MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5780: Doesn't want dead, asks me?

Doesn't Chapter 5778 want dead, asks me? 第5778章不想死,求我啊? „Did Young Lord, really give them like this?” 少主,真的就这样给他们了?” Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shangyang, conduct the shoulder the body of carrying the heavy losses, staggering along arrived at side Huangfu Shengyu. 皇甫将耀皇甫上阳,扛着身负重创的身躯,跌跌撞撞的来到了皇甫圣宇身旁。 Otherwise, you two useless do thing, want to make me go back on word?” “不然呢,你们两个没用的东西,是想让我食言?” Huangfu Shengyu looked at that two one wickedly. 皇甫圣宇恶狠狠的看了那两位一眼。 Is sorry Young Lord, was we have a low opinion of the enemy.” Two people full are the apologies. “抱歉少主,是我们轻敌了。”二人满是歉意。 Does not have a low opinion of the enemy, was you are too weak.” “不是轻敌,是你们太弱了。” Gives you again an opportunity, you also lose.” “再给你们一次机会,你们也是输。” Huangfu Shengyu despises after looking at one two people, will then look at Xianhai Shaoyu. 皇甫圣宇鄙夷的看了一眼二人后,便将目光投向仙海少禹 But regarding this words, Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shangyang, is lowers the head Buyu. 而对于此话,皇甫将耀皇甫上阳,也是低头不语 Truly, they are also clear, they actually defeat is not injust. 确实,他们自己也清楚,他们其实败的不冤。 Even if gives them again an opportunity, they have not grasped can win. 就算再给他们一次机会,他们也没有把握可以获胜。 Feng Ling and Yuwen Yanri are truly strong. 风铃宇文炎日确实很强。 At this time, Chu Feng and others, arrived by the box. 此时,楚枫等人,也都来到了箱子旁边。 The key succeeds in obtaining, was the time conducts opening. 钥匙到手,是时候进行开启了。 Little Brother Chu Feng, or do you come?” 楚枫兄弟,要不你来?” Xianhai Shaoyu gave Chu Feng two keys. 仙海少禹将两把钥匙递给了楚枫 Chu Feng had not received the key, but asked with a smile: What saw?” 楚枫并未接过钥匙,而是笑着问道:“看出什么了?” That valuable box is not only giant, on the valuable box is also carving the magnificent carving, but in fact that carving has the view. 那宝箱不仅巨大,宝箱上面还刻着华丽的雕刻,但实际上那雕刻是有说法的。 To turn on this box, even if there is a key, is not easy. 想开启这箱子,就算有钥匙,也并不容易。 Saw, but looks is not thorough, therefore makes you come, should you observe?” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “看出了一些,但看的不透彻,所以才让你来啊,你应该有观察过了吧?”仙海少禹说道。 Un.” “嗯。” Seeing that Chu Feng is impolite, but has taken two keys directly. 见状,楚枫也不客气,而是直接将两把钥匙取过。 Because Chu Feng not only watched just competition, has been observing this box. 因为楚枫不仅观看了刚刚的比试,也在观察过这个箱子。 He has known the way of correctly opening a box. 他已经知道正确开箱的方式。 At this time, Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao also approached. 此时,灵霄界宝宝也是靠近了。 Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao, observed this box, although spied on, but they cannot observe the complete method. 灵霄界宝宝,也观察了这箱子,虽然窥探出了一些,但他们都未能观察完整的方法。 But their two know, Chu Feng's Spirit Formation technique above them, therefore they want to take a look, how Chu Feng opens. 但他们两个知道,楚枫的结界之术在他们之上,所以他们想看看,楚枫到底怎么开的。 Under center of attention...... 在众人瞩目之下…… Chu Feng first left key insertion, later the right key insertion. 楚枫先是将左边的钥匙插入,随后将右边的钥匙插入。 Bang- 轰- But the key just inserted, that box then has light beam together to shoot up to the sky, the light beam is the dull purple, integrates in the main hall. 可钥匙刚刚插入,那箱子便有一道光柱冲天而起,光柱为暗紫色,融入大殿之中。 Almost at the same time, the wall of entire main hall was covered by the dull purple strength. 几乎与此同时,整座大殿的墙壁都被暗紫色的力量所覆盖。 The formation gate was also blocked. 结界门也被封锁了。 At this moment, outside entry cannot come, inside person cannot go out. 此刻,外面的进入进不来,里面的人也出不去。 The most important thing is, in this moment main hall, is filling terrifying killing intent. 最重要的是,此刻大殿之内,弥漫着恐怖的杀意 That is one type, lets everyone on the scene, for it scared killing intent. 那是一种,让在场的所有人,都为之胆寒的杀意 Obviously, this is killing formation, sufficiently killing formation that all of them write off. 显然,这是一座杀阵,足以将他们所有人抹杀的杀阵 So long as killing formation opens, opportunity that they have not returned alive. 只要杀阵开启,他们都没有生还的机会。 Feels this killing formation might, the numerous position talents are also the brow tight wrinkles. 感受到这杀阵的威力,众位天才也是眉头紧皱。 But that Huangfu Shengyu, actually does not fear instead smiles. 可那皇甫圣宇,却是不惧反笑。 Chu Feng, you are not the technique of World Spirit are very strong, did result observe this?” 楚枫,你不是界灵之术很强吗,结果就观察出了这?” Has a look at the good deed that you do, we now, but was involved by you.” “看看你做的好事,我们现在,可都被你牵连了。” His these words, are sowing dissension. 他这番话,就是在挑拨离间。 Not only but no one blamed Chu Feng, Little Fishy instead refutes immediately: 但不仅没有任何人责怪楚枫,小鱼儿反而立刻反驳道: You have missed the opportunity, how my Big Brother must do, has the relations with you?” “你已经丧失机会了,我大哥哥要怎么做,和你有关系吗?” Xianhai Yu'er, you really think that your Big Brother is omnipotent?” 仙海鱼儿,你真以为你大哥哥无所不能?” You cannot look, are you harmed by him now?” Huangfu Shengyu said. “你难道看不出来,你们现在都被他害了吗?”皇甫圣宇道。 Closes your trifling thing?” Feng Ling goes forward to say. “关你屁事啊?”风铃上前道。 Right closes your trifling thing.” Xian Miaomiao also walked. “对啊关你屁事。”仙喵喵也是走了过来。 Yes.” Little Fishy also nods. “就是。”小鱼儿也是点了点头。 Sees this situation, Huangfu Shengyu also feels speechless. 见此情形,皇甫圣宇也是倍感无语。 He almost forgot, these people on the scene besides Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao, regardless of the men and women, are dead set on to Chu Feng, said that is the Chu Feng's harem group does not have the difference. 他差点忘了,在场的这些人除了灵霄界宝宝外,无论男女,对楚枫都是死心塌地的,说是楚枫的后宫团也没有差别。 Good, very good.” Huangfu Shengyu slight nod, but actually clenches jaws. “好,很好。”皇甫圣宇微微点头,但却是咬牙切齿。 All right, this killing formation must be triggered.” “没事,这杀阵是必会被触发的。” So long as pulls out the key, can relieve.” “只要将钥匙拔出来,就可以解除。” „But if relieves in this manner, that this box will also vanish.” “但若以这种方式解除,那这箱子也会随之消失。” „Another method.” “不过还有另外一种方法。” That is normal opening, so long as the step is correct, killing formation will not only not trigger, this box will also open.” “那就是正常开启,只要步骤正确,杀阵不仅不会触发,这箱子也会开启。” everyone, if trusts me, I opened.” Chu Feng said. 诸位若是信得过我,我就开启了。”楚枫说道。 Said that what nonsense, it is estimated that few individuals are untrustworthy your.” Xian Miaomiao said. “说什么胡话呢,估计没几个人是信不过你的。”仙喵喵说道。 Right Big Brother, is untrustworthy your does not need to ask, they cannot be victorious in any case we.” Little Fishy said. “对呢大哥哥,信不过你的也不用问,反正他们也打不过咱们。”小鱼儿说道。 Regarding this Chu Feng smiles, immediately then starts to twist the key. 对此楚枫笑了笑,旋即便开始转动钥匙。 First is the left key, turns right three. 先是左边的钥匙,向右转三下。 Afterward, the right key, turns left two. 随后,右边的钥匙,向左转两下。 Again then, twists the left key again, what this rotation is four. 再接着,再次转动左边的钥匙,但这一次转动的乃是四下。 The direction and number of times that so repeatedly, the key changes each time are not same. 如此反复,每次钥匙转动的方向与次数都不相同。 In the beginning, they also feel all normal, this is the conventional operation of World Spiritist. 开始的时候,他们还觉得一切正常,这乃是界灵师的常规操作。 Actually incessantly Xianhai Shaoyu, Ling Xiao as well as Jie Baobao, others on the scene, saw some clue, knows that this method is correct. 其实不止仙海少禹,灵霄以及界宝宝,在场的其他一些人,也都看出了一些端倪,知道这个方法是正确的。 But after Chu Feng operated hundreds of thousands times, these talents, was scared. 但在楚枫操作了十几万次之后,就连这些天才们,也是傻眼了。 After all every time is one different, several hundred times several thousand times also even, hundreds of thousands times, and step cannot be wrong, this test , is not only the memory, is the power of observation. 毕竟每一次都是不一样的,几百次几千次也就算了,十几万次,且步骤不能错,这考验的不仅是记忆力,更是观察力。 No wonder I felt that I had not completely understood, is so unexpectedly complex.” Jie Baobao in secret sound transmission in Ling Xiao. “难怪我感觉自己没有看透,竟然如此复杂。”界宝宝暗中传音灵霄 Therefore you said how such talent our Seven Worlds Saint Mansion possibly doesn't receive?” Ling Xiao asked back. “所以你说,这样的天才咱们七界圣府怎么可能不收?”灵霄反问。 Jie Baobao had not replied, she hopes actually Chu Feng can return to Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, but she does not have the confidence regarding this matter. 界宝宝没有回答,她倒是希望楚枫能够回到七界圣府,但对于这件事她并没有信心。 , That box opens. 咔嚓一声,那箱子打开。 Appears, is one group of dull purple Mist. 浮现而出的,乃是一团暗紫色的气焰 However this group of dull purple Mist, with blocking ancient hall the boundless strength have distinguished. 但是这团暗紫色的气焰,与封锁古殿的磅礴力量又有所区别。 In comparison, this dull purple Mist, is stranger, even more ascertains airtight. 相比之下,这暗紫色的气焰,更加诡异,更加的捉摸不透。 And dull purple Mist, just appeared, then spreads immediately, the proliferation range, just covered everyone on the scene. 且暗紫色的气焰,刚刚浮现,便立刻扩散,扩散范围,刚好笼罩了在场的所有人。 And covered the people, only stays the short time, then the retraction, restores the initial size immediately. 且笼罩了众人,只停留短暂时间,便立刻回缩,恢复到了最初的大小。 Chirp chirp chirp chirp- 叽叽叽叽- But quick, that group of dull purple Mist, then make the strange sound, simultaneously starts the fierce creeping motion. 可是很快,那团暗紫色的气焰,便发出古怪的声音,同时开始剧烈的蠕动。 At this moment, fearful killing intent, releases from that dull purple Mist. 这一刻,可怕的杀意,也是自那暗紫色的气焰内释放而出。 Sees that Chu Feng rushes to go forward, hand according to above dull purple Mist. 见状,楚枫赶忙上前,将手按在了暗紫色的气焰之上。 Meanwhile, Little Fishy and Xianhai Shaoyu have Ling Xiao and others , also goes forward, placed above the hand dull purple Mist. 与此同时,小鱼儿仙海少禹还有灵霄等众人,也是同时上前,将手放在了暗紫色的气焰之上。 They is a side talent, even if the power of observation is inferior to Chu Feng , in dull purple Mist covers their bodies, they felt that oneself body was completely understood by dull purple Mist. 他们好歹都是一方天才,就算观察力不如楚枫,可是在暗紫色气焰覆盖他们身体时,他们感觉自己的身体被暗紫色的气焰看透了。 Therefore they know how must deal with the present situation, they must collaborate, resists with respective bloodline power and dull purple Mist. 所以他们知道,要如何应对现在的情况,他们必须联手,用各自的血脉之力与暗紫色气焰对抗。 And, must be everyone. 并且,必须是所有人。 Huangfu Shengyu.” Long Chengyu looks to Huangfu Shengyu. 皇甫圣宇。”龙承羽看向皇甫圣宇 Because of the Huangfu three people, has not moved, and plan that does not have. 因为皇甫三人,并没有动,且也没有动的打算。 Do not visit me, just Xianhai Yu'er said that here matter are not related with us.” “别看我,刚刚仙海鱼儿可是说了,这里的事已经与我们没有关系了。” Saying that Huangfu Shengyu smiles. 皇甫圣宇笑眯眯的说道。 Now does not pull these times, you were just also covered by this formation technique, you must be involved.” “现在不是扯这些的时候,你们刚刚也被这阵法覆盖,你们也必须参与其中。” Otherwise if, when this killing formation will open, if we could not live, you could not live.” Qin Xuan added. “如若不然,等一下这杀阵就会开启,我们若是活不了,你们也活不了。”秦玄补充道。 We do not fear death.” “我们可不怕死。” You , if not want dead , asked me.” “你们若是不想死也可以,求我啊。” Xianhai Yu'er?” During the Huangfu Shengyu speeches, looked specially to Little Fishy. 仙海鱼儿?”皇甫圣宇说话间,特意看向了小鱼儿 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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