MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5778: One-to-one, fights three

Chapter 5776 is one-to-one, fights three 第5776章一对一,战三场 Suddenly, the formation gate tremor of distant place, two forms walked from other entrance. 忽然,远处的结界门一阵颤动,又有两道身影从另外的入口走了进来。 Is Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao. 乃是灵霄界宝宝 „Did they also arrive at this?” Sees these two, a Long Chengyu eye of reveal stands guard. “他们也走到这了?”看到这两位,龙承羽目露警戒。 They arrive at this is not accidental/surprised, this inspection, is World Spiritist excelled.” Qin Xuan said. “他们走到这并不意外吧,这种考核,本来就是界灵师擅长的。”秦玄说道。 Sees Chu Feng subconsciously, Jie Baobao then wants to walk, this instead lets the Little Fishy eye of reveal hostility. 见到楚枫,界宝宝下意识的便想走过来,这反而让小鱼儿目露敌意。 She does not know the situation, but also thinks that Jie Baobao must taking this opportunity, is disadvantageous to Chu Feng. 她不知道情况,还以为界宝宝是要借此机会,对楚枫不利。 Little Fishy anything too did not care, even for competition of that valuable box, has little interest, but she cares about the Chu Feng's safety. 小鱼儿什么都不太关心,甚至对于那个宝箱的争夺,都没有太大兴趣,但她非常在乎楚枫的安危。 But Jie Baobao, actually wants to come to greet with Chu Feng. 界宝宝,其实是想过来与楚枫打招呼。 Person many mixed, do not pass.” “人多眼杂,还是别过去了。” Actually Ling Xiao sound transmission in secret, making Jie Baobao come soberly. 倒是灵霄的暗中传音,让界宝宝清醒过来。 Although here person is few, but after all is the top talents of all influence. 虽然这里的人很少,但毕竟都是各方势力的顶尖天才。 Their words have the weight/quantity, if passes on Ling Xiao they and Chu Feng relates to be intimate with, that Ling Xiao they return to Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, may aim. 他们话语非常有分量,若是传出去灵霄他们与楚枫关系亲近,那灵霄他们回到七界圣府,可能会遭受针对。 Ling Xiao, should you not collaborate with them?” Feng Ling asked to Ling Xiao. 灵霄,你们应该不会与他们联手吧?”风铃灵霄问道。 But she refers, naturally is Huangfu Shengyu they. 而她所指的,自然是皇甫圣宇他们。 My Ling Xiao, although is World Spiritist, but also is present age World Spiritist, naturally cannot collaborate with ancient times Celestial Clan.” Ling Xiao said. “我灵霄虽是界灵师,但也是当代界灵师,自然不会与远古天族联手。”灵霄说道。 That is then good.” “那便好。” Feng Ling smiles, immediately is putting out a hand to Huangfu Shengyu: 风铃笑了笑,旋即对着皇甫圣宇伸出了手: Huangfu Shengyu, brings the key quickly.” 皇甫圣宇,赶快把钥匙拿过来吧。” It seems like they previous, should, because the key had the dispute. 看来他们先前,应该就是在因为钥匙起了纠葛。 Key in this.” “钥匙在这。” Huangfu Shengyu puts out the key, later big mouth, squeezed in the key in hand the mouth unexpectedly unexpectedly directly. 皇甫圣宇将钥匙拿出,随后竟大嘴一张,竟直接将手中的钥匙塞入了口中。 Sees that Feng Ling does not get angry instead smiles: What's wrong, you think that we don't dare to open up the stomach to you?” 见状,风铃不怒反笑:“怎么,你以为我们不敢对你开膛破肚吗?” „Do you have this skill?” Huangfu Shengyu, the satire looked at Feng Ling one. “你有这个本事吗?”皇甫圣宇,讽刺的看了风铃一眼。 „Do I have this skill, did you try not to know?” “我有没有这个本事,你试试不就知道了?” Feng Ling smiles, although has not lost one's temper, but actually does not fear Huangfu Shengyu, instead is eager to try, wants with the stance that its junction fights. 风铃笑眯眯的,虽然没有动怒,但却也丝毫不惧皇甫圣宇,反而跃跃欲试,想要与其交交手的架势。 „The Feng Ling miss, does not need to begin with him.” 风铃姑娘,没必要与他动手。” Xianhai Shaoyu this words saying , looks to Huangfu Shengyu: Huangfu Shengyu, we did not mind, shares inside thing with you together, does not need to do the situation that is unable to end.” 仙海少禹此话说完,又看向皇甫圣宇:“皇甫圣宇,我们并不介意,和你们一同分享里面的东西,没必要搞到无法收场的地步。” You did not mind, we minded.” Huangfu Shengyu said. “你们不介意,我们介意。”皇甫圣宇说道。 Heard this words, Xianhai Shaoyu also smiles: You will not really feel, we don't dare to begin to you?” 听闻此话,仙海少禹也是不由笑了:“你不会真的觉得,我们不敢对你动手吧?” Xianhai Shaoyu, you should the having courage quantity.” 仙海少禹,你应该有这个胆量。” But to bully few, no meaning.” “但是以多欺少,也没啥意思。” Like this, fair, comes three competition.” “这样,公平一点,来三场比试。” Us three people, your side has three people.” “我们这边出三个人,你们那边出三个人。” One-on-one, comes three, where won many, this key turns over to anyone.” “单对单,来三场,哪边赢得多,这钥匙就归谁。” Huangfu Shengyu said. 皇甫圣宇说道。 Come.” Feng Ling says immediately. “来啊。”风铃立刻说道。 Has a premise.” During the Huangfu Shengyu speeches, aimed at Chu Feng and Little Fishy respectively: He and she, do not need participate.” “有个前提。”皇甫圣宇说话间,分别指向了楚枫小鱼儿:“他和她,不需参加。” Does anything, cannot play not to play, admits defeat to consider as finished simply directly.” Long Chengyu says immediately. “搞什么,玩不起就别玩,干脆直接认输算了。”龙承羽立刻说道。 Yes.” Qin Xuan also echoes. “就是。”秦玄也是随之附和。 However whose to become thinks, Huangfu Shengyu does not pay attention to Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan, but continues to look at Xianhai Shaoyu. 但是谁成想,皇甫圣宇根本不理会龙承羽秦玄,而是继续看着仙海少禹 To be fair, this time... is chosen the opponent by you, we meet head-on passively.” “为了公平起见,这次…由你们来挑选对手,我们被动迎战。” What kind of? Can try?” “怎么样?要不要试一试?” Naturally, you can reject, begins to snatch my key directly.” “当然,你们可以拒绝,直接动手来抢我的钥匙。” „What I want to say that according to my way, you also has the opportunity, if begins directly, the choice seizes, your opportunity does not have.” Huangfu Shengyu said. “但我想说的是,按照我的方式,你们还有机会,若是直接动手,选择强抢,你们一点机会都没有。”皇甫圣宇说道。 Comes, feared that you are inadequate?” “来就来,怕你不成?” I and you fight.” Feng Ling points at Huangfu Shengyu to say. “我和你交手。”风铃指着皇甫圣宇说道。 If Ok, I... I cope with him.” “若是可以的话,我…我来对付他。” In the meantime, Yuwen Yanri opens the mouth, and aimed at Huangfu Jiangyao the hand. 就在此时,宇文炎日开口,且将手指向了皇甫将耀 Who is this?” Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan as well as Xian Miaomiao also asked. “这是谁啊?”龙承羽秦玄以及仙喵喵同时问道。 Because of Yuwen Yanri, solid, they who will wrap as before cannot see clearly its facial features, naturally does not know its status. 因为宇文炎日,依旧将自己包裹的严严实实,他们看不清其面容,自然不知道其身份。 He is Yuwen Yanri.” Chu Feng said. “他是宇文炎日。”楚枫说道。 „Is he Yuwen Yanri? No wonder with the Divine Body Celestial Palace person in the same place.” “他就是宇文炎日?怪不得和神体天府的人在一起。” Is only, that Huangfu Jiangyao is very strong, does he have this assurance?” “只是,那皇甫将耀可是很强的,他有这个把握吗?” Knew that the Yuwen Yanri status, Long Chengyu, Qin Xuan, as well as Ling Xiao and others starts to reexamine has Yuwen Yanri. 得知宇文炎日的身份,龙承羽,秦玄,以及灵霄等人都开始重新审视起宇文炎日 Meanwhile, they also start to express the question to the Yuwen Yanri strength. 但同时,他们也是都开始对宇文炎日的实力表示质疑。 Despises Yuwen Yanri actually not, actually they hear Yuwen Yanri are the talents. 倒不是轻视宇文炎日,其实他们听闻过宇文炎日是天才。 But here, which isn't the talent? 但在这里的,哪一个不是天才? Is Long Chengyu the talent? 龙承羽是不是天才? Is Qin Xuan the talent? 秦玄是不是天才? But they collaborate, is inferior to Huangfu Fanni. 但他们联手,都不如皇甫凡逆 Let alone Huangfu Jiangyao, because in Huangfu five people, Huangfu Jiangyao, but second strong existence. 就别说皇甫将耀了,因为皇甫五人之中,皇甫将耀可是第二强的存在。 Even did Ling Xiao by its absolute steamroll, Yuwen Yanri have the opportunity? 灵霄都被其绝对碾压,宇文炎日有机会吗? I do not despise you, but in order to the insurance, might as well make Ling Xiao come?” “我不是轻视你喔,但是保险起见,不如让灵霄来?” Feng Ling said to Yuwen Yanri, she does not approve of Yuwen Yanri to go to battle. 风铃宇文炎日说道,她并不赞同宇文炎日出战。 And during the speeches, looks to Ling Xiao: Ling Xiao, can you deal with that fellow.” 且说话间,看向灵霄:“灵霄,你能不能来对付那个家伙。” What Feng Ling finger/refers is not Huangfu Jiangyao, but is Huangfu Shangyang. 风铃指的并不是皇甫将耀,而是皇甫上阳 Although before Ling Xiao, shows the good strength, but actually lost to Huangfu Jiangyao. 虽说灵霄之前展现不俗实力,但却败给了皇甫将耀 On the other hand, to fighting the Huangfu Shangyang opportunity is bigger. 相对来说,对战皇甫上阳机会更大。 Right, Ling Xiao you come.” “对,灵霄你来吧。” You cope with Huangfu Shangyang.” “你对付皇甫上阳。” Xianhai Shaoyu copes with Huangfu Jiangyao.” 仙海少禹对付皇甫将耀。” Feng Ling copes with Huangfu Shengyu.” 风铃对付皇甫圣宇。” At this time, Qin Xuan also opens the mouth immediately. 此时,秦玄也是立刻开口。 In his opinion, in these people, Xianhai Shaoyu inevitably is strongest, Ling Xiao is not weak, but is actually not Huangfu Shengyu and Huangfu Jiangyao opponent. 在他看来,这几人之中,仙海少禹必然是最强的,灵霄也不弱,但却不是皇甫圣宇以及皇甫将耀对手。 But Feng Ling should weakest. 风铃应该最弱。 Let Feng Ling cope with Huangfu Shengyu, even defeated was still all right. 风铃对付皇甫圣宇,就算败了也没事。 So long as Xianhai Shaoyu and Ling Xiao can win, has the opportunity. 只要仙海少禹灵霄能胜,就还有机会。 What meaning, your arrangement, looks down upon me?” “什么意思,你这个安排,是看不起我啊?” But the Qin Xuan words just left, then encountered angrily rebuking of Feng Ling. 秦玄话语刚出,便遭到了风铃的怒斥。 Eh......” Qin Xuan shows the awkward smile, how does not know to reply, because on the other hand, him truly thought Feng Ling is weakest. 额……”秦玄露出尴尬笑容,不知道如何回答,因为相对来说,他确实觉得风铃最弱。 Makes me come, I will not lose face for present age martial practitioner.” “让我来吧,我不会为当代武者丢脸。” But who once thinks, Yuwen Yanri actually opens the mouth again. 可谁曾想,宇文炎日却再度开口。 Compared in the former somewhat timid tone, this time he was firmer. 相比于之前有些怯懦的语气,这一次他坚定了许多。 I support Yuwen Yanri.” Chu Feng says immediately. “我支持宇文炎日。”楚枫立刻说道。 Chu Feng, do you understand him? This concerns the victory or defeat.” Long Chengyu asked. 楚枫,你了解他吗?这可是关乎胜败啊。”龙承羽问道。 Makes him try.” Chu Feng said. “让他试试吧。”楚枫说道。 Good good, Chu Feng opened the mouth, that even your.” “好吧好吧,楚枫都开口了,那就算你一个。” That I cope with Huangfu Shengyu, Xianhai Shaoyu cope with Huangfu Jiangyao, Yuwen Yanri cope with Huangfu Shangyang.” “那就我来对付皇甫圣宇,仙海少禹对付皇甫将耀,宇文炎日对付皇甫上阳。” After Chu Feng opens the mouth, Feng Ling agrees with Yuwen Yanri to go to battle actually, but actually gave him to arrange Huangfu Shangyang to be the opponent. 楚枫开口后,风铃倒是同意宇文炎日出战,但却给他安排了皇甫上阳做对手。 I want to cope with him.” Yuwen Yanri is pointing at Huangfu Jiangyao. “我想对付他。”宇文炎日指着皇甫将耀 „It is not, is your child so how gruff?” Feng Ling arrives in front of Yuwen Yanri. “不是,你这孩子怎么这么倔呀?”风铃走到宇文炎日面前。 I will win.” Yuwen Yanri said. “我会赢。”宇文炎日说道。 „Did you lose?” Feng Ling does not believe Yuwen Yanri. “那你输了呢?”风铃并不相信宇文炎日 Makes him hit Yuwen shining.” “就让他打宇文将耀吧。” Feng Ling you hit Huangfu Shangyang.” Chu Feng said again. 风铃你打皇甫上阳。”楚枫再度说道。 Chu Feng, you do not have the play opportunity person, how did you also direct on us?” The Feng Ling both hands fork waist, is digging the small mouth, looks to Chu Feng. 楚枫,你都没上场机会的人,你怎么还指挥上我们了?”风铃双手叉腰,撅着小嘴,看向楚枫 Naturally, she does not have really the vitality/angry, this is more like teasing between good friends. 当然,她没有真的生气,这更像是好友之间的调侃。 - 唰- But, the form grazes in the meantime together, directly soars Huangfu Jiangyao to go, this person of precisely Yuwen Yanri. 可就在此时,一道身影飞掠而出,直奔皇甫将耀而去,此人正是宇文炎日 Overreaches oneself.” “不自量力。” Sees that Huangfu Jiangyao contemptuously smiles. 见状,皇甫将耀轻蔑一笑。 But next quarter, his complexion big change. 可下一刻,他脸色大变。 Because he felt that a body severe pain, lowers the head looks, the fist of Yuwen Yanri, does not know unexpectedly when rumbled in his abdomen. 因为他感觉身子一阵剧痛,低头一看,宇文炎日的拳头,竟不知何时轰在了他的腹部。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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