MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5784: Chu Feng games Huangfu Shengyu

Chapter 5782 Chu Feng games Huangfu Shengyu 第5782章楚枫皇甫圣宇 Chu Feng, my Huangfu Shengyu is actually person of the unusual reasoning with.” 楚枫,我皇甫圣宇其实是一个非常讲理之人。” Source of lineage/vein, is you summons after all, you were also approved.” “脉之本源,毕竟是你召唤出来的,你也是获得了认可的。” Therefore I now, give the opportunity that you choose.” “所以我现在,给你选择的机会。” You must sacrifice itself, making them live.” “你是要牺牲自己,让他们所有人活。” I begin personally, destroyed you personally, seizes Source of this to recognize as master lineage/vein opportunity, simultaneously makes their all people be buried along with the dead for you?” “还是我亲自动手,亲手将你毁了,将这个认主脉之本源的机会夺过来,同时让他们所有人为你陪葬?” Huangfu Shengyu is narrowing the eyes, looks at Chu Feng. 皇甫圣宇眯着双眼,看着楚枫 Buzz- 嗡- But in the meantime, World Spirit Gate opens, the form grazes together, directly soars the Huangfu Shengyu impact on go. 而就在此时,界灵大门张开,一道身影飞掠而出,直奔皇甫圣宇冲击而去。 Was Chu Feng releases World Spirit, Asura King. 乃是楚枫释放出了界灵,修罗王 Asura King cultivation realm is also First Rank True God, in the wink of an eye, before then arrived at the Huangfu Shengyu body . 修罗王修为也是一品真神,瞬息之间,便来到了皇甫圣宇身前。 Black Mist, just like sharp claws , grasps one after another to Huangfu Shengyu. 黑色的气焰,宛如道道利爪,一波又一波的,向皇甫圣宇抓去。 Asura King this moment killing intent is dreadful, incurring the move is to kill to incur. 修罗王此刻杀意滔天,招招都是杀招。 But, Huangfu Shengyu does not hit back, again and again among back down, relaxed dodge Asura King all offensive. 可是偏偏,皇甫圣宇也不还手,连连后退间,轻松的闪开修罗王的所有攻势。 Yo, First Rank True God, Asura World Spirit.” “哟,一品真神,修罗界灵。” It seems like you are, gave the Chu Feng really Divine Power quantity that only World Spirit.” “看来你就是,赋予楚枫神力量的那只界灵了。” Huangfu Shengyu is dodging although, but his words actually completely obviously contemptuous. 皇甫圣宇尽管在闪躲,可他的话语却尽显轻蔑。 Although given True God Realm cultivation realm, but his strength has not actually been weaken.” “虽是被赋予的真神境修为,但他的战力却并没有减弱。” Chu Feng uses Heaven's Eyes, earnest observation. 楚枫动用天眼,认真观察。 Although Chu Feng outwardly is Immortal Dragon God-cloak. 虽说楚枫明面是仙龙神袍 Because of the Bloodline of king reason, he other strength aspects, achieved the God-cloak peak Saint dragon rank. 但因为王之血脉的缘故,他无论是战力还是其他方面,都达到了神袍的巅峰圣龙级别。 Even is far from common Saint Dragon God-cloak may compare. 甚至远非寻常的圣龙神袍可比。 Therefore present Chu Feng, even if unable to rely on cultivation realm, battles with Huangfu Shengyu. 所以现在的楚枫,就算无法凭借自身修为,与皇甫圣宇交战。 However by the World Spiritist power of observation, actually can also general seeing clearly, the aspect that First Rank True God fights. 但是凭借界灵师的观察力,却也能够大概的看清,一品真神交手的局面。 Set up formation.” “布阵。” Chu Feng this words saying, in the formation gate several black flame graze, integrates Asura King within the body. 楚枫此话说完,结界门内数道黑色气焰飞掠而出,融入修罗王的体内。 Is formation technique that the Asura army arranges. 修罗大军布置的阵法 formation technique melts, the Asura King strength rises sharply, before Huangfu Shengyu is unable to look like, like that calm. 阵法相融,修罗王的战力大涨,皇甫圣宇也无法像之前那般从容。 He starts to display Martial Technique to resist. 他开始施展武技进行抵挡。 This formation technique? Was I judges wrong?” “这阵法?是我判断错了吗?” Jie Baobao looks to Ling Xiao, at this time her the vision was full of the shock. 界宝宝看向灵霄,此时她的目光充满了震惊。 Because of according to her judgment, that formation technique not simple several even several hundred World Spirit can arrange. 因为根据她的判断,那阵法不简单的几只甚至几百只界灵能够布置的出的。 In that formation technique, contains is planting the different aura ten million/countless. 阵法内,蕴藏着千万种不同的气息。 That simply looks like, only World Spirit collaborates the arrangement ten million/countless great formation. 那简直就像是,千万只界灵联手布置的大阵 But what kind of can World Spiritist, have ten million/countless only World Spirit? 可是怎样的界灵师,才能拥有千万只界灵 You right, you felt what is correct.” Ling Xiao said. “你没错,你所感觉到的是正确的。”灵霄说道。 Chu Feng......” 楚枫……” Obtains the Ling Xiao definite reply, the fist of Jie Baobao gets hold of slightly, that is a subconscious behavior, stimulated behavior. 得到灵霄确定的回答,界宝宝的拳头不由微微握紧,那是一种下意识的行为,是受到刺激后的行为。 ten million/countless only World Spirit!!! 千万只界灵!!! And World Spirit from Asura Spirit World, this at all is not thing that God-cloak World Spiritist can achieve. 并且都是来自修罗灵界界灵,这根本不是神袍界灵师所能做到的事。 „Can this child, how not receive?” 此子,怎能不收啊?” Ling Xiao also voices the opinions, as World Spiritist his innermost feelings, also received shock. 灵霄也是发出感叹,身为界灵师他的内心,也同样受到了震撼。 But Chu Feng simply does not have the thoughts, has scruples their ideas, Chu Feng has been observing earnestly, World Spirit king and Huangfu Shengyu battle. 楚枫根本没心思,去顾忌他们的想法,楚枫一直认真观察着,界灵王与皇甫圣宇的交战。 Chu Feng is unable to determine, what kind of strength Huangfu Shengyu obtained. 楚枫无法确定,皇甫圣宇到底获得了怎样的力量。 Therefore he makes the World Spirit king go to battle, is only a probe, wants to observe the method of opposite party. 所以他让界灵王出战,只是一种试探,想要观察一下对方的手段。 Martial Technique can display normally.” 武技可以正常施展。” But the strength as if came under some influences.” “但是战力似乎还是受到了一些影响。” According to the Chu Feng's observation, discovers the Huangfu Shengyu strength, was inferior that his normal level, slid. 根据楚枫的观察,发现皇甫圣宇的战力,还是不如他正常的水平,是下滑了一些的。 But along with the earnestness of Huangfu Shengyu, Asura King, even if there is formation technique in addition to hold, but actually still appeared gradually the weak potential. 而伴随着皇甫圣宇的认真,修罗王就算有阵法加持,可却也渐渐浮现出了不支之势。 senior, gives me.” 前辈,交给我吧。” Chu Feng such remarks, Asura King then stops the offensive immediately, returned to Chu Feng's within the body. 楚枫此话一出,修罗王便立刻停止攻势,回到了楚枫的体内。 But the next quarter, the Chu Feng whole body black flame winding, his cultivation realm achieved First Rank True God Realm. 而下一刻,楚枫周身黑色气焰缠绕,他的修为则是达到了一品真神境 Also wants to resist?” “还想抵抗?” Huangfu Shengyu looks to Chu Feng. 皇甫圣宇看向楚枫 But in its speeches, is actually wrist/skill one revolution, Divine Weapon will take. 但在其说话间,却是手腕一转,将身后的神兵取了出来。 Although the surface does not care, but continuously after Chu Feng admits defeat twice, he does not dare to have a general idea/careless actually again. 尽管表面不在乎,但连续在楚枫吃瘪两次后,他其实不敢再有所大意。 Huangfu Shengyu , to promote cultivation realm to First Rank True God, is your clan older generations lets go the self- promotion opportunity, to card in a hand that you strive for?” 皇甫圣宇,将修为提升到一品真神,便是你族先辈放弃自我提升机会,给你争取来的底牌吗?” Your clan older generations may really be too injust.” Chu Feng said. “那你族先辈可真是太冤了。”楚枫说道。 Is injust, you were clear quickly.” “冤不冤,你很快就清楚。” Huangfu Shengyu this words saying, Divine Weapon in hand wields one after another, thunder Martial Technique such as ferocious beast is also ordinary, throws one after another to Chu Feng. 皇甫圣宇此话说完,手中的神兵接连挥动,道道雷霆武技也如猛兽一般,接连向楚枫扑来。 Chu Feng does not have Divine Weapon, but is the hand grasps the antique heroic sword, unceasing dodging. 楚枫没有神兵,而是手握太古英雄剑,不断的闪躲。 The Huangfu Shengyu offensive is fierce, although is not Taboo Martial Skill, but actually is also powerful Martial Technique. 皇甫圣宇的攻势非常凶猛,虽不是禁忌武技,但却也都是强大的武技 And these Martial Technique, have relation, his all attacks sorted. 并且这些武技,具有联系性,他的所有攻击都是进行了排序的。 This lets dodging that Chu Feng can only keep. 这让楚枫只能不停的闪躲。 Huangfu Shengyu is seeing with own eyes Chu Feng, under own offensive, performs distressedly, the opportunity of continually hitting back does not have obviously, is even more self-satisfied, even opens the mouth to taunt. 皇甫圣宇眼见着楚枫,在自己的攻势下,尽显狼狈,连还手的机会都没有,也是越发得意,甚至开口嘲讽起来。 Chu Feng, has the skill to come, without the realm suppression, you so could not withstand, didn't have including nearly the ability of my body?” 楚枫,有本事过来,没有了境界压制,你就如此不堪,连近我身的能力都没有了吗?” Hahaha, you were mediocre, can compared with fighting on the stage wins me in Bloodline, I also really think that you how, was my Huangfu Shengyu looked at you eventually high.” 哈哈哈,原来你不过如此,能在血脉比斗台上胜我,我还真的以为你多么了得,终究是我皇甫圣宇高看了你。” Come Chu Feng, now your I am First Rank Half God, has the skill you to win me, if can win me, I put your means of livelihood.” “来啊楚枫,现在你我都是一品半神,有本事你就胜我,若能胜我,我就放你们一条活路。” The Huangfu Shengyu sound resounds through unceasingly, reverberates in this ancient palace. 皇甫圣宇的声音不断响彻,回荡在这古殿之中。 He is really damn.” “他真是该死。” In the Little Fishy eye pupil full is killing intent. 小鱼儿眼眸之中满是杀意 Younger sister, the fight of this True God Realm, is not you can participate, do not impulse.” “妹子,这个真神境的战斗,不是你能参与的,你可别冲动。” Xianhai Shaoyu rushes to say to Little Fishy. 仙海少禹赶忙对小鱼儿说道。 He actually understands his younger sister, his younger sister although usually mischievous, person but who does not have the brain. 他其实了解他妹妹,他妹妹平时虽然顽皮,但却并非没有脑子的人。 The idea, Little Fishy encounters a difficulty very calmly, has the brain very much. 想法,小鱼儿遇事非常的沉着冷静,是很有脑子的。 But he calculates that looked, that was in the situation that Chu Feng was not. 可是他算看出来了,那是楚枫不在的情况下。 Chu Feng, so long as Chu Feng were bullied, his younger sister not only becomes does not have the brain, even a little likely young lunatic. 楚枫在的时候,只要楚枫被欺负,他的妹子不仅变得没有脑子,甚至有点像个小疯子。 Coming out that such Little Fishy, anything makes, he is really afraid, his younger sister breaks in the True God Realm war circle directly. 这样的小鱼儿,什么事情都做的出来,他是真的害怕,他妹子直接就冲入真神境的战圈。 Huangfu Shengyu, really could not look before, originally your words very many.” 皇甫圣宇,之前真看不出来,原来你话挺多的啊。” My Chu Feng, even if borrows World Spirit cultivation realm, but this World Spirit is still my Chu Feng own.” “我楚枫就算借用界灵修为,但这界灵也是我楚枫自己的。” You?” “你呢?” Your present True God does cultivation realm come from where? That is your clan older generations gives up the self- promotion the opportunity, for card in a hand that you strive.” “你现在的真神修为是从何而来?那是你族先辈放弃自我提升的机会,为你争取来的底牌。” You have anything is quite self-satisfied, if I you, my not good meaning to say these words.” “你有什么好得意的,我要是你,我可不好意思说出这番话。” After all, you displayed the card in a hand that your clan older generations left behind, cannot injure my slightest, you really useless, your older generation trusted the wrong person.” “毕竟,你都施展你族先辈留下的底牌了,都未能伤我分毫,你是真的没用啊,你的先辈所托非人啊。” Heavenly Thunder Saint Grade? Later this word you let alone, insulted Heavenly Thunder Bloodline simply.” 天雷圣品?以后这个词你还是别说了,简直侮辱天雷血脉。” Saw with own eyes that Little Fishy got angry, Chu Feng is also opens the mouth to counter-attack. 眼见小鱼儿都怒了,楚枫也是开口反击。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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