MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5779: Originally weak, is only we.

Chapter 5777 was weak, is only we. 第5777章原来弱的,只是我们。 A fist hit, Huangfu Jiangyao flying upside down goes. 一拳命中,皇甫将耀倒飞而去。 Courts death.” “找死。” But still in the midair, he then stands firm the figure, sees only void blasting open, Huangfu Jiangyao has instead plundered to go to Yuwen Yanri. 但还在半空,他便稳住身形,只见虚空炸裂,皇甫将耀已是向宇文炎日反掠而去。 And, his whole body thunder twines, displays Martial Technique. 并且,他浑身雷霆缠绕,是施展出了武技 This is Martial Technique that attaches the strength. 这是一种附加战力的武技 Should want to prove itself, therefore has not launched the long-distance offensive, wanting near body to recover the gathering place. 应该是想证明自己,所以并未施展远程攻势,想要近身找回场子。 However quick Huangfu Jiangyao then regretted, even if his thunder twines, the strength grows. 但是很快皇甫将耀便后悔了,哪怕他雷霆缠绕,战力增长。 But facing his offensive, Yuwen Yanri has not avoided unexpectedly, instead chose meeting the tough head-on with toughness. 可是面对他的攻势,宇文炎日竟没有丝毫躲避,反而是选择了硬碰硬。 Yuwen Yanri he, no longer attacks the Huangfu Jiangyao weakness radically. 宇文炎日他,根本不再攻击皇甫将耀的弱点。 But is Huangfu Jiangyao knocks out the fist, he then knocks out the fist. 而是皇甫将耀出拳,他便出拳。 Huangfu Jiangyao has the foot, he then has the foot. 皇甫将耀出脚,他便出脚。 Fist to fist, foot to foot. 拳对拳,脚对脚。 Suddenly falls into the deeply worried war. 一时间陷入焦灼战局。 Regarding this war, Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan, even is Ling Xiao and others is surprised. 对于这个战局,龙承羽秦玄,甚至是灵霄等人都感到意外。 This fellow, a little thing.” “这家伙,有点东西嘛。” In Feng Ling beautiful eyes , the color of reappearing accident/surprise, complied with Yuwen Yanri to go to battle, to the Chu Feng face, has not held the hope to him purely, but has not actually thought that Yuwen Yanri is so unexpectedly strong. 风铃美眸之中,同样浮现意外之色,本来答应宇文炎日出战,纯粹是给楚枫面子,并没有对他抱有希望,但却没想到宇文炎日竟这么强。 Yuwen Yanri, is so unexpectedly fierce.” 宇文炎日,居然这么厉害。” Can become tie with Huangfu Jiangyao games unexpectedly?” Long Chengyu stares the big eye, is opening the mouth. “竟能与皇甫将耀成平手?”龙承羽瞪大眼睛,张着嘴巴。 „It is not tie, Yuwen Yanri has not caught up.” Chu Feng said. “可不是平手,宇文炎日还没发力。”楚枫说道。 Hasn't caught up?” “还没发力?” Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan look to Chu Feng. 龙承羽秦玄都看向楚枫 Huangfu Jiangyao has displayed Martial Technique, but the Yuwen Yanri aura had not previously changed with it.” Chu Feng said. 皇甫将耀已经施展武技了,但宇文炎日气息与之先前没有丝毫变化。”楚枫说道。 Probably, but also.” “好像,还真是。” Therefore he... simply has not displayed the full power, is playing jokes upon Huangfu Jiangyao.” “所以他…根本没有施展全力,是在戏耍皇甫将耀。” Heard Chu Feng to say like this, Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan and others then observed earnestly, discovered that also really such as Chu Feng said. 听到楚枫这样说,龙承羽秦玄等人便认真观察,发现还真如楚枫所说。 This lets them to Yuwen Yanri, had the brand-new view. 这让他们对宇文炎日,有了全新的看法。 Huangfu Jiangyao, aren't you his opponent?” Huangfu Shengyu looks bad. 皇甫将耀,你不会不是他的对手吧?”皇甫圣宇面露不善。 Sees the Huangfu Shengyu opens the mouth, the Huangfu Jiangyao aura twinkling increase, Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, Lightning Wings also displays. 皇甫圣宇开口,皇甫将耀气息瞬息提升,雷纹,雷霆铠甲,雷霆羽翼同时施展。 The aura, the twinkling from Sixth Rank Half God, promoted the Ninth Rank Half God situation. 其气息,瞬息从六品半神,提升到了九品半神的地步。 But when almost Huangfu Jiangyao promotes the aura at the same time, the Yuwen Yanri aura also promotes. 可几乎当皇甫将耀提升气息的同时,宇文炎日的气息也是随之提升。 Also from Sixth Rank Half God, promoted the Ninth Rank Half God situation. 也从六品半神,提升到了九品半神的地步。 And, after fighting shortly, is a fist to the bang, living that Huangfu Jiangyao cannot withstand unexpectedly, from the sky backing up several steps. 并且,短暂交手之后,又是一拳对轰,皇甫将耀竟未能承受的住,在空中倒退数步。 Feels the fist to be numb, fixes the eyes on looked, the blood overflows unexpectedly, Huangfu Jiangyao clenches jaws immediately. 感觉拳头麻木,定睛一看,竟又鲜血溢出,皇甫将耀顿时咬牙切齿。 Grass “艹” His cursed, the box will take later behind, takes out Divine Weapon of that winding thunder. 大骂一声,随后将身后箱子拿下,将那缠绕雷霆的神兵取出。 While Huangfu Jiangyao puts out Divine Weapon, a Yuwen Yanri wrist/skill revolution, since his wrist/skill falls off a bracelet to flutter before its. 而在皇甫将耀拿出神兵的同时,宇文炎日手腕一转,自其手腕脱落出一个手镯飘在其身前。 The bracelet is the golden color, leaves his palm, immediately changes. 手镯为金色,离开其手掌,立刻变化。 Not only the volume changes to diameter one meter thing, flutters before the body, the shape also changes. 不仅体积化作直径一米之物,飘于身前,就连形态也发生变化。 Middle for spatial, four have the flame shape, but is only the shape, but is not the genuine flame, simultaneously inscribes the complex spell trace. 中间为空,四圈有火焰般的形态,但只是形态,而并非真正的火焰,同时刻有复杂的符咒纹路。 It seems like a round tomorrow. 看上去就像是一轮明日。 That similarly is Divine Weapon. 那同样是一件神兵 The thunder grazes. 雷霆飞掠而来。 Is Huangfu Jiangyao, grasps Divine Weapon to arrive at the near. 乃是皇甫将耀,手持神兵来到近前。 At this time Huangfu Jiangyao, not only the whole body thunder had the change, above Divine Weapon, is also twining the thunder. 此时皇甫将耀,不仅周身雷霆产生了变化,就连神兵之上,同样缠绕着雷霆。 This is powerful Martial Technique, without guessing wrong, should be Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. 这是一种强大的武技,若没猜错,应该是神禁武技 Bang- 轰- But suddenly, the flame spews out from Yuwen Yanri Divine Weapon together, the flame projects straightly, the twinkling then embezzles Huangfu Jiangyao. 可忽然,一道火焰自宇文炎日神兵喷涌而出,火焰笔直射出,瞬息便将皇甫将耀吞没。 Stance that but the fierceness of flame, have not stopped, until arriving in the wall of ancient palace distant place. 但火焰之凶猛,没有丝毫停止的架势,直到抵达古殿远处的墙壁。 The flame dissipates, people seek the Huangfu Jiangyao form. 火焰消散,人们才寻得皇甫将耀的身影。 Huangfu Jiangyao, appeared in the extremely far place, arrived above this ancient hall wall. 皇甫将耀,出现在了极远的地方,到达了这古殿的墙壁之上。 That was struck, impact in the past. 是被那一击,冲击过去的。 His whole body ascends the flame has been burning Mist, unexpectedly still kept sober, but does not have the strength of again war obviously. 他浑身升腾着火焰燃烧过的气焰,竟然仍保持清醒,但却显然已无再战之力。 Won.” “赢了。” Yuwen Yanri won, but makes everyone shock. 宇文炎日赢了,但却让所有人都震惊。 Before, no one has thought Yuwen Yanri can win Huangfu Jiangyao. 之前,没人想过宇文炎日能赢皇甫将耀 No one thinks, Yuwen Yanri can win so relaxed. 更是没人想到,宇文炎日能赢的如此轻松。 Very powerful Divine Martial Forbidden Technique.” “好强的神禁武技。” „But how to have never seen?” Long Chengyu is pondering. “但怎么从未见过?”龙承羽在思考着。 Only has two possibilities, that is the Divine Body Celestial Palace common person is unable cultivation Divine Martial Forbidden Technique.” “只有两种可能,那是神体天府寻常人无法修炼神禁武技。” Or, special Divine Body can cultivation Divine Martial Forbidden Technique.” “又或是,只有特殊神体才能修炼神禁武技。” But any one type, is unimportant, more importantly this Yuwen Yanri, simply strong oddness, even is not weak in Xianhai Shaoyu.” Qin Xuan sighed. “但无论是哪一种,都不重要了,重要的是这宇文炎日,简直强的离谱,甚至不弱于仙海少禹。”秦玄叹道。 Hears this words, the Long Chengyu brow wrinkles. 听闻此话,龙承羽眉头皱起。 Does good.” “干的不错嘛。” Suddenly, a snow white small hand, falls on the Yuwen Yanri shoulder, is Feng Ling. 忽然,一只雪白的小手,落在宇文炎日肩膀上,乃是风铃 This should be.” Yuwen Yanri said. “这是应该的。”宇文炎日说道。 Strange modest, this miss appreciates you.” Feng Ling said. “怪谦虚的,本姑娘欣赏你。”风铃道。 Miss crossed... overpraises.” “姑娘过…过奖了。” Although cannot see the Yuwen Yanri face, but only hears his sound, can listen, the praise of Feng Ling, making Yuwen Yanri somewhat shy. 虽然看不到宇文炎日的脸庞,可是只听到他的声音,就能听出,风铃的夸赞,让宇文炎日有些害羞。 But Feng Ling is delightful smiles, looks to Huangfu Shangyang. 风铃则是甜美一笑,看向皇甫上阳 At this time their distance is actually very near, but Feng Ling leaps, a backward somersault, then grazes to go backward. 此时她们二人的距离其实很近,但风铃一跃,一个后空翻,便向后飞掠而去。 When she falls, had spread out far with Huangfu Shangyang. 当她落下之时,已是与皇甫上阳拉开了较远的距离。 Huangfu Shangyang, was one's turn us, first reached an agreement, I intended not to know the weight, if were heavy, do not cry.” 皇甫上阳是吧,接下来轮到我们了,先说好,我出手不知轻重,若是重了,你可别哭。” Feng Ling said to Huangfu Shangyang, tone taunt, but more is actually mischievous. 风铃皇甫上阳说道,语气似嘲讽,但更多的却是调皮。 „......” Regarding this words, Huangfu Shangyang is contemptuous smiles. “呵……”对于此话,皇甫上阳则是轻蔑一笑。 Even if you are a woman, I not to your guest......” “就算你是女人,我也不会对你客……” The words have not said, Huangfu Shangyang immediately complexion one stiff. 话未说完,皇甫上阳顿时脸色一僵。 The next quarter, everyone is the look one stiff. 下一刻,所有人都是神色一僵。 Feng Ling, appeared in Huangfu Shangyang behind, her aura had achieved Ninth Rank Half God. 风铃,出现在了皇甫上阳身后,她的气息已是达到了九品半神 However the whole body has no change. 但是周身没有任何变化。 What is main, in the Feng Ling hand presented a dagger, that dagger from Huangfu Shangyang behind, had pierced the body of Huangfu Shangyang. 最主要的是,风铃手中出现了一把匕首,那匕首已是从皇甫上阳身后,洞穿了皇甫上阳的身体。 But is most important, this place also has another Feng Ling. 可最重要的是,此地还有另外一个风铃 Another Feng Ling, previously spread out intentionally, and Feng Ling that talked with Huangfu Shangyang. 另外一个风铃,就是先前故意拉开距离,且与皇甫上阳对话的风铃 Avatar Martial Technique?” 分身武技?” The people are shocked, compare in Yuwen Yanri, the Feng Ling method surprise them without doubt, even is afraid. 众人大跌眼镜,相比于宇文炎日,风铃的手段无疑更让他们意外,甚至感到恐惧。 First spreads out, actually that is together Avatar, true Feng Ling, has not spread out, instead approaches in secret, making a move of no indication. 先是拉开距离,实则那是一道分身,真正的风铃,并未拉开距离,反而是暗中靠近,毫无征兆的出手。 The key is, she has deceived Huangfu Shangyang not only. 关键是,她不光骗过了皇甫上阳 Was deceives had presented everyone. 更是骗过了在场所有人。 Engages in introspection, if Feng Ling copes is not Huangfu Shangyang, but is they, past that they hide? 扪心自问,若是风铃对付的不是皇甫上阳,而是他们,他们躲的过去吗? Feng Ling miss, but also really gives the person to be pleasantly surprised.” 风铃姑娘,还真是给人惊喜啊。” Chu Feng shows the meaningful smile. 楚枫露出意味深长的微笑。 Because Chu Feng used the Heaven's Eyes observation, but is actually not able to distinguish, two Feng Ling which in field are false. 因为楚枫动用了天眼观察,但却根本无法分辨出,场上的两个风铃到底哪个是假的。 These two Feng Ling, have the aura of main body, as if that is Feng Ling. 这两个风铃,都拥有着本体的气息,仿佛那都是风铃 - 叮铃铃- After strikes, follows clear ting to resound through. 一击过后,伴随一声清脆的铃声响彻。 That pierces Huangfu Shangyang Feng Ling, such vanished baseless. 那刺穿皇甫上阳风铃,就那样凭空消失了。 But from beginning to end, has not shown cultivation realm Feng Ling also, and looked to Xianhai Shaoyu. 而从始至终,都未展现过修为风铃还在,并且看向了仙海少禹 Xianhai Shaoyu, misses you.” 仙海少禹,就差你咯。” Regarding this, Xianhai Shaoyu shrugged: Three wars have won two, I necessity that does not seem to make a move?” 对此,仙海少禹则是摊了摊手:“三战已胜两场,我似乎没有出手的必要了吧?” right, Huangfu Shengyu, how did you say?” Feng Ling looks to Huangfu Shengyu. 也对喔,皇甫圣宇,你怎么说?”风铃看向皇甫圣宇 At this moment, Huangfu Shengyu expression ice-cold, looked at one wickedly, has carried severely wounded Huangfu Shangyang and Huangfu Jiangyao respectively. 此刻,皇甫圣宇表情冰冷,恶狠狠的看了一眼,已是分别身负重伤的皇甫上阳皇甫将耀 But he in many said anything, but is mouth one, then swallowing into the key in abdomen then fluttered. 但他没过多的说什么,而是嘴巴一张,那把吞入腹中的钥匙便飘了出来。 My Huangfu Shengyu, means what he says.” “我皇甫圣宇,说话算话。” The words, the key then flies into the Xianhai Shaoyu hand. 话罢,钥匙便飞入仙海少禹手中。 Won, won expects everyone is simpler. 赢了,赢的比所有人预料的都要简单。 Because Chu Feng and Little Fishy are unable to enter the war, therefore before battle, people think that this is a difficult war. 因为楚枫小鱼儿无法参战,所以开战前,人们都以为这是艰难的一战。 May have a look at that previously also powerfully, at this moment actually loses the strength Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shangyang. 可看看那先前还威风凛凛,此刻却丧失战力的皇甫将耀皇甫上阳 Has a look at Yuwen Yanri and Feng Ling again. 再看看宇文炎日风铃 Xianhai Shaoyu that as well as cannot go to battle with, Chu Feng and Little Fishy and others. 以及没能出战的仙海少禹,还有楚枫小鱼儿等人 Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan tacit looks at one mutually. 龙承羽秦玄默契的互看一眼。 immediately, tacit at the same time smiled. 旋即,又默契的同时笑了。 Originally weak, is only we.” “原来弱的,只是我们啊。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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