MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5782: Is conquers

Chapter 5780 is conquers 第5780章是征服的时候了 I agreed that Chu Feng goes.” “我同意楚枫进去。” Jie Baobao refreshed saying. 界宝宝爽快的说道。 I also agreed.” “我也同意。” Ling Xiao also said. 灵霄也是说道。 You two can, but also calculates that has the cardinal principles in mind.” “你们两个可以,还算识大体。” Long Chengyu to Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao, gives the thumbs-up. 龙承羽灵霄界宝宝,竖起了大拇指。 My Chu Feng, decides does not lose everyone to expect.” “我楚枫,定不负大家期望。” Chu Feng this words saying, then stepped into the formation gate. 楚枫此话说完,便踏入了结界门之内。 But Chu Feng just stepped into, that formation gate then presented a digit. 楚枫刚刚踏入其中,那结界门便出现了一个数字。 One. 一。 Meanwhile, that formation gate starts to glitter strange radiance, the rhythm is getting more and more fast, looking like some time is the same. 同时,那结界门开始闪烁出奇异光华,节奏越来越快,就像是某种计时一样。 When that ray stops glittering, a character in formation gate vanishes, simultaneously the entire formation gate turned into the entity. 当那光芒停止闪烁之际,结界门上的一字消失,同时整个结界门都变成了实体。 Obviously, others had missed the opportunity of entry. 显然,其他人已经丧失了进入的机会。 But the change has not stopped, instead presented a mark of hour glass on the formation gate. 但变化并未到此为止,反而是在结界门上面出现了一个沙漏的印记。 And that hour glass is timing. 并且那沙漏正在计时。 By the hour glass also has the different marks. 沙漏旁边还有着不同的标记。 What meaning is this?” The people go forward to observe immediately. “这又是啥意思?”众人立刻上前观察。 „It seems like the extra reward.” “似乎是额外的奖励。” Time uses are more less, the reward of triggering is then higher.” Ling Xiao said. “时间用的越少,触发的奖励便越高。”灵霄说道。 That this time quickest reward, somewhat is probably fierce.” “那这时间最快的奖励,好像有些厉害呢。” During the Little Fishy speeches, then stretches out the finger, touched to the hour glass first golden symbol. 小鱼儿说话间,便伸出手指,摸向了沙漏旁边的第一个金色符号。 Younger sister do not bump.” “妹子别碰。” Sees that Xianhai Shaoyu then wants to prevent. 见状,仙海少禹便想阻止。 However he one step, the finger of Little Fishy had touched that symbol late. 但是他晚了一步,小鱼儿的手指已经触碰到了那个符号。 That golden symbol, is very fine, but was very small. 那金色符号,很是精致,但原本很小。 But this touches, immediately golden light scatters in all directions, Gundam/reaches as high as ten thousand meters huge symbol, appears before the people body, slowly revolving. 可是这一触碰,顿时金光四散,一个高达万米的巨大符号,浮现在众人身前,缓缓旋转。 That is one group of golden Mist, Mist is dreadful, sacred incomparable, and overbearing extraordinary. 那是一团金色气焰,气焰滔天,神圣无比,且霸道非凡。 This feeling?” “这种感觉?” Sees that golden symbol, Huangfu Shengyu immediately at present one bright. 看到那金色的符号,皇甫圣宇顿时眼前一亮。 Young Lord, what did you see?” 少主,您看出什么了吗?” Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shangyang, noticed the response of Huangfu Shengyu, asked in secret. 皇甫将耀皇甫上阳,注意到了皇甫圣宇的反应,不由暗中问道。 Extremely resulting in existence.” “是极其了得的存在。” Really, this Summit of Nine Heavens and past were different.” “果然,此次九天之巅与以往不同。” I hope actually, that Chu Feng can the quick point.” Huangfu Shengyu said. “我倒是希望,那个楚枫能够快一点出来了。”皇甫圣宇说道。 Hears this words, Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shangyang also no longer asked that but will look at that sacred golden symbol in abundance. 听闻此话,皇甫将耀皇甫上阳也不再多问,而是纷纷将目光投向那神圣的金色符号。 They are clear about the Huangfu Shengyu character, Huangfu Shengyu , to say, will say directly, since he had not said, then explained he does not want to say. 他们都清楚皇甫圣宇的性格,皇甫圣宇若是想说的话,会直接说出来,他既然没说,便说明他不想说。 But Huangfu Shengyu can use this tone, describes this thing, then fully explained that this thing is not very simple. 皇甫圣宇能用这个语气,来形容此物,便足以说明此物很不简单。 Elder Brother, this is very probably fierce, what is this?” “哥,这好像很厉害,这是什么啊?” Little Fishy excited said to Xianhai Shaoyu. 小鱼儿兴奋的对仙海少禹说道。 Although was clearer, but was still the symbol, could not look.” “虽然更加清晰了,但仍然是符号,看不出来。” But, some as if people know.” Xianhai Shaoyu looked to one, Huangfu Shengyu. “不过,似乎有人知道。”仙海少禹看向了一眼,皇甫圣宇 He has had to observe the overall situation, therefore Huangfu Shengyu just response, he also noticed. 他一直有观察全局,所以皇甫圣宇刚刚的反应,他也注意到了。 Hey, you know that what this is?” Little Fishy asked. “喂,你知道这是什么吗?”小鱼儿问。 Knows is also useful, your can Big Brother trigger?” Huangfu Shengyu asked. “知道又有什么用,难道你的大哥哥能够触发吗?”皇甫圣宇问。 But in the meantime, that gate changes suddenly, changed to the formation gate appearance, and Chu Feng also walked. 而就在此时,那道门忽然变化,又化作了结界门的模样,并且楚枫也是从中走了出来。 Success?” “成功了?” Sees Chu Feng to come out, the people all open the mouth. 楚枫出来,众人皆是张大嘴巴。 Right.” Chu Feng nods. “对。”楚枫点头。 Such quickly?” After the determination, the mouth of people opens was bigger. “这么快?”确定之后,众人的嘴巴张的更大了。 Because this was also too quick, is quicker than the shortest time of limit. 因为这也太快了,比限制的最短时间还要快。 Rumble - 隆隆隆- But, entire ancient hall shivers in the meantime fiercely, is not only ancient hall, blocks ancient hall dull purple Mist also to shiver. 可就在此时,整座古殿剧烈颤动起来,不仅是古殿,就连封锁古殿的暗紫色气焰也在颤动。 That feeling, looking like ordinary in the fear. 那种感觉,就像是在恐惧一般。 The people just vision goes to the formation gate in abundance, they feel, all sources, come from that say the formation gate. 众人纷纷将将目光投向结界门,他们感觉到,一切的源头,来自于那道结界门。 Bang- 轰- Suddenly, in that formation gate golden Mist, charges into Chu Feng. 忽然,那结界门内一股金色气焰,冲向楚枫 All are too quick, the person responded in the presence of everyone the time, that golden Mist has covered Chu Feng. 一切太快,当众人反应过来的时候,那金色气焰已是将楚枫覆盖。 At this moment, the entire ancient hall tremor is more intense. 这一刻,整座古殿的颤动更加强烈。 Big Brother!!!” 大哥哥!!!” Sees that Little Fishy goes forward immediately, wants from golden Mist to come out belt/bring of Chu Feng. 见状,小鱼儿立刻上前,想将楚枫从金色气焰中带出来。 But just approached, was separated by golden Mist, she is unable to approach. 可是刚刚靠近,便被金色气焰弹开了,她根本无法靠近。 Little Fishy, do not come, I am all right.” 小鱼儿,别过来,我没事。” Chu Feng said loudly. 楚枫高声说道。 Although he said like this, but the people extremely worried, because this golden Mist aura was extremely terrifying. 尽管他这样说,可是众人还是非常担心,因为这金色气焰的气息太过恐怖了。 However is good because, this situation has not continued is too long, that golden Mist then pulls out from Chu Feng within the body leaves. 不过好在,这种情况并未持续太久,那金色气焰便从楚枫体内抽离。 Removed golden Mist, melts with the formation gate, changes to together the light beam, above the direct impact ancient palace. 褪去的金色气焰,与结界门相融,化作一道光柱,直冲古殿上方。 Finally, changed to a circular formation gate. 最终,化作了一道圆形的结界门。 That said that the formation gate is transparent, and can see outside scene, seemed like above the ancient palace opened a giant skylight. 那道结界门是透明的,并且能够看到外面的景象,就好像是在古殿上方开了一个巨大的天窗。 By that day window, the scene that the people saw, precisely Summit of Nine Heavens outside scene. 透过那天窗,众人所看到的景象,正是九天之巅外面的景象。 Boundless golden Mist, blocked the whole world, this compared with any scene that they previously saw, wants magnificent many. 磅礴的金色气焰,封锁了整个世界,这比他们先前所见到的任何一个景象,都要壮观的多。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Sees that golden Mist, the people all are being enthralled that looks. 看到那金色的气焰,众人皆是看的入神。 Outside golden Mist, with just covered Chu Feng's to be the same. 外面的金色气焰,与刚刚覆盖楚枫的一样。 Then the powerful strength, is so unexpectedly boundless, is simply stirring. 但是那么强大的力量,竟然如此磅礴,简直震撼人心。 But suddenly, the form flew together to that just like the skylight general formation gate. 可忽然,一道身影飞向了那宛如天窗一般的结界门。 Is Huangfu Shengyu!!! 皇甫圣宇!!! Buzz- 嗡- But he just approached, that formation gate then has the golden trace to reappear, the two touch, Huangfu Shengyu was shot to fly away directly. 可他刚刚靠近,那结界门便有金色纹路浮现,二者触碰,皇甫圣宇直接被弹飞开来。 Huangfu Shengyu, are you concerned about face?” 皇甫圣宇,你要不要脸?” „To act swiftly to get there first unexpectedly? Also does not think, you do have this qualifications?” “竟想捷足先登?也不想想,你有这个资格吗?” Sees the Huangfu Shengyu so behavior, Long Chengyu cannot bear the taunt say. 见到皇甫圣宇这般行为,龙承羽忍不住嘲讽道。 Ancient times Celestial Clan, self-designated extraordinary, the result actions actually completely revealed despicable.” “远古天族,自命不凡,结果所作所为却尽显卑鄙。” Ancient times, so that's how it is was dirty.” “远古,原来如此龌龊。” Qin Xuan is also saying of satire. 秦玄也是不由讽刺的说道。 But this time Huangfu Shengyu, already supported by the arm by Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shangyang. 而此时的皇甫圣宇,已经被皇甫将耀皇甫上阳搀扶了起来。 His whole face is uncomfortable, but anything had not said that but continues to stare at that formation gate direction. 他满脸不爽,但什么都没说,而是继续盯着那结界门的方向。 Because Chu Feng walked. 因为楚枫走了过去。 Chu Feng just the test in formation gate, had nothing to do with Source of lineage/vein. 楚枫刚刚在结界门内的考验,与脉之本源无关。 After has not thought that actually triggered Source of lineage/vein. 没想到出来之后,却触发了脉之本源 Possibly because of previously, had Jie Baobao with Ling Xiao, in the space world, Chu Feng had fused some and Source of related strength lineage/vein. 可能是因为先前,与灵霄还有界宝宝,同在的空间世界内,楚枫已经融合了一些与脉之本源相关的力量。 Therefore just covered Source of own lineage/vein, will bring the enormous pain, that is quenching, probes Chu Feng whether has the qualifications. 所以刚刚覆盖自己的脉之本源,原本会带来极大的痛苦,那是一种淬炼,是试探楚枫是否具有资格。 But before Chu Feng, had obtained with the Source of related strength lineage/vein. 可正因楚枫之前,已经获得了与脉之本源相关的力量。 Therefore just covered Source of own lineage/vein, indeed cannot cause the pain to Chu Feng, and quick Chu Feng then adopted the test. 所以刚刚覆盖自己的脉之本源,的确是未能对楚枫造成痛苦,并且很快楚枫便通过了考验。 Perhaps, to the time of conquering Source of lineage/vein.” “也许,是到了征服脉之本源的时候了。” Thinks of here, Chu Feng also puts out a hand, touches that formation gate. 想到这里,楚枫也是伸出手,去触碰那结界门。 Buzz- 嗡- The Chu Feng palm approaches, there is golden rune to appear, although that golden rune not Chu Feng separating, but Chu Feng is unable directly to enter the formation gate. 楚枫手掌靠近,也有金色符文出现,那金色符文虽没有将楚枫弹开,但楚枫也无法直接进入结界门。 In rune still had the mystery?” 符文内仍有玄机?” Chu Feng is observing earnestly in golden rune that in front of oneself circles, is ordinary just like several golden butterflies. 楚枫认真观察着在自己面前盘旋的金色符文,宛如数只金色的蝴蝶一般绚烂。 He knows here to have far-reaching idea, breaks open this profound and abstruse principles, not only can go through this formation gate, regarding conquering Source of lineage/vein, should also has the enormous help. 他知道这里暗藏玄机,破开这玄机,不仅能够穿过这结界门,对于征服脉之本源,应该也是有着极大的帮助。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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