feng can have such speed, naturally relies on the god line in masterstroke/divine skill. 楚枫能有如此速度,自然是依赖于神技中的神行。 This masterstroke/divine skill is the Divine Deer instruction. 此神技乃是神鹿传授。 In Chu Feng own foundation, has to span the Fourth Level cultivation realm speed. 楚枫自身的基础上,拥有跨越四重修为的速度。 Let alone is Huangfu Shengyu is First Rank True God, even if he is Fourth Rank True God, by the Chu Feng's speed, Huangfu Shengyu cannot catch up. 别说是皇甫圣宇一品真神,就算他是四品真神,凭借楚枫的速度,皇甫圣宇也追不上。 But this god line, has the limit, can only display the quickest speed in a short time, the time long the speed will also slide. 只不过这神行,也是有限制的,只能在短时间内发挥出最快速度,时间久了速度也会下滑。 However the Chu Feng present burden is an attire. 但是楚枫现在的负担是装的。 According to his plan, just surprise attack should take the Huangfu Shengyu life, who once thinks that token also has the maintaining life method. 按照他的计划,刚刚的奇袭就应该取走皇甫圣宇的性命,谁曾想那令牌还有保命手段。 What is most essential, according to the Chu Feng's observation, the strength of that token had not exhausted. 最关键的是,根据楚枫的观察,那令牌的力量仍未耗尽。 Mostly other methods. 多半还有其他手段。 In this case, Chu Feng must show weakness, making Huangfu Shengyu treat it lightly. 这种情况下,楚枫必须示弱,让皇甫圣宇掉以轻心。 Only by doing so, after can wait till that matter transparent armor dissipates, again to Huangfu Shengyu starts fatally strikes. 唯有如此,才能等到那层透明铠甲消散之后,再对皇甫圣宇发动致命一击。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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