MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5783: Family's background

Chapter 5781 family's background 第5781章家族的底蕴 …… 啪,啪,啪,啪…… But, a clear applause resounds in the meantime, is Huangfu Shengyu. 可就在此时,一阵清脆的掌声响起,乃是皇甫圣宇 He smilingly looks at Chu Feng, but everyone feels, he harbors evil intentions. 他笑眯眯的看着楚枫,但所有人都感觉到,他不怀好意。 Extraordinary, is really extraordinary.” “了不起,真是了不起。” I have not really thought, you can capture this opportunity.” “我是真没想到,你能夺得这个机会。” But Chu Feng, what can you know of space are?” Huangfu Shengyu asked. “但楚枫,你可知天上的那是什么?”皇甫圣宇问。 What is, has probably no relations with you?” Little Fishy said. “是什么,好像都和你没什么关系吧?”小鱼儿道。 Huangfu Shengyu has not paid attention to Little Fishy, but eye of halo to people on the scene: 皇甫圣宇并未理会小鱼儿,而是将目光环向在场众人: „Can Source of lineage/vein, once hear?” “脉之本源,可曾听闻?” Source of lineage/vein?” Hears these four characters, many junior look changes on the scene. “脉之本源?”听闻这四个字,在场的许多小辈都神色变化。 They stem from the colossus, has naturally heard Source of lineage/vein legend. 他们都是出自庞然大物,自然听闻过脉之本源传说 That is the hidden in Bloodline Galaxy, great power in legend. 那是隐藏于血脉天河内,传说中的强大力量。 Sees people's response, Huangfu Shengyu also knows, although they do not know the thing of sky, but has actually heard Source of lineage/vein. 看到众人的反应,皇甫圣宇也知道,他们虽不认识天空之物,但却是听说过脉之本源的。 It seems like, your I have not thought is so ignorant.” “看来,你们也并没有我想的那么无知。” But you definitely do not know, Source of lineage/vein still no one can grasp, that is because it is extremely severe to the choice of master.” “但你们肯定不知道,脉之本源至今无人能够掌握,那就是因为它对主人的选择极其严苛。” Do not look at Chu Feng, had this opportunity, but he, even if went out from here, is unable to obtain the approval of Source of lineage/vein.” “别看楚枫,获得了这个机会,但是他就算从这里出去了,也无法获得脉之本源的认可。” Because of me, Huangfu Shengyu.” “因为我,皇甫圣宇。” Most has the opportunity, lets the person of Source of to recognize as master lineage/vein.” Huangfu Shengyu said. “才是最有机会,让脉之本源认主之人。”皇甫圣宇说道。 You? Why?” Long Chengyu asked. “你?凭什么?”龙承羽问。 Depends on my Bloodline, is Heavenly Thunder Saint Grade.” Huangfu Shengyu said. “就凭我的血脉,乃天雷圣品。”皇甫圣宇道。 Heavenly Thunder Saint Grade? Fights the stage in the Bloodline ratio, by my Little Brother Chu Feng, the pressed kneeling place, lay in ground Heavenly Thunder Saint Grade?” 天雷圣品?在血脉比斗台,被我楚枫兄弟,压的跪地不起,趴在地上的天雷圣品吗?” Long Chengyu this saying said. 龙承羽这话是笑着说的。 And he such remarks, Qin Xuan and others also smiled. 且他此话一出,秦玄等人也都随之笑了。 „Do you court death?” “你们找死吗?” Was seeing with own eyes Huangfu Shengyu was taunted, Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shangyang, all look the scowl, that appearance plans to begin. 眼见着皇甫圣宇遭到嘲讽,皇甫将耀皇甫上阳,皆是面露怒容,那个样子就打算动手。 Source of lineage/vein, they have naturally also heard. 脉之本源,他们自然也听闻过。 They are impossible to let off regarding this strength, if beforehand they, but also the plan looks on. 对于这种力量他们不可能放过,如果说之前的他们,还打算旁观。 Then regarding Source of this lineage/vein, they must compete now. 那么现在对于这脉之本源,他们是必须要争夺的。 Their Huangfu Celestial Clan and Chu Feng and others, being doomed to have a war. 他们皇甫天族楚枫等人,注定要有一战。 Oh-” “唉-” But who once thinks, Huangfu Shengyu, actually blocks them who the preparation began. 可谁曾想,皇甫圣宇,却拦住了准备动手的他们。 Huangfu Shengyu, meaning of this moment no vitality/angry, instead throughout wear a look of happy expression. 皇甫圣宇,此刻没有一丝生气的意思,反而始终面带笑意。 But his smile, obviously harbors evil intentions, even makes the people be troubled. 只不过他的笑容,明显不怀好意,甚至让众人感到不安。 Because that wipes in the smile, has the self-confidence of mapping out strategic plans in an army tent. 因为那抹笑容中,有着运筹帷幄的自信。 Chu Feng, gives me this opportunity, I will cure you as far as possible, and will guarantee you in the future the glory, splendor, riches and honor.” Huangfu Shengyu said. 楚枫,将这个机会交给我,我会尽量将你治愈,且保你日后荣华富贵。”皇甫圣宇说道。 What nonsense did you speak? Gives you?” “你说什么鬼话呢?让给你?” This approval often melts with the cultivator soul, if eliminates forcefully, the life can not guarantee, don't you have the problem you?” “这种认可往往与修武者灵魂相融,若是强行剥夺出来,性命都会不保,你没毛病吧你?” Feng Ling scolds immediately. 风铃立刻骂道。 I know certainly, therefore I said that cures him as far as possible.” Huangfu Shengyu said. “我当然知道,所以我才说尽量将他治愈。”皇甫圣宇说道。 Bang- 轰- However, his words just left, immediately the dreadful monstrous waves appear. 然而,他此话刚出,顿时又滔天巨浪浮现而出。 The boundless monstrous waves move mountains, directly soar the Huangfu Shengyu three people to oppress to go. 磅礴的巨浪排山倒海,直奔皇甫圣宇三人压迫而去。 Is Little Fishy. 乃是小鱼儿 She does not have many idle talk, but acts directly. 她没有过多废话,而是直接出手。 And, for strikes to be killed violently Huangfu Shengyu, Little Fishy this time cultivation realm, had achieved Ninth Rank Half God. 并且,为了将皇甫圣宇一击毙命,小鱼儿此时的修为,已是达到了九品半神 Bang- 轰- But that strikes, has not approached Huangfu Shengyu, then kept off. 可是那一击,还未靠近皇甫圣宇,便被挡了下来。 This feeling?” “这感觉?” At this moment, everyone detected that was not wonderful. 这一刻,所有人都察觉到了不妙。 Chu Feng is also the brow slightly wrinkle. 就连楚枫也是眉头微皱。 Felt?” “感觉到了吗?” Huangfu Shengyu smiles looks to Chu Feng and others, immediately sees only both hands merge to pinch the law secret art. 皇甫圣宇笑眯眯的看向楚枫等人,旋即只见双手合并捏动法诀。 The clothing waves, a boundless pressure then drops from the clouds, that is the True God Realm pressure. 其衣衫舞动,一股磅礴的威压便从天而降,那是真神境的威压。 „Did True God, how he achieve True God?” 真神,他怎么达到了真神?” Hid cultivation realm?” “是隐藏了修为吗?” Feels this pressure, everyone looks anxiously, although that pressure has not attacked to them, but indeed is the True God Realm pressure is not false. 感受到这股威压,所有人都面露不安,那威压虽没攻向他们,但却的确是真神境的威压不假。 Used the method?” Chu Feng asked. “是用了手段吗?”楚枫问。 Right, used the method.” “对,就是用了手段。” During the Huangfu Shengyu speeches, the double palm spreads out, but in the palm, presented one just like the token that the crystal builds becomes. 皇甫圣宇说话间,双掌摊开,但在手掌之中,却出现了一道宛如水晶打造而成的令牌。 On that token writes is giving two characters. 那令牌上面写着赋予二字。 The key is, that token is not only ancient, and has with the Summit of Nine Heavens same aura. 关键是,那令牌不仅古老,且有着与九天之巅相同的气息。 Huangfu Shengyu let loose both hands, the token falls above his chest unexpectedly automatically, as if with him with as one, this was the thing of to recognize as master. 皇甫圣宇放开双手,令牌竟自动落在了他的胸口之上,仿佛与他同为一体,此乃认主之物。 Chu Feng, your talent is good.” 楚枫,你的天赋不错。” But as cultivator, sometimes ratio actually is not only own talent.” “但作为一个修武者,有的时候比的其实不仅仅是自身的天赋。” Every so often, exactly what actually compares is family's background.” “很多时候,其实恰恰比的是家族的底蕴。” This thing, is my Huangfu Celestial Clan older generation, Huangfu Yutian obtained.” “此物,乃是我皇甫天族先辈,皇甫御天所得。” In the past, Huangfu Yutian senior, participate Summit of Nine Heavens.” “当年,皇甫御天前辈,参加九天之巅。” That is also fighting that groups of heroes gather together, is far from common Summit of Nine Heavens may compare.” “那也是一次群英荟萃的争锋,远非寻常的九天之巅可比。” Must say, pours somewhat resembles with today.” “非要说起来,倒与今日有些相像。” However Sir Huangfu Yutian of my clan, then beat all same time juniors, gained the opportunity of choice.” “而我族的皇甫御天大人,则是击败了所有同期的小辈,获取了选择的机会。” This... is he as the final winner, choice that makes.” “这…便是他身为最终获胜者,所做出的选择。” He gives up promoting oneself opportunity, is Huangfu Celestial Clan descendants, stayed behind arrived at Summit of Nine Heavens, can have the opportunity of situation.” “他放弃提升自己的机会,为皇甫天族后人,留下了来到九天之巅,可以获得先机的机会。” Each time, my Huangfu Celestial Clan later generation participate Summit of Nine Heavens, can have this thing.” “每次,我皇甫天族后辈参加九天之巅,都会带着此物。” But has been useless, that is because of fighting of these Summit of Nine Heavens, has not been worth using this thing the qualifications.” “但一直没有用,那是因为那些九天之巅的争锋,没有值得动用此物的资格。” Originally I have not planned to use it, after all this is my clan Huangfu Yutian senior, gives up the self- promotion, card in a hand that thus changes for us.” “本来我也没有打算使用它,毕竟这是我族皇甫御天前辈,放弃自我提升,从而为我们换来的底牌。” Naturally cannot use at will.” “自然不能随意使用。” But who once thinks, you awakened the strength in legend unexpectedly, Source of lineage/vein.” “可谁曾想,你竟唤醒了传说中的力量,脉之本源。” That this card in a hand, then also arrived at it to shine to shine.” “那这个底牌,便也到了它发光发亮的时候了。” It arrives at my Huangfu Celestial Clan so many years or, finally waited till it to show the self- time.” “又或者说,它来到我皇甫天族这么多年,终于等到了它展现自我的时候。” However I, Huangfu Shengyu, is its holder.” “而我,皇甫圣宇,便是它的持有者。” Said, but must thank you.” “说起来,还要感谢你呢。” Huangfu Shengyu, smiling looks at Chu Feng. 皇甫圣宇,笑眯眯的看着楚枫 But Chu Feng, has been observing that token. 楚枫,一直在观察那令牌。 On that token, reappearing gives two characters. 那令牌上面,浮现的赋予二字。 Huangfu Shengyu this First Rank True God cultivation realm, gives two characters to be related with that surely. 皇甫圣宇一品真神修为,必定与那赋予二字有关。 But the key is, Chu Feng cannot see the back of that token, and can feel, the strength of token has not displayed completely. 可关键是,楚枫看不到那令牌的背面,并且能够感觉到,令牌的力量并未完全施展出来。 In that token, but also contains other strengths. 那令牌之中,还蕴藏着其他力量。 But Chu Feng is unable to determine, what in that token surplus is what kind of strength. 楚枫无法判定,那令牌内剩余的是怎样的力量。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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