MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5777: Happy does not get up

Chapter 5775 does not get up happily 第5775章高兴不起来了 Bang- 轰- Suddenly, the Huangfu Fanni mortal body was shattered, changes to Mist to enter the Chu Feng palm. 忽然,皇甫凡逆肉身破碎,化作气焰进入楚枫掌心。 Was Chu Feng took away his Source. 楚枫收走了他的本源 This person, previously moved to Xian Miaomiao killed the heart, Chu Feng naturally cannot keep his life. 此人,先前对仙喵喵动了杀心,楚枫自然不会留他性命。 forbidden medicine used cleanly, what a pity.” 禁药用干净了,可惜。” Chu Feng shakes the head. 楚枫摇了摇头。 He not only can while destroying the corpse and leave no trace, takes away Huangfu Fanni Source. 他不仅能在毁尸灭迹的同时,收走皇甫凡逆本源 Also can in the nosing Huangfu Fanni body, whether treasure. 也能查探皇甫凡逆身体内,是否还有宝物。 Pitifully anything did not have. 只是可惜啥都没有了。 Chu Feng, before you... you, knows the Huangfu Celestial Clan person?” 楚枫,你…你之前就认识皇甫天族的人吗?” At this moment, Xian Miaomiao, Long Chengyu, the Qin Xuan three people arrive in front of Chu Feng, Long Chengyu is curious asking. 此刻,仙喵喵,龙承羽,秦玄三人来到楚枫面前,龙承羽更是好奇的问道。 Did not know.” Chu Feng shakes the head. “不认识。”楚枫摇了摇头。 How you are can, Huangfu Celestial Clan Divine Martial Forbidden Technique?” Long Chengyu curious asking. “那你是怎么会,皇甫天族神禁武技啊?”龙承羽好奇的问道。 Brother Long, this issue has no way to reply, after all everyone has the secret.” 龙兄,这个问题没法回答,毕竟每个人都有秘密。” Chu Feng said with a smile. 楚枫笑着说道。 Even if Qin Xuan is not, Chu Feng does not plan to tell others the matter of Anzhi plundering temporarily. 就算秦玄不在,楚枫也暂时不打算将暗之掠夺的事情告诉他人。 Little Brother Chu Feng, you were really genius.” 楚枫兄弟,你真是太妖孽了。” I before you, actually also some confidence, felt before, even if inferior to you, but will not miss are too many.” “我以前在你面前,其实还有些信心的,觉得就算不如你,但也不会差的太多。” Now I was a confidence do not have.” The Long Chengyu forced smile said. “现在我是一点信心都没有了。”龙承羽苦笑道。 Before he felt, he is vast martial cultivation world, top three talents. 以前他觉得,他是浩瀚修武界,名列前三的天才。 Perhaps now, first ten cannot go, but Chu Feng can compete for first existence. 现在来看,恐怕前十都进不去了,而楚枫则是能争夺第一的存在。 One of us, let alone this words.” During the Chu Feng speeches, looks to Xian Miaomiao: “自家人,别说这种话。”楚枫说话间,看向仙喵喵: Miaomiao, under this clothing/taking.” 喵喵,这个服下。” Chu Feng gives Xian Miaomiao elixir. 楚枫将一颗丹药递给仙喵喵 All right Chu Feng, I have been much better.” Xian Miaomiao is fears Chu Feng to be worried, but also shows the bright smile specially. “没事啦楚枫,我已经好多了。”仙喵喵似是怕楚枫担心,还特意露出灿烂的笑容。 „Under girl, making you take on the clothing/taking under.” “丫头,让你服下就服下。” This is I turns from Huangfu Fanni cosmos sack, does not need not to use white/in vain, the key was I have observed, was useful to you.” “这是我从皇甫凡逆乾坤袋里翻出来的,不用白不用,关键是我观察过了,对你有用。” Chu Feng squeezed in elixir the hand of Xian Miaomiao forcefully. 楚枫丹药强行塞入了仙喵喵的手中。 That considered him to compensate me.” Xian Miaomiao loses in entrance directly. “那就当是他补偿我了。”仙喵喵直接丢入口中。 Right, Qin Xuan, how did you have Brother Long to arrive with our Xian Miaomiao together?” “对了,秦玄,你怎么与我们仙喵喵还有龙兄走到一起了?” Abandons throws secretly understands, is forced to collaborate?” Chu Feng asked to Qin Xuan. “弃暗投明了,还是被迫联手?”楚枫秦玄问道。 Compares in Long Chengyu, Chu Feng facing a Qin Xuan not smile, but has not displayed too many hostilities. 相比于龙承羽,楚枫面对秦玄没有一丝笑容,但也没有表现太多敌意。 Previously Qin Xuan, making Long Chengyu have the picture that Xian Miaomiao first walked, Chu Feng to be possible still to remember. 先前秦玄,让龙承羽仙喵喵先走的画面,楚枫可还记得。 This made Chu Feng to Qin Xuan, the impression have the new face. 这让楚枫秦玄,印象有了改观。 Originally is forced to collaborate, but plans that now abandons throws secretly understands.” “本来是被迫联手,但是现在打算弃暗投明了。” Chu Feng, you rescue my one time today, you bullied my Little Brother matter before, I did not investigate that the key... I cannot be victorious you.” 楚枫,你今日救我一次,你之前欺负我弟弟的事,我也就不追究了,关键…我也打不过你。” Qin Xuan somewhat awkward smiling, actually also wants to borrow this, relaxes among them the relations. 秦玄有些尴尬的笑着,其实也是想借此,缓和他们之间的关系。 Chu Feng was too strong, he is really does not want with this monster to be an enemy. 楚枫太强了,他是真不想与这个怪物为敌。 You truly cannot be victorious now I, but I do not save you today, I am rescue Miaomiao and Brother Long.” “你现在确实打不过我,但我今日也不是救你,我是救喵喵龙兄。” If here, only then you, I will not manage.” Chu Feng said. “若是这里只有你,我不会管的。”楚枫说道。 Yes, normal, can understand.” Qin Xuan smiles was more awkward. “是,正常,能理解。”秦玄笑的更尴尬了。 Moreover, I have not bullied your Little Brother.” “另外,我没欺负过你弟弟。” My Chu Feng never uses strength to bully the weak bullies the person on own initiative.” “我楚枫从不恃强凌弱主动欺负人。” On the same day in Ancient World, your Little Brother rampant very much, cannot be victorious we, lifts you to oppress us.” “当日在古界,你弟弟嚣张的很,打不过我们,就抬出你来压迫我们。” Must say that wants to bully the person, that should be your Little Brother, but his strength is bad, has not bullied.” Chu Feng said. “非要说想欺负人的,那应该是你弟弟,只不过他实力不济,没欺负成罢了。”楚枫说道。 But my Little Brother he rarely lies to me.” Qin Xuan said, the implication he believes his Little Brother said. “但是我弟弟他很少对我说谎。”秦玄说道,言外之意他更相信他弟弟说的。 Qin Xuan, how I actually do not matter you to see me.” 秦玄,我其实无所谓你怎么看我。” But I look at you and your Little Brother am not a fellow traveller, therefore says two today.” “但我看你与你弟弟不是同路人,所以今日多说两句。” You engage in introspection, you really do not understand your Little Brother, is not willing to go to understand your Little Brother truly.” “你扪心自问,你是真的不了解你弟弟,还是不愿意去真正的了解你弟弟。” Your Little Brother actions, you really do not know, isn't willing to believe?” “你弟弟的所作所为,你是真的不知道,还是不愿意去相信?” Your self- deceit, brought result is more innocent people are persecuted by your Little Brother, you felt like this right?” “你自我欺骗,带来的结果就是更多无辜之人被你弟弟所迫害,你觉得这样对吗?” If you feel right, when I had not said.” “若是你觉得对,那当我没说。” This words saying, Chu Feng looks to Long Chengyu and Xian Miaomiao. 此话说完,楚枫看向龙承羽仙喵喵 Miaomiao, Brother Long, we leave.” 喵喵,龙兄,咱们动身吧。” Now we fall behind.” “现在咱们可是落后了。” The words, Chu Feng then passes through ancient hall, to deep place vanguard. 话罢,楚枫便穿过古殿,向深处前行。 Xian Miaomiao and Long Chengyu follow immediately. 仙喵喵龙承羽立刻跟上。 Qin Xuan stands in same place, looking pensive. 秦玄则是站在原地,若有所思。 Chu Feng just words, in stamp his innermost feelings. 楚枫刚刚的话,戳中了他的内心。 He has naturally listened to the Qin Shu matter, but he... does not like to believe that his Little Brother will do that matter, is because is not willing to acknowledge that his Little Brother will do that matter. 他自然听过秦梳的事,只是他…不愿意相信他弟弟会做那种事,也是因为不愿意承认他的弟弟会做那种事。 But said on such as Chu Feng, he does this really right? 可就如楚枫所说,他这样做真的对吗? The Chu Feng fast vanguard, encountered many difficulty. 楚枫一路快速前行,遇到了不少难关。 But Illusion, is the mechanism/organization, or formation technique, monster. 可无论是幻象,还是机关,或是阵法,又或是怪物。 In front of Chu Feng, easily decodes. 楚枫面前,都是轻易破解。 Long Chengyu, Qin Xuan, Xian Miaomiao these three talents, only need follow behind Chu Feng then, not to need to act. 龙承羽,秦玄,仙喵喵这三位天才,只需跟在楚枫后面即可,根本不用出手。 This with Summit of Nine Heavens that I imagine, is different.” Qin Xuan sighed. “这和我想象的九天之巅,一点都不一样。”秦玄叹道。 In the past, he broke through enemy lines, walks in the frontline, all for the person of his cheering. 往常,他都是冲锋陷阵,走在最前方的,身后皆是为他欢呼之人。 I asked you, crisp uncomfortable?” Long Chengyu asked with a smile. “我就问你,爽不爽吧?”龙承羽笑着问道。 Crisp is crisp, but I really damage the confidence very much.” Qin Xuan said. “爽是爽,但我真的很打击信心。”秦玄说道。 All right, attacked several times on be used.” Long Chengyu said with a smile. “没事,多打击几次就习惯了。”龙承羽笑道。 Qin Xuan looked in the frontline, still in to break the formation Chu Feng. 秦玄看了看在最前方,仍在破阵楚枫 He to him, the difficult problem that requires some time to solve, Chu Feng actually easily breaks open. 那他对于他来说,需要一定时间才能解决的难题,楚枫却轻易破开。 He shakes the head to sigh: Oh, really self-doubt.” 他不由摇头叹道:“唉,真的自我怀疑了。” They continue, across the channel, went to a place. 他们继续前行,穿过通道,来到了一个地方。 Looks at this place, the Chu Feng eye of reveal happy expression: Was quick.” 看着此地,楚枫目露喜色:“快了。” Has many channels, can lead to here, when Chu Feng they come the channel is only its one. 有多个通道,可以通往这里,楚枫他们来时的通道只是其一。 But here, was Chu Feng previously in the mirror, sees Huangfu Shaoyu, as well as Little Fishy also had Feng Ling, place that appears. 但这里,是楚枫先前在镜子中,所看到皇甫少禹,以及小鱼儿还有风铃,所出现的地方。 According to observation of Chu Feng in mirror, Chu Feng knows the way that Xianhai Shaoyu they lead the way, felt, caught up with Xianhai Shaoyu quickly they. 根据楚枫在镜子中的观察,楚枫知道仙海少禹他们前行的路径,也觉得,快追上仙海少禹他们了。 Really, walked a period of time, after breaking open mechanism/organization formation technique, the stage, and formation gate appears together. 果然,又走了一段时间,破开一座机关阵法后,有一座高台,以及一道结界门浮现而出。 On the stage, should have thing. 高台上面,应该是有东西的。 However now anything does not have. 但是现在什么都没有。 This what meaning?” Long Chengyu is puzzled. “这啥意思?”龙承羽不解。 Should be above thing is taken away.” Chu Feng said. “应该是上面的东西被人拿走了。”楚枫说道。 „Are some people so quick?” Long Chengyu surprise. “有人这么快?”龙承羽诧异。 All right, should be the person on one's own side.” “没事,应该是自己人。” Chu Feng felt that above thing, should they be taken away by Xianhai Shaoyu. 楚枫觉得,那上面的东西,应该是被仙海少禹他们拿走了。 Therefore, the Chu Feng four people step into the formation gate directly. 于是,楚枫四人直接踏入结界门。 Follows formation power to dissipate, they entered in an ancient palace. 伴随结界之力消散,他们进入了一个古老的殿宇之中。 This palace is very big. 这座殿宇特别大。 ancient hall who Xian Miaomiao they were previously is big enough, is here is bigger. 先前仙喵喵他们所在的古殿已经够大了,可是这里更大。 Just like one, the world that is blocked by the bricks and stones. 宛如一个,由砖石封锁的世界。 But places such place, will not feel magnificent, instead that spacious feeling that is blocked by the brick wall, making people feel depressing. 但身处这样的地方,不会觉得壮观,反而那种由砖墙封锁的空旷感,让人感到压抑。 But in in the air of distant place, Chu Feng saw Xianhai Shaoyu, Little Fishy, Feng Ling, has Yuwen Yanri besides them, as well as Divine Body Celestial Palace two expert. 而在远处的空中,楚枫看到了仙海少禹,小鱼儿,风铃,除了他们还有宇文炎日,以及神体天府的两位高手 The position that they are, floats the spatial giant valuable box. 他们所在的位置,有一个浮空的巨大宝箱。 In the valuable box has two key holes. 宝箱上有两个钥匙孔。 Xianhai Shaoyu, Little Fishy, as well as Yuwen Yanri and others stand one side of valuable box this. 仙海少禹,小鱼儿,以及宇文炎日等几人站在宝箱这一侧。 In another side, is Huangfu Shengyu, Huangfu Jiangyao, as well as Huangfu Shangyang three people. 在另外一侧,则是皇甫圣宇,皇甫将耀,以及皇甫上阳三人。 They really also arrived.” “他们果然也到了。” Before Chu Feng, felt, Huangfu Shengyu they they may meet with Xianhai Shaoyu. 楚枫之前就觉得,皇甫圣宇他们可能会与仙海少禹他们相遇。 Chu Feng sharply is pursuing Xianhai Shaoyu, after is afraid Xianhai Shaoyu they meet Huangfu Shengyu, has the accident/surprise. 楚枫之所以这么急着追赶仙海少禹,就是害怕仙海少禹他们遇到皇甫圣宇后出现意外。 Huangfu Shengyu they, are Huangfu Celestial Clan descendants, possibly this time is the hand grasps the advantage. 皇甫圣宇他们,可是皇甫天族后人,可能此次是手握优势的。 Is good because, caught up. 好在,还是赶上了。 Big Brother.” 大哥哥。” In the meantime, Little Fishy took the lead to discover Chu Feng they. 就在此时,小鱼儿率先发现了楚枫他们。 The girl who also had the yawn, beautiful eyes shines immediately, vigorously, then spans the remote distance, arrived at the Chu Feng near. 原本还打哈欠的丫头,顿时美眸放光,一个健步,便跨越遥远距离,来到了楚枫近前。 Elder Sister Miaomiao, you and Big Brother in the same place, was too lucky?” 喵喵姐姐,你与大哥哥在一起吗,也太幸运了吧?” Little Fishy said to Xian Miaomiao. 小鱼儿仙喵喵说道。 Behind meets, but also really fortunate, without meeting, we may probably meet with a disaster.” “后面才遇到,不过也确实幸运,若是没遇到,我们可就要遭殃了。” Xian Miaomiao said. 仙喵喵说道。 Oh?” Little Fishy realized, possibly had anything. “喔?”小鱼儿意识到,可能发生了什么。 Little Brother Chu Feng.” 楚枫兄弟。” In the meantime, the Xianhai Shaoyu sound conveys from the distant place. 就在此时,仙海少禹的声音自远处传来。 He and Feng Ling, although does not have to come immediately, but is actually also standing by the box, waves to Chu Feng, all looks the happy expression. 他与风铃虽然没有立刻过来,可却也正站在箱子旁,对楚枫挥手,皆是面露喜色。 But compares in Xianhai Shaoyu and others. 可是相比于仙海少禹等人 After Huangfu Shengyu their three see Chu Feng, but happy does not get up. 皇甫圣宇他们三个见到楚枫后,可就是高兴不起来了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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